c020413 III ProjectClosed Session III (Project Liberty) — February 4, 2013
At 8:19 p.m., the Board, already in closed session on another matter, began closed session on
a different matter relating to the location or expansion of business in the area, pursuant to NCGS
1.43-318.11(a)(4). Commissioners Holmes, Frye, Kemp, Lanier and Haywood were present. Also
present were County Manager Richard Wells; Will Massie, Assistant County Manager/Finance
Officer; Ben Morgan, County Attorney; Aimee Scotton, Associate County Attorney; Cheryl
Ivey, Clerk to the Board; and Bonnie Renfro, Randolph County EDC President.
Bonnie Renfro updated the Board on the Liberty mega site project, saying that the meeting
held in Asheboro on January 22 that had been attended by representatives from County of
Randolph, City of Greensboro, County of Guilford, Piedmont Triad Partnership, Duke Energy,
NC Railroad, and Real Estate Broker H.R. Gallimore, had been a very positive one. The City of
Greensboro continues to be very interested in partnering with the County at some point. Duke
Energy and Norfolk Southern are also eager to assist. The reality is that it is imperative we
determine quickly how to make the Liberty site the best choice for the mega site. It appears that
the two Davidson County sites are our greatest competition, but extremely inflated property
prices will likely be a deal killer for those Davidson sites. Guilford County has also expressed
interest in the project and once all 1,000 acres have either been purchased or optioned to
purchase using the State grant funds ($1,666,666), we will formally engage Guilford County as a
potential partner.
Will Massie asked the Board to start thinking about how they would like to structure inter-
local agreements. Specific points to consider are 1) amount of funding the County would
contribute; 2) level, length, and equitability of revenue sharing; and 3) governance for the
County Manager Richard Wells said that contracts had been signed between Randolph
County and Real Estate Broker H.R. Gallimore and Attorney David Joseph to act on the
County's behalf in negotiating with property owners to secure the properties. Everyone agreed
that securing as much of the property at the Liberty site as soon as possible was critical.
At 8:41 p.m., closed session ended on this topic.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Kemp, the Board voted unanimously to end closed session
and to resume open session.
Arnold Lanier
Approved: March 11, 2013
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Cheryl X Ivey, Clerk to thd-toard