110215November 2, 2015
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. in the
1909 Randolph County Historic Courthouse Meeting Room, 145 Worth Street, Asheboro, NC.
Commissioners Frye, Haywood, Kemp, Lanier and Allen were present. Dr. Bob Shackleford,
RCC President, gave the invocation and everyone recited the pledge of allegiance.
Recognition of the Mayors Committee Awards for Employee and Employer of the Year
Rhonda Bloom, representative of the Randolph County Mayors Committee for Disabled
Persons, stated that in recognition of October 2015 as Disability Employment Awareness Month
they invited citizens to nominate their second recipients of awards. The awards were presented
on October 16th at the Disabilities Awareness Day Parade. One award is for the employer who is
improving the lives of the differently abled persons in the community and the other award is for
an individual employee working within Randolph County that is striving to embrace their own
limitations and better function within the normal structure of everyday life.
Ms. Bloom recognized K and W Cafeteria as the Employer of the Year and James Johnson as
recipient of the Outstanding Employee Award. Chairman Frye presented Certificates of
Recognition to each for their accomplishments on behalf of the Commissioners.
Public Comment Period
Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 153A-52.1, Chairman Frye opened the floor for public comment.
Wesley Hulin, 2549 Hulin McDowell, Denton, NC, spoke with concern that his rights as a
dog owner were being taken away under the updated Animal Control Ordinance restricting
tethering. Mr. Hulin said he felt that if dogs that were tethered were being taken care of then it
should be allowed. He said he's seen dogs on rainy days in fenced in areas that had no way to
escape the mud and ponding water.
Chairman Frye stated that the Ordinance would be under review during the educational
process of the first year.
NCACC Workers Compensation Pool's 2015 Safety Award
Charlie Eaton, NCACC Risk Management Deputy Director, presented the NCACC Workers'
Compensation Pool's 2015 Safety Award to Randolph County for having the lowest number of
claims per $1 million in payroll in the large county class.
County Manager Hal Johnson complimented the County employees on their safety efforts and
recognized the Risk Management program provided by the County Human Recourses
Chairman Frye said that the County had been in the NCACC Workers' Compensation Pool
since 1982 and saved the taxpayers of the County a lot of money and additional savings are due
to the care, concern, and safety habits of the employees of the County.
Approval of Consent Agenda
On motion of Allen, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to approve the
Consent Agenda, as follows:
• approve minutes of the 1015115 regular meeting and the 10122115 special joint meeting;
• reappoint Ben Ramsay to the Randolph County Board of Equalization and Review;
• reappoint Ben Ramsay to the Randolph County Tax Commission;
• reappoint Mack Summey and Cathy Waddell to the Randolph County Board of Health;
• reappoint Wayne Joyce to the Randolph County Planning and Zoning Board & Board of
• reappoint Addie Luther to the Randolph County Nursing Home Community Advisory
• appoint Dale Langley to the Randolph County EMS Peer Review Committee;
• approve Budget Amendment #14 to the General Fund and the Budget Amendment #1 to
the Emergency Services Headquarters Capital Project Ordinance, as follows:
2015-2016 Budget Ordinance
General Fund—Budget Amendment #14
Transfer from General Fund
Debt Service
Transfer to Emergency Services
Headquarters Capital Project
2015-2016 Budget Ordinance
Emergency Services Headquarters Capital Project Fund
Budget Amendment #1
Transfer from General Fund
Professional Services
• set a 6:30 p.m. public hearing for December 7, 2015, for the installment financing of
Emergency Services Headquarters;
• appoint Michael Somero to the Randolph County Board of Equalization and Review and
the Randolph County Tax Commission.
Closed Session
At 6:18 p.m., on motion of Kemp, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to
go into closed session to discuss personnel matters 143-318.1 ](a)(6).
Regular Meeting Resumed
At 6:30 p.m., the Board returned to regular session.
Approval of Board of Health Request
Board of Health Chairman Dr. Robert Dough stated that they are sad with the forthcoming
retirement of MiMi Cooper and thanked her for her years of service she has given.
Dr. Dough said that on October 7, 2015, the Board of Health interviewed candidates for the
position of Health Director. The Board of Health unanimously chose Susan Hayes based upon her
education, experience and performance during the interview process. He said they would like to
recommend Ms. Hayes as the Health Director of the Randolph County Health Department effective
January 1, 2016, and asked the Board of Commissioners to concur with their selection.
On motion of Haywood, seconded by Kemp, the Board of Commissioners unanimously
concurred with the Board of Health and approved the appointment of Susan Hayes as Public
Health Director with the conditions approved and outlined by the Department of Health and
Human Services.
Approval of Amendments to Public Works Fee Schedule
Public Works Director Paxton Arthurs stated that, at the September meeting, the Board
awarded additional funds to the Public Works budget so that it could continue to provide for the
disposal and recycling of electronic materials at no cost to Randolph County citizens. Since that
time, employees at the Solid Waste Facility have noticed an increase in individuals bringing
pickup truck and trailer loads of televisions and computer monitors which have the most
expensive disposal costs. Although it is difficult to prove, it is suspected that these materials are
coming from commercial or possibly scavenging operations. In order to address this issue, Mr.
Arthurs recommended that the County modify the Public Works Fee Schedule so that free
disposal only applies to the first two televisions or computer monitors. After the first two of
these devices, the fee will be $10 each. If approved, this change will still provide reasonably free
disposal of electronics to Randolph County citizens but will also attempt to ensure that the funds
provided will last until the end of the year.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Allen, the Board voted unanimously to adopt the amended
Public Works Fee Schedule, effective immediately, with the following change:
-- Electronics Free disposal (Exception: This only applies to the first two televisions or
computer monitors. More than two televisions or computer monitors shall be charged
$10 each.)
Approval of Contract to Conduct Fire Inspections for Staley
Associate Attorney Aimee Scotton stated that the Town of Staley has requested that the
County provide fire inspection service for them. Last month, the Board approved contracts with
the Town of Franklinville and the Town of Ramseur.
Ms. Scotton said the amount to charge was determined taking into account the number of
inspections that would need to be performed in Staley and the approximate cost of conducting
each inspection. This service can be offered to Staley for $1,600.00 per year. The Town of
Staley has indicated that this is agreeable.
North Carolina General Statute §160A-413 allows a city council to designate an inspector
from the county to serve as a member of its inspection department with the approval of the
governing body of the county. Under this arrangement, the inspector, while conducting
inspections within the city, is considered to be a municipal employee, and the city has the same
potential liability for inspections conducted by him as it would for an employee of the city. The
proposed agreement with Staley is identical to the agreements that were approved for
Franklinville and Ramseur except for the amount to be paid for the services.
On motion of Allen, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to approve the
contract to conduct fire inspections for Staley for $1,600 per year.
Special Joint Meeting with the Randolph County School Board of Education
On motion of Allen, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to set a joint public
meeting with the Randolph County School Board of Education for January 11th at 4:30 p.m. in
the Board of Education Meeting Room.
Strategic Planning Update
Hal Johnson, County Manager, stated the first Strategic Planning Steering Committee
meeting to kick-off our countywide Strategic Planning effort was well attended by members and
citizens. They were presented with the Environmental Data Scan information that the Piedmont
Triad Regional Council (PTRC) had compiled and is now available to view on the web. It
focused on the themes of "Public Health, Safety, & Well Being." He said many were surprised
by some of the statistical information that was presented.
Mr. Johnson said that individual Task Force meetings will begin on November 16'h at 6 p.m.
at RCC. Multiple issues will be examined by each Task Force and sub -committees will be
formed to address some important topics in more depth. Examples of potential issues to be
explored include:
• Public Health: The economic impact of health services, recruitment of expanded health-
related services, impacts of projected increases in communicable disease, increased demand
for health services for the County's growing senior adult population, and impacts of potential
privatization of select public health programs.
• Public Safety (Including Emergency Medical Services, Fire and Law Enforcement): The
impact to the County and its municipalities.
• Well -Beim: Likely to involve multiple issues requiring the formation of sub -committees
such as: public education, economic development, human service agencies, health and
wellness programs, and agriculture.
Mr. Johnson stated that by April or May the Committee should have a plan created to present
to the public.
Commissioner Haywood asked that mental health and prescription drug abuse be addressed
during this process. County Manager Johnson confirmed that it has been included in the process.
Regional Update
Chairman Frye stated that the Commissioners had recently attended a joint meeting with the
City of Asheboro and the Asheboro Airport Authority to hear about the desired airport
expansion. He stated the Airport Authority asked for local government financial support in their
endeavors. Chairman Frye stated he still believes there are Federal and State funds available for
the expansion and hoped that the Authority would seek those.
County Manager Hal Johnson announced that the Department of Environment Quality Division
of Waste Management, Solid Waste Section, has set their public hearing and public comment period
for the issuance of a draft Permit to Construct the proposed regional landfill, a municipal solid waste
landfill facility (MSWLF) located at 3597 Old Cedar Falls Road, Randleman, NC, for Thursday,
December 3, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. in the Commissioners Meeting Room, Randolph County Historic
Courthouse, 145-C Worth Street, Asheboro.
At 6:52 p.m., the Board took a short recess.
Regular Meeting Resumed
At 7:00 p.m., the Board returned to regular session.
Rezoning Public Hearing & Action
At 7:04 p.m., the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing to consider rezoning
requests. Jay Dale, Planning Director, presented the following requests and Chairman Frye
opened the public hearing for comments and closed each before taking action.
PATRICK WRIGHT, Asheboro, North Carolina, is requesting that 11.24 acres, lot number
12, Pleasant Ridge Subdivision be rezoned from CVOE-CU to CVOE-CD. Tax ID47791870067.
The proposed Conditional Zoning District would allow the removal of a 35 ft. no -cut buffer
along the southern border of lot number 12 and allow the applicant to construct his home on the
property but access the property from Pleasant Ridge Rd instead of Sycamore Trail, Franklinville
Township, Zoning District CVOE-CU. The Planning Board reviewed this request at public
hearing on October 6, 2015, and recommended that this request be approved by a unanimous
vote. The Planning Board found the following standards and policies within the 2009 Growth
Management Plan that support determination of consistency with the adopted plan with this
recommendation are:
Policv 6.4 Innovative and flexible land planning techniques should be supported as a means of
encouraging development configurations which are more desirable and which may better
safeguard existing natural land and water resources.
Board of Commissioners Resolution Adopting the Growth Management Plan, Policy #2.
Recognize that growth management policies should afford flexibility to County boards and
agencies that will enable them to adapt to the practical requirements often necessary for rural
Patrick Wright, 795 Pleasant Ridge Rd., Franklinville, spoke and explained that he wished
to build his home on the wooded lot that is located on Sycamore Trail but would rather access
through the property he currently owns on Pleasant Ridge Rd.
On motion of Allen, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to approve the
request of Patrick Wright, as determined consistent with the standards and policies contained
within the Growth Management Plan outlined in the recommendations provided by the County
Planning Board.
CRANFORD FARMS, LLC, Asheboro, North Carolina, is requesting that 3.92 acres,
located at 3504 Grange Hall Rd, Concord Township, be rezoned from LI -CD to LI -CD. Tax
ID47619007195. The proposed Conditional Zoning District would amend the existing
Conditional District Permit to allow the addition of a display and sales of automobiles area with
a maximum of six vehicles as per site plan. The Planning Board reviewed this request at public
hearing on October 6, 2015, and recommended that this request be approved by a unanimous
vote. The Planning Board found the following standards and policies within the 2009 Growth
Management Plan that support determination of consistency with the adopted plan with this
recommendation are:
Policy 3.3 Light industrial sites should be located in urbanized areas to take advantage of
available services and to reduce home -to -work distances. Careful design and/or buffering shall
be required to insure compatibility with surrounding areas.
Policv 3.4 Warehousing, storage and distribution facilities should have direct access to
appropriate thoroughfares and should be visually buffered according to their location.
Mr. Dale said he understands the facility is currently being used as a warehouse. He stated
that Mr. Cranford restores classic automobiles and would like to store them inside the warehouse
and possibly sell them from the location. Mr. Dale said he understood that no cars would be
outside permanently but one might be parked out for a short time if trying to sell it.
Delbert Cranford, 2579 Grey Rabbit Run, Asheboro, explained that his request is to amend
the existing Conditional Use to allow the addition of an antique car display area inside the
building and the ability to possibly sell some of them.
On motion of Haywood, seconded by Kemp, the Board voted unanimously to approve the
request of Cranford Farms, LLC, as determined consistent with the standards and policies
contained within the Growth Management Plan outlined in the recommendations provided by the
County Planning Board.
Road Name Chante Public Hearing
At 7:04 p.m., the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing to consider a road
renaming request. Planning Director Jay Dale presented the following request, and Chairman
Frye opened the public hearing for comments and closed it before taking action on the request.
CHRISTOPHER TROGDON, Randleman, North Carolina, having obtained the required
signatures, is requesting that a private drive known as Smoketree Lane be renamed to Trogdon
Way Trail. The renaming request is from the intersection of Brown Oaks Road (SR2118) and
Smoketree Lane to the end of Smoketree Lane, being a distance of approximately 3/10 of a mile.
The Planning Board reviewed this request at public hearing on October 6, 2015, and
recommended that this request be approved by a unanimous vote.
No one spoke.
On motion of Haywood, seconded by Allen, the Board voted unanimously to approve the
request to rename a private drive known as Smoketree Lane to Trogdon Way Trail.
Closed Session
At 7:06 p.m., on motion of Kemp, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to go into
closed session to discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of business in the area,
pursuant to [N. C. G. S.143 -318.11(a) (4)J.
Regular Meeting Resumed
At 7:47 p.m., the Board returned to regular session.
At 7:47 p.m., on motion of Allen, seconded by Kemp, the Board voted unanimously to
Darrell L. Frye, Chairman Phil Kemp
Arnold Lanier
David Allen
Stan Haywood
Amanda Varner, Clerk to the Board