010587RANDOL PH COUN'T'Y BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MIN[TIES January 5, 1987 The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 2:00 p.m. on January 5, 1987 in Courtroom B, Courthouse, Asheboro, NC. Commissioners Frye, Langley, Davidson, Petty and Comer were present. Invocation was given by Rev. Winfred Crouse, Poplar Ridge Friends, Trinity. On motion of Pett., seconded by Comer, the minutes of the December 1 and December 12 meetings were approved. Westside Fire Department Bill Black, Westside Fire Department Chief, presented information on the area annexed into Westside Fire District in April, 1985. He said that the land that was donated to build a new station on would have been too costly to grade and that the department has purchased a 2 3/4 acre property .2 mile south of the donated site. He said that the first design for the proposed fire station was too costly and it is being redesigned. He anticipates breaking ground within the next few months. As soon as the bay area is complete one truck will be moved in. Mr. Black said that homeowners in the area cannot get a lowered insurance rating until two trucks carrying a minimum of 1500 gallons of water are housed in the new station. He also indicated that if the additional truck for the new station is ordered new, it will take at least ten months for delivery. Chairman Frye reminded Chief Black that the people in the annexed district are very concerned over the delays and that they need an explanation regarding the reasons for delay. Mr. Black agreed to provide information to the citizens right away, either through a mailing, a public meeting, or through newspaper articles. Awarding of Bids on Heating Oil Patty Sykes, Purchasing Agent, presented bids received for providing Randolph County with No. 2 heating oil. Bids received were as follows: Briles Oil Company .5480 per gallon Huffman Oil Company .5037 per gallon Pugh Oil Company .5150 per gallon Randolph Oil Company .5270 per gallon All bids were quoted with price to fluctuate with vendors' terminal price on day of delivery. Mrs. Sykes recommended that the bid be awarded to the low bidder, Huffman Oil Company. On motion of Petty, seconded by Davidson, the Board awarded the bid to the low bidder, Huffman Oil Company. Permanent Closing of Public Roads Salem Street and Salem Avenue On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board adjourned to an advertised public hearing at 2:30 p.m. concerning the closing of public roads Salem Street and Salem Avenue near Randleman. Chairman Frye asked for continent from the audience. No one spoke for or against the road closings. The public hearing was closed. On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board approved an order closing Salem Street and Salem Avenue. A certified copy of the order is to be filed with the Register of Deeds Office. A copy of the order is attached by reference. Commissioners Minutes January 5, 1987 Page 2 D.O.T. Addition and Abandonments On motion of Petty, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved the addition of Woodfield Drive and Woodfield Court in the Kivett Lake Subdivision. Resolution included by reference. On motion of Comer, seconded by Petty, the Board approved the abandonment of the northernmost .3 mile section of SR 1945 and the abandonment of the southernmost 157' section of Sr 1642. Resolutions included by reference.. Request for Vice -Narcotics Position in Sheriff's Department Major Larry Emerson requested that an additional position of Detective Sergeant, Grade 65 be granted to the Sheriff's Department for vice -narcotics work. Major Emerson said that the drug scene in Randolph County is becoming catastrophic and that they have only one full-time vice -narcotics officer in the department. In 1985 the department made 150 drug-related arrests. In 1986, the number rose to 402. In 1985 they confiscated $510,000 in illegal drugs; in 1986, it was almost $3,000,000. Waymon Pugh, the vice -narcotics officer, spoke on the escalating drug scene and explained the problems he is having keeping up with all work by himself. He presented an $800 bag of marijuana and a $200 bag of cocaine he had purchased from local drug dealers in his undercover work. Mr. Pugh estimated that more than half of break-ins in Randolph County are directly related to drug users trying to get money to support their habits. Major Emerson estimated that funding this additional position would require about $10,000 for the remainder of the fiscal year. for Five Additional Positions in Social Services Marion Smith, Director of Social Services, told Commissioners that he needs five additional positions: 2 Eligibility Specialists I, 1 Social Worker II, 1 Social Work Supervisor I and 1 Clerk -Typist III. He said that in the past three years there has been a significant growth in his overall agency workload. This, coupled with additional requirements from the State and turnover of staff, have placed the agency in a constant position of "catch-up." Factors which will cause the workload to continue to increase are (1) the increase in the elderly population, (2) the implementation of the Aid to Families with Dependent Children Emergency Assistance Program, and (3) the opening of a new 100 -bed nursing facility within the next 18-24 months. Mr. Smith said the County would be resopnsible for about 38% of the cost for the new employees. Action on Requests for New Positions On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the addition of a Detective Sergeant, Grade 65, to the Sheriff's Department. On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board approved by a 4-1 vote the addition of two new positions for Social Services, the two being Mr. Smith's top priorities from the five he requested. The one dissenting vote was cast by Chairman Frye. Budget amendments for these positions are included by reference. Commissioners Minutes January 5, 1987 Page 3 Re -zoning Request On motion of Petty, seconded by Langley, the Board adjourned to an advertised public hearing for a re -zoning request at 4:00 p.m. Hal Johnson reported that Robert Elkes, High Point, is requesting that approximately 5 acres of land located on the south side of Bethel Drive (SR 1621), northeast of the triangle intersection of SR 1622 and SR 1621, Trinity Township, Zoning Map 1-1, be rezoned from Residential Suburban to Light Industrial -Conditional Use. It is the desire of the applicant to locate a wholesale outlet of carpets and small manufacturing of design rugs. The Planning Board has recommended unanimously that the request be approved. Chairman Frye asked for comment from the audience. No one spoke for or against the re -zoning request. The public hearing was closed. On motion of Davidson, seconded by Petty, the Board approved the re -zoning request from Mr. Elkes. Disaster Relief and Assistance Plan and Mututal Aid Agreement Vance Kee, Assistant Director of N.C. Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, spoke to the Board on comprehensive emergency management in North Carolina and in Randolph County. He addressed the issues of the emergency management ordinance, communications, emergency operations center, shelter management, damage assessment, emergency broadcast system, training program, and exercise of the disaster plan once it is adopted. Neil Allen, Director of Emergency Services, requested the Board to approve an updated version of the mutual aid agreement which was adopted in 1983. Mr. Allen said he plans to take the agreement to the municipalities in the county for their approval as well. He also asked that the Board adopt the disaster plan presented. Eric Tolbert, Area D Emergency Management Coordinator, told Commissioners that in emergencies the responsibility for emergency management falls to county commissioners. He also told them about free courses offered by the Federal Emergency Management Association to various local government employees on different aspects of emergency management. On motion of Langley, seconded by Petty, the Board adopted the Disaster Relief and Assistance Plan and the updated Mutual Aid Agreement. A copy of these documents is included by reference. D.O.T. Annual Statement of Expenditures for the Rnadolph County Secondary Construction Funds for 1986. The Board received the annual statement of expenditures for secondary roads construction funds for 1986 from the N.C. Department of Transportation. Copy incuded by reference. Appointments On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board reappointed Charles Adams and Terry Coble to the County Planning Board for 3 -year terms expiring January, 1990. On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board reappointed Emma Castelloe, Dr. Tony Cranford, Dr. Michael Loomis, and Dr. Robert Scott and appointed Dr. Kelly Harris to the Board of Health for 3 -year terms expiring December, 1989. Commissioners Minutes January 5, 1987 Page 4 School Merger Committee Chairman Frye reported on the December 15 meeting of the representatives of the two school boards and the commissioners. They agreed to pursue the idea of merger in detail and proposed the following makeup of the committee: 11 appointed from the County School Board, 7 from the City School Board, 5 from the County Commissioners, 1 representative from each of the 3 boards involved, 1 representative from the Archdale -Trinity Tax Advisory Board, and 3 ex -officio members --county manager and the finance officer from each school board. Mr. Frye said that after both school boards have approved this plan, the county commissioners will make their appointments. Reactivation of County Water Task Force Chairman Frye told the Board that he would like to reactivate the Water Task Force, whose primary task would be to come up with a plan and a set of guidelines for County participation in providing water and/or sewer to industries and who would monitor the newly created Regional Water Authority. Increase in Cable TV Rates Chairman Frye reported that he had received a letter from ATC stating that basic service rates for cable TV subscribers in Randolph County will be increasing March 1, 1987. Budget Amendments On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board approved budget amendments for Reappraisal Fund, Library and Social Services. Copy of budget amendments is included by reference. Adjournment On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board adjourned.