c110215_I_HealthClosed Session I (Board of Health -Health Director) November 2, 2015
At 6:20 p.m., the Board convened closed session on Personnel Matters 143-318.11(a)(6).
Commissioners Frye, Kemp, Lanier, Haywood and Allen were present. Also present were County
Manager Hal Johnson; Will Massie, Assistant County Manager/Finance Officer; County Attorney
Ben Morgan; Aimee Scotton, Associate County Attorney; and Amanda Varner, Clerk to the Board.
Also in attendance representing the Board of Health were Dr. Charles Lee and Chairman Dr. Robert
Dr. Dough stated that on October 7, 2015, the Board of Health interviewed candidates for the
position of Health Director. The Board of Health unanimously chose Susan D. Hayes based upon
her education, experience and performance during the interview process. He said they would like to
recommend Ms. Hayes be named Health Director of the Randolph County Health Department as of
January 1, 2016, and asked the Board of Commissioners to concur with their selection. He said that
Human Resources had worked with Ms. Hayes on a salary package that is agreeable. This
appointment does include an education contract with the State Division of Public Health to
complete two additional graduate level courses to meet the requirements of the Commission for
Public Health rules. Ms. Hayes is gathering her transcripts and may already have the required
courses but knows she will have to complete them, if not.
At 6:28 pm, on motion of Haywood, seconded by Allen, the Board voted unanimously to end
closed session and to return to open session.
Darrell L. Frye, Chairman Phil Kemp
Arnold Lanier
David Allen
Stan Haywood
Amanda Varner, Clerk to the Board
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