061515June 15, 2015
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met at 6:00 p.m. for a special budget session
in the Meeting Room of the 1909 Historic Courthouse, 145 Worth St., Asheboro, NC.
Commissioners Frye, Kemp, Haywood, Lanier and Allen were present.
Changes to Agenda
Chairman Frye announced that item I. Award Bid for Old County Home Roof Repair had
been added to the agenda. (Press was notified of the change on June 9 and a new agenda was
posted on June 10.)
Bid Approval for Old County Home Roof Repair
James Chriscoe, Maintenance Director, said the current shingles on the Old Randolph County
Rest Home are over 25 years old. Many are missing and there are various leaks resulting in
damage to the inside of the buildings. There are three main rest home buildings and a small
building in the back that need to be recovered.
The quote specifies to remove the existing shingles and replace them with architectural
shingles. All gutters and down spouts are to be removed and replaced, all damaged/rotten fascia
boards will be removed and replaced. Only newly replaced fascia boards will be painted to
match the exterior. Any damaged/rotten sheeting that is uncovered from under the shingles will
be removed and replaced at an extra charge.
The following quotes were received in April 2015:
Mr. Chriscoe requested the Board award the bid to Chris Biesecker Builders and allow Mr.
Chriscoe to immediately start the purchasing process for the replacement of the roof and needed
repairs in the current fiscal year. He said postponing the roof replacement and repairs will result
in more damage to the interior of the buildings.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Allen, the Board voted unanimously to award bid for Old
County Home roof repairs to Chris Biesecker Builders for $33,995. 00, as requested.
AUUroval of BudLyet Amendment for 2012 CDBG Scattered Site HousinLy Grant
Will Massie, Assistant County Manager/Finance Officer, stated that the County is currently
completing the original 2012 CDBG scattered site rehabilitation projects and has received some
program revenue from the sale of a house renovated several years ago under a prior grant project.
These funds may be used for additional housing projects.
On motion of Allen, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to approve Budget
Amendment #2 to the FY -12 CDBG Scattered Site Project Fund, as follows:
FY12 CDBG Scattered Site Project Fund
Amendment #2
Discussion of Capital Improvement Plan
Finance Officer Will Massie stated he had not heard of anything that the Board wished to add
to the current Capital Improvement Plan that would impact next year. Chairman Frye stated that
he thought the next significant discussions would have to do with the capital projects for the
school systems.
Approval of School Tax Rates
On motion of Frye, seconded by Allen, the Board voted unanimously to set the Archdale -
Trinity Schools Supplemental Tax District rate at the current rate of $0.0954.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to set the Asheboro
City Schools Supplemental Tax District rate at the current rate of $0.15.
Approval of Tax Rates for Rural Fire Protection Tax Districts and Fire Protection Service
Districts Tax Rates
Commissioner Allen made a motion to set Julian's Fire District tax at 11.5¢ instead of the
requested 13¢. The motion died for a lack of a second.
Commissioner Lanier made a motion to leave the Julian Fire District tax at the current rate
of 10¢. It was seconded by Commissioner Kemp.
Commissioner Allen said he spoke with the citizens of the area and the consensus was that
most felt an increase was needed and suggested a compromise at half of the requested increase
and the reason for his initial motion.
Chairman Frye said he thought the request of Julian was due to the need to fund current
expenses and to purchase equipment, not due to the mega site land purchase.
Commissioner Allen said the Commissioners would need to address assistance to Julian in
some way if the change to fire tax revenue becomes an issue.
Chief Jeff Folwell asked to speak and the Board granted. Chief Folwell said the 3¢ increase
requested will equal roughly $22,000. He said other department's requests for a fraction of a
cent brings them more because of the number of taxed properties in their district. He stated he
would be losing additional revenue due to the purchase of land by the County and Commissioner
Allen stated that would affect his 2016-2017 budget. Chief Folwell said they had been
"operating in the red for four years" and funds were depleted. He said they are required to keep a
year of operating expenses in the fund balance and are barely over that. He pleaded they consider
some type of tax increase for the Julian Fire District because they "cannot continue operating at
the level" they are "and provide the service" they do.
Motion failed when the Board voted 2-3, with Frye, Haywood and Allen opposing to set the
Julian Fire District tax rate at its current rate of 10¢.
On motion of Allen, seconded by Haywood, the board voted unanimously to set the Julian
Fire District tax rate at 110.
On motion of Haywood, seconded by Allen, the board voted unanimously to set the Level
Cross Fire District tax rate at the requested 12¢.
On motion of Haywood, seconded by Allen, the board voted 4-1, with Lanier opposing to set
the Westside Fire District tax rate at 110 instead of the requested 12¢.
On motion of Haywood, seconded by Lanier, the board voted unanimously to set the Ulah
Fire District tax rate at the requested 7¢.
On motion of Haywood, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to set the
remaining Fire Protection Tax District rates, as requested: Bennett 8¢, Climax 0.0¢,
Coleridge 7.4¢, Eastside -110, Fairgrove 8.83¢, Farmer 7.69¢, Franklinville 10¢, Guil-
Rand 0.0¢, Northeast 9¢, Randleman 0.0¢, Seagrove 10¢, Sophia 0.0¢, Southwest 12¢,
Staley 10¢, and Tabernacle 10.54¢; and Climax Fire Service District at 12.44¢, Guil-Rand
Fire Service Districts at 12.62, and Randleman -Sophia Fire Service District at 12¢.
Adoption of Departmental Fee Schedules
On motion of Haywood, seconded by Kemp, the Board voted unanimously to adopt all
departmental fee schedules, as requested, and as follows:
1. Public Health (no change)
2. Planning and Zoning (no change)
3. Solid Waste Facility Tipping Fees (no change)
4. Ambulance (No change)
5. Building, Electrical & Plumbing Permits (No change)
Budget Discussion
Chairman Frye said there are still things that need to be addressed, but appreciated everyone
present working together to accomplish so much.
Chairman Frye said that it had been estimated that the County would receive around $200,000
more in sales tax revenues this fiscal year. He suggested the Board add one Environmental
Health Specialist position and one Public Health Nurse I position requested by Public Health, but
not in the proposed budget. This would increase Public Health Expenditures by $101,651. He
suggested approving the additional $5000 requested by Randolph Vocational Industries to offset
some of their expenses, and to approve the additional $25,000 requested by Randolph County
Senior Adults. This would increase Human Service Appropriations by $30,000 for a grand total
increase of $131,651. He said he felt like these requests were the most needed and pressing
issues. After these appropriations, $68,349 would be left from the estimated amount. Chairman
Frye said that would not leave enough for a tax cut, but said it was up to the others as to whether
to allocate it or put it into fund balance.
Commissioner Haywood said he had "no appetite for increases" and would like to see a
decrease. He hopes they can work to cut the tax rate in the future.
Mr. Massie explained the $200,000 is only an estimate until actual revenues are received from
April, May, and June sales tax. The estimate was based on current trends of higher sales.
Commissioner Kemp said sales tax revenues could still go either way and suggested to put
any balance received over the $131,651 into the fund balance.
Adoption of FY 14-15 Budget and Budget Ordinance
Commissioner Kemp motioned to adopt the budget as proposed, with the following
exceptions: add two Public Health positions at $101,651, add $5,000 for the Randolph
Vocational Industries, and add $25, 000 for Randolph County Senior Adults.
Chairman Frye seconded the motion, and the Board voted 4-1, with Lanier opposing, to
adopt the FY 2015-2016 Budget Ordinance (which follows below), as proposed by the Manager,
but with the above changes, and which includes setting the Ad Valorem Tax Rate at 65.5 cents
per $100 valuation, and which produces a budget of $118,262,91 7for FY 2015-2016:
Budget Ordinance Fiscal Year 2015-16
Be It Ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Randolph County, North Carolina:
The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the General Fund of Randolph County for
Section 1. the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016:
General Government:
Governing Body
$ 161,694
Information Technology
Register of Deeds
Public Buildings
Public Safety:
16, 379, 438
Emergency Services
Building Inspections
Adult Day Reporting Center
Juvenile Day Reporting Center
Other Public Safety Appropriations
Economic and Physical Development:
Planning and Zoning
Cooperative Extension Service
Section 2
Soil and Water Conservation
Other Economic and Physical Development
Environmental Protection:
Public Works
Human Services:
Public Health
Social Services
Veteran Services
Child Support Enforcement
Other Human Services Appropriations
Cultural and Recreational:
Public Library
Other Cultural and Recreational Appropriations
Debt Service
Other Financing Uses:
Interfund Transfers Out
20, 530, 508
28, 921, 400
12, 363, 616
It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the General Fund for the fiscal
year beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016:
Ad Valorem Property Taxes
Local Option Sales Taxes
Other Taxes
Unrestricted Intergovernmental
Restricted Intergovernmental
Permits and Fees
Sales and Services
Investment Earnings
Other Financing Sources:
Appropriated Fund Balance
Interfund Transfers In
$ 67, 537, 867
19,131, 651
19, 313,189
The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Emergency Telephone System Fund of
Section 3. Randolph County for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016:
E-911 System Total $ 573,955
It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Emergency Telephone
Section 4. System Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016:
NC 911 Board Distributions $ 573,955
Investment Earnings -
Appropriated Fund Balance -
Total $ 573,955
The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Landfill Closure Fund of Randolph
Section 5. County for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016:
Solid Waste
Management $ 186,500
It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Landfill Closure Fund for
Section 6. the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016:
Investment Earnings $ -
Appropriated Fund Balance 186,500
Total $ 186,500
The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Fire Districts Fund for the fiscal year
Section 7. beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016:
Tax Distributions $ 7,561,689
It is estimated that the following Fire District revenues will be available during the fiscal year
Section 8. beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016:
Ad Valorem Property Taxes $ 7,561,689
The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Water Fund for the fiscal year
Section 9. beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016:
Bulk Water $ 1,764,300
It is estimated that the following Water Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year
Section 10. beginning July], 2015 and ending June 30, 2016:
Bulk Sale of Water
Investment Earnings
Transfer from General Fund
$ 236,300
$ 1,700
$ 1,764,300
There is hereby levied for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016, a
Section 11. county -wide tax rate of $ 0.655 per $100 valuation of estimated taxable property situated in
the County. The ad valorem tax is based on a total estimated property valuation of
$10,324, 000, 000, with an expected collection rate of 98.5%.
For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016, there is hereby levied in
Section 12. the County of Randolph a dog license fee at the rate of $3.50 per dog.
There is hereby levied for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016, the
Section 13. following School District tax rates per $100 valuation of estimated taxable property situated in
the special district. These levies are for the purpose of raising revenues to supplement school
programs within each respective district.
School District
Net Valuation
Tax Rate
Asheboro School District
$ 2,192, 549, 000
$ 0.1500
Archdale -Trinity School District
$ 2,284, 767, 000
$ 0.0954
There is hereby levied for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016, the
following tax rates for Rural Fire Protection Districts, per $100 valuation of estimated taxable
property situated in the special district. These levies are for the purpose of raising revenues
Section 14. for fire protection within each respective district.
Rural Fire Protection District
Net Valuation
Tax Rate
Bennett Fire District
$ 40,902,900
Climax Fire District
$ 468, 426, 887
Coleridge Fire District
$ 242,533,233
Eastside Fire District
$ 465,005,289
Fairgrove Fire District
$ 368, 872, 301
Farmer Fire District
$ 211, 722, 569
Franklinville Fire District
$ 491, 503, 434
Guil-Rand Fire District
$ 2,017,128,396
Julian Fire District
$ 88, 640, 082
Level Cross Fire District
$ 222,175,975
Climax Fire District
Northeast Fire District
$ 132, 664, 743
Guil-Rand Fire District
Tiger Country Fire District
$ -
Randleman Sophia Fire District
Seagrove Fire District
$ 203,968,421
Sophia Fire District
$ -
Southwest Fire District
$ 84, 805, 745
Staley Fire District
$ 156, 643, 678
Tabernacle Fire District
$ 347, 592, 769
Ulah Fire District
$ 572, 648, 412
Westside Fire District
$ 668,448,955
There is hereby levied for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016, the
Section 15. following tax rates for Service Districts for Fire Protection, per $100 valuation of estimated
taxable property situated in the special district. These levies are for the purpose of raising
revenues for fire protection within each respective district.
Fire Service District
Net Valuation
Tax Rate
Climax Fire District
$ 468, 426, 887
Guil-Rand Fire District
$ 2,017,128,396
Randleman Sophia Fire District
$ 374,006,226
Pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute §159-9, the County Manager
Section 16. is appointed to serve as Budget Officer. The County Manager and the Assistant County
Manager, as his designee, are hereby authorized to transfer appropriations as contained
herein under the following conditions:
The Budget Officer, or his designee, may transfer amounts between line
a. item expenditures within a department without limitation and without a
report being required.
The Budget Officer, or his designee, may not transfer amounts between
departments of the General Fund or between funds, except as approved
b. by the Board of County Commissioners in the Budget Ordinance, as
Section 17. The Budget Officer, or his designee, may make cash advances between funds for periods not to
exceed one hundred eighty days without reporting to the Board of Commissioners. Any
advances that extend beyond one hundred eighty days must be approved by the Board. All
advances that will be outstanding at the end of the fiscal year must be approved by the Board.
Section 18. Copies of this Budget Ordinance shall be filed with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners
of Randolph County and furnished to the Assistant County Manager/Finance Officer for
direction in the collection of revenues and the expenditure of amounts appropriated.
Section 19. This Budget Ordinance will be effective on July 1, 2015.
Upon motion of Commissioner Kemp, seconded by Commissioner Frye, the foregoing Budget
was passed with the following vote:
Ayes: Commissioner David Allen
Commissioner Darrell Frye
Commissioner Stan Haywood
Commissioner Phil Kemp
Noes: Commissioner Arnold Lanier
L, Amanda W. Varner, Clerk to the Randolph County Board of Commissioners, do hereby certify that the
foregoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the governing body of Randolph County at a special meeting on
June 15, 2015, a quorum being present.
The 15th day of June, 2015.
Clerk to the Board
There being no further business, the Board adjourned at 6:28 p.m.
Darrell L. Frye, Chairman
Stan Haywood
David Allen
Phil Kemp
Arnold Lanier
Amanda Varner, Clerk to the Board