050712May 7, 2012
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. in the
1909 Randolph County Historic Courthouse Meeting Room, 145 Worth Street, Asheboro, NC.
Commissioners Holmes, Frye, Haywood, Kemp and Lanier were present. Following an
invocation by Don Allred, everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.
Public Comment Period
Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 153A-52.1, Chairman Holmes opened the floor for public comment.
Jon Nance, 3483 New Hope Church Rd., Asheboro, spoke in opposition to the proposed
regional landfill, saying that it would lower property values and that it was a waste of land use.
He added that there had to be a much better use of resources than taking in trash from ten
Hearing no further remarks, the public comment period was closed.
Removal of Item from Consent Agenda
Vice Chair Frye asked that Item K. be removed from the Consent Agenda in order to be
considered separately, which is allowable pursuant to Rule 8. Section D. of the Randolph County
Board of Commissioners' Rules of Procedure.
Approval of Consent Agenda
On motion of Haywood, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to approve the
Consent Agenda, as follows:
• approve minutes of regular meeting of April 2, 2012;
• adopt a proclamation for EMS Appreciation Week (May 20-26, 2012), as follows:
Emergency Medical Services Week May 20 — 26, 2012
WHEREAS, emergency medical services is a vital public service; and
WHEREAS, the members of emergency medical services teams are ready to provide lifesaving care to
those in need 24 hours a day, seven days a week; and
WHEREAS, access to quality emergency care dramatically improves the survival and recovery rate of
those who experience sudden illness or injury; and
WHEREAS, the emergency medical services system consists of emergency physicians, emergency
nurses, emergency medical technicians, paramedics, firefighters, educators, administrators and others,-
WHEREAS, the members of emergency medical services teams, whether career or volunteer, engage
in thousands of hours of specialized training and continuing education to enhance their lifesaving skills;
WHEREAS, it is appropriate to recognize the value and the accomplishments of our emergency
medical services providers by designating Emergency Medical Services Week.
NOW THEREFORE, the Randolph County Board of Commissioners hereby proclaims the week of
May 20 26, 2012, as "Emergency Medical Services Week in Randolph County" and urges all citizens to
join in honoring the men and women whose diligence and professionalism keep our county and citizens
approve NC Lottery applications for Randolph County Schools at $1,500, 000 (Providence
Grove HS --06 COPS) and Asheboro City Schools at $400, 000 (Teachey School --06 COPS)
and Budget Amendment #37 for Asheboro City Schools for reimbursement for Teachey
School roofing project at $84,0 74, as follows:
2011-2012 Budget ordinance
General Fund — Budget Amendment #37
Revenues Increase Decrease'
Restricted Intergovernmental $84,074
Appropriations Increase Decrease'
Education $84,074
• approve ADM applications to reimburse County for Debt Service payments for '03 COPS for
Randolph County Schools at $154, 000 and Asheboro City Schools at $103, 000;
approve Budget Amendment #38 for the Public Health Department for a $35, 000 Community
Transformation Grant from the Division of Public Health, to be used to develop and
implement initiatives to help prevent chronic diseases, as follows:
2011-2012 Budget Ordinance
General Fund —Budget Amendment #38
Revenues Increase Decrease'
Restricted Intergovernmental $35,000
Appropriations Increase Decrease'
Public Health $35,000
• approve Budget Amendment #2 to Close Out Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block
Grant, which was used to upgrade a boiler at the jail and to replace HVAC units as the DSS
building with a more energy efficient system, as follows:
Energy Efficiency Grant Project ordinance
BudgetAendment #2
Revenues Increase Decrease'
Restricted Intergovernmental $150
Appropriations Increase Decrease
Public Health $150
approve Budget Amendment #39 to Emergency Telephone System Fund to budget remaining
$8,903 of (Unrestricted 9-1-1) Funds to the Emergency Services Other Public Safety Budget,
as follows:
2011-2012 Budget ordinance
Revenues Increase Decrease'
Appropriated Fund Balance $8,903
reappoint Warren Dixon and Bill Johnson to the Randolph County Historic Landmark
Preservation Commission;
• reappoint James Hardegree to the Regional Partnership Workforce Development Board;
ratify unanimous approval of emergency individual commissioner poll taken April 26, 2012:
award bid for new chiller at Walker Ave. building to low bidder, Hoffman Building
Technologies of Greensboro, at $104,682. Other bidders: McQuay Air Conditioning at
$106,589; Superior Air Conditioning at $109,894; Charlie's Tin Shop offered a No Bid.
Approval Concerning Transfer of Visitors Centers Management from State of NC to
Randolph County Tourism Development Authority
Clerk's Note: This item was removed from the Consent Agenda by Vice Chair Frye, who
expressed concern and displeasure at the way that the State has handled this issue. He said that
this appeared to be a "done deal, " without any prior notice to, or approval from, the County.
The Randolph County Visitor Centers, located one mile south of Seagrove on Hwy 220, have
been operated by NC DOT since the termination of their contract with Safe -T Concierge, a public-
private partnership that began in January, 2010 and ended in February, 2011. Since that time, NC
DOT has contracted with a temporary employment agency to provide staffing, allowing them to keep
the centers open with limited staffing. However, as of July 1, 2012, NC DOT and Commerce will
have annual recurring funds in the amount of $200,000 to allocate to the Randolph County Visitor
Centers, allowing the centers to be staffed and operated at full capacity again. The Tourism
Development Authority is currently negotiating a contract with NC DOT and Commerce to take over
the staffing and operation of the centers, a contract that will be presented to the TDA Board of
Directors for approval at their May 16, 2012 meeting. Upon approval by the TDA Board of Directors,
this will be an annual contract renewable with each fiscal year based on allocation of state funds.
Under this plan, the TDA would hire the staff necessary to operate the centers under the same policies
and best practices of the State Welcome Center Program, meaning there would be no more pay -to -
play displays and out-of-state ads. Job descriptions and recommended salaries for Visitor Center staff
have been reviewed by both the TDA Board of Directors and the Randolph County Human Resources
Department with the following recommendations for adoption to the County Classification Pay Plan:
(1) Visitor Center Manager at Grade 11 Classification and (1) Travel Information Counselor at Grade
5 Classification. Also, due to the nature of the changes within the TDA with the addition of Visitor
Center management and staffing responsibilities, a job description and salary for a new Tourism
Manager position at a Grade 16 Classification, as reviewed by both the TDA Board of Directors and
Randolph County Human Resources Department, is also recommended for adoption to the County
Classification Pay Plan. Upon approval of the requested additions, the County Human Resources
Department has also asked that the Tourism Coordinator (Classification Grade 14) be removed from
the current County Classification Pay Plan.
Commissioners called upon Tammy O'Kelley, Randolph County TDA's Director of Tourism, to
answer questions. She explained that the TDA is still in contract negotiations with the State and that
the TDA Board would have to approve any proposed contract.
Assistant County Manager/Finance Officer Will Massie said that the request before the
Commissioners is only to add these job titles to the County Classification Pay Plan, in order to start
advertising as soon as possible (following an executed contract between the TDA and the State for the
funding) so that the new staff can begin work, effective July 1, 2012.
Vice Chair Frye said that he felt confident that Commissioner Kemp, who is the Board of
Commissioners' liaison on the TDA board, would keep the Commissioners informed and act in the
best interest of the County on this matter.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to approve the addition of
three new position titles (Tourism Manager [Grade 16], Visitor Center Manager [Grade I]J &
Travel Information Counselor [Grade 5]) to County Classification Pay Plan, and to remove the
Tourism Coordinator (Grade 14) position title from the Plan, as requested.
Special Recognition to Emergency Medical Services Employees
Chairman Holmes read aloud the proclamation regarding Emergency Medical Services
Week: May 20 — 26, 2012 (adopted in the Consent Agenda, above), after which he recognized
several of the County's emergency services personnel in attendance, and thanked them for their
dedication and service.
Addition to the New Business Agenda
Chairman Holmes announced that the following item had been added to the New Business
agenda, as follows: Item H. Request to Add a Position to County's Classification Pay Plan for
Day Reporting Center Pam Smith.
Approval to Urge State Legislators to Release Frozen HAVA Funds to Pay for
Maintenance Contracts for Voting Machines
Melissa Johnson, Board of Elections Director, said that the Randolph County Board of
Elections is requesting the Board of Commissioners to consider sending letters to our state
legislators urging them to release frozen HAVA funds (Help America Vote Act funds) for use by
the 100 county boards of election. These HAVA funds will be used as in past years to pay for
maintenance of voting equipment. A state match is required in order to receive the maintenance
of effort HAVA funds. The match by the NC General Assembly is $664,000 in order for the
State of North Carolina to receive the $4.1 million in HAVA funds. If the state match is not in
the Governor's and the General Assembly's budget, then Counties will be required to fund the
maintenance of voting equipment. For Randolph County, this will require $42,500 in the Board
of Elections budget for our annual maintenance contract.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to send letters of
support to State legislators urging the release of frozen HAVA funds, as requested.
Approval of Bid Awards for 9-1-1 Telephone System and Console Furniture
Donovan Davis, Emergency Services Director, requested approval to purchase a new 9-1-1
Telephone System and console furniture. He said that extensive research that had been
completed on 9-1-1 systems available today has determined that Cassidian's Patriot 9-1-1
system is the right system for Randolph County, and will move the County in the right direction
to become compliant with Next Generation standards by using a Voice over Internet Protocol
(VoIP) solution. For pricing the 9-1-1 system, a Request for Proposal (RFP) awarded by Stanley
County, N.C., to Century Link, Inc. awarded on July 11, 2011, was used. The RFP is fully
compliant with the requirements of a 9-1-1 system needed for Randolph County; only one
additional module for Vela mapping to assist in phase 1 and 2 cellular coordinate location
detection has been added. As required by law, the prerequisite of using another County's RFP
was met by notifying the public in an advertisement published in the local Courier Tribune
newspaper on April 28, 2012.
Mr. Davis said that during the installation of the new 9-1-1 system, they also plan to replace
the console furniture and flooring in the 9-1-1 Center. After researching several companies that
provide consoles for the 9-1-1 environment, Xybix, Inc. has been determined to be the best and
most cost-effective solution. Xybix has pre -negotiated prices through the General Services
Administration (GSA).
Mr. Davis requested that the Board approve the following: (1) Award the purchase of
Cassidian Patirot 9-1-1 System to Century Link at $459,975.57; and (2) Award the purchase of
console furniture to Xybix, Inc. at a cost of $98,806.44. Funds are available and will be used
from the Emergency Telephone Fund.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to award the purchase
of a Cassidian Patirot 9-1-1 System to Century Link at $459,975.57; and to award the purchase
of console furniture to Xybix, Inc. at a cost of $98,806 44, as requested.
Presentation of Long Range Capital Needs of the Emergency Services Department
Donovan Davis, Emergency Services Director, provided a PowerPoint presentation on capital
needs for his department, with the most critical being 1) comprehensive facility needs to meet
new standards and future requirements, and 2) future response coverage and needs, summarized
as follows:
• New Headquarters to replace & enlarge the 9-1-1 Center,
Asheboro EMS Base, Emergency Operations Center,
& Fire Marshal & Administrative Offices
• New Trinity Ambulance Base
• Replace Liberty Ambulance Base
• Replace Randleman Ambulance Base
• New Southeast Ambulance Base
• New Southwest Ambulance Base
• Replace Cardiac Monitors (Monitors are 10 years old &
Life expectancy/support is 8 years)
Personnel (Recurring) *All at entry level pay grade
6 Paramedic positions for the Southeast ambulance
6 Paramedic positions for the Southwest ambulance
4 Telecommunicators
$ 4,500,000
$ 200,000
$ 200,000
$ 200,000
$ 200,000
$ 200,000
$ 420,000
$ 5,920,000
$ 326,321.32
$ 326,321.32
$ 182,908.95
$ 835,551.59
All the Commissioners agreed that these were, indeed, critical needs that should be addressed as
soon as possible, and remarked that they would be considered during the budget process.
Request for Capital Funding by Randolph -Asheboro YMCA
Patrick O'Hara, Randolph -Asheboro YMCA Executive Director, along with Fran Knapp,
Capital Campaign Co -Chair, asked the Board for a $250,000 ($50,000 per year for 5 years)
contribution for their capital improvements to the YMCA facilities, which include the fitness
Center, Teen/Senior Center, Front Entrance/Aerobic Room, Nursery, Adult/Family/Locker
Rooms, Splash Pad, Gymnasium renovation, and Community Room/Fitness Rooms. The total
cost of all capital improvements is $2,929,525. Ms. Knapp said that $2,200,300 had already been
raised, and they are asking both the City of Asheboro and the County for $250,000 each, in order
to fully fund the entire project so there will be no outstanding debt. The improvements are almost
complete, with the grand opening scheduled for June 16.
Commissioner Haywood said that the Board would consider this request during their budget
Approval of Resolution Authorizing the Donation of Surplus Sheriffs Patrol Cars to RCC
Allen McNeill, Sheriff s Office Business Manager, requested that the Commissioners declare
the following high mileage county vehicles surplus, and approve donating them to Randolph
Community College: 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Vin# 2FAFP71W43X110899 Mileage —
140,000; 2005 Chevrolet Impala Vin# 2G1WF55K559268340 Mileage 135,000; and 2007
Dodge Charger Vin# 2B3LA43GX7H752208 Mileage — 155,000. Mr. McNeill said that each
year all of our officers who drive county vehicles are asked to complete a defensive driving
course at Randolph Community College. Currently each officer drives his assigned vehicle when
taking that course, creating a considerable amount of wear and tear on all of the vehicles. Once
the vehicles are donated to Randolph Community College, the College will maintain them and
use them in the Basic Law Enforcement Class. Such donations are allowed by NCGS 160A-274.
No costs will be incurred by Randolph County for title or vehicle transfer.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to approve the
Resolution Donating Surplus Sheriff's Office Patrol Vehicles To RCC, as follows:
WHEREAS, the Randolph County Sheriff's Office has declared as surplus the following high mileage
patrol vehicles: 2003 Ford Crown Victoria (VIN#: 2FAFP71 W43X110899), 2005 Chevrolet Impala
"N#: 2G1 WF55K559268340), and 2007 Dodge Charger (VIN#: 2B3LA43GX7H752208); and
WHEREAS, the Randolph County Sheriff's Office proposes to donate these surplus vehicles to
Randolph Community College to be used for defensive driving classes and Basic Law Enforcement
Training classes; and
WHEREAS, Randolph Community College has agreed to assume title for, and provide maintenance
of, these vehicles; and
WHEREAS, Randolph County may, pursuant to NCGS 160A-274, transfer property to the Randolph
Community College;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Randolph County Board of Commissioners
hereby declares that the three aforementioned surplus Sheriff's Office patrol vehicles be donated to
Randolph Community College.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Audrey Alexander, Purchasing Technician, is authorized to
handle the transfer of this vehicle to Randolph Community College.
Request for Approval of Language Access Plan for Housing Rehab Grants
Aimee Scotton, Associate County Attorney, reminded the Board that Randolph County has
received housing rehabilitation funds pursuant to grants available from the North Carolina Division of
Community Assistance (NCDCA) for several years. This money has been used by the County to
provide housing rehabilitation assistance to low-income families. DCA now has a requirement that
recipients of these funds must have a plan in place that ensures that its policies and procedures do not
deny or have the effect of denying individuals with limited English proficiency equal access to
benefits and services for which they qualify. Ms. Scotton presented a proposed Language Access Plan
that is in a form suggested by DCA and must be adopted for the County to be eligible to receive and
administer these grants in the future.
No action was taken on this item.
Request for Public Works Positions Reclassifications
David Townsend, III, Public Works Director, said that the Public Works Department is
reorganizing personnel to better manage the department's responsibilities and prepare for a
possible Regional Landfill. Several years ago, the Public Works Department hired a Staff
Engineer to help with county -wide water projects. Since then, the County has changed directions
to focus more on solid waste possibilities. By eliminating the Staff Engineer position, funds
would be available in the Public Works Budget to create two new positions that will balance the
workload. Mr. Townsend requested that the funds from the Staff Engineer position be reallocated
to create a new full-time Solid Waste Facility Manager position at the Solid Waste Facility. In
addition, Public Works would like to hire a new staff person to assist with finances regarding
expanding Solid Waste responsibilities. From lapsed salaries, these positions can be funded for
the current fiscal year, and the proposed budget for next year can be adjusted for any difference
in personnel costs; therefore, no new funds will be required. This structure will provide better
use of existing resources.
Following discussion, the Board tabled this item until the June 4 meeting.
Regional Update
Vice Chair Frye had no regional news to report.
Request to Add a Position to County's Classification Pay Plan for Day Reporting Center
Pam Smith, Day Reporting Center Director, said that her intent was to request that the Board
approve the addition of a Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialist position to the County's Classification
Pay Plan due to changes in the Justice Reinvestment Act, whereby all CJPP programs for FY 2012/2013
are transitioning to the Treatment for Effective Community Supervision (TECS) contract process, rather
than the grant application process. She said that a decision by the State on bid awards was scheduled for
May 11. However, Ms. Smith said that she had learned only minutes before this meeting that the State
had rejected all bids, and that a new request for bids process would be forthcoming in the next few
weeks. Ms. Smith said that she would keep the Board informed.
At 7:44 p.m., there being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
J. Harold Holmes, Chairman Darrell L. Frye
Phil Kemp
Stan Haywood
Arnold Lanier
Cheryl A. Ivey, Clerk to the Board