052615May 26, 2015
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met at 6:00 p.m. for a special budget session
in the 1909 Randolph County Historic Courthouse Meeting Room, 145 Worth Street, Asheboro,
NC. Commissioners Kemp, Haywood, Allen, and Lanier were present. Chairman Frye was
absent. The purpose of this meeting was to hear a formal presentation of the Proposed FY 2015-
2016 County Budget and budget requests from the County and City Schools, Randolph
Community College, and Sandhills Center Mental Health. Note: Chairman Frye entered the
meeting where so noted in these minutes.
Will Massie, Assistant County Manager/Finance Officer, presented the Proposed FY 2015-
2016 Budget, totaling $118,131,266, which is an increase of $724,941 over the 2014-2015
adopted budget. The Proposed General Fund Budget is presented without an increase to the
property tax rate (remaining at 65.5 cents per $100). Mr. Massie said to fund all requests,
property tax rate would have needed to be .6764. Now that property tax revenues and sales tax
collections are stronger, Mr. Massie recommended eliminating the use of appropriated fund
balance for general recurring costs.
Property Tax Levy Summary
$10.06 billion valuation in FY 2014-15 Budget
• Collection rate 98.5%
• Proposed tax rate $0.655 per $100 valuation
• One cent on tax rate equals $1,016,914
Mr. Massie said that the 2015-2016 proposed budget priorities were the continued
modernization of Emergency Services and the backlog of needs delayed over the past few years:
additional personnel, essential technology, vehicle replacement, equipment replacement, and
facility maintenance. He added that the proposed budget will address some of these areas.
Mr. Massie spoke about the continued Emergency Services modernization. In 2014-2015,
the Year One Plan included two new ambulance bases, a new EMT crew for the Uwharrie base,
new 911 personnel, and other capital costs. He said the proposed 2015-2016 budget included
costs for Year Two. He said this will add additional personnel costs for both the Uwharrie and
Southeast Bases. Also in Year Two, one new base will be constructed. The estimated debt
service for the new Emergency Services Headquarters will be $500,000.
Next, Mr. Massie discussed the need to address expenditures that have been delayed for a few
years. This included additional personnel for support services, essential technology, vehicle
replacement, and facility maintenance which are funded in the proposed budget as follows:
• Administration (Program Accountant) $53,986
• Information Technology (Business Analyst) $54,034
• Public Buildings (Housekeeper Floater) $37,107
• Public Buildings (Maintenance Worker)
• Public Buildings (Maintenance Technician)
• Emergency Services (6 Paramedics)
• Emergency Services (ES System Manager)
• Social Services (IM Administrator I)
• Social Services (SW Administrator I)
$ 6,647
• Sheriff (School Resource Officer)
Funded by
Capital Outlay Requests:
Tabulator replacement
$ 25,000
Register of Deeds
Automation technology and services
$ 65,000
Public Buildings
Extended cab truck
$ 26,000
DSS building upgrades
$ 15,000
6 unmarked vehicles
$ 152,718
12 marked vehicles
$ 320,128
2 transportation vehicles -Jail
$ 50,906
3 SUVs -Investigations
$ 90,490
Emergency Services
Southeast ambulance base
$ 260,000
4 ambulances
$ 600,000
Cardiac monitor
$ 50,000
Building Inspections
3 trucks
$ 51.000
Uwharrie Charter Acad.
Due to an improving economy, Mr. Massie said that management recommended an employee
pay plan adjustment of two percent to be competitive with both the public and private sectors.
He also mentioned that the Board may want to increase the merit program, although it is not
funded in the proposed budget. Mr. Massie explained that with additional merit funds
management would have more flexibility in adjusting salaries.
For education, Mr. Massie said that additional construction capital funding was added to the
proposed budget to help with maintenance in the school systems. An additional $100,000 was
proposed for Asheboro City Schools and $500,000 for Randolph County Schools bringing their
respective construction capital funding to $350,000 and $750,000.
Summary of 2015-2016 Proposed Budizet:
Adopted 14-15 Budget
Randolph County
Current Expense
Current Capital $ 2,213,939 $
Construction Capital $ 736,000 $
Asheboro City
Current Expense
Current Capital $ 860,000 $
Construction Capital $ 250,000 $
Community College
Current Expense
Current Capital $ 405,000 $
Summary of 2015-2016 Proposed Budizet:
Adopted 14-15 Budget
Additional Education Funding
Cost of Living Adjustment — Employee Pay Plan
New Positions
Increase in Health Plan Costs
All other adjustments
Debt Service ES Headquarters Project
Reduction of Existing Debt Service
Proposed 2015-16 Budget:
Not funded in Proposed Budizet due to lack of fundiniz source:
• YMCA (requested $50,000 capital funding for 5 years)
• Communities in Schools (requested increase of $2,000)
• Randolph Vocational Industries (requested increase of $5,000)
• Randolph County Senior Adults Assn. (requested increase of $25,000)
Three Fire Departments have asked for tax increases: Julian, Level Cross, and Westside.
Asheboro City Schools Presentation
Dr. Terry Worrell, Asheboro City Schools (ACS) Superintendent, reported that the goals of
the 2015-2016 budget are to sustain essential services, engage each student, assess for learning,
improve achievement, create opportunities, and build capacity.
Asheboro City Schools has requested $4,902,805 in current expense funding; $4,667,005 is in
the manager's proposed budget. A total of $860,000 has been requested in capital funding;
$589,117 has been included in the manager's proposed budget. $250,000 in construction capital
has been requested; $350,000 is in the manager's proposed budget.
Dr. Worrell urged the Board to approve an increase in current expense by approximately
$350,000 to absorb local costs of beginning teacher pay, hospital and retirement benefit
increases, and charter school impact. Dr. Worrell asked the Board to approve the current tax rate
of .15 cents for the Asheboro City Schools Supplemental Tax District.
Dr. Worrell outlined capital outlay needs as follows: boilers/chillers, mechanical units,
roofing projects, painting, plumbing, electrical, flooring, and masonry.
Dr. Worrell concluded by thanking the Board for their continued support of Asheboro City
Schools and their vision.
Chairman Frye entered at 6:38 p.m.
Randolph County Schools Presentation
Dr. Stephen Gainey, Randolph County Schools (RCS) Superintendent, presented the
Randolph County Schools budget request. A total of $18,621,212 in current expense has been
requested; $17,482,995 has been included in the proposed budget. For capital funding, RCS is
requesting $2,213,939; $2,206,883 has been included in the manager's proposed budget.
Dr. Gainey reviewed the three highest priority current expense requests: 1) Continuation
costs - $525,000; 2) Technology Replacements and Upgrades - $250,000; and 3) Supplement
Increase (.5%) - $500,000. The total additional current expense request is for $1,275,000.
Dr. Gainey said that RCS is now in year 2 of the nine-year facilities plan that was presented
to the Commissioners in January and then again in March. He stated that increasing their capital
funding by $486,000 would help take care of their needs.
The Archdale -Trinity Supplemental Tax Council requested that the current rate of 9.54 cents
be approved.
Randolph Community College (RCC) Presentation
RCC Vice President for Administrative Services Daffy Garris said that for every $1 of public
investment, citizens reap a value of $2.20 gained in lifetime income for the student, $7.40 gained
in added state income and social savings for society, and $3.10 gained in added taxes and public
sector savings for the taxpayer. Ms. Garris indicated that RCC had not received an increase in
county operational budget since FY 2008-2009. Because of this, she stated that there is a
backlog of items to be completed. Currently, she said that RCC has $13 million in renovation
projects that need funding. In addition, Ms. Garris mentioned that plumbing in many buildings is
over 40 years old and many HVAC systems are ancient.
Ms. Garris urged the board to consider their current expense request of $2,482,231. The
manager's proposed budget includes an appropriation of $2,403,000.
Sandhills Center Presentation
Victoria Whitt, Sandhills Center CEO, provided a program update and budget request. Ms.
Whitt said that the current Board is composed of 21 members from a nine -county membership.
For the 1 lfh consecutive year, the Sandhills Center board had voted to not request any additional
funding from any of the counties. The request from Randolph is $844,000. Ms. Whitt reminded
the Commissioners that all of this funding stays in Randolph County and supports two walls -in
crisis centers (operated by Daymark Recovery) for indigent citizens: one located in Asheboro
and one in Archdale and mentioned that 18 of the 31 staff members at these locations are
Randolph County residents and taxpayers. Ms. Whitt presented statistics on the number of
citizens served in Randolph County. She also provided the last quarterly report, which included
highlights of programs offered at the Sandhills Center.
At 7:18 p.m., there being no further business, a motion was made by Kemp, seconded by
Haywood to adjourn.
Darrell L. Frye, Chairman Phil Kemp
Arnold Lanier
David Allen
Stan Haywood
Dana Crisco, Deputy Clerk to the Board