c031113II (Land for landfill soil)Closed Session II (Land for landfill soil) March 11, 2013
At 8:49 p.m., the Board, already in closed session on another matter, began closed session on
a different matter in order to establish or instruct staff or agent concerning the negotiation of the
price and terms of a contract concerning the acquisition of real property, pursuant to NCGS 143-
318.11(a)(5). Commissioners Holmes, Frye, Kemp, Lanier and Haywood were present. Also
present were County Manager Richard Wells; Will Massie, Assistant County Manager/Finance
Officer; Ben Morgan, County Attorney; Aimee Scotton, Associate County Attorney; Cheryl
Ivey, Clerk to the Board; and Public Works Director Paxton Arthurs.
Paxton Arthurs, Public Works Director, said that soil conditions at the proposed regional
landfill are somewhat rocky. Although there are design methods that can be employed (such as
alternative daily cover) that will reduce the need for available soil, it is still anticipated that there
will be a need for additional material. There is a parcel of land at the corner of Henley Country
Road and Old Cedar Falls Road that is for sale that would have a very short hauling distance to
the proposed landfill site (approximately 1 mile). The parcel is 136 acres and is listed by
REMAX for $419,000 ($3,081 per acre). Golder Associates feels that the site has potential for
providing the much-needed soil, but further testing would need to be performed. Mr. Arthurs
recommended that the County pursue a purchase agreement for the parcel of land with the
following contingencies:
• Ability to obtain the proper zoning classification
• Access to the site for performing exploratory testing
• Determined by Golder Associates as a viable soil borrow site
• Approval by DENR for a permit to construct the proposed landfill
The Board authorized County staff to negotiate a contract with the landowner with the
recommended contingencies.
At 9:05 pm, on motion of Haywood, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to end
closed session and to return to regular session.
J. Harold Holmes, Chairman Darrell L. Frye
Phil Kemp
Arnold Lanier
Stan Haywood
Cheryl A. Ivey, Clerk to the Board