010311January 3, 2011
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 4:00 p.m. in the
Commissioners Meeting Room, County Office Building, 725 McDowell Road, Asheboro, NC.
Commissioners Holmes, Frye, Haywood, Kemp and Lanier were present. Rev. Ben Hurley,
Retired Pastor of Archdale Friends Church (currently part-time Pastor of High Falls Friends
Meeting in High Falls, Moore County), gave the invocation, and everyone recited the Pledge of
Retirement Recognitions
Public Library Director Ross Holt paid tribute to Suzanne Tate for her 36 years of service to
the Randolph County Public Library. Ralph Hardison, Chair and long-time member of the Public
Library Board of Trustees, honored Ms. Tate with a framed resolution, which was adopted by the
Library Board of Trustees. County Manager Richard Wells presented her with the State of North
Carolina's prestigious Order of the Long Leaf Pine. Ms. Tate was also presented an engraved
retirement clock by Chairman Holmes.
Hal Johnson, Planning Director, recognized Randle Brim for his 25 years of service to the
Randolph County Planning & Zoning Department, and Chairman Holmes presented him with an
engraved clock.
Beth Duncan, Social Services Director, recognized Janet Turner for her 24 years of service
with the Department of Social Services. She was also presented an engraved clock on behalf of
the Board of Commissioners.
Ross Holt, Library Director, recognized Linda Hurley for 22 years of service to the Randolph
County Public Library, and Chairman Holmes presented her with an engraved clock.
MiMi Cooper, Public Health Director, recognized Mike Walker for 22 years of service to the
Health Department, and Chairman Holmes presented him with an engraved clock.
Presentation of Volunteer Awards
Chairman Holmes and Gail Routh, Volunteer Center Director, presented Outstanding
Volunteer Award Certificates to Michael Durham, Jeigh K. Adams and Doris Davis. Susan
Harrell and Michael Trogdon also were recognized but were unable to attend.
Public Comment Period
Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 153A-52.1, Chairman Holmes opened the floor for public comment.
No one spoke, and the public comment period was closed.
Approval of Consent Agenda
On motion of Frye, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to approve the
Consent Agenda, as follows:
• approve minutes of 11/30/10 special meeting and regular meeting of 12/6/10;
• unseal three sets of closed session minutes of 11/1/10 and one set from 11/16/10;
• approve a Resolution honoring long-time Tax Commission and E&R Board Member Danny
Sykes, as follows:
Resolution In Appreciation of Danny Sykes
Whereas, Danny Sykes served on the Randolph County Tax Commission and Board of Equalization
and Review since 1993, having attended nearly every one of the monthly meetings during that time, which
totaled over 200; and
Whereas, Mr. Sykes served as Chairman of the Tax Commission and Board of Equalization and
Review since 2001; and
Whereas, during Mr. Sykes' tenure, the Board of Equalization and Review heard over 3,300 appeals;
Whereas, one decision made by the Board under Mr. Sykes' leadership was upheld in the N.C. Court
of Appeals and is footnoted in the N. C. Machinery Act of North Carolina; and
Whereas, Mr. Sykes, with his kind and gentle demeanor, treated every taxpayer with respect and
courtesy, often soothing the nervous widow and calming even the most disgruntled taxpayer; and
Whereas, Mr. Sykes, fairly effected countless difficult decisions, always holding resolutely to the
North Carolina General Statutes;
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Randolph County Board of Commissioners hereby
expresses its sincere appreciation and deep gratitude to Danny Sykes for his dedicated service, integrity
and sound leadership during his tenure with the Tax Commission and Board of Equalization and Review
of Randolph County.
• adopt Resolution honoring fallen Army Specialist Jacob C. Carroll, as follows (Note: Vice
Chair Frye read aloud this resolution):
Resolution Honoring the Life, Service and Memory of
Army Specialist Jacob C. Carroll
Whereas, Army Specialist Jacob C. Carroll, who grew up in Randolph County and graduated from
Trinity High School in 2008, touched the lives of countless people through his caring ways and zest for
life; and
Whereas, Specialist Carroll, wishing to serve his country, enlisted in the United States Army on
January 21, 2010, and ultimately became a U.S Army Paratrooper assigned to 2nd Brigade Combat
Team, I Ols'Airborne Division; and
Whereas, Specialist Carroll was a decorated soldier, who gave his life on November 13, 2010 when
he was killed in action while bravely conducting combat operations in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan,
as part of Operation Enduring Freedom;
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Randolph County Board of Commissioners expresses its
profound appreciation and sincere condolences to the family of Specialist Jacob C. Carroll for his
honorable service, steadfast courage and supreme sacrifice in defending his country and our freedom;
Be It Further Resolved, that the Randolph County Board of Commissioners calls upon all citizens of
Randolph County and the United States of America to support our Armed Forces as they fight to defend
our freedom, and may the sacrifice of Specialist Carroll and other soldiers serve as a constant reminder
to our citizens of the high price of liberty.
• approve Budget Amendment #22 (Health Dept.) State Funding for Lead Poisoning
Prevention/Women's Health/General Aid -to -County Funds, Safe Kids Grant Funding for
Fire Escape Planning; as follows:
General Fund Amendment #22
Revenues Increase Decrease
Restricted Intergovernmental $22,778
Appropriations Increase Decrease
Public Health $22,778
• approve Budget Amendment #23 for Library (State Aid to Public Library Annual Funding);
as follows:
General Fund Amendment #23
Revenues Increase Decrease
Restricted Intergovernmental $9,359
Appropriations Increase Decrease
Public Library $9,359
• appoint Dr. William Walker, O.D. to the Randolph County Board of Health.
Sandhills Center Update
Victoria Whitt, Sandhills Executive Director, thanked the Board for the County's support and
also individually thanked Chairman Holmes and Vice Chair Frye for their representation on the
Board of Directors. She stated that the additional $40 million in service funds previously
scheduled to be reduced in the current fiscal year have been restored; Sandhill's portion of these
funds is approximately $1.1 million that can be used to restore earlier cuts to services in the eight
counties that Sandhills serves. She said that they may be looking at a possible 10-15% cut next
year. With Dorothea Dix Hospital closing on December 6, admissions must go to Central
Regional Hospital in Buckner. Ms. Whitt said that while the distance has been an issue, the
overall transition has gone smoothly. Ms. Whitt updated the Board on Critical Access Behavioral
Health Agencies (CABHA), which is a new category of provider agency intended to move the
public system over time to a more coherent service delivery model that reduces clinical
fragmentation at the local level. She said that at the end of September, 81 providers of services
statewide had been certified as CABHAs, with another 70 ready for the final verification process.
It is anticipated that seven or more CABHAs will have their corporate offices within the eight
counties served by Sandhills.
Ms. Whitt updated the Board on federal health care legislation, assessment of service needs,
gaps and provider capacity, and risk management issues. She noted that Daymark has been the
outpatient services provider in Randolph County for the past year and mentioned that 2,747
individuals were served in Asheboro and 828 in Archdale. She also stated that 20 law
enforcement officers, including County deputies and Asheboro Police Department officers, have
received the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training.
Presentation of Annual Audit Report
Eddie Burke with Cherry, Bekaert, & Holland presented and reviewed the County's
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for year ended June 30, 2010. He said the firm gave the
County an unqualified, "clean" opinion, which is the highest level of findings and commended
the County's Finance Office for their good work and assistance.
Approval of 2010 Audit Contract
Will Massie, Assistant County Manager/Finance Officer, recommended that the Board of
Commissioners approve a contract with Cherry Bekaert & Holland for the audit of the fiscal year
ended June 30, 2011 at $55,000 (same as last year). This figure includes the audit of the TDA.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Kemp, the Board voted unanimously to approve a contract
with Cherry Bekaert & Holland for $55, 000 to conduct the County audit for fiscal year ended
June 30, 2011, and to authorize the Chairman to sign the contract.
Public Hearing - D.O.T. Secondary Road Improvement Program; Approval of Resolution
Reuben Blakley, Department of Transportation District Engineer, presented the 2009-2011
Secondary Roads Improvement Program, which includes an allocation of funds totaling
$2,970,761.25. Mr. Blakely presented a priority list of roads due for construction and the
allotment set aside for repairs, stating they will construct roads down the priority list as far as
possible, provided rights of way are available.
At 5:08 p.m., Chairman Holmes opened the public hearing and closed it after hearing no
On motion by Kemp, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to adopt a
resolution approving the Secondary Roads Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2009-2011;
as follows:
WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation received in September 2010 an
allocation of $1,367,269.67, an allocation of $908,034.51 from September 2009, and remaining funds of
$695,457.07 from the previous Secondary Road Improvement Promram, a total of $2,970,761.25 is
proposed for Secondary Road Improvements in Randolph County for fiscal years 2009-2011. A public
meeting was held on January 3, 2011 in the Randolph County Commissioners Meeting Room on the
expenditures of said funds:
WHEREAS, it is proposed to utilize approximately $2,470,500 to construct roads down the priority
list as far as possible, provided rights of way are available:
Priority No. SR # Road Name From To Miles Description Cost
I Subdivision
Meredith Country Rd
Pvmnt Joint
End Maint
2 Subdivision
Silverwood Lane Ext
Pvmnt Joint
End Maint
3 Subdivision
Peace Forest Ln
SR 2106
End Maint
4 Subdivision
White Poplar St
US 64
End Maint
5 Subdivision
Stallion Trail
End Maint
SR 1254
6 Subdivision
Ridge Mtn Trail Ext
Pvmnt Joint
End Maint
7 Subdivision
Leonae Drive
SR 2312
End Maint
8 Subdivision
Spring Forest Rd Ext
SR 1792
SR 1408
13 Rural
Lakeway Rd
SR 1312
End Maint
14 Rural
Parker Mill Rd
SR 1314
End Maint
15 Rural
Hodge Rd
SR 2300
SR 2132
16 Rural
Wall Brothers Rd
Pvmnt Joint
SR 1936
17 Rural
Grey Rock Rd
US 64
SR 1637
$315, 000
18 Rural
Grey Rock Rd
SR 1344
US 64
19 Rural
McClintock Rd
End Maint
NC 22
$180, 000
WHEREAS, it is proposed to retain $500,261.25 of the total allocation for spot stabilization, paved
road improvements, replace small bridges with pipe, or safety projects.
WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation received in September 2010 an
allocation of $1,977,004.75, an allocation of $782,503.62 from September 2009, and remaining funds of
$1,252,306 92 were used to cover overruns from the North Carolina Highway Trust Fund, a total of
$1,50 7, 201.45 is proposed for Secondary Road Improvements in Randolph County for fiscal years 2009-
2011. A public meeting was held on January 3, 2011 in the Randolph County Office Building on the
expenditures of said funds:
WHEREAS, it is proposed to utilize approximately $1,125, 000 to construct roads down the priority list
as far as possible, provided rights of way are available:
Priority No. SR # Road Name From To Miles Description Cost
20 Rural 2639 Troy Caviness Rd SR 2634 SR 2662 1.80 GDBP&EC $810,000
21 Rural 2892 Clint Caviness Rd End Maint SR 2893 0.70 GDBP&EC $315, 000
WHEREAS, it is proposed to retain $382,201.45 of the total allocation for property owner
participation paving and overruns.
BE IT RESOLVED that all of the above be carried out by the Department of Transportation.
Reauest for & ADUroval of Letter of Commitment for Future Debt Service Pavments for
W. Randleman Business Park
Bonnie Renfro, EDC President, stated that in 2000, the Randolph County EDC purchased a
tract of land in Randleman for development as an industrial park. The purchase was financed by
a group of local banks at attractive terms and structured as a line of credit with interest paid
annually. The Randolph County Board of Commissioners voted in February 2000 to support this
project by assisting the EDC with the annual interest payment, as needed, and have voted
annually to appropriate funds for that purpose following a public hearing. Over the last ten years,
the EDC has purchased additional tracts and made various improvements to the site. A portion of
the site was sold in 2004 for Rheem's new distribution center. The total remaining acreage is
36.66 acres. The property is marketed for sale and presents various options for additional
development. The loan became due on September 1, 2010. The EDC has been working with the
bank partners to renew the loan. Due to the changing lending climate, the loan has been
restructured, as follows:
Current loan balance is $743,648 at interest rate of 4.25% with accrued interest due
annually on September 1. The banks require a 10% principal payment per annum at
$74,364. Payments may be made by proceeds of land sales or from the EDC. The note
is secured by a deed of trust and a pledged certificate of deposit. At loan renewal, the
EDC made a principal payment of $82,627.04.
Ms. Renfro said that the banks have requested a letter of commitment support from the
Randolph County Board of Commissioners that the County will assist the EDC with the annual
debt service (principal payment plus accrued interest), as required, through the remainder of the
loan term. This is not a formal loan guarantee, but would provide some assurance for the
continued financing of the project. Mr. Renfro stated that Economic Development Reserve Funds
have been used for several interest payments over the past few years.
On motion of Haywood, seconded by Kemp, the Board voted unanimously to approve a letter
of support for commitment for future debt service payments on the West Randleman Business
Park, if needed.
Approval of 2011 Strategic Technology Work Plan
Michael Rowland, County Information Technology Director, presented the proposed 2011
Strategic Technology Work Plan, stating that it had been reviewed and approved by the
Technology Planning Team (TPT) on November 17, 2010. The proposed Work Plan focuses on
completing three service delivery improvement projects approved during prior Work Plans. No
new projects are being requested at this time.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to approve the 2011
Strategic Technology Work Plan, summarized, as follows:
1. Tax Appraisal Software Replacement - The bid for the replacement Tax Appraisal/CAMA software
was awarded to IIS/NCACC in August 2009. The implementation began in December 2009 and is
scheduled to go live in January 2011. The Land Records/CAMA project will continue to require an
extensive commitment of resources over the next year from the Tax Department and Information
2. Central Permitting System Replacement - In December 2010, the Commissioners awarded the bid
for a replacement Central Permitting software to New World Systems. The software
implementation is scheduled to begin in March 2011 and should be completed by September 2011.
3. Upgrade 911 phone system - The current E911 phone system has been in place since July 2000.
The system is well overdue for being replaced. Due to the age of the current system and the critical
E911 service that it provides, we requested a replacement E911 phone system as part of the 2010
Work Plan. The project is still in progress, but is still expected to be completed in 2011. E911
funds will pay for the entire project.
Approval of Social Media Site Usage Policy
Michael Rowland, IT Director, stated that over the past year, the IT department has received
requests to create Facebook sites for official County use. These include requests from the
Historic Landmark Preservation Commission and the Soil and Water Conservation District
office. Mr. Rowland said that as we move forward into the world of social media, he believes
that the County should follow an industry recommended best practice and develop a social media
site usage policy to display on each County social media site. This is a standard policy that is
already in use by many other government bodies. Its purpose is to let users of County social
media sites know what can and cannot be posted to the sites. The policy informs the public that
the County will remove anything that we think may be offensive, threatening or harassing. By
default, social media sites that IT creates for departments will not allow posts by the public, but
that could change over time. The policy also informs the public that the purpose of the social
media site is strictly to provide information. Social media should be an extension of the official
County website. These types of sites are just another communication tool to provide information
to our citizens. The Technology Policy Team approved the policy on November 17 and
recommends approval by the County Commissioners.
On motion of Frye, second by Kemp, the Board voted unanimously to approve the Social
Media Site Usage Policy, effective 114111, as follows:
Social Media Site Usage Policy
User Guidelines:
1. The purpose of this site is to present matters of public interest to Randolph County residents,
businesses, visitors and other interested parties.
2. Once posted, the County reserves the right to delete submissions that contain vulgar language,
personal attacks of any kind, or offensive comments that target or disparage any group of people
because of some shared characteristic. Any comments viewed as threatening, libelous, or
harassing are prohibited and subject to deletion. Further, the County also reserves the right to
delete comments that contain the following:
a. Spam, advertising or links to other sites
b. Content that is clearly off topic and/or disruptive
c. The promotion of illegal activity
d. Promotions for any particular services, products, or political organizations
e. Copyrighted or trademarked material
f. Personal identifying information such as home addresses, phone numbers or personal e-mail
3. All comments posted on County -managed social media sites are open for public disclosure and
may be retained on file.
4. Postings on social media sites do not serve as formal requests for service. Any citizen needing a
response from the County should call or visit the appropriate department.
S. Please note that the comments expressed on this site do not reflect the opinions and position of
Randolph County or its officers and employees. To report a violation, please e-mail
resmadmin@co. randolph. nc. us.
6. Determinations as to whether submissions are in compliance with these guidelines or are to be
deleted from County sites) shall be in the sole discretion of County staff.
Approval of Personnel Position Changes
Stacy Griffin, Human Resources Director, proposed the following personnel position
Planning and Zoning — Request to add new position to Classification Plan
On December 31, 2010, the Deputy Zoning Administrator retired. Effective January 1, 2011, the
department's Planner I was promoted to the Deputy Zoning Administrator position. In doing so,
the Deputy Zoning Administrator position was restructured to include many of the Planner I
duties and thus, combined two positions into one, hence abolishing the Planner I position. As a
result, some of the Planner I duties need to be reallocated to another employee. The additional
duties change the scope of the employee's position and thus, create the need for a new position in
the County classification plan. The new position will be one grade higher than the current
employee's position. Mr. Griffin asked that the Property Development Specialist position (Grade
66) be added to the 2010 Randolph County Classification Plan.
Social Services — Request to approve Fulltime Housekeeping Position with Benefits
In the past two months, clarification has been received by the North Carolina Retirement System
on employees working 1000 hours or more per year; they must participate in the NC Retirement
System. Currently, the County has a full-time, 40 -hour, non -benefitted Housekeeping position at
the Department of Social Services. Ms. Griffin said that it has become difficult to keep someone
in this role long-term because the County does not offer benefits. The cost of turnover alone
(advertising, training, etc) will pay for benefits in the long -run. Ms. Griffin asked that this
position be changed to a benefitted, full-time, 40 -hour position. No additional funding is
requested to cover this change.
Emergency Services — Request to add new position to Classification Plan
Many years ago, as a result of funding cuts, the EMS Operations Officer, Assistant Operations
Officer and Training Officer positions were combined into one position: EMS Operations
Officer. With the continued increase in call volume, the current EMS Operations Officer is in the
position of not only serving as a paramedic on many calls, but is charged with serving as the
Training Officer, Operations Officer and Deputy Director for all of Emergency Services. It is
becoming more evident each day that we must reallocate resources to Emergency Services.
Donovan Davis, Emergency Services Director, would like to allocate the funds from an open
Fire Marshal position to fund an Emergency Services Deputy Director position. Coupled with
funds from the Planning and Zoning abolished position, this would allow Mr. Davis to promote
the current EMS Operations Officer to the Deputy Director position and hire an EMS Operations
Officer to focus on training, policy implementation and staff management for EMS, while the
Deputy Director focuses more of his attention on the operations of all four Emergency Services
service areas. Ms. Griffin asked that the Emergency Services Deputy Director position (Grade
76) be added to the 2010 Randolph County Classification Plan.
Ms. Griffin reported that all these changes would result in a savings of $40,000 to the
On motion of Haywood, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to approve the
following changes to the 2010 Randolph County Classification Plan: 1) add a Property
Development Specialist position (Grade 66); 2) change a full-time, 40 -hr., non -benefitted
Housekeeping position at DSS to a full-time, 40 -hr., benefitted position; 3) add an Emergency
Services Deputy Director position (Grade 76).
At 5:58 p.m., the Board took a short recess.
Regular Meeting Resumed
At 6:10 p.m., the Board returned to regular session.
Approval of Bid Awards for Two 2009 CDBG Standard Scattered Site Housing Contracts
David Townsend, III, Public Works Director, stated that Randolph County Public Works
advertised for the rehabilitation of two homes related to the CDBG grant, on the State IPS
System, Randolph County website and published an advertisement in the Courier Tribune. A
mandatory pre-bid conference was held on December 14, 2010 concerning these two homes
within the 2009 CDBG Standard Grant specifications. Bids were opened on December 21, 2010,
on two homes for the CDBG Standard Grant. Five general contractors submitted bids, as follows:
Crowder Horne
Edwards Home
Carpe Construction
CD Concepts
Glenn King Construction
S & S Bldg. & Development
Touch Construction
*After review of the bids, it was determined that Touch Construction had inadvertently
not included a cost of $3,810 for roof repairs, making this bid an incorrect bid.
The Public Works Department proposed awarding one contract to Touch Construction of
Sanford for the Crowder home located on Brooklyn Avenue in Ramseur for $29,380. The
Edwards home, located on Coventry Place, east of Asheboro, should be awarded to Carpe
Construction from Charlotte for $31,650.
Commissioner Frye asked about the use of local contractors and if any had made a bid. Mr.
Townsend referred to the bid sheet, stating that only one local company submitted a bid.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to award contracts for
two 2009 CDBG Standard Scattered Site Housing Grant projects to the low bidders, as follows:
to Touch Construction of Sanford for renovations to a house on Brooklyn Ave. in Ramseur in the
amount of $29,380 and to Carpe Construction in the amount of $31,650 for a house located at
Coventry Place in Asheboro.
Update on Regional Landfill Proiect
David Townsend, III, Public Works Director, stated that on December 29, 2010, he, Chairman
Holmes, Commissioner Lanier, County Manager Richard Wells, Assistant County
Manager/Finance Officer Will Massie, Associate County Attorney Aimee Scotton, Clerk to the
Board Cheryl Ivey, and Larry Penkava from the Randolph Guide, visited the South Wake
Regional Landfill and now plan to visit the Sampson County Regional Landfill sometime in
February or March. Mr. Townsend said that the Sampson County facility generates and sells
methane gas. Both landfills are operated by Waste Industries in Raleigh.
Public Hearing and Approval of Road Name Changes
Hal Johnson, County Planning Director, presented four road name changes, primarily due to
the new Hwy 311/I-74 roadways. At 6:28 p.m., Chairman Holmes opening the public hearing for
comments on the proposed road name changes.
1. New State road from Plainfield Road north to the dead end at I-74, New Market Township,
Randolph County. The County Planning Board reviewed the public necessity for this road
name on December 7, 2010 and recommended unanimously that it be named "Walter Rich
Road. "
Catherine Newman spoke, saying that she lives on this road. She said the land has been
owned by the Rich family for years and that Walter Rich was her grandfather. She said that
she felt that her grandfather would not want a road named after him. She suggested naming
the road "Richfields Road."
2. New State road from Plainfield Road south to Old Courthouse Road, Back Creek and New
Market Townships, Randolph County. The County Planning Board reviewed the public
necessity for this road name on December 7, 2010 and recommended unanimously that it be
named "Cooper Farm Road. "
No one spoke.
2. New State road from Plainfield Road south to the end as per site plan, Back Creek Township,
Randolph County. The County Planning Board reviewed the public necessity for this road
name on December 7, 2010 and recommended unanimously that it be named "Buck Lane. "
No one spoke.
4. New State road from Heath Dairy Road north to the dead end at I-74 as per site plan, Back
Creek Township, Randolph County. The County Planning Board reviewed the public
necessity for this road name on December 7, 2010 and recommended unanimously that it be
named "Lula Ray Road."
No one spoke.
With no further comments on any of the road naming recommendations, Chairman Holmes
closed the public hearing.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to 1) name the new
state road from Plainfield Rd. north to Dead End at I-74, " Richfields Road, "subject to the
Planning Department's determination that this name is not already being used; 2) name the new
state road from Plainfield Rd. south to Old Courthouse Rd., "Cooper Farm Road; "
name the new state road from Plainfield Rd south to the end, "Buck Lane; " and to name the
new state road from Heath Dairy Rd. north to Dead End at I-74, "Lula Ray Road "
Appointment of Commissioners to Water Study Group
County Manager Richard Wells said that over the last several months, meetings had been
held with Moore County and the Town of Robbins representatives concerning their water needs.
These two governments are interested in purchasing water from the City of Asheboro and are
interested in applying for NC Rural Center Grants for water line construction. Mr. Wells said
that just recently, Handy Sanitary District has expressed interest in purchasing water from
Asheboro, as well, and a meeting was scheduled for the following day. Mr. Wells suggested
Board of Commissioner representation at these meetings.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to appoint
Commissioners Lanier and Kemp to the Water Study Group.
March Meeting Date Set
On motion of Frye, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to set March 14, 2011,
as the regular monthly meeting for March due to a conflict with the NACo Legislation
Conference in Washington, DC, which is being held during our normal meeting time.
March Retreat Date and Location Set
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to set 8:30 a.m. on
February 26, 2011, at the RCC Foundation Conference Center for a Planning Retreat.
At 6:48 p.m., there being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
J. Harold Holmes, Chairman Darrell L. Frye
Phil Kemp
Arnold Lanier
Stan Haywood
Cheryl Ivey, Clerk to the Board