c010410 VII-Ambulance BaseJanuary 4, 2010 -Closed Session VIIāEMS Base Property
At 6:58 p.m., the Board already in closed session on another matter, began discussion on a different matter.
Commissioners Holmes, Frye, Kemp and Haywood were present. Commissioner Lanier was absent. Also present
were Public Works Director David Townsend, County Manager Richard Wells; Assistant County
Manager/Finance Officer Will Massie; Darren Allen, County Attorney; and Amanda Varner, Deputy Clerk to the
County Manager Richard Wells stated that the last day for an upset to the current bid on the Randleman
Ambulance base property is Tuesday, January 5, 2010 at 5:00 p.m., and that the County should be proactive and
ready to make any necessary moves when the bidding has concluded.
Mr. Wells gave an update on properties that he, Assistant County Manager/Finance Officer Will Massie,
Public Works Director David Townsend, Emergency Services Director Donovan Davis and EMS Operations
Officer Lewis Schirloff had investigated for the proposed placement of the northern Randolph County base
currently on Academy Street in Randleman. Possible sites are:
1. The State-owned property at the end of Academy St. adjacent to a proposed PART park and ride lot. The
State originally asked for a 500' fence but, has revised and will now require only a 250' fence to the right-
of-way. Additional turn lane would be required and at the expense of the County. The County would
have to pay for the appraisal of the property in order to set a fair market value asking price. This property
would require extensive grading before building could begin.
2. Providence Park in Randleman, but still in the Asheboro zoning district. The property has existing paved
and guttered road with cul-de-sac. Lots currently have water, sewer, power and cable. These lots have
been graded and are ready to build on. It is not currently zoned for the purpose of an ambulance base.
After discussions with city zoning regarding the use, the County shouldn't have a problem getting a
conditional use permit for the use if it is selected for the location.
3. Old Pepsi plant in northern Asheboro: It is located on 30 acres, but owner will not consider subdividing
into smaller parcels.
Mr. Wells said that Emergency Services stated that they would rather locate north of Randleman to provide a
more timely service into the northern area, but still conveniently available if they were needed to assist into other
areas of the county.
Consensus of the Board was for the staff to continue to check potential properties that may become available
before bidding is complete and that site -ready locations may be a better option if the County needs to move
quickly after the bidding concludes.
At 7:10 p.m., on motion of Frye, seconded by Kemp, the Board voted unanimously to end closed session and
return to regular session.
J. Harold Holmes, Chairman Darrell L. Frye
Phil Kemp
Amanda Varner, Deputy Clerk to the Board
Stan Haywood