071811July 18, 2011
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. in the
1909 Randolph County Historic Courthouse Meeting Room, 145 Worth Street, Asheboro, NC to
hear road naming and zoning requests. Commissioners Holmes, Haywood and Lanier were
present. Commissioners Frye and Kemp were absent.
Road Name Changes; Public Hearing and Action
Hal Johnson, County Planning Director, presented one road name change that is necessary as
a result of NCDOT changes, as follows:
Julian Airport Rd., - SR 2502, south of US Hwy 421 to the intersection of Shiloh Road,
Liberty Township. The road name change is necessary as a result of NCDOT permanently
closing the road's existing intersection to U.S. Hwy 421
The County Planning Board recommended unanimously that the section be renamed Lamina
Chairman Holmes opened the public hearing on this request.
On motion of Haywood, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to approve the
recommended name change to Lamina Lane for the section of road from Julian Airport Road, SR
2502, south of US Hwy 421 to the intersection of Shiloh Road
Rezoning Public Hearing; Action
Hal Johnson, Planning Director, presented one rezoning request. At 6:05 pm Chairman
Holmes opened the public hearing on the request.
SANDY CREEK GOLF CLUB, INC., 5454 Whites Chapel Rd., Staley, N.C. is requesting
that 3.71 acres (out of 201.56 acres), Columbia Township, PIN# 8714429127, be rezoned from
RA to Rural Business Overlay — Conditional District (RBO-CD). Rural Growth Area. Sandy
Creek Watershed. The proposed zoning district would allow retail sales to the public from the
private club's pro shop and snack bar. The Planning Board reviewed the request at a public
hearing on June 21, 2011, and unanimously recommended that this request be approved. The
Planning Board found the following policies within the 2009 Growth Management Plan that
support determination of consistency with the adopted plan with this recommendation:
Policy 4.3. Individual Rural Business or Highway Commercial rezoning decisions will depend
upon the scale of the proposed development as it relates to the specific site and location weighed
against the impacts to adjoining rural land uses.
Policy 4.7. the County should encourage the use of rural business overlay districts to provide
locations where compatible rural land uses such as neighborhood retail and service
establishments can be located in general proximity to established rural areas with the goal of
promoting better livability in the rural community.
Board of Commissioners Resolution Adopting the Growth Management Plan, Policy #2:
Recognize that growth management policies should afford flexibility to County boards and
agencies that will enable them to ad apt to the practical requirements often necessary for rural
Bob Wood, General Manager of the golf course, spoke on behalf of Sandy Creek Golf Club,
Inc., stating that the purpose of the change was to allow retail sales to the public from the
existing pro shop and snack bar.
On motion of Haywood, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to approve the
request of Sandy Creek Golf Club, Inc., as determined consistent with the Planning Board's
identified policies of the Growth Management Plan, as presented.
Chairman Holmes asked that the record reflect that Commissioner Frye was away at the
NACo Conference representing Randolph County, and Commissioner Kemp was called out of
town and was unable to return in time.
Chairman Holmes said there had been some discussion of moving the zoning meetings back
to the first Monday night in each month, along with the regular business meeting until the
number of zoning requests increased. Public hearings would be noticed to begin at 6:30 p.m. but
can begin anytime after that. Mr. Johnson stated that there are no zoning requests to be made in
August, giving him time to provide the thirty -day notice required for the change. After
discussion, the Commissioners agreed on the modification.
At 6:07 p.m., on motion of Lanier, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to
J. Harold Holmes, Chairman Stan Haywood
Arnold Lanier
Amanda Varner, Deputy Clerk to the Board