050211May 2, 2011
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. in the 1909
Randolph County Historic Courthouse Meeting Room, 145 Worth Street, Asheboro, NC.
Commissioners Holmes, Frye, Haywood, Kemp and Lanier were present. Judge Michael Sabiston,
gave the invocation, and everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
This meeting is the first meeting of the Board of Commissioners in the newly renovated second
floor meeting room (formerly Courtroom A) of the Historic Courthouse. The last session of court held
in Courtroom A was June 28, 2002, by presiding Judge Michael Sabistan.
Special Recognitions and Presentations Concerning Historic Courthouse
County Manager Richard Wells presented a history on the renovation of the 1909 Historic
Courthouse, saying that work began in 2009 by, primarily, the County's building inspectors. Using
these employees saved the County a significant amount of money, and allowed the County, during the
economic turndown, to retain these highly skilled, trained and multi -certified inspectors. The
renovation project was managed by Paxton Arthurs, Chief Building Inspector. Mr. Wells stated that the
project cost, which was $350,000, was funded entirely by the sale of timber at our landfill. Also
recognized were sub -contractors and suppliers, and the County's Maintenance and Information
Technology staffs. Susan Harrell, local artist, unveiled an original piece of artwork: a seal depicting
the exterior of the Historic Courthouse; the seal is located on the back wall of the meeting room. Mr.
Wells thanked everyone involved for their input and hard work.
Public Comment Period
Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 153A-52.1, Chairman Holmes opened the floor for public comment. No
one spoke, and the public comment period was closed.
Approval of Consent Agenda
On motion of Frye, seconded by Kemp, the Board voted unanimously to approve the Consent
Agenda, as follows:
• approve minutes of regular meeting of 4/04/11 and special meeting of 4/11/11;
• appoint Terry Sheppard and reappoint Frank Fields and Dalton Bowman to the Climax Fire
District Commission;
• reappoint Barry Ward, William Collier, and John Shepherd to the Julian Fire Protection District
• appoint Marsha Haithcock and reappoint Nan Kemp, Mac Whatley and Robyn Hankins to the
Randolph County Historic Landmark Preservation Commission;
• appoint Kemp Davis to fill an unexpired term and reappoint Phil Ridge to the Randolph County
Planning Board & Board of Adjustment;
• approve a resolution honoring the late Bill Farlow, as follows:
Resolution Honoring the Life, Service and Memory of William "Bill" Farlow
Whereas, Bill Farlow departed this life on Monday, March 21, 2011, and the members of the Randolph
County Board of Commissioners desire to honor his memory by recognizing his community service and
achievements; and
Whereas, Bill Farlow, a lifelong resident of Archdale, NC, in Randolph County, touched the lives of
countless people through his caring ways and public service; and
Whereas, Bill Farlow has been a member of the Archdale Friends Meeting since 1956, where he served
on the Board of Trustees, was active in Quaker Men, and frequently served as usher; and
Whereas, Bill Farlow's civic -mindedness was evidenced through his service on numerous boards and
civic organizations, including the Randolph County Farm Bureau as past president; Southeastern Savings
& Loan and Planters Bank of Asheboro Board of Directors and the NC Holstein Association as past
president; and
Whereas, Bill Farlow is a former recipient of the Jaycees Distinguished Service Award and was honored
as Citizen of the Year by the Archdale -Trinity Lions Club in 1974; and
Whereas, in 1966, Bill Farlow was elected to public office where he diligently served eight years as
Randolph County Commissioner, having also served as Chairman for four years.
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Randolph County Board of Commissioners expresses its
profound appreciation and sincere condolences to the family of Bill Farlow for his integrity and dedication
as a public servant to the citizens ofRandolph County.
• approve Resolution Authorizing Register of Deeds to Send Public Records For Repair, as follows:
WHEREAS, the Randolph County Register ofDeeds is a custodian ofpublic records; and
WHEREAS, the Register of Deeds must know the conditions of the records in his or her charge and
must repair, restore, renovate or rebind them when necessary; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to NCGS 132-7, when county records are in need of repair, restoration,
renovating or rebinding, the Board of County Commissioners of said county may authorize that the records
be removed from the building or office in which such records are ordinarily kept, for the length of time
required to repair, restore, renovate or rebind them;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Randolph County Board of Commissioners that the
Register of Deeds is hereby authorized to send records in his or her charge to be repaired, restored,
renovated or rebound when he or she deems it necessary for as long as it takes for the process to be
completed, with the understanding that the records will be scanned and copied prior to their release from
the office;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, pursuant to NCGS 132-7, that the Register of Deeds shall certify that
any and all scanned versions are accurate copies of the original book, said copy having the force of the
FURTHER, that scanned versions will be available for public viewing, when requested;
BE IT FINALL YRESOL VED, that this action shall become effective May 2, 2011.
• approve Proclamation Designating Police Week in Randolph County May 15-21, 2011, as follows:
WHEREAS, in 1962, President John F. Kennedy officially proclaimed May 15th of each year as Peace
Officers Memorial Day and the week in which that date falls as Police Week; and
WHEREAS, there are approximately 900, 000 law enforcement officers serving in communities across
the United States, including the dedicated members of the Randolph County Sheriff's Department, NC
Highway Patrol and our local municipalities' police departments; and
WHEREAS, some 60, 000 assaults against law enforcement officers are reported each year, resulting in
approximately 16, 000 injuries; and
WHEREAS, since the first recorded death in 1792, many law enforcement officers in the United States
have made the ultimate sacrifice and have been killed in the line of duty, including two members of the
Randolph County Sheriff's Department; and
WHEREAS, all officers killed in the line of duty will be honored during the National Law Enforcement
Officers Memorial Fund's 23rd Annual Candlelight Vigil, on the evening of Friday, May 13, 2011, in
Washington, D. C., where tens of thousands of law enforcement officers from around the world will
converge on our nation's capitol to participate in a number ofplanned events honoring those who have paid
the ultimate sacrifice; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED, that the Randolph County Board of Commissioners
formally designates May 15-21, 2011, as Police Week in Randolph County, and publicly salutes the service
and sacrifice of law enforcement officers and their families in our community and in communities across the
• designate Chairman Holmes as the Chief Elected Official to the Regional Partnership
Workforce Development Consortium Chief Elected Official Board;
• approve Budget Amendment #42 for Cooperative Extension (CAST & CONNECT Grants), as
2014-2011 Budget Ordinance General Fund—Budget
Amendment 942
Increase Decrease
Increase Decrease
Cooperative Extension
• reappoint Belva Hancock to the Randolph County Jury Commission;
• appoint Amy Callicutt to replace Ken Fields, Mark Robbins to replace William Johnson, and
Thomas Brown to replace Cathy Jones on the Emergency Services Quality Management Board;
• approve Budget Amendment #43 for Emergency Services (rising fuel costs, increased demand
for/rising costs of medical supplies, unexpected auto repairs), as follows:
2010-2011 Budget Ordinance General Fund—Budget
Amendment #43
Increase Decrease
Sales and Services
Increase Decrease
Emergency Services
Note: Vice Chair Frye read aloud the proclamation honoring Bill Farlow and Chairman Holmes read
aloud the proclamation designating Police Week.
Changes to New Business
Chairman Homes announced the addition of Item L• Set Required Public Hearing Date for Historic
Landmark Designation of Austin Lawrence House ca 1848 ca 1848 and Item J.- Request from Town of
Liberty for Local Match for Economic Development Grant and Approval of Budget Amendment to the
New Business section of the agenda.
Sandhills Center Budget Request and Quarterly Update
Victoria Whitt, Sandhills Center Director, said that for the seventh straight year, Sandhills Center is
not requesting additional funding over the previous year's funding from Randolph County. Ms. Whitt
assured the Board that the entire $844,000 allocation is devoted to Randolph County's walk-in/crisis
units in Asheboro and Archdale and that any reduction in funding will result in a loss of critical
crisis/psychiatric services for the consumers and families in Randolph County. Ms. Whitt asked the
Board if there were any questions about the Sandhills' October -December 2010 Quarterly Report that
had been included in their agenda packets; there were none.
Closed Session
Commissioner Frye said that there was a pending legal issue between Sandhills Center and
Randolph Hospital. At 6:44 p.m., on motion of Frye, seconded by Kemp, the Board voted unanimously
to go into closed session to consult with legal counsel to consider and give instructions concerning a
potential or actual claim, administrative procedure, or judicial action pursuant to N.C. G. S. 143-
318.11(a) (3).
Regular Meeting Resumed
At 7:08 p.m., the Board resumed regular session.
2009 Multi -Jurisdictional Multi -Hazard Mitigation Plan Public Comment Period and Adoption
Donovan Davis, Emergency Services Director, said that the Randolph County Multi -Jurisdictional
Multi -Hazard Mitigation Plan was originally written and adopted with assistance from the Council of
Government in 2004. Federal guidelines require the plan to be updated and adopted every five years.
In 2008, the plan was updated and submitted to the State and Federal government oversight agencies
for approval, as required. Upon receiving approval from the NC Division of Emergency Management
and FEMA, it is time to adopt the updated 2009 Multi -Jurisdictional Multi -Hazard Mitigation Plan for
the County, following a public hearing. Mr. Davis said that each municipality will be responsible for
setting a public comment period in their jurisdiction and adopting their portion of the plan.
At 7:13 p.m., Chairman Holmes opened the duly noticed public comment period. Hearing no
comments, the comment period was closed.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to adopt a Resolution
Adopting the Randolph County Multi -Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan for the County, as
WHEREAS, the citizens and property within RANDOLPH COUNTY are subject to the effects of natural
hazards that pose threats to lives and cause damage to property, and with the knowledge and experience that
certain areas of the County are particularly vulnerable to dam failures, droughts, earthquakes, foods,
hurricanes, tropical systems, extra -tropical systems, landslides, sinkholes, severe thunderstorms, tornados,
heatwaves, wildfires, ice events and snow events; and
WHEREAS, the County desires to seek ways to mitigate the impact of identified hazard risks; and
WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of North Carolina has, in Part 6, Article 21 of Chapter 143; Parts
3, S, and 8 of Article 19 of Chapter 160A; and Article 8 of Chapter 160A of the North Carolina General
Statutes, delegated to local governmental units the responsibility to adopt regulations designed to promote the
public health, safety, and general welfare of its citizenry; and
WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of North Carolina has in Section I Part 166A of the North
Carolina General Statutes (adopted in Session Law 2001-214 --- Senate Bill 300, effective July 1, 2001), states
therein in Item (a) (2) "For a State of disaster proclaimed pursuant to G.S. 166A -6(a) after August 1, 2002, the
eligible entity shall have a hazard mitigation plan approved pursuant to the Stafford Act"; and
WHEREAS, Section 322 of the Federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 states that local governments must
develop an All -Hazards Mitigation Plan in order to be eligible to receive future Hazard Mitigation Grant
Program Funds and other disaster -related assistance funding and that said Plan must be updated and adopted
within a five year cycle; and
WHEREAS, RANDOLPH COUNTY has performed a comprehensive review and evaluation of each section
of the previously approved Randolph County Multi -Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan and has updated the
said Plan as required under regulations at 44 CFR Part 201 and according to guidance issued by the Federal
Emergency Management Agency and the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management.
WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Board of Commissioners of Randolph County to fulfill this obligation in
order that the County will be eligible for federal and State assistance in the event that a state of disaster is
declared for a hazard event affecting the County;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of Randolph County hereby:
1. Adopts the Randolph County Multi -Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan; and
2. Vests Donovan Davis, Emergency Services Director, with the responsibility, authority, and the means
(a) Inform all concerned parties of this action.
(b) Cooperate with Federal, State and local agencies and private firms which undertake to study,
survey, map and identify floodplain areas, and cooperate with neighboring communities with
respect to management of adjoining floodplain areas in order to prevent exacerbation of existing
hazard impacts.
3. Appoints the Randolph County Department of Emergency Services to assure that the Randolph County
Multi -Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan is reviewed annually and every five years as specified in
the Plan to assure that the Plan is in compliance with all State and Federal regulations and that any
needed revisions or amendments to the Plan are developed and presented to the Board of
Commissioners ofRandolph County for consideration.
4. Agrees to take such other official action as may be reasonably necessary to carry out the objectives of
the Randolph CountyMulti-JurisdictionalHazard Mitigation Plan.
Approval of Bid Award for Outsourcing of EMS Billing; Adoption of New Ambulance Fee
Donovan Davis, Emergency Services Director, presented findings and recommendations regarding
EMS billing operations. Throughout this process, areas of efficiency and potential to increase revenue
collection were researched and the following evaluative research method was employed: 1) What is
the current operational state of the EMS revenue section? 2) What operational factors determine
whether outsourcing or continued internal operations is superior? 3) What are the potential cost
benefits to outsourcing the EMS revenue section? Currently EMS billing is handled primarily by one
employee at the Tax Department, supported by one employee at Emergency Services (ES). However,
due to increased call -volume (workload) and ever-changing guidelines or rules for Medicare,
Medicaid, and private insurers, Mr. Davis believes outsourcing is the best option. The process of
billing for ambulance transport is complex and time consuming. On average, and on a good day, we
are a month and a half behind in billing. Timely billing is very important because some insurances
entities will not pay if they receive the bill late. Mr. Davis added that our collection rate for FY
2009/10 was only 77.73%.
A Request for Proposals was issued in December 2010 for EMS billing. Fourteen proposals from
billing companies across the nation were received and evaluated, as follows:
Proposed Fee Exceptions to RFP
Advanced Data Processing, Inc.
Ambulance Medical Billing — MARS
Low fee to get into NC &
does not have the support
we are looking for
Certified Ambulance Group, Inc.
Comstar, Inc.
5% plus monthly fees
& deployment fee
Yes & wrong
ePCR (Zoll)
EMS Consultants (GA)
Yes & not ESO
EMSManagement & Consultants,
Inc. (NC)
or 5.75%
Engage Medical
Received late
Fidelis EMS Billing, LLC
5.15% plus install
fees and training
Med3000, Inc.
Multiple fee
proposals from
5.3% to 5.7%
Medical Administrative Soulutions
15% plus fees
Medicount Management, Inc.
National Reimbursement Group
Quick Med Claims
All but two proposals were initially eliminated. After further research, only one company, EMS
Management and Consultants (EMS/MC) from Lewisville, N.C., meets and exceeds the services
needed. EMS/MC will bill the appropriate payer within 48 hours of receiving the patient care report
from Randolph County EMS. Their proposal includes new electronic Patient Care Report (PCR)
software for the field Paramedics that will interface with their billing software, streamlining our
current process. This new PCR software will enhance the Paramedic's ability to do a better job
documenting patient care activities, complete the report in a more timely fashion, provide tools for
better quality management, and provide EMS/MC the information they need for billing purposes.
EMS Management and Consultants has proposed a 6% fee on the amount collected for a three-year
contract. Their cost comparisons indicate a revenue increase of at least $350,907.03 based on our 2010
transport data. They will reduce this fee to 5.75% if the Board adopts their suggested fee schedule,
which includes substantial increases for all types of service.
According to Mr. Davis, EMS/MC will provide our patients with multiple ways to pay their bills,
including 24/7 internet access. They will provide telephone customer service from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00
p.m., and provide continuous training and quality analysis review for continued improvement of
collection and patient care services. All financial transactions between EMS/MC and Randolph
County will be electronic. EMS/MC will automatically provide weekly, monthly and yearly reports. If
approved, the new billing will begin on July 1, 2011 at midnight. Between now and then, EMS staff
will be trained on the new processes and software.
The Commissioners asked questions of Mr. Davis and Jason Crowell, EMS/MC Consultant. Board
members were concerned about raising the ambulance fees so significantly at one time and decided to
set the fees at the Medicare -allowable rates for basic services and to approve increases, as
recommended by Mr. Davis, for the following services: specialty care, patient return, ALS treatment
(No transport), convalescent waiting time (after 30 minutes) added to base fee, standby—special event
(unit and crew per hour); standby—special event (per hour/per EMS employee), and lifting
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to award a three-year
contract and business associate agreement to EMS Management & Consultants at the 6% collection
fee rate, authorize the County Manager to execute all necessary documents, contracts and
agreements, including those for the ESO Solutions software component, and to adopt the following
ambulance fee schedule, effective July 1, 2011, which includes the option for the Emergency Services
Director or County Manager to waive the standby fee for non-profit organizations, as follows:
Type of Service
Current Fee
Adopted Fee Schedule
Effective July 1, 2011
Basic Life Support (BLS) Transport Non Emergency
Basic Life Support (BLS) Transport Emergency
Advanced Life Support Non Emergency'
Advanced Life Support Emergency 1
Advanced Life Support Emergency 2
Specialty Care
Treatment No Transport
Convalescent Waiting Time (after 30 mins) added to base fee
New fee
Standby Special Event (Unit & Crew Per Hour)
New fee
Standby Special Event (per hour/per EMS employee)
New fee
Lifting Assistance/Evaluation
New fee
Designation of Countv Commissioner to Local Emergencv Planning Committee
Donovan Davis, Emergency Services Director, said that the Emergency Planning and Community
Right -to -Know Act (EPCRA) requirements are designed to help communities prepare for and respond
to emergencies involving hazardous substances. Title III of the EPCRA establishes requirements for
federal, state, and local governments and industry regarding emergency planning and "community
right -to -know" reporting on hazardous and toxic chemicals. Every community in the U.S. must be part
of a comprehensive plan. In August 1987, Randolph County formed a Local Emergency Planning
Committee (LEPC) to satisfy these requirements; the committee met on an "as needed" basis.
Unfortunately, after many years, the Randolph County LEPC is no longer active. Mr. Davis said that
his office intends to re -activate the LEPC to provide focus on more than just hazardous materials.
Emphasis will be put toward an all -hazards approach, working together to provide oversight and
direction for the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) and the Emergency Operations Center (EOC).
The original Randolph County LEPC consisted of 18 members appointed by the Commissioners,
with one representative from each required agency or organization: Elected Official, Media, Law
Enforcement, Emergency Management, Fire Service, EMS, Public Health, Environmental Health,
Hospital, and Transportation. Also required is a representative from a Community Group and Private
Industry. According to Mr. Davis, in the coming months, Emergency Services staff will set up an
informational meeting for potential LEPC members; review and update the old bylaws; ask the Board
to abolish the old bylaws and adopt the new ones and officially appoint the members; and to set dates
for and hold quarterly meetings. Mr. Davis asked the Board to designate a County Commissioner to
serve on the LEPC, and noted that other members will be appointed by the Board at a later date to
serve two-year terms.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to appoint Commissioner
Haywood as the elected representative to the Local Emergency Planning Committee.
Approval of Bid Award for Voter Booths & Curbside Alert Systems
Melissa Johnson, Elections Director, said that a request for quotes was duly issued on February 25,
2011 by the Purchasing Office for four -station free standing voting booths and curbside alert systems
that are compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The following is a summary of the
bids received:
Met Specifications
Total Bid
Inclusion Solutions, LLC
Big Fish PR
The lowest quote of $28,325.60 was received from PrintElect. However, their quote was for
alternate equipment and did not meet our specifications. The second lowest quote of $68,344.00 was
received from Inclusion Solutions, LLC and meets all of our specifications. Ms. Johnson asked the
Board to award the bid to Inclusion Solutions, LLC, and to utilize grant funding in the amount of
$68,344 for Voting Booths and Curbside Alert Systems that was accepted and approved by the Board
of Commissioners on April 4, 2011.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Kemp, the Board voted unanimously to award the bid for ADA
compliant voting booths and curbside alert systems to Inclusion Solutions, LLC at a total cost of
Appointment of Delegate to the New Piedmont Triad Regional Council of Governments
On motion of Haywood, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to appoint
Commissioner Frye as Randolph's delegate to the new Piedmont Triad Regional Council of
Announcement of Joint Public Hearing with the City of Asheboro
Chairman Holmes announced that a special joint public hearing with the City of Asheboro would
be held at 5 p.m. on May 3, 2011, in the old Commissioners Meeting Room, County Office Building,
regarding an economic development project with Technimark.
Special Meeting Date Set for 4-H Local Government Citizen Focus
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to set 5 p.m. on August 1,
2011 for a special meeting for 4-H Local Government Citizen Focus.
Public Hearing Date Set for Historic Landmark Designation
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to set a public hearing
for historic landmark designation of the Austin Lawrence House for 6: 00 p. m. on June 6, 2011.
Approval of Request from Town of Liberty for Local Match for Economic Development Grant;
Budget Amendment
Bonnie Renfro, Economic Development Corporation President, said that the Town of Liberty has
applied for and has been approved for three grants: two from the NC Rural Center and one from the
Dept of Commerce, on behalf of Americhem, Inc.. The grants are funded on the basis of new job
creation commitment by the company within two years.
Two of the grants will be used to extend sewer to the 18,000 sq. ft. building located on Glenn
Smith Drive. The third grant is a building reuse grant to renovate the former Times Fiber facilities for
use by this company. The grants require a match from the local government applicant of 3% to 10% of
the grant proceeds. The Town of Liberty is requesting assistance from Randolph County with the cost
of the grant match.
Ms. Renfro presented the following proposal:
Americhem Sewer Grant
Americhem BuildingReuse Grant
Project Cost:
$ 133,000
Project Cost:
$ 958,515
NC Rural Center
$ 66,500
NC Rural Center
$ 324,000
Industrial Development Fund
$ 59,850
Local Government Match
$ 9,720
Local Government Match
$ 6,650
$ 624,795
On motion of Frye, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to approve the
expenditure of $8,185 to the Town of Liberty for the local match for State grants for sewer extension
and building renovation for Americhem, Inc. and Budget Amendment #44, as follows:
2010-2611 Budget Ordinance General Fund Budget Amendment #44
Revenues Increase Decrease
Transfer from ED Reserve $8,185
Appropriations Increase Decrease
Other Economic Development Appropriations $8,185
At 8:09 p.m., there being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
J. Harold Holmes, Chairman Darrell L. Frye
Phil Kemp
Arnold Lanier
Stan Haywood
Cheryl A. Ivey, Clerk to the Board