070615July 6, 2015
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. in the 1909
Randolph County Historic Courthouse Meeting Room, 145 Worth Street, Asheboro, NC.
Commissioners Frye, Haywood, Kemp, Lanier, and Allen were present.
Dr. Bob Shackleford, RCC President, gave the invocation and everyone recited the Pledge of
Allegiance, which was led by Boy Scout Troop 501.
Chairman Frye announced that Item D. Cooperative Extension Recognition/Announcement had
been added to the Special Recognition portion of the agenda and Item L Approve Budget Amendment
for Economic Development Match for H & H Furniture ($2,500) had been added to the Consent
Special Recognition
TJ Owens, of Boy Scout Troop 501, was recognized by Chairman Darrell Frye for the completion
of his Eagle Scout project, which included fundraising and installing a concrete bench honoring
veterans at the Veterans Memorial on Worth Street. Chairman Frye presented Mr. Owens with a
Certificate of Recognition
Recognition of Retiree
Col. Fred Rutledge retired on July 1, 2015, with 38 years of service to Randolph County
Sheriff's Office. Mr. Rutledge was recognized by Chairman Frye and presented with an
engraved clock on behalf of the Board. Chairman Frye also presented him a framed Resolution
of Recognition from State Representative Pat Hurley.
Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for FY 2014-2015 and Certificate of Achievement for
Excellence in Financial Reporting for FY 2014-2015
County Manager Hal Johnson announced that the County had received the Government Finance
Officers Association's (GFOA) Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the 11th consecutive
year. This was for the annual budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014. In order to receive
this award, a governmental unit must publish a budget document that meets program criteria as a
policy document, as an operations guide, as a financial plan, and as a communications device.
Randolph County's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) was awarded a Certificate of
Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the 26th consecutive year by the Government
Finance Officers Association (GFOA) of the United States and Canada. The Certificate of
Achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial
reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its
Mr. Johnson thanked Assistant County Manager/Finance Officer Will Massie for his continued
hard work along with the rest of the Finance Department. Chairman Frye presented a Certificate of
Recognition on behalf of the Board.
American Heart Association's Lifeline EMS Silver Level Recognition Award
County Manager Hal Johnson recognized the Emergency Services Department and specifically
EMS and 911 employees who recently received the 2015 Mission: Lifeline - EMS Silver Award from
the American Heart Association.
Over the past 16 months, the 911 and EMS personnel have put a lot of emphasis toward improving
their response to and treatment of patients who suffer a cardiac related health issue or heart attack.
Because of these efforts the survival success rate has improved from 7% to an average of 43%
This award is based upon specific criteria established by Mission: Lifeline and the American Heart
Association. To meet the requirements, the 911 employees have been trained to quickly identify
specific types of cardiac symptoms and begin treatment over the telephone, such as asking the patient
to take aspirin. Paramedics now treat cardiac patients with more advanced medical techniques and
medications. These advanced skills allow them to immediately begin the process of stopping further
damage to the heart and allow time to transport cardiac patients directly to hospitals who are capable
of providing corrective measures, such as balloon catherization. Employees scored above 75% in
each criteria and measure.
Mr. Johnson said the only reason they didn't receive the Gold Award this year is because this was
their first year being critiqued. First-year organizations cannot achieve higher than the silver level.
Chairman Frye and the Board presented a Certificate of Recognition to Emergency Services on
behalf of the Board.
Safety Awards
County Manager Hal Johnson said that on April 29, 2015, the Department of Labor Commissioner
Cherie Berry presented Safety Awards to Randolph County Departments. Receiving Silver Awards
were the Public Library (for the first year) and Emergency Services (for a second consecutive year).
Gold Awards were presented for the first time to General Services (includes P&Z, BI, Maintenance,
ROD, DRC, Cooperative Extension, S&W, Elections, Administration, and IT), Public Health, and
Tax Department; second consecutive year -Sheriff's Office; eleventh consecutive year- Department of
Social Services; and thirteenth consecutive year -Public Works. Chairman Frye presented a Certificate
of Recognition on behalf of the Board to each service area and thanked them for their continued
efforts to work safely.
Cooperative Extension Announcement
Jim Cowden, North Central District Extension Director NCSU, announced that Jonathan Black had
been named the Randolph County Cooperative Extension Director. Mr. Black has served as the
Interim Director for the past two years.
Public Comment Period
Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 153A-52.1, Chairman Frye opened the floor for public comment. County
Attorney Ben Morgan read aloud the Rules of Procedure for Public Comment Period.
Alan Ferguson, 4794 Troy Smith Rd., Liberty, said that a newspaper in Columbia, SC, reported
that South Carolina had to borrow $123 million through economic development bonds to pay for
some of the improvements which had been made there due to the addition of the Volvo plant and that
they will be paying $87 million in interest on those bonds.
Mr. Ferguson said that Alabama is also weighing their expenses after four auto manufacturers, who
employ an estimated total of 11,970 employees, have located there. He said that Governor Brinkley
had been quoted to say they needed $700 million to meet current funding requirements. Governor
Brinkley has proposed a $1.2 billion tax increase and stated that the large companies locating there
have not solved their financial problems.
The third point that Mr. Ferguson addressed was an article in the local Greensboro paper that
addressed the water and sewer lines to the proposed mega site and stated that Randolph County was
never mentioned. He said the article quoted Michael Borchers, Greensboro's Water Resources
Department Engineering Division Manager, as saying the new sewer line would open 13,500 acres to
sewer service. He also quoted Richard Beard, a commercial real estate developer, from the article, as
follows: "Carefully controlled commercial growth is exactly what Greensboro needs. I think that the
installation or potential installation of the utilities along the 421 corridor is going to open up future
opportunities for development. It shouldn't scare the people down in southeastern Guilford County. It
should be strategic and it's got to make sense." Mr. Ferguson said that he and his neighbors have been
saying that this project was for their growth; not Randolph County's and these statements were
confirmation of that fact to him.
Archie Rich, 310 Garrentown Rd. Asheboro, asked that the Board consider changing the
regulations so that he didn't have to go through rezoning for property located at 248 Garrentown Rd.
from industrial to commercial to allow for an entertainment venue. He explained that starting a
business is expensive. He wasn't sure it would be successful and requested a trial period before
making changes to zoning. Chairman Frye asked Mr. Rich to contact County Manager Hal Johnson
in order to review the details of his request further.
Jon Nance, 3483 New Hope Ch. Rd., Asheboro, began by reading excerpts from the Declaration
of the Independence in honor of Independence Day. Mr. Nance said that it reminds him of times
during which there was revolution against the crown and colonists thought they weren't being
properly represented. He said he felt that our Federal Government has become "the new crown of
England" and that his "generation is being sold down the river by the politicians of today on empty
promises." He stated that he would not likely see Social Security in which he has paid into. Mr.
Nance quoted Patrick Henry: "Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would
they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?
Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or
give me death!" He concluded his comments by saying he has come to realize in life that you have
two things; health and freedom. "If you are missing one, the other doesn't mean so much."
Consent Agenda
On motion of Allen, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to approve the amended
Consent Agenda, as follows:
• approve Board of Commissioners regular meeting minutes of 6/1/15; special budget
session minutes of 5/26/15, 6/4/15, 6/8/15, and 6/15/15;
• unseal closed session minutes 9/8/14 III, 10/6/14 I, 5/4/15 I, 51411511 and 5/4/15 III;
• approve Budget Amendment #1 for Economic Development Match for Ennis -Flint
($7,000), as follows:
2015-2016 Budget Ordinance
General Fund—Budget Amendment #1
Transfer from ED Reserve
1/1 (Fri) CLOSED
Other Economic and Physical
Development Appropriations
Easter / Good Friday
• appoint Sarah Lanier and reappoint Aundrea Azelton, Clark Bell, Emily Coltrane, Rick
Dawes, Wendy Kennon, Sue Myers, Greg Patton, Jonathan Sermon, and Jody Terry to
the Randolph County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council;
• appoint Kim Jeffries and Keith Davis to the EMS Peer Review Committee to fill
• ratify unanimous approval in an individual poll of Board of Commissioners taken 6/9/15
Amending the 2015 Holiday Schedule, as follows:
New Year's Day
1/1 (Fri)
1/1 (Fri) CLOSED
1/1 (Fri)
M. L. KingJr.'s B -day
1/18 (Mon)
1/18 (Mon) OPEN
1/18 (Mon)
Easter / Good Friday
3/25 (Fri)
3/25 (Fri) OPEN, 3/26 (Sat.) CLOSED
3/25 (Fri)
Memorial Day
5/30 (Mon)
5/30 (Mon) CLOSED
5/30 (Mon)
Independence Day
7/3 (Fri)
7/4 (Sat.)
7/3 (Fri) OPEN
7/4 (Sat.) CLOSED
7/3 (Fri) CLOSED
7/4 (Sat.) CLOSED
Labor Day
9/5 (Mon)
9/5 (Mon) CLOSED
9/5 (Mon)
Fall Festival (Asheboro Library Only)
10/1 (Sat.)
Veterans ' Day 11/1 ] Fri.) 11/11 (Fri) OPEN
11/11 (Fri)
Seagrove Pottery Festival (Seagrove Library Only)
11/23 (Sat.)
11/24 & 25
(Thur. & Fri)
11/24 (Thurs) CLOSED
11/25 (Fri) OPEN; 11126 (Sat.) OPEN
11/25 & 26
(Thurs. & Fri)
12/23, 12/26,
(Fri., Mon-Tue)
12/23 (Fri) OPEN,
12/24 (Sat.) CLOSED;
12/26 (Mon) & 12/27 (Tues) (OPEN)
12/23 (Fri) OPEN,
12/24 (Sat.) CLOSED;
12/26 (Mon) CLOSED;
12/27 (Tues) (OPEN)
• reappoint Barry Ward, William Collier, and John Shepard to the Julian Fire Protection
District Commission;
• reappoint Buddy Reddick, Hal Younts, and Terry Sheppard to the Climax Fire Protection
District Commission;
• approved Budget Amendment #2 for Economic Development Match for H & H Furniture
($2.500), as follows:
2015-2016 Budget Ordinance
General Fund—Budget Amendment #2
Transfer from ED Reserve
Other Economic and Physical Development Appropriations
Approval of Annual Settlement Report
Debra Hill, Tax Assessor/Collector, presented the collection settlement reports (real and personal
property, motor vehicles, and ambulance) for FY 2014-2015, as required by G.S. 105-373, which
included the following highlights:
• The 2014-2015 overall collection percentage for all tax districts were 99.32% for real estate,
business and individual personal property. The collection percentage for the County was
• 2014-2015 delinquent tax is $629,480.58. Total delinquent taxes for all years are
$1,495,919.00. These amounts include bankruptcy $213,089.34 and Property Tax
Commission appeals that have not been finally adjudicated $50,456.08.
• The Registered Motor Vehicle collection percentage was 98.31%. This percentage is for the
taxes collected in house for vehicles billed outside of Tag & Tax Together.
• The average statewide tax collection percentage from the Local Government Commission for
annual taxes for 2013-2014 was 97.97%.
• The amount of discount given for early payment was $1,195,612.00. This represents 64.29%
of annual taxes paid during the discount period.
• Minimal Tax Report: The total amount released for $3.50 or less original principal amount tax
bill was $2,928.32.
• Total number of enforced collection legal actions between 6/30/14 and 6/30/15 was 7,098.
(Bank attachments 1,435; Monies attachments 24; Wage garnishments 5,639)
On motion of Haywood, seconded by Allen, the Board voted unanimously to accept the following
collection settlement reports for FY 2014-2015, as follows:
Annual Settlement Report For Year Ending June 30, 2015
Report For All Districts
Real, Individual, Business and Public Utilities
All Districts
Beginning Balance Current $91,059,080.00
Public Utilities $2,490,296.00
Supplemental & Discoveries $1,179,150.00
Advertising Fee $22,780.00
Less Adjustments & Releases $1,769,399.00
Net Levy $92,981,907.00
Collections Current $92,352,426.00 99.32% Collection Rate
Collections Delinquent $576,345.00
Total Collections $92,928,771.00
Total Ending Receivables $1,495,919.00
Registered Motor Vehicle
Billing for 2014 $137,702.00
Additions $0.00
Less Adjustments & Releases $23,332.00
Net Levy $114,370.00
Collections Current $112,440.00 98.31% Collection Rate
Collections Delinquent $425,990.00
Total Collections $538,430.00
Total Ending Receivables
Releases for Real, Individual, Business, Public Utilities & Registered Motor Vehicles
Discount Releases
Less Than $3.50 Minimum Bill
Releases & adjustments Current
Releases & adjustments Prior
Other Fees Collected
Current Year Fee Collection
Prior Year Fee Collection
RMV Current Fee Collection
RMV Prior Fee Collection
2014 - 2015 Fiscal Year
Delinquent List
Real Estate
Individual Personal Property
Business Personal Property
Charge to Collect Taxes
Chairman Frye read aloud the charge to collect 2015-2016 taxes to Debra Hill, Tax
Assessor/Collector, as follows:
Debra P. Hill is hereby authorized, empowered and commanded to collect the taxes set forth
in the tax records filed in the office of the County Assessor and in the tax records delivered to
her, in the amounts and from the taxpayers likewise therein set forth. Such taxes are hereby
declared to be a first lien upon all real property of the respective taxpayers in the County of
Randolph, and this order shall be a full and sufficient authority to direct, require, and enable her
to levy on and sell any real and personal property of such taxpayers, for and on account thereof,
in accordance with law.
Approval of Purchase of Four Vehicles for Emergency Services
Emergency Services Director Donovan Davis stated that pursuant to the formal bidding
requirements of G.S. 143-129(g), Waiver of Bidding for Previously Bid Contracts, the
County is allowed to purchase additional quantities under a previously awarded bid within one year of
the original purchase. The Request for Bids 414-0724, which went to bid on Thursday, June 24 2014,
was for Type 111, Class 1, (4 x 2) DRW KKK Certified 2014 (or newer) ambulances for the
Emergency Services department. On August 20, 2014 at 1:00 p.m., sealed bids were received, opened
and read. Bids were received from the following vendors and awarded to Northeastern Emergency
Vehicles by the Board on September 8, 2014. The following are the totals for four vehicles under the
original bid request:
Taylor Made Ambulances, (Arkansas)
7 Exceptions to the bid
Northwestern Emergency Vehicles (NC)
Recommend Award
Southeastern Specialty Vehicles, (NC)
Taylor Made Ambulances had seven exceptions to the bid — most regarding the electrical system.
Northwestern Emergency Vehicles and Southeastern Specialty Vehicles met or exceeded the required
specifications outlined in RFB 414-0724.
Mr. Davis requested the Board to authorize the purchase of four ambulances and associated
equipment to Northwestern Emergency Vehicles, Inc., of West Jefferson, NC, in the amount of
$549,460, under the original Request for Bids 414-0724. Funds are allocated in the current budget to
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to approve the
purchase of four ambulances from Northwestern Emergency Vehicles, Inc. in the amount of
$549,460, as requested.
Award Bid for Coleridte-Erect Ambulance Base
Public Works Director Paxton Arthurs stated that on June 1 st the Randolph County Purchasing
Officer issued a Request For Bids 415-0601 for the construction of the Coleridge - Erect Ambulance
Base. This project consists of a detached, single bay garage to house an ambulance as well as the
associated site work. Previous projects have included a two bedroom modular home; however, the
land that was previously purchased for this site had a fairly new modular home that serves the needs.
The deadline for receiving bids was June 19th at 11:00 a.m. Bid packages were sent to six local
construction companies. Only two bids were received, with one coming from an out of town firm that
learned of the project from our website. Below is the list of the bid results:
- A & M Construction Services, Inc.
no bid
- Asheboro Construction, Inc.
- Jeff Brantley Construction
no bid
- Chriscoe Aluminum Builders, Inc.
no bid
- Glenn King Construction
no bid
- Substation Concrete
- Trollinger Construction
no bid
Asheboro Construction submitted the low bid for this project. Mr. Arthurs said that Alan Allred
has worked with the County previously and has built two of the ambulance bases. He said those
projects went smoothly and has had no issues with his work. Although the County only received two
bids, the scope of the work is very similar to the previously bid projects and he said he felt that the low
bid is reasonable for the work involved. Mr. Arthurs recommended that the Board award a contract to
Asheboro Construction in the amount of $86,431 for the construction of the Coleridge - Erect
Ambulance Base.
On motion of Lanier, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to award a
contract to construct the Coleridge -Erect Ambulance garage and associated site work to
Asheboro Construction in the amount of $86,431; and to authorize the County Manager to sign
the associated contract, as requested.
Approval of 2015-16 Randolph County Classification Plan
Jill Williams, Human Resources Director, requested approval of the 2015-2016 Randolph County
Classification Plan to be effective July 1, 2015. Approval is required pursuant to the Randolph
County Employee Policies and Procedures Manual and in order to be in compliance with the Office of
State Human Resources requirements for filing the County Pay Plan under G.S. 126 provisions known
as the State Personnel Act. The pay ranges have not been changed since the Board adopted the new
Classification plan in February 2012. The proposed plan includes the following title
Position Titles Added to the Pay Plan:
• Addition: Business Analyst — Grade 18
• Addition: Emergency Services System Manager — Grade 19
• Addition: Extension Support Specialist — Grade 8
• Addition: Housekeeper Floater — Grade 7
• Addition: Program Accountant — Grade 17
Title Changes only to the Pay Plan:
• Change: Administrative Assistant/Clerk to the TDA Board — Grade 14
• Change: Executive Assistant I — Grade 14
• Change: Lead Nutritionist — Grade 16
• Change: Lead Travel Information Counselor — Grade 6
• Change: Risk Management Coordinator, Grade 18 to Risk Manager — Grade 21
• Change: Sign Technician — Grade 13
• Change: Visitor Services Coordinator — Grade 6
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to adopt the FY
2015-16 Classification and Pay Plan with a July 1, 2015, effective date, as requested.
Election of Voting Delegate for NCACC Annual Conference
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Allen, the Board voted unanimously to elect Chairman Frye as
the voting delegate for the NCACC Conference in August.
Regional and Local Update
Chairman Frye stated that the Piedmont Triad Regional Water Authority had met and adopted rules
for use of the Randleman Lake for fishing tournament activities.
The Heart of North Carolina Visitors Bureau and Petty Family Foundation joined forces to
sponsor Operation North State's first Annual Top Shelf Fishin' Festival which took place in May at
the lake. The goal of the festival is to honor North Carolina's Wounded Warriors and Disabled
Veterans. Richard Petty, some local area officials, and celebrities were there to sign autographs, shake
hands, and thank the veterans for their service. Chairman Frye said last year Randleman Lake received
national acclaim when Bassmaster Magazine ranked Randleman Lake as 61st among the top 100
fishing destinations in the country but has since moved to number 47 among Bassmaster's Top 100
this year. A set of rules for tournaments needed to be established due to its gained popularity.
At 7:03 p. m., on motion of Haywood, seconded by Allen, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn.
Darrell L. Frye, Chairman Phil Kemp
Arnold Lanier
David Allen
Stan Haywood
Amanda Varner, Clerk to the Board