c040813 II Project LibertyClosed Session II (Project Liberty) April 8, 2013
At 8:12 p.m., the Board, already in closed session on another matter, began closed session on
a different matter to establish, or to instruct the public body's staff or negotiating agents
concerning the position to be taken by or on behalf of the public body in negotiating the price
and other material terms of a contract or proposed contract for the acquisition of real property by
purchase, option, exchange, or lease, pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(5)(i). Commissioners
Holmes, Frye, Kemp, Lanier and Haywood were present. Also present were County Manager
Richard Wells; Will Massie, Assistant County Manager/Finance Officer; Ben Morgan, County
Attorney; Aimee Scotton, Associate County Attorney; Paxton Arthurs, Public Works Director;
Cheryl Ivey, Clerk to the Board; and Bonnie Renfro, Randolph County EDC President.
County Manager Richard Wells presented a map of the proposed mega site, which included
the properties owned by Dexter Blakely and Nancy/Ferment Lindley. Mr. Blakely, who is the
owner of a 637 -acre tract, has offered the County a contract on the property at $10,300/acre, with
a $50,000 non-refundable deposit in which the acreage would be held for 18 months. Mr. Wells
said that in addition, another 98.9 acres adjoining the Blakely property to the north, owned by the
Lindleys, is also available for $315,000. Mr. Wells said that securing the properties as soon as
possible was critical because the state grant must be used within a year or it will be reverted to
the state. He recommended using the $1,666,666 state grant to purchase the 98.9 -acre tract and to
make a deposit on the 637 acres as soon as possible.
The Board agreed to proceed with the purchase of these properties and to hold public
hearings on the matter at subsequent regular County Commissioners meetings, after which the
Board will consider formal action.
At 8:37 p.m., on motion of Frye, seconded by Kemp, the Board unanimously voted to end
closed session and resume regular session.
J. Harold Holmes, Chairman Darrell L. Frye
Phil Kemp
Arnold Lanier
Stan Haywood
Cheryl A. Ivey, Clerk to the Board