s110311 M-O-M TourNovember 3, 2011 -- Tour of Malt -O -Meal Facility
On an invitation from Malt -O -Meal, Inc., the Randolph County Board of Commissioners
met in special joint session with the Asheboro City Council at 5:00 p.m. on November 3, 2011,
for a walk-thru tour of Malt -O -Meal, Inc.'s expansion construction site. Commissioners Holmes,
Lanier and Haywood were present. Commissioners Frye and Kemp were unable to attend. Also
present from the County were County Manager Richard Wells and Assistant County
Manager/Finance Officer Will Massie. Members present from the Asheboro City Council were
Mayor David Smith, Talmadge Baker, Clark Bell, Eddie Burks, Linda Carter, Mike Hunter, and
Walker Moffitt; City Manager John Ogburn also attended. Others present were Bonnie Renfro,
EDC President; and Dale Ducommun, Malt -O -Meal Plant Manager.
No business was conducted.
The tour and meeting ended at 5:35 p.m.
J. Harold Holmes, Chairman
Stan Haywood
Arnold Lanier
Cheryl A. Ivey, Clerk to the Board
Randolph County Board of Commissioners