s011315 Joint RCSJanuary 13, 2015 -- Special Joint Meeting with the Randolph County Board of Education
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in special joint session with the
Randolph County Board of Education at 4:00 p.m. in the Randolph County Schools Central
Services board room, 2222 S. Fayetteville Street, Asheboro. Commissioners Frye, Kemp,
Lanier, and Allen were present. Commissioner Haywood was absent. Also present were
County Manager Hal Johnson; Finance Officer Will Massie; County Staff Attorney Aimee
Scotton; Amanda Varner, Clerk to the Board; Dana Crisco, Deputy Clerk to the Board; and
members of the Randolph County Board of Education and school officials: Superintendent
Dr. Stephen Gainey, Todd Cutler, Gary Cook, Emily Coltrane, Brian Biggs, Tracy Boyles,
Fred Burgess, Matthew Lambeth, Finance Officer Todd Lowe, Assistant Superintendent of
Operation Marty Trotter, Executive Assistant to Superintendent Beverly Fowler, Assistant
Superintendent of Curriculum/Instruction Catherine Berry, and Assistant Superintendent of
Administrative Services Cathy Brady.
Superintendent Dr. Stephen Gainey welcomed the Commissioners and Chairman Frye
called the meeting to order for the County.
Dr. Stephen Gainey and School Finance Officer Todd Lowe gave an update on their
funding and discussed some of their 2015-2016 FY budget requests that will be presented at
the March meeting. Dr. Gainey said they project continuation costs to be $525,000. There is
a need for recurring funding to replace older computers to meet the needs of students and the
constant upgrades in technology. He suggests staggered replacement so it isn't always a
huge amount at one time and estimated $250,000 immediate need. To stay competitive with
surrounding systems, he requested .5% supplemental increase for all employee
classifications. They have had no increase since 2007. He said they would like to work
toward being more competitive a year at a time. The estimate for the supplemental increase
would equal $500,000.
In regards to their capital outlay, Dr. Gainey said they are in year two of the nine-year
facility upgrade and repair plan. They established a multi-year plan to address necessary
building repairs.
Assistant Superintendent of Operation Marty Trotter presented the updates to the school
system's nine-year facility upgrade/repair plan devised in 2014 and shared information about
the Randleman Middle Fifth -Grade Academy, which opened this school year. The Academy
being located at the middle school has helped to alleviate the crowding at the elementary and
they saw savings due to the removal of some instructional trailers from Randleman
Elementary. Under the nine-year plan, they have switched year two and three due to needs.
The New Market need for municipal water and sewer continues and staff is evaluating
options and costs to move this project forward.
Dr. Gainey spoke of the need for additional capacity in the Randleman, Southeastern
Randolph Middle School and Trinity schools. They are trying to be aware and watch
population trends in these areas. He said they will continue to do so, but that a public vote
bond referendum may be something they consider in order to build needed schools.
They will be requesting an estimated $486,000 in total capital outlay bringing their total
current and capital request to around $1,761,000.
At 5:30 p.m., on motion of Lanier, seconded by Allen, the Board voted unanimously to
Darrell L. Frye, Chairman Phil Kemp
Arnold Lanier
Amanda Varner, Clerk to the Board
David Allen