010312January 3, 2012
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. in the
1909 Randolph County Historic Courthouse Meeting Room, 145 Worth Street, Asheboro, NC.
Commissioners Holmes, Frye, Haywood, and Kemp were present. Commissioner Lanier was
absent. Vice Chairman Frye presided over the meeting due to Chairman Holmes' difficulty
speaking, due to laryngitis. Rev. Charles Moses, Pastor of Foster Street Wesleyan Church,
Asheboro, gave the invocation, and everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Additions to New Business
Vice Chair Darrell Frye announced that the following had been added to the New Business
agenda: Item D. a Related Budget Amendment & Item G: Request for Approval of Change
Order for DSS HVAC Renovation Project & Related Budget Amendment.
County Employee Service Awards Presentation
Vice Chair Frye, assisted by Human Resources Benefits Specialist Sara Baker, presented an
employee service award certificate and a piece of pottery to Sherry D. Saunders for 30 years of
service to the Department of Social Services.
Public Comment Period
Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 153A-52.1, Vice Chair Frye opened the floor for public comment. No
one spoke, and the public comment period was closed.
Approval of Consent Agenda
On motion of Haywood, seconded by Kemp, the Board voted unanimously to approve the
Consent Agenda, as follows:
• adopt Resolution Honoring the Life, Service and Memory of LCPL Christopher
Phoenix Jacob Levy, as follows:
Resolution Honoring the Life, Service and Memory of
LCPL Christopher Phoenix Jacob Levy
WHEREAS, LCPL Christopher Phoenix Jacob Levy, born September S, 1990, grew up in
Randolph County and graduated from Eastern Randolph High School in 2009; and
WHEREAS, LCPL Levy, wishing to serve his country, enlisted in the United States Marine
Corps before graduating from high school, and left for Parris Island, SC on June 21, 2009 and
became what he strived for: a United States Marine; and
WHEREAS, LCPL Levy served his first tour in Afghanistan and then willingly volunteered
to return to Afghanistan for a second tour of duty months ahead of schedule: and
WHEREAS, LCPL Levy ultimately became a Lance Corporal assigned to I sr Battalion,
Marine Regiment, 2"d Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force at Camp Lejeune; and
WHEREAS, LCPL Levy was a decorated Marine, who died on December 10, 2011 from a
wound sustained on December 7, 2011, by a sniper during a surprise attack while he was on
patrol in the Kajaki District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan, as part of Operation Enduring
Freedom; and
WHEREAS, LCPL Levy touched the lives of countless people through his caring ways and
zest for life;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Randolph County Board of
Commissioners expresses its profound appreciation and sincere condolences to the family of
LCPL Christopher Phoenix Jacob Levy for his honorable service, steadfast courage and
supreme sacrifice in defending his country and our freedom; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Randolph County Board of Commissioners calls
upon all citizens of Randolph County and the United States of America to support our Armed
Forces as they fight to defend our freedom, and may the sacrifice ofLCPL Christopher Phoenix
Jacob Levy and other Armed Forces personnel serve as a constant reminder to our citizens of
the high price of liberty.
Adopted this the 3Yd day ofJanuary, 2012
• approve minutes of regular & closed session meetings of 1215111;
• approve DOT Resolution Abandoning. 20 miles of SR 1629 (Boles Ave.) from Secondary
Road System, as follows:
WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation has investigated 0.20 mile of SR 1629 (Boles
Avenue) in Randolph County for purposes of abandonment; and
WHEREAS, it has been determined that this portion of subject road should be abandoned
from the Division of Highways' Secondary Road System.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Randolph County Board of
Commissioners that 0.20 mile of SR 1629 (Boles Avenue) in Randolph County be abandoned
from the Division of Highways' Secondary Road System.
This is the 3rd day ofJanuary, 2012.
• approve Budget Amendment #21 for Health Department (Immunizations), as follows:
General Fund—Amendment #21
Revenues Increase ,Decrease
Restricted Intergovernmental $8,056
Appropriations Increase Decrease
Public Health $8,056
reappoint Donald Strider to Seagrove-UlahMetropolitan Water District;
appoint Lyn Richardson to the Randolph County Board of Health;
Special Recognition
Vice Chair Frye read aloud the resolution (adopted in the Consent Agenda) honoring the life,
service and memory of LCPL Christopher Phoenix Jacob Levy and presented his mother and
father with copies of the resolution.
Presentation of Annual Audit Report
Eddie Burke with Cherry, Bekaert, & Holland, presented and reviewed the County's
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for year ended June 30, 2011. He stated there were no
significant deficiencies or material weaknesses found and said the firm gave the County an
unqualified, "clean" opinion, which is the highest level of findings, and commended the
County's Finance Office staff for their good work and assistance.
Approval of 2012 Audit Contract
Will Massie, Assistant County Manager/Finance Officer, recommended that the Board of
Commissioners approve a contract with Cherry Bekaert & Holland for the audit of the fiscal year
ended June 30, 2012 at $55,000 (same as last year). This figure includes the audit of the TDA.
On motion of Holmes, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to approve a
contract with Cherry Bekaert & Holland for $SS, 000 to conduct the County audit for fiscal year
ended June 30, 2012, and to authorize the Chairman to sign the contract.
Approval of 2012 Strategic Technolou Work Plan
Michael Rowland, County Information Technology Director, presented the proposed 2012
Strategic Technology Work Plan, stating that it had been reviewed and approved by the
Technology Planning Team (TPT) on December 21, 2011 and continues to focus on completing
service delivery improvement projects approved during prior Work Plans. However, this year the
Technology Policy Team has requested that the capability to accept credit/debit card payments
be added to the work plan. He asked that the Board approve the plan, as follows:
1. Central Permitting System Replacement - In December 2010, the Commissioners awarded
the bid for a replacement Central Permitting software to New World Systems. The
software implementation is underway and scheduled to be completed the week of April 23,
2. Upgrade 911 Phone System - The replacement of the E911 phone system has been a goal
since being approved as part of the 2010 Work Plan. Research on a replacement system
has been completed and system specifications are being finalized. The project should be
completed in 2012. E911 funds will pay for the system upgrade.
3. Credit/Debit Card Payments - Several department heads have requested the capability to
accept credit/debit card payments. Due to security concerns and the limitations of the
County's Legacy systems, this was not possible. Over the past several years, the Strategic
Technology Work Plan process has allowed the County to replace obsolete Legacy
software. The Legacy systems are no longer an obstacle to accepting this payment method.
The Work Plan covers the one-time costs for the technology to implement credit/debit card
payments. It is estimated that the technology for the project will cost approximately
$20,000. Any recurring expenses related to transaction fees would have to be budgeted
separately. Due to the complexity of the card brand rules, details on the recurring costs
will be provided after discussions with a card processing firm and then recommendations to
the Board are expected in the spring.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Holmes, the Board voted unanimously to approve the 2012
Strategic Technology Work Plan, as proposed, which includes the $20, 000 equipment purchase
to enable debit/credit card payments at County departments and approved General Fund Budget
Amendment #22 and Technology Capital Project Ordinance Budget Amendment #7, as follows:
General Fund
Amendment #22
Increase Decrease
Appropriated Fund Balance
Increase Decrease
Transfer to Technology Capital Project
Amendment #7
Increase ,Decrease
Transfer from General Fund
Increase Decrease
Credit/ Debit Card Project
Annroval to Accent Rural Center Grant/Loan Award for Building Reuse for FPE Proiect
& Approval of Related Budget Amendment
Finance Officer Will Massie stated that in November 2010, the Board voted unanimously to
adopt a resolution to enter into a performance-based economic incentives contract with FPE NC
LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ernie Green Industries. This project was to reopen the
former Moll Industries facility near Seagrove. In the performance-based incentive contract, FPE
has promised an investment of $750,000 in facility upgrades and $2.8 million in equipment, with
96 new jobs. The County's incentive commitment is $80,000, to be paid over three years.
Over the past few months, the Randolph County Economic Development Corp. has been
working with the company and the Rural Center to obtain a building reuse grant. To qualify, the
funding must come through the County. The Rural Center has approved a grant/loan for
$364,800. The company will pay 50% of the project ($384,000) and the County match will
come out of the previously approved incentive. If the company retains the employees for six
months following attainment of the required number of total jobs, the loan is forgiven.
Mr. Massie requested that the Commissioners approve the Rural Center grant/loan award and
authorize the Chairman to sign all related documentation.
On motion of Holmes, seconded by Kemp, the Board voted unanimously to accept the Rural
Center Grant/Loan Award for a Building Reuse Grant for the FPE NC Project in the amount of
$364,800, authorized the Chairman to sign all related documentation and approved Budget
Amendment #23, as follows:
General Fund—Amendment
Increase Decrease
Restricted Intergovernmental
Increase Decrease
Other Economic & Physical Development
Report from County Attorney
County Attorney Ben Morgan stated that at the December 5, 2011 Commissioners meeting,
the Board requested that he review the proposed Golder contract for the additional
archaeological studies at the proposed regional landfill site to verify that a Phase II study was,
indeed, needed. The Phase I study revealed some arrowheads at the site. Mr. Morgan said that
after meeting with Public Works Director David Townsend, III and County Finance Officer Will
Massie on December 19, he could find no evidence of error or excessive billing. He feels
confident that adequate measures are in place to monitor these contracts closely, since Mr.
Massie reviews the accounting standards and Mr. Townsend reviews the technical standards
issues and is often on site during the study process. Mr. Morgan stated that it is very common
for additional environmental phases to be required and that it is more efficient to have these
studies completed during the early stages of the permitting process. The Board asked that the
Golder contract for the Phase II study be placed on the February agenda for reconsideration.
Regional Update
Vice Chair Frye stated that the mental health merger issue between Sandhills and Guilford
County is moving along.
Vice Chair Frye reported that he thinks that County staff should meet with Roger King of
RCATS to discuss a possible bus system contract and transportation options for the elderly in our
area due to the reduction of PART routes. Guilford County had made a sizable monetary
contribution to PART for such a system there.
County Manager Richard Wells announced that Commissioner Frye was elected as the first
Director of the newly merged Piedmont Triad Council of Governments and North West
Piedmont Council of Governments to form the Piedmont Triad Regional Council, which is made
up of 12 counties. Vice Chair Frye stated that Guilford County has still not made a decision on
joining the Council. He added that Guilford County has requested weighted voting rights, which
he feels the other member counties will not agree to. He also stated that the Council has agreed
to reduce dues for member counties.
Approval of Change Order for DSS HVAC Renovation Proiect & Related Budget
Public Works Director David Townsend, III stated that at the November 7, 2011 Board of
Commissioners meeting, bids were presented to the commissioners for the completion of the
DSS HVAC renovation contract that Chapman Mechanical Inc. had defaulted on in September
2011. Indicor Mechanical of Greensboro had submitted the lowest bid of $85,000, which was
approved by the Board of Commissioners.
Once Indicor began this work to complete the contract, it was discovered that there were
several original contract items that Chapman Mechanical had either not performed or were not
conforming to the engineer's plans and specifications. Because these items were not discovered
until after Indicor had begun completion work, these items were not included in their original
bid. Indicor has given the County the total additional cost to complete these incomplete items,
which is $14,516.39.
Because these items were part of the original scope of contract work from Chapman
Mechanical's contract, these additional costs will be covered under Chapman's performance
In order to close out this grant project, Mr. Townsend requested that the Board of
Commissioners authorize a change order in the amount of $14,516.39 to Indicor Mechanical for
the additional work to complete the DSS HVAC renovations project. There were also additional
engineering services ($11,490.25) performed by our consultants, Millikan Engineering Group,
due to the failure of the original contractor. The original contractor's bond company will also
cover these additional costs.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to approve the
change order for Indicor in the amount of $14,51639 and a change order for Millikan
Engineering Group in the amount of $11,490.25 for the DSS HVAC renovation project and
approved Budget Amendment #1 to the Energy Efficiency Project Ordinance to reflect the
reimbursements from the contractor's bond company, as follows:
Energy Efficiency Project Ordinance
BudgetAmendment #1
Revenues Increase
Miscellaneous $15,975
Appropriations Increase
Professional Services $4,050
Construction $11,925
At 6:46 p.m., the Board took a short recess.
Regular Meeting Resumed
At 7:00 p.m., the Board returned to regular session.
Rezoning Public Hearing
At 7:01 p.m., the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing to consider a rezoning
request. Hal Johnson, Planning Director, presented the following request:
BO DAVIDSON, Asheboro, North Carolina, is requesting that 4.70 acres located at 4917
Beeson Farm Road, New Market Township, be rezoned from RA to LI. Secondary Growth
Area. Tax ID# 7745276892. It is the desire of the applicant to use the property for industrial
purposes. The Innovision Properties, LLC - Property Owners. The Planning Board reviewed this
request at public meeting on December 6, 2011, and unanimously recommended that this request
be approved. The Planning Board found the following policies within the 2009 Growth
Management Plan that support determination of consistency with the adopted plan with this
Policy 3.1. Industrial development should be on land that is physically suitable and has unique
locational advantages for industry. Advanced planning for the identification of such land should
be encouraged.
Policy 3.7. Sustainable economic growth, environmental protection, and quality of life shall be
pursued together as mutually supporting growth management goals.
Board of Commissioner Resolution Adopting Growth Management Plan, Policy #3. Ensure the
opportunity for landowners to achieve the highest and best uses of their land that are consistent
with growth management policies in order to protect the economic viability of the County's
citizens and tax base.
Vice Chairman Frye opened the floor for comment.
Bo Davidson, applicant, spoke in support of the request on behalf of the property owner J.B.
Davis, and owner of Innovision Properties, LLC, stating that he wanted to bring the property up
to compliance in order to store furniture.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to approve the
request of Bo Davidson, as determined consistent with policies contained within the standards
and policies of the Growth Management Plan and outlined in the recommendations provided by
the County Planning Board.
At 7:04 p.m., there being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
J. Harold Holmes, Chairman Darrell L. Frye
Phil Kemp
Amanda Varner, Deputy Clerk to the Board
Stan Haywood