c020515_I_Erect Amb BaseClosed Session I— Erect / Southeast Ambulance Base January 5, 2015
At 8:31 p.m., the Board convened closed session in order to instruct the public body's staff
or negotiating agents concerning the position to be taken by or on behalf of the public body in
negotiating the price and other material terms of a contract or proposed contract for the
acquisition of real property by purchase, option, exchange, or lease, pursuant to [N.C.G.S.143-
318.1l(a)(5)(i)]. Commissioners Frye, Kemp, Haywood and Allen were present. Commissioner
Lanier was absent. Also present were County Manager Hal Johnson; Will Massie, Assistant
County Manager/Finance Officer; County Attorney Ben Morgan; Aimee Scotton, Associate
County Attorney; Amanda Varner, Clerk to the Board; Public Works Director Paxton Arthurs
and Emergency Services Director Donovan Davis.
County Manager Hal Johnson said that Mr. Davis has identified a parcel of land in the
southeast portion of the county suitable for a new ambulance base. The 3.24 acre site is located
at 8586 Erect Road, Erect. Mr. Johnson said that a fully -furnished three-bedroom, two -bath,
2012 modular home is already in place.
Mr. Johnson also mentioned that he, Donovan Davis, Emergency Services Director; Paxton
Arthurs, Public Works Director; and James Chriscoe, Maintenance Director, had visited the site
and determined it was a very good location and that the existing modular needed no renovations.
Mr. Arthurs said that construction of a garage and pavement is estimated at $100,000.
The consensus of the Board was to direct the County Manager to negotiate with the property
owners for the acquisition of the property (action to be taken in open session immediately
following this closed session).
At 8: 39 p.m., closed session ended on this topic.
Darrell L. Frye, Chairman Phil Kemp
Stan Haywood
Amanda Varner, Clerk to the Board
David Allen