c020711 I _Americhem_Closed Session I (Americhem) February 7, 2011
At 6:14 p.m., the Board, convened closed session to discuss matters relating to the location or
expansion of business in the area, pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(4). Commissioners Holmes,
Frye, Kemp, Lanier and Haywood were present. Also present were County Manager Richard
Wells; Will Massie, Finance Officer; Ben Morgan, County Attorney; Aimee Scotton, Associate
County Attorney; Amanda Varner, Deputy Clerk to the Board; and Bonnie Renfro and Harry
Lane from Randolph County EDC.
Bonnie Renfro, EDC President, updated the Board on the status of the Americhem request
for public sewer access.
The Town of Liberty has obtained an estimate to extend sewer to the 18,000 square foot
annex building. The other two buildings are on the existing septic system. A new package
duplex grinder pump station would be installed at the annex facility known as the TFC Annex
facility and a two-inch force main extended along Glenn Smith Drive to connect to the existing
sewer force main.
The TFC Annex building, located at the end of Glenn Smith Drive, is on the current septic
system. Americhem will base a larger operation there, and their process requires public sewer
Ms. Renfro stated that the Town of Liberty is applying for two grants to fund the sewer
project: $66,500 from the NC Rural Center Economic Infrastructure Grant and $59,850 from the
Industrial Development Fund. The latter is in jeopardy, as the remaining funds in the utility
account will be seized if the pending legislation is approved as anticipated.
Mr. Renfro said that if the funds are seized, she may come back to the Board with a request
of the $66,500 being divided between the County, Town of Liberty and Americhem.
She said that she would report back at a later time with more information.
At 6:22 p.m., on motion of Frye, seconded by Kemp the Board voted unanimously to end
closed session and resume regular session.
J. Harold Holmes, Chairman Darrell L. Frye
Phil Kemp
Arnold Lanier
Stan Haywood
Amanda Varner, Deputy Clerk to the Board