s080111 special mtg-4HAugust 1, 2011 5 p.m. Special Meeting with Randolph County 4H
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in special session at 5:00 p.m. in the
1909 Randolph County Historic Courthouse Meeting Room, 145 Worth Street, Asheboro, NC.
Commissioners Holmes, Frye, Haywood, Kemp and Lanier were present. The purpose of the
meeting was to hold a forum between 4H students and the Board of Commissioners in order for
the youth to learn about County government. This meeting was a culmination of the 4H group's
day of participating in activities centered around the theme "What does local government do and
why should I care."
Chairman Holmes called the meeting to order and welcome everyone present, including: 4H
students (Yoselin Perez, Ben Talbott, Michael Hanson, Kotomi Ueki, Kimberly Chapman, Zoe
Roberts, Angel Simpson, Austin Nance, Natsume Uematsu, Kaeli Chapman, Rachel Osborne,
Alex Currie); Barb Dunn Swanson, Cooperative Extension 4H Agent; Jody Terry, Cooperative
Extension 4H Program Assistant; and Paul Bonnici with the NC Civic Education Consortium.
4H youth shared Windows to Our Community, which is a piece of art each student had made that
represents our community as it is, while also showing how it can be improved.
The Youth shared with the Commissioners some of their "likes" in the community: sports,
potteries, Cruisin' events, 4rh of July events, new county schools, NC Zoo, High Point Furniture
Market, and citizens' friendliness and their support of our military troops. Suggestions for
improvements in the community were to institute better tasting lunches for better prices, more
athletic opportunities for all ages of kids, free driver's education and more 4H chapters.
Following a candid question and answer session between the 4H youth and the
Commissioners, Board members thanked the students for the opportunity to participate in their
local government day and commended them for their involvement with 4H.
At 5:39 p. m., on motion of Haywood, seconded by Frye, the meeting adjourned.
J. Harold Holmes, Chairman Darrell L. Frye
Phil Kemp
Stan Haywood
Arnold Lanier
Cheryl A. Ivey, Clerk to the Board