061713June 17, 2013
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met at 6:00 p.m. for a special budget session
in the Meeting Room of the 1909 Historic Courthouse, 145 Worth St., Asheboro, NC.
Commissioners Holmes, Frye, Kemp, Haywood and Lanier were present.
Chante to Agenda
Chairman Holmes announced that Item A. Consideration of Economic Development
Incentives Project had been added to the agenda.
Public Hearing and Adoption of Resolution for Economic Incentives Grant for Jowat Corp.
Kevin Franklin, RCEDC Existing Industries Coordinator, presented the following information
on Jowat Corporation in Trinity, that is considering expansion and new job creation.
• Jowat has operations in Europe, America, Malaysia and Australia. The Trinity operation
was established in 1979, and they have grown consistently over the last 34 years.
• The company manufactures and develops a large range of adhesive and chemical
products: hot melt adhesives, dispersion adhesives, solvent based adhesives, as well as,
primer products. The major market users are furniture manufacturers, graphic arts
industries, packaging producers, as well as, textile, automotive, and electrical industries.
They supply markets in North, Central, and South America from the Trinity plant.
• Today they employ 113 at their Trinity facility with annual payroll of $6.6 million and
the company is Trinity's largest taxpayer and largest employer.
• The company is experiencing substantial increased demand for their product and they are
considering an expansion to increase production capacity to meet that demand.
• The first phase of the expansion plan is the expansion of one of the company's
manufacturing facilities and the addition of new equipment. A portion of an existing
facility will be demolished and an additional 9,000 square feet will be added. Building
renovation and expansion cost is estimated at $800,000 with equipment investment of
$3,000,000. Additional support infrastructure investment is $900,000 for a total of
$4,700,000 in new capital investment.
• The project will create 14 new jobs with average annual wages of $27,991 and will be
completed in 24 months. The jobs will be production jobs as operators. The company has
a full range of benefits.
• The company has requested consideration of economic incentives for this project. They
are eligible for a building reuse grant from the NC Rural Center, funded at $5,000 for
each new full-time job for a total of $70,000.
• Building Reuse Grants require a 5% match from local governments and that a unit of
local government apply for and administer the grant. The City of Trinity has scheduled a
public hearing the following evening to consider applying for the grant and to contribute
50% of the match contingent on Randolph County's approval of the remaining 50%.
• The total local match for this project is $3,500, and 50% of the match is $1,750.
• Mr. Franklin asked for the Board's consideration and approval of this match in
partnership with the City of Trinity. Contingent on grant approval, Trinity will
administer the grant and manage the contracts with the company and NC Rural Center.
Using today's tax rate, the new tax revenues generated by this project in Randolph
County would exceed $45,848 over the first three years and generate up to $400,000 in
new income annually through direct job creation. The project would also position the
company for additional growth in the future.
At 6:08 p.m., Commissioner Holmes opened the duly advertised public hearing. Hearing no
comments, the public hearing was closed.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to adopt a
Resolution approving $1,750 to provide a one-half match for a Building Reuse Grant applied for
by the City of Trinity on behalf ofJowat Corporation for expansion, as follows:
WHEREAS, Section 158-7.1 of the North Carolina General Statutes authorizes a county to
undertake an economic development project by extending assistance to a company in order to
cause the company to locate or expand its operations within the county; and
WHEREAS, the North Carolina General Assembly has authorized funds to be used for
stimulating economic development and job creation; and
WHEREAS, Jowat Corporation has stated its commitment to invest eight hundred thousand
dollars ($800, 000) to expand and renovate an existing facility and to create fourteen (14) new
jobs within twenty-four (24) months in the City of Trinity in Randolph County and to invest
additional capital in new equipment, and
WHEREAS, the City of Trinity is considering a resolution to authorize the filing, by the
City, of an application with the North Carolina Rural Economic Development Center for a
Building Reuse Grant on behalf of an economic development project for Jowat Corporation;
WHEREAS, said Grant requires a 5% local match from the local government making
application; and
WHEREAS, the amount of the Grant that Jowat is eligible for is seventy thousand dollars
($70, 000), requiring a local match of three thousand five hundred dollars ($3,500); and
WHEREAS, the City of Trinity has requested that Randolph County provide one-half of the
required local match for this project, or one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars ($1,750);
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Randolph County has held a public hearing to
consider whether to participate in this project by providing the requested one-half of the local
match of one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars ($1, 750); and
WHEREAS, upon the completion by Jowat of this expansion project, Jowat will have
expended eight hundred thousand dollars ($800, 000.00) to expand and renovate the facility it
currently occupies, will have invested a considerable amount in equipment and will have
created a minimum offourteen (14) new full-time jobs in the County and City; and
WHEREAS, this economic development project will stimulate and stabilize the local
economy, promote business in the County and City, and result in the creation of a number of
jobs in the County and City; and
WHEREAS, the County has in its General Fund available revenues sufficient to fund this
economic development project,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Randolph
County, this 17`h day of June, 2013, as follows:
Section 1. The County is authorized to expend up to one thousand seven hundred and
fifty dollars ($1,750. 00) of County funds to provide one-half of the required local match for the
Building Reuse Grant applied for on behalf of Jowat Corporation by the City of Trinity.
Section 2. Participation by the County in this economic development is expressly
contingent upon the approval of the grant application and local match by the City of Trinity
and upon subsequent grant approval by the North Carolina Rural Economic Development
Approval of Budget Amendment for Asheboro City Schools (Balfour) Project
Will Massie, Assistant County Manager/Finance Officer, stated that the Balfour School
project is close to completion. The additional sales tax that will be received on the project needs
to be accounted for.
On motion of Haywood, seconded by Kemp, the Board voted unanimously to approve Budget
Amendment #2 to the Asheboro City Schools Capital Project Fund, as follows:
Asheboro City Schools Capital Project Fund
Balfour ECDC Project- Amendment #2
Sales Tax Refund
Discussion of Capital Improvement Plan
Will Massie, Assistant County Manager/Finance Officer, stated that during the past year the
RCC Continuing Education and Industrial Center project was completed and the Balfour project
is nearing completion leaving nothing on the Capital Improvement Plan and asked if the Board
had any interest in discussing other projects with costs involved that needed to be planned for.
Commissioner Frye stated that he thought the Emergency Services Call Center and area
ambulance bases were a priority, and said that no one has presented a plan or request for a bond
referendum to fund any school system's needs. He also reminded the Board that additions to the
jail have been requested by the Sheriff.
Commissioner Frye asked Mr. Massie about the process for bond referendums for projects.
Mr. Massie said that county buildings and school projects could be separate referendums.
Commissioner Kemp reminded that Public Health had requested a new animal control
facility, and Commissioner Frye said that it may be a possibility to divide costs over several
years and would also allow the animal shelter supporters time for possible fundraising toward the
Mr. Massie stated no action was needed at this meeting, but Commissioners could discuss
details now and direct any funds toward the planning and design of a call center or any other
projects in this budget. Then drafts and estimates of costs of any of the facilities could be
presented to the Board later.
Commissioner Frye stated that the new 9-1-1 Call Center and the serious need for the two
new ambulance bases in the southern portion of the county should be considered after the
completion of the sale of the existing Randleman base and construction of that replacement
facility. Commissioner Frye stated that a major cost for additional bases would be in staffing the
new bases 24/7.
Adoption of Departmental Fee Schedules
On motion of Frye, seconded by Kemp, the Board voted unanimously to adopt all
departmental fee schedules, as requested and, as follows:
1. Ambulance (No requested change)
2. Building, Electrical & Plumbing Permits (No requested change)
3. Solid Waste Facility Tipping Fees Increase in Wood Waste fee to $50.00 and set the
minimum fee for waste at the transfer station at $10.00.
4. Health (No requested change.)
Approval of School Tax Rates
On motion of Haywood, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to set the Asheboro
City Schools District Supplemental tax rate at $0.1385 and to set the Archdale -Trinity Schools
District Supplemental tax rate at $0.09.
Approval of Rural Fire Protection Tax Districts and Fire Protection Service Districts Tax
On motion of Frye, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted 4-1, with Lanier opposing, to set
the following Fire Protection Tax District rates: Bennett 8¢, Climax 0.0¢, Coleridge 7.3¢,
Eastside 9¢, Fairgrove 8¢, Farmer 7.5¢, Franklinville 10¢, Guil-Rand 0.0¢, Julian
10¢, Level Cross -110, Northeast 9¢, Randleman 10¢, Seagrove 10¢, Sophia 10¢,
Southwest 10¢, Staley 10¢, Tabernacle 10¢, Ulah 6.1 ¢ and Westside 10¢; and Climax
and Guil-Rand Fire Service Districts at 12¢ each.
Discussion and Adoption of FY 13-14 Budget and Budget Ordinance
The Board discussed funding for lead teacher positions with County School Superintendent
Donald Andrews and the proposed six positions in DSS with DSS Operations Manager Richard
Vice Chair Frye made a motion to adopt the proposed budget, except with the following
Revenues and Other Financing Sources
Proposed Budget $113,051,373
• Reduction of Ad Valorem Taxes (reduce proposed rate by 10 from 63 to 62¢) (996,540)
• Reduction of DSS grants for positions that were included in proposed budget (41,612)
Final Approved Budget $112,013,221
Other Financing Sources:
Proposed Budget
• Increase in Appropriated Fund Balance
Final Approved Budget
Total General Fund
Expenditures and Other Financing Sources
Proposed Budget $111,323,606
• 1.5% COLA for County Employees, eff 7/1/12 523,500
• Reduction of requested six DSS positions included in proposed budget (272,518)
• Capital Outlay (vehicle for Planning & Zoning) @ 22,000
• Capital Outlay (Sheriff's Department) @ 100,500
Final Approved Budget $111,697,088
Other Financing Uses:
Proposed Budget 2,132,787
Total General Fund: $113,829,875
Commissioner Haywood asked Vice Chair Frye if he would consider dropping the tax rate
another cent and using more of fund balance, stating that he can't ask citizens to pay more.
Commissioner Kemp said that the County has used fund balance for the past several years,
leaving only two and half months' worth of operating funding and that he doesn't see that we can
go any further in using those funds to take care of the shortfall.
Vice Chair Frye amended his motion to adopt the proposed budget, except with the following
changes, as follows:
Revenues and Other Financinz Sources
Proposed Budget $113,051,373
• Reduction of Ad Valorem Taxes (reduce proposed rate by 2¢ from 63 to 61 ¢) (1,993,080)
• Reduction of DSS grants for positions that were included in proposed budget (41,612)
Final Approved Budget $111,016,681
Other Financing Sources:
Proposed Budget 405,020
• Increase in Appropriated Fund Balance 2,408,17
Final Approved Budget 2,813,194
Total General Fund: $113,829,875
Expenditures and Other Financinz Sources
Proposed Budget $111,323,606
• 1.5% COLA for County Employees, eff. 711112 523,500
• Reduction of requested six DSS positions included in proposed budget (272, 518)
• Capital Outlay (vehicle for Planning & Zoning) @ 22,000
• Capital Outlay (Sheriff's Department) @ 100,50
Final Approved Budget $111,697,088
Other Financing Uses:
Proposed Budget 2,132, 787
Total General Fund: $113,829,875
Commissioner Haywood seconded the motion, and the Board voted 3-2, with Kemp and
Lanier opposing, to adopt the FY 2013-2014 Budget Ordinance (which follows below), as
proposed by the Manager, but with the above changes in italics, and which includes setting the
Ad Valorem Tax Rate at 61 cents per $100 valuation:
Totals: 2013-2014 Proposed Budget .................. $113,456,393
Commissioner Changes ....................... 373,482
Total Final Adopted 2013-2014 Budget. $113,829,875
Be It Ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Randolph County, North Carolina:
Section 1. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the General Fund of Randolph County
for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014:
General Government:
Governing Body
S 139,363
3,112, 822
Information Technology
Register of deeds
Public Buildings
Public Safety:
Emergency Services
Building Inspections
Day Reporting Center
Other Public Safety Appropriations
Economic and Physical Development:
Planning and Zoning
Cooperative Extension Service
Soil and Water Conservation
Other Economic and Physical Development Appropriations
Environmental Protection:
Public Works
Human Services:
Public Health
Social Services
Veteran Services
Child Support Enforcement
Other Human Services Appropriations
Cultural and Recreational:
Public Library
Other Cultural and Recreational Appropriations
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Debt Service
Other Financing Uses:
Interfund Transfers Out
Total $113,829,875
It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the General Fund for the
fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014:
Ad Valorem Property Taxes
$ 62,368,940
Local Option Sales Taxes
Other Taxes
Unrestricted Intergovernmental
Restricted Intergovernmental
Permits and Fees
Sales and Services
Investment Earnings
Other Financing Sources:
Appropriated Fund Balance
Interfund Transfers In
Total $113,829,875
The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Emergency Telephone System Fund
of Randolph County for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014:
E-911 System
Total S 515,229
It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Emergency Telephone
System Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014:
NC 911 Board Distributions
Investment Earnings
Appropriated Fund Balance
$ 459,167
Total S 515,229
Section 5. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Landfill Closure Fund of Randolph
County for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014:
Solid Waste Management
S 186,500
Section 6
Section 7
Section 8
Section 9
It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Landfill Closure Fund
for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014:
Investment Earnings $ 1,000
Appropriated Fund Balance 185,500
Total $ 186,500
The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Fire Districts Fund for the fiscal
year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014:
Tax Distributions
S 7,111,386
It is estimated that the following Fire District revenues will be available during the fiscal
year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014:
Ad Valorem Property Taxes
S 7,111,386
The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Water Fund for the fiscal year
beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014:
Purchase of Water
S 1,744,437
Section 10. It is estimated that the following Water Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal
year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014:
Bulk Sale of Water
Transfer from General Fund
8 222,650
Total S 1,744,437
Section 11. There is hereby levied for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014,
a county -wide tax rate of S 0.61 per $100 valuation of estimated taxable property situated
in the County. The ad valorem tax is based on a total estimated property valuation of
810,200,000,000, with an expected collection rate of 97.7%.
Section 12. For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014, there is hereby levied
in the County of Randolph a dog license fee at the rate of 83.50 per dog.
Section 13. There is hereby levied for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014,
the following School District tax rates per 8100 valuation of estimated taxable property
situated in the special district. These levies are for the purpose of raising revenues to
supplement school programs within each respective district.
Net Valuation Tax Rate
Fire District Estimated Approved
Asheboro School District S 2,179,139,054 S 0.1385
Archdale -Trinity School
District S 2,345,820,290 $ 0.0900
Section 14. There is hereby levied for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014,
the following tax rates for Rural Fire Protection
Districts, per $100
valuation of estimated
taxable property situated in the special district.
These levies are
for the purpose of raising
revenues for fire protection within each
respective district.
Net Valuation
Tax Rate
Rural Fire Protection District
Bennett Fire District
Climax Fire District
Coleridge Fire District
Eastside Fire District
Fairgrove Fire District
Farmer Fire District
Franklinville Fire District
Guil-Rand Fire District
Julian Fire District
Level Cross Fire District
Northeast Fire District
Randleman Fire District
Seagrove Fire District
Sophia Fire District
Southwest Fire District
Staley Fire District
Tabernacle Fire District
Ulah Fire District
Westside Fire District
Section 15. There is hereby levied for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013
and ending June 30, 2014,
the following tax rates for Service Districts
for Fire Protection, per $100 valuation of
estimated taxable property situated in the special district. These
levies are for the purpose
of raising revenues for fire protection within each respective district.
Net Valuation
Tax Rate
Fire Service District
Climax Fire District
Guil-Rand Fire District
Section 16. Pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute § 159-9, the County
Manager is appointed to serve as Budget Officer. The County Manager and the Assistant
County Manager, as his designee, are hereby authorized to transfer appropriations as
contained herein under the following conditions:
a. The Budget Officer, or his designee, may transfer amounts between line item
expenditures within a department without limitation and without a report
being required.
b. The Budget Officer, or his designee, may not transfer amounts between
departments of the General Fund or between funds, except as approved by the
Board of County Commissioners in the Budget Ordinance, as amended.
Section 17. The Budget Officer, or his designee, may make cash advances between funds for periods
not to exceed one hundred eighty days without reporting to the Board of Commissioners.
Any advances that extend beyond one hundred eighty days must be approved by the
Board. All advances that will be outstanding at the end of the fiscal year must be
approved by the Board.
Section 18. Copies of this Budget Ordinance shall be filed with the Clerk to the Board of
Commissioners of Randolph County and furnished to the Assistant County Manager/
Finance Officer for direction in the collection of revenues and the expenditure of amounts
Section 19. This Budget Ordinance will be effective on July 1, 2013.
Upon motion of Commissioner Frye, seconded by Commissioner Haywood, the foregoing
Budget was passed with the following vote:
Ayes: Commissioner Darrell Frye
Commissioner Stan Haywood
Commissioner Harold Holmes
Noes: Commissioner Phil Kemp
Commissioner Arnold Lanier
There being no further business, the Board adjourned at 7:36 p.m.
J. Harold Holmes, Chairman
Phil Kemp
Arnold Lanier
Darrell L. Frye
Stan Haywood
Amanda Varner, Deputy Clerk to the Board