070813July 8, 2013
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. in the 1909
Randolph County Historic Courthouse Meeting Room, 145 Worth Street, Asheboro, NC.
Commissioners Holmes, Frye, Haywood, Kemp and Lanier were present. Dr. Bob Shackleford, RCC
President, gave the invocation and everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Comment Period
Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 153A-52.1, Chairman Holmes opened the floor for public comment.
Alan Ferguson, 4794 Troy Smith Road, Liberty, referenced the many people donning red shirts
in the audience, who were there to encourage the Commissioners to abandon the Liberty mega site
project. He said that they have inquired with Secretary of Commerce and with all their state
representatives, and everyone keeps telling them that the decision rests with the Randolph County
Commissioners regarding the mega site. He said they are glad it is a Randolph County decision. He
mentioned a poll taken in the Greensboro News and Record, where 72% of people who answered the
poll question, "Should Randolph County build a mega site in Liberty," said "no." He added that the
most important thing to point out is that they believe that the support of a project like this can be
understood only by considering how much per job this would cost in public dollars. He referenced a
recent study that examined the 240 largest public subsidy sites in the U.S. Mr. Ferguson and some of
his neighbors reviewed that study and pulled the data concerning the auto manufacturing subsidies and
found that the average was $101,592 per job. The highest was a GM facility at $864,250 per job and
the cheapest of the top five was $196,333 for a Toyota facility in Kentucky. He said he hopes some of
this information will be helpful to the Board.
Commissioner Kemp asked Mr. Ferguson if any of the data included the ancillary jobs that
resulted from the company locating to the particular mega site.
Mr. Ferguson said that the study did not address any of those jobs.
Jon Nance, Asheboro resident, said that he had been looking into the way Randolph County
Commissioners are elected, which is by a districting system. He said he feels that this system is an
effort in gerrymandering. He thinks instead of having districts, since County Commissioners'
decisions affect everyone, no matter what district a Commissioner is representing, everyone should be
elected at large instead of by districts. Next, he referred to the Board's public comment period rules,
specifically, the rule that disallows criticism of any one member of the board. He said that although he
doesn't have anyone in particular to criticize, he feels this is a bad rule because anyone who can make
a policy decision is worth being criticized directly instead of by the board at large. Finally, Mr. Nance
said that since this is a budget meeting, he wanted to "reach out to the people who call themselves
conservatives" and he challenged the Board to find a way to cut spending in order to lower taxes.
Chairman Holmes responded that they live in districts but are voted on at large.
Mr. Nance next mentioned the possibility of doing away with staggered terms.
Hearing no further comments, Chairman Holmes closed the public comment period.
Addition to Consent Agenda
Chairman Holmes announced that Item H Appoint David Jarrell to the Randolph County Social
Services Board had been added to the Consent Agenda.
Approval of Consent Agenda
On motion of Frye, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to approve the Consent
Agenda, as amended, and as follows:
• approve regular meeting minutes & three sets closed session minutes of 613113;
• approve budget meeting minutes of 5128113, 616113, 6110113 and 6117113;
• unseal the following closed session meeting minutes: 71911211, 12131121, 1171131, 21411311,•
• reappoint George Taylor, Marlana Hancock, John Henderson, William Neely and Rob
Wilkins to the Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board;
• reappoint Phyllis Bell and Shirley Harrington to the Nursing Home Community Advisory
• reappoint Chris McLeod to the Planning and Zoning & Board ofAdjustment;
• approve Budget Amendment #1, which follows, for carryover (from May approval) for
purchase of additional property for regional landfill. County will receive reimbursement
from operating partner:
2013-2014 Budget Ordinance—General Fund—Budget Amendment #1
Revenues Increase Decrease
Appropriated Fund Balance $252,000
Appropriations Increase Decrease
Public Works $252,000
• appoint David Jarrell to the Randolph County Social Services Board.
Addition to New Business Agenda
Chairman Holmes announced that a closed session for the purpose of consulting with our attorney
regarding possible litigation, pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(3), had been added to Item K.
Presentation and Approval of 2013-2014 Randolph Countv Classification Plan
Stacy Griffin, Human Resources Director, presented the FY 2013-2014 Randolph County
Classification Plan, with the changes that immediately follow, for the Board's consideration. She
said that the Board's approval is required pursuant to the Randolph County Personnel Ordinance
and in order for the County to comply with the Office of State Personnel requirements for filing
our Pay Plan under G.S. 126 provisions, known as the State Personnel Act.
Proposed Changes:
• Addition of Purchasing Agent — Grade 163 under the Sheriff's Office Pay Plan. This is a
title addition only and is not a request for an additional position. A current employee will
receive this title once added to the pay plan.
• Addition of Emergency Services Training Coordinator position — Grade 14 in Open Range
pay plan. This is a title addition only and is not a request for an additional position. A
current employee will be reclassified and receive this title once added to the pay plan.
• Reclassification of Benefits Coordinator from a Grade 18 to a Grade 16.
• Reclassification of Day Reporting Center Executive Director at Grade 19 to Adult Day
Reporting Center Program Director at Grade 18.
• Reclassification of Program Supervisor at Grade 14 to Juvenile Day Reporting Center
Program Director at Grade 18.
• Remove Every Child Ready to Read Coordinator at Grade 14. Grant ended June 30, 2013.
• Remove Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialist at Grade 17. Title was added for Day
Reporting Center in 2012-2013 pay plan approval pending receipt of grant funds. Funds
were never received.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to approve the 2013-
2014 Randolph County Classification Plan, as presented, with the changes listed above, effective
July 1, 2013.
Presentation and Acceptance of Annual Settlement Report
Debra Hill, Tax Assessor/Collector, presented the collection settlement reports (real and personal
property and motor vehicles) for FY 2012-2013, as required by G.S. 105-373, and stated that the
collection percentage for all tax districts was 99.27% for real estate, business and individual personal
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Haywood, the Board unanimously voted to accept the FY 2012-
2013 settlement report, which is ATTACHED, as presented.
Chime to Collect Taxes
Chairman Holmes read aloud the charge to collect taxes to Debra Hill, Tax Supervisor, as
Debra P. Hill is hereby authorized, empowered and commanded to collect the taxes set forth
in the tax records filed in the office of the County Assessor and in the tax records delivered to
her, in the amounts and from the taxpayers likewise therein set forth. Such taxes are hereby
declared to be a first lien upon all real property of the respective taxpayers in the County of
Randolph, and this order shall be a full and sufficient authority to direct, require, and enable her
to levy on and sell any real and personal property of such taxpayers, for and on account thereof,
in accordance with law.
Annual Report of the Historic Landmark Preservation Commission
Hal Johnson, HLPC Chairman, provided an annual update as required by the ordinance creating
the Commission, which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on June 2, 2008. The
purpose of the Commission is to identify and formally recommend to the County Commissioners or
participating municipalities, historic landmarks that embody important elements of the history,
architecture, and heritage of Randolph County. The Commission consists of nine members and one
alternate, all of whom are appointed by the County Commissioners. Mr. Johnson noted that the
HLPC website has received 33,582 visits during the last year and the HLPC Facebook page has
been visited 3,902 times.
Mr. Johnson said that 17 local historic landmarks have been formally designated by the
Randolph County Historic Landmark Commission and approved by the governing bodies of the
participating local governments. He provided a PowerPoint presentation showing all the
designations, as follows: 1909 Old County Courthouse, 1802 Sandy Creek Primitive Baptist
Church, 1922 Old County Rest Home, 1838 Franklinsville Mfg. Co., 1855 Trinity
Museum/Winslow House, 1782 Col. Andrew Balfour Cemetery, 1911 Pisgah Covered Bridge,
1775-1800 Mt. Shepherd Archeological Site, 1929 Sunset Theatre, 1850 Hanks Masonic Lodge,
1938 Asheboro Municipal Building, 1929 Charles McCrary House, and the 1939 J. Frank McCrary
House, 1848 Austin Lawrence House, 1921 John Wesley's Stand, 1860 Marmaduke Robins Law
Office, and the 1888 Fisher Estate Gatekeeper's House.
Mr. Johnson stated that the following Cultural Heritage Sites have been designated: 1920
Parkers Mill Bridge, 1789 Richland Lutheran Church & Cemetery, ca. 1760 Mill Creek Friends
Meeting & Cemetery, 1905 Liberty Train Depot, 1885 Patterson Cottage/Liberty Museum, Old
Asheboro Municipal Cemetery, 1951 Randolph High School, ca. 1790 Billy Trogdon Cemetery,
and the ca. 1787 McMasters/Kivett Cemetery.
Approval of JAG Assistance Grant
Jane Leonard, Sheriff's Office Assistant Business Manager, stated that Randolph County has been
designated to receive a grant for $10,110 from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (JAG). The Sheriff s
Office proposes to use the $10,110 in the grant award to pay for the overtime expenses of officers who
work on the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force. These officers investigate persons who use
the internet to lure children who might be susceptible to meet with them for illegal purposes, and also
use the internet to disseminate child pornography. These officers work these cases after hours in
addition to their regular duties. Ms. Leonard said that per grant requirement, an ad was placed in the
Courier Tribune on June 23, 2013, announcing the grant and seeking public comment. Also per grant
requirement, a copy of the grant application was delivered to the County Manager on July 8, 2013.
Ms. Leonard requested that the Board accept the grant funds in the amount of $10,110, should the
application be approved, and that the Sheriff s Office be permitted to spend the funds as requested and
as specified in the grant application.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request of the
Sheriff's Department to accept the JAG Grant in the amount of $10,110, if so awarded by the Bureau
of Justice Assistance, and to use the grant funding to pay for overtime expenses for officers who work
on the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, as requested.
Approval to Spend Law Enforcement Restricted Funds by Sheriffs Office & Budget
Jane Leonard, Sheriff's Office Assistant Business Manager, said that Sheriff Reid is requesting
permission to spend $2,000 in Law Enforcement Restricted Funds. The funds will be used in
undercover operations.
On motion of Lanier, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to approve the
expenditure of $2, 000 in Law Enforcement Restricted Funds to be used in undercover operations
and Budget Amendment #2, as follows:
2013-2014 Budget Ordinance—General Fund—Budget Amendment #2
Revenues Increase Decrease
Appropriated Fund Balance $2,000
Appropriations Increase Decrease
Sheriff $2,000
Road Naming Public Hearing and Action
County Planning Director Hal Johnson said that Jesse Hill is requesting that private road,
Marvin Hill Place, located off Finch Farm Road in Trinity Township, be renamed Barbara Lane.
Jesse Hill is the son of Marvin Hill, who passed away in 1965. Mr. Hill and his wife, Barbara,
have resided on Marvin Hill Road since 1960. Barbara passed away a year ago and the property
owners have agreed to seek renaming the private road to Barbara Lane in memory of Jesse Hill's
wife, Barbara. The County Planning Board reviewed the request for this road name change on
June 4, 2013 and recommended unanimously that it be approved.
Chairman Holmes opened the public hearing. Hearing no comments, the public hearing was
On motion of Frye, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to rename Marvin
Hill Place in Trinity Township to Barbara Lane.
Approval of Purchase of Ambulances
Emergency Services Director Donovan Davis said that pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-129 formal
bidding requirements, the following bids were received on July 11, 2012 for two Type III, Class
1, (4 x 2) DRW KKK Certified 2012 Ambulances for the Emergency Services Department:
Taylor Made Ambulances, (Arkansas)
Southeastern Specialty Vehicles, (NC)
Select Custom Apparatus, (NC)
Mr. Davis said that all three bids were found to be acceptable and compliant, with only minor
exceptions in meeting or exceeding the required specifications outlined in RFB 412-0601.
However, after physically inspecting Taylor Made Ambulances that had been recently purchased
by other NC counties, it was determined that the quality was not comparable to our standards and
the Board approved the purchase from Southeastern Specialty Vehicles for those ambulances in
2012 instead of from Taylor Made. Now, Southeastern has agreed to honor the current (2012)
RFP pricing for two (2) Type III, Class 1, (4 x 2) DRW KKK Certified 2013 Ambulances. Mr.
Davis requested that the Board award the bid to Southeastern Specialty Vehicles, Inc. as the
lowest responsive and responsible bidder, in the amount of $254,932. He said that funding had
already been allocated in his FY 2013-2014 budget to purchase the two ambulances and
associated equipment.
On motion of Lanier, seconded by Kemp, the Board voted unanimously to award the bid to
Southeastern Specialty Vehicles, Inc. in the amount of $254, 932 for the purchase of two Type III,
Class 1, (4 x 2) DR KKK Certified 2013 Ambulances, as requested.
Approval of Contract for Professional Monitoring Services at Closed Landfill
Paxton Arthurs, Public Works Director, said that several times each year, Randolph County is
required to perform monitoring of water and gas wells at the landfill, which was closed in 1997, as
well as, subsequent reporting of results to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (NCDENR). Golder Associates of NC has once again provided a proposal to perform
these tasks. The total cost of performing these activities and the associated consulting services is
$66,650, which will be paid from the Landfill Closure Fund. Mr. Arthurs recommended that the
Board accept this proposal and award a contract to Golder Associates of NC at a cost of $66,650.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to award a contract to
Golder Associates in the amount of $66, 650 for professional monitoring services at the closed landfill,
as ed.
Election of Voting Delegate for NCACC Annual Conference
On motion of Haywood, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to elect
Commissioner Frye as the voting delegate for the NCACC Conference in August.
Closed Session
At 7:02 p.m., on motion of Frye, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to go
into closed session to discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of business in the
area, pursuant to [N.C.G.S.143-318.11(a)(4)J and to consult with our attorney to consider and
give instructions concerning a potential or actual claim, administrative procedure, or judicial
action pursuant to [N. C. G. S.143 -318.11(a) (3)J.
Regular Meeting Resumed
At 7:48 p.m., the Board returned to regular session.
At 7: 48 p. m., on motion of Kemp, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn.
I Harold Holmes, Chairman Darrell L. Frye
Phil Kemp
Stan Haywood
Arnold Lanier
Cheryl A. Ivey, Clerk to the Board