080612August 6, 2012
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. in the
1909 Randolph County Historic Courthouse Meeting Room, 145 Worth Street, Asheboro, NC.
Commissioners Holmes, Frye, Kemp, Lanier and Haywood were present. Dr. Bob Shackleford,
RCC President, gave the invocation, after which, everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Comment Period
Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 153A-52.1, Chairman Holmes opened the floor for public comment.
Tammy O'Kelley, TDA Director, presented to the Board a pencil art drawing of the Historic
Courthouse, etched and donated by local artist Nancy Henderson.
Ms. O'Kelley also introduced Jasmine Bonola, who is a rising senior at Eastern Randolph
High School. Jasmine participated in an 8 -week summer internship program sponsored by NC
Community Development Initiative (funded through grants to the NC Rural Center), in which
she worked at the Randolph County Tourism Development Authority and Economic
Development Corporation offices this summer. Both Ms. O'Kelley and EDC President Bonnie
Renfro lauded Jasmine for the outstanding job she did for their agencies.
Hearing no further comments, the public comment period was closed.
Special Recognitions: Governor's Volunteer Awards & Retirement Recognition
Chairman Holmes and Gail Routh, Volunteer Center Coordinator, presented certificates of
appreciation to the winners of the 2012 Governor's Award for Volunteer Service: John & Jean
Davis (family category); Judy Saunders (individual category); Cindy Schroder (individual
category); Robert Dowling, Elizabeth Grove and Paul Rossiter (Mental Health Advocate
Representative Team at Randolph Hospital); and Wade Boger, Frances Carmac, Diann Davis,
Flona Harrelson, Betty Routh, Louise Russell, Annette Spencer, and Janie Sumner (Coffee Cart
Team at Randolph Hospital). Note: The volunteers were also honored at a County -sponsored
reception just prior to the meeting.
Chairman Holmes recognized Sergeant Roger Brewer for his 261/2 years of service to the
Sheriffs Department, and Sheriff Maynard Reid provided information on Sergeant Brewer's
career. Chairman Holmes presented Sergeant Brewer with an engraved clock on behalf of the
Change to Consent Agenda
Chairman Holmes announced that Item D. Appoint Donald Matthews to Juvenile Crime
Prevention Council had been removed from the Consent Agenda.
Approval of Consent Agenda
On motion of Frye, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to approve the
Consent Agenda, as amended:
• approve minutes of regular meeting and three sets of closed sessions of 719112;
• unseal closed session minutes of 512111;
appoint Steve Grove to Library Board of Trustees;
approve Budget Amendment #2 for Health Dept. to decrease budget by $35, 000 due to non -
receipt of Community Transformation Grant, as follows:
2012-2013 Budget Ordinance
General Fund—Budget Amendment # 2
Revenues Increase
Restricted Intergovernmental
Appropriations ' Increase
Public Health
approve Budget Amendment #3 for Encumbrance Carryforwards, as follows:
2012-2013 Budget Ordinance
General Fund—Budget Amendment # 3
Restricted Intergovernmental
Appropriated Fund Balance
Information Technology
Register of Deeds
Public Buildings
Emergency Services
Public Works
Public Health
Social Services
Public Library
Other Economic & Physical
Development Appropriations
approve Budget Amendment #4 for Sheriff's Office for JAG Grant ($10,621) (Application
approved by Commissioners 614112), as follows:
2012-21113 Bridget Ordinance
General Fund Budget Amendment #4
Revenues Increase Decrease
Restricted Intergovernmental $10,621
Appropriations Increase Decrease
heriff's Office $10,621
Hwv. 64 Water Line Close -Out Budget Amendment ADUroval and Deed Transfer
David Townsend, III, Public Works Director, said that the project to construct a water
distribution line from Asheboro east along Highway 64 is complete, and title will officially be
transferred to the City of Asheboro in accordance with the interlocal agreement. Rather than reimburse
the County over time, the City has elected to remit its share up front. A budget amendment will
recognize the reimbursements from sales taxes and contribution from the City that were related to the
On motion of Haywood, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to adopt a
resolution to approve a deed to transfer Hwy 64 water line to City of Asheboro and to approve
Budget Amendment #2, as follows:
WHEREAS, Section 160A-461 of the North Carolina General Statutes authorizes Randolph
County (the County) and the City of Asheboro (the City) to enter into an agreement in order to
contractually exercise public enterprise functions on behalf of each other; and
WHEREAS, Section 153A -275(a) of the North Carolina General Statutes authorizes the
County to "acquire, lease as lessor or lessee, construct, establish, enlarge, improve, extend,
maintain, own, operate, and contract for the operation of. . . (a water supply and distribution
system) in order to furnish services to the county and its citizens; " and
WHEREAS, Section 160A -312(a) of the North Carolina General Statutes authorizes the City
to "acquire, construct, establish, improve, maintain, own and operate" a water supply and
distribution system outside of the City's corporate limits; and
WHEREAS, Section 160A-274 of the North Carolina General Statutes authorizes the County
to convey any interest in real or personal property to the City with or without consideration; and
WHEREAS, on September 17, 2009, the County and the City entered into an Interlocal
Water Service Agreement, hereinafter referred to as the `Agreement", whereby the County agreed
to construct and pay for a water line along Highway 64 East from Asheboro to Clapp Drive and
along certain other streets (see Attachment `A" to this Resolution) and whereby ownership of said
water line and associated easements (see Attachment "B" to this Resolution) would be conveyed
to the City upon completion of construction; and
WHEREAS, all of the terms and conditions of said Agreement having been complied with by
both the City and the County, it is now appropriate that record legal title of said water line be
transferred to and vested in the City of Asheboro.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Randolph
County, this 6th day ofAugust, 2012, does hereby approve transferring ownership of the Highway
64 water line and associated easements to the City of Asheboro and does hereby authorize the
Chairman of the Board of Commissioners to sign the necessary documents to accomplish said
2012-2013 Budget Ordinance
Highway 64 Project—Budget Amendment 42
Budget Ordinance
Amendment # 5
DENR Trust Fund
Sales Tax Refund
Transfer from General Fund
Approval of Budget Amendment for Public Library Grant & Addition of Position Title to
Classification Plan
Ross Holt, Public Library Director, said that the library has received a $13,500 federal
Library Services and Technology Act Outreach & Innovative Services Grant for 2012-2013, to
be matched with $3,393 from the library budget, to implement the Public Library Association's
Every Child Ready to Read (ECRR) program. This library -oriented, research -based program
focuses on educating parents and caregivers about how to nurture pre -reading skills in children
ages 0-5 at home and in childcare settings. ECRR consists of workshops designed to build the
skills of parents/caregivers, and pre -literacy activities that they and their children can do
together. Working with the Randolph Community College Early Childhood program, the library
will recruit and train qualified volunteers to conduct ongoing ECRR workshops at all seven
libraries and in childcare centers countywide. Library staff who work with children will be
trained in ECRR techniques, which will become standard practice for library story times and
other reading programs. The grant will fund a temporary (9 months), part-time (20 hr/wk) ECRR
Coordinator who will receive training; implement the program; and recruit, train and schedule
volunteers. (Once the program is established, library Extension Services and Children's staff will
take over operation after the coordinator position ends.) As there is no existing job title in the
classification plan for the coordinator position, Human Resources has reviewed the job
description and evaluated where the position should be placed. Mr. Holt requested that the Board
approve the addition of the title, Every Child Ready to Read Coordinator (Grade 14), to the
classification plan for the remainder of the fiscal year.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to approve Budget
Amendment #5 for a $13,500 Every Child Ready to Read grant and to add an Every Child Ready
to Read Coordinator Position Title (Grade 14) to the Classification Plan until 6130113, as
General Fund—Budget
Budget Ordinance
Amendment # 5
Increase Decrease
Restricted Intergovernmental
Increase Decrease
Public Library
CDBG Scattered Site Housing Public Hearing; Second Public Hearing Set
Brian Heilig, Building Inspections, stated that Randolph County is eligible to receive
$225,000 from the State of North Carolina under the 2012 CDBG Scattered Site Housing
Program. As in the past, this grant is for a three-year cycle. Part of the grant requirement is to
hold two public hearings in order to receive citizens' input on the grant, along with authorization
from the County Commissioners to apply for the grant. This must be done before the application
is filed in October. Mr. Heilig reported that this public hearing was duly advertised.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to set September 4,
6:30 p.m. for the required second public hearing.
Authorization of Process for Installment Financing for Balfour School Renovation &
Purchase of Heart Monitors; Public Hearing Date Set
Will Massie, Assistant County Manager/Finance Officer, reminded the Commissioners that at
their March 2012 meeting, the Board authorized funding the renovation of the old Balfour
School, as requested by the Asheboro City Schools, as follows: $2,007,275 over three budget
years to fund the demolition of Buildings A, C & D at the Early Childhood Development Center
and the construction of a 14,880 sq. ft. brick/block building. However, the financing method for
this project was not determined at that time. Due to low interest rates currently, financing this
project through an installment financing agreement with a local bank is practical. Asheboro City
Schools expects to need funds by November. To move this project forward, Mr. Massie
requested authority to seek bids for the financing. The proposals will be presented at the
September 4th Board of Commissioners meeting, along with the required public hearing.
Following that, the County will submit its application to the Local Government Commission
(LGC), with state approval expected at the LGC's October 2nd meeting.
Commissioners also discussed other capital needs, such as the purchase of new cardiac monitors at
Emergency Services and new ambulance bases in the southern area of the county. Mr. Massie
provided information on those costs, in addition to, needs at existing bases and a new 911
Center/Asheboro base, along with their order of priority according to Donovan Davis, Emergency
Services Director, as follows:
Estimated Project Costs
Asheboro City Schools -Balfour School
Emergency Services Needs in order of priority:
Heart Monitors
New Ambulance Bases:
Coleridge -Erect
New 911 Center & Asheboro Base
Mr. Massie also provided cost options, should the Board decide to add some or all of the additional
needs as noted above, to the upcoming financing. In addition, he provided debt policy ratios for the
different financing options.
Commissioners Haywood and Lanier contended that although these were critical needs, there
should be a way to prioritize them and fund them without incurring debt or increasing taxes, which the
taxpayers do not want. Commissioners Holmes, Frye and Kemp agreed that no one wanted to raise
taxes or borrow money, but there was just no other way to provide these services to the citizens.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board voted 3-2, with Haywood and Lanier
opposing, to authorize the Finance Officer to request financing proposals for an amount not to exceed
$2,500, 000, for the Old Balfour School Project and the heart monitors.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board voted unanimously to set September 4,
2012, at 6: 30 p. m., for the public hearing on the installment financing.
Approval to Use Lapsed Salaries to Fund Day Reporting Center through September
Day Reporting Center Director Pam Smith said that the TECS (Treatment for Effective
Community Supervision) Program replaces the previous recurring Criminal Justice Partnership
Program grant that Randolph County has received from the State in previous years. In the 2012-
2013 fiscal year, the State changed the program from grant funding to a bidding process.
Randolph submitted bids for both Randolph and Montgomery Counties on June 291h. Ms. Smith
said that the State was scheduled to release their decision on awards on August 3, 2012;
however, no decision has been forthcoming as of this date. Instead, the proposals have been sent
to the Oversight Committee, with the decision expected to come in another week.
Ms. Smith said that since the County appropriated additional funding for the Randolph
program only through August of this year, she asked for approval to use lapsed salaries to keep
the program operational through September, until State funding is secured.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to approve the use of
lapsed salaries to cover payroll for the Day Reporting Center for the month of September.
RCC Board of Trustees Appointment
Chairman Holmes said that since Commissioner Haywood was unable to fulfill his
appointment (appointed in June 2012 to replace Jim Campbell, whose term would expire in July)
to the RCC Board, the Board would need to appoint someone else. He said that he had learned
that Jim Campbell was indeed interested in being reappointed to this Board.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted 3-1, with Kemp opposing and
Commissioner Haywood recusing himself, to reappoint Jim Campbell to the RCC Board of
Designation of Voting Delegate for NCACC Conference
On motion of Haywood, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to elect
Commissioner Frye as the voting delegate for the NCA CC Conference in August.
Regional Update
Vice Chair Frye said that a site had been selected in Kernersville for a central location for the
headquarters of the Piedmont Triad Regional Council. However, approval will be required by all
PTRC member boards.
Vice Chair Frye asked the Board to consider Randolph County becoming a full member of
the Piedmont Triad Partnership in order to obtain a voting seat on the Executive Committee. This
would require that the County contribute $25,000 to the Partnership rather than its current
$14,000/year dues. Commissioner Kemp complained that as Randolph's current liaison to the
Partnership, he does not receive any information from the Partnership. After further discussion,
the Board decided to consider this item again at its September meeting.
Rezoning Public Hearing
At 7:25 p.m., the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing to consider a rezoning
request. Hal Johnson, Planning Director, presented the following request, and Chairman Holmes
opened the public hearing for comments on the request and closed it before taking action.
The Lester Group, Inc., Martinsville, Virginia, is requesting that 37.93 acres located at 3874
Bethel Drive Extension, Trinity Township, be rezoned from LI to HI -CD. Tax 1D# 6798099710.
Primary Growth Area. The proposed Conditional Zoning District would specifically allow the
existing facilities to be used for wood processing as per site plan. The Planning Board reviewed
this request at public meeting on July 10, 2012, and unanimously recommended that this request
be approved, as consistent with the Growth Management Plan. The Planning Board found the
following policies within the 2009 Growth Management Plan that support determination of
consistency with the adopted plan with this recommendation:
Policy 1.7 Planning and development decisions should be based on the principal of promoting
investment in Randolph County to expand employment opportunities while preserving and
improving the quality of life for all county residents.
Policy 3.1. Industrial development should be on land that is physically suitable and has unique
locational advantages for industry. Advanced planning for the identification of such land should
be encouraged.
Policy 3.2 Heavy industrial sites should be separated from nonindustrial areas by natural
features, green belts and/or other suitable means.
Jim Farrell, Vice President of the Lester Group, spoke in support of this request. He said
that this site would provide more cost effective transportation than the High Point Road site since
a new median is planned there that will cause problems. He also said that all operations will be
done inside the facility.
Randall Newton, 3784 Bolivar Ave, High Point, NC, said that his property adjoins the
facility site and is concerned about how the company's water usage will impact his water supply,
which is from a well. He also inquired about the train schedule. He asked if there had been any
studies by the EPA on the potential effects on the well water.
Calvin Shoemaker, General Manager of Fortress Wood Products, said that they will drill
deepwater wells and will be required to comply with all NCDENR regulations. He said the hours
of operation will be from 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. (some days until 5 p.m.) and that there would be
about 6-7 trucks coming in daily. He said that all of their water is self-contained and recycled
and will be monitored by NCDENR and the EPA. He added that they have an impeccable safety
record at their Greensboro plant.
Clarence Slack, adjoining property owner, asked if the existing road that runs through the
property will be used.
Mr. Jarrell said that it will not be used and will be blocked.
Clarence Slack inquired about air pollution and possible odor.
Mr. Jarrell said that there would be no air pollution or odor. He also said that no arsenic is
used in their pressure treating process.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Kemp, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request
of The Lester Group, as determined consistent with the standards and policies contained within
the Growth Management Plan outlined in the recommendations provided by the County
Planning Board.
Closed Session—Economic Development [N.C.G.S.143-318.11(a)(4)1
At 7:45 p.m., on motion of Frye, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to go into
closed session to discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of business in the area,
pursuant to N. C. G. S.143 -318.11(a) (4).
Regular Session Resumed
At 8:25 p.m., the Board returned to regular session.
At 8:25 p.m., on motion of Frye, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to
J. Harold Holmes, Chairman Darrell L. Frye
Phil Kemp
Stan Haywood
Arnold Lanier
Cheryl A. Ivey, Clerk to the Board