s053116 BudgetMs. Whitt said she recently met with each county to find out their specific needs in order to
better direct funds. Since the meeting with Randolph County officials, she has been working
with the Sheriff's Office to identify someone to do assessments on inmates at the jail and with
the Health Department to provide opioid treatment options for pregnant women. Other programs
being addressed are ones that were identified as strategies under some of the goals established in
the strategic planning process. She said these are in varying stages: implementing specialty
courts, expanding the mobile crisis team in Randolph County, and working toward community
awareness activities to educate the public about behavioral health and the services available.
She also provided the annual and last quarterly report documents which included highlights of
programs offered at the Sandhills Center.
Lastly, she gave an update on state level issues that could affect Sandhills and the nine
counties. The funding has been cut substantially again in the State proposed budget. Also, the
DHHS Secretary has proposed further consolidating some LME/LMOs down to only three or
four instead of the current eleven. She doesn't think it will be addressed in the current short
session. Most counties agree that it is not in the best interest for their county.
At 7:28 p.m., there being no further business, a motion was made by Allen, seconded by
Lanier to adjourn.
Darrell L. Frye, Chairman Phil Kemp
Arnold Lanier
David Allen
Stan Haywood
Amanda Varner, Clerk to the Board