c070813 III (Big Box)Closed Session III (Project Big Box) July 8, 2013
At 7:28 p.m., the Board, already in closed session on another matter, began closed session on
a different matter relating to the location or expansion of business in the area, pursuant to NCGS
143-318.11(a)(4). Commissioners Holmes, Frye, Kemp, Lanier and Haywood were present. Also
present were County Manager Richard Wells; Will Massie, Assistant County Manager/Finance
Officer; Attorney Barron Thompson (standing in for County Attorney Ben Morgan); Aimee
Scotton, Associate County Attorney; Cheryl Ivey, Clerk to the Board; and Bonnie Renfro,
Randolph County EDC President.
Bonnie Renfro briefly updated the Board on the United Furniture Industries project, in which
the company plans to develop a 1,000,000 sq. ft. facility for manufacturing and distribution of
upholstered seating. Three quarters of the building will be used for distribution and the
remaining quarter for manufacturing. The project will consolidate from a leased distribution
center in Forsyth County and provide expansion room. It will be a Class A, high cube and cross -
dock facility. The company is seeking a 100 -acre rail -served site with good highway access, and
will require industrial utilities. In Randolph County, the company is considering two sites
proximate to its existing plant on Old Glenola Road: Edgar Road (preferred site) and Hill site on
Tom Hill Road.
Ms. Renfro said that the owners of the Edgar Road site have now decided not to sell, so the
company is concentrating on the Hill site. She said that the company is likely considering the
acquisition of adjoining property at the site, as well.
Closed Session on this topic ended at 7:32 pm.
J. Harold Holmes, Chairman Darrell L. Frye
Phil Kemp
Arnold Lanier
Stan Haywood
Cheryl A. Ivey, Clerk to the Board