January 17, 2017 -- Special Joint Meeting with the Randolph County Board of Education
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in special joint session with the
Randolph County Board of Education at 4:30 p.m. in the Randolph County Schools Central
Services board room, 2222 S. Fayetteville Street, Asheboro. Commissioners Allen, Frye,
Haywood, Kidd, and McDowell were present. Also present were County Manager Hal Johnson;
Finance Officer Will Massie; County Staff Attorney Aimee Scotton; Amanda Varner, Clerk to
the Board; Dana Crisco, Deputy Clerk to the Board; and members of the Randolph County Board
of Education and school officials: Superintendent Dr. Stephen Gainey, Gary Cook, Tracy Boyles,
Fred Burgess, Sharon Petty Farlow, and Brian Biggs; Finance Officer Todd Lowe, Assistant
Superintendent of Operations Marty Trotter, Executive Assistant to Superintendent Beverly
Fowler, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum/Instruction Catherine Berry, and Assistant
Superintendent for Human Resources Amy Walker.
School Board Chairman Gary Cook welcomed the Commissioners and Chairman Allen called
the meeting to order for the County.
Dr. Stephen Gainey gave an update on their accomplishments after three years into their nine-
year plan and thanked the Commissioners for making their needs a "team" effort. He gave an
update on funding and discussed some of their 2017-2018 FY budget requests that will be
presented at the May budget meeting. Dr. Gainey said they project continuation costs to be
$404,000 for the 2017-2018 FY. He said these projections would cover the everyday expenses
such as matching insurance and retirement and a potential salary increase for locally paid
employees. They also expect insurance rates to increase by 3% and noted that the schools do
not receive any assistance with that expense through the State. He also explained the financial
impact of the charter schools' enrollment on their funding. To stay competitive with surrounding
systems, he requested a .75% supplemental increase for a total of $900,000 for all employee
classifications to finish out the request from last year. They would like to be able to retain good
teachers, be able to bring back some that were lost, and to entice new teachers.
Commissioner Haywood asked if these requests were prioritized. Dr. Gainey replied that they
were all priorities.
Commissioner Kidd inquired if the supplement last year had helped retention. Mr. Cook said
that teachers had told him how much they appreciated the sentiment.
Dr. Gainey said that the system would be $100,000 short on technology expenses. However,
they were able to purchase 600 Chromebooks with Federal bandwidth monies.
Chairman Allen asked if the technology expenses were to replace or update their needs. Mr.
Lowe responded that it was both and said that he did feel that they got "a lot of bang for the
buck" with the Chromebooks.
The next request that Dr. Gainey made was for $410,000 for the proposed Uwharrie School
Project. He explained that Uwharrie Middle School was an underutilized school in the district.
The intent of this project is to offer students a "school choice" with a different learning
environment and in turn eliminate some of the overcrowding at Providence Grove, Wheatmore,
® and Southwestern Randolph High Schools without having to build another high school or bus
students to other schools around the county. Three hundred seats would be opened for a grades
6-12 program with preference given to Uwharrie and Southwestern Middle and Southwestern
High students. He went on to say that this solution would address academic, economic, and
emotional factors. If Uwharrie Middle School continued to be underutilized, students would
need to be moved and teachers could potentially lose their positions. With this project, Uwharrie
Middle students would remain at that location and additional teachers would be brought in to
teach in grades 6-12.
Mr. Boyles said Southwestern High students and parents have liked the idea of an alternative
school although this type of program would not be for everyone. Mr. Cook mentioned that it
may even bring some of the students back to their district.
Commissioner McDowell asked how the teaching would differ from current instruction. Dr.
Gainey's response was that there would be less talk from the teachers and more hands-on
engagement and problem solving for the students.
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum/Instruction Ms. Berry explained that a "maker's
space" would be available for the students in the media center. It would be 100% technology
driven to allow students experiential learning.
Commissioner Frye commented that this program was not only a great use of space but it
40 addressed an immediate need. He asked if action would be needed now from the Board of
County Commissioners to enable offering the program to students for the 2017-2018 FY. Mr.
Cook replied that would be helpful and save a lot of money.
Assistant Superintendent of Operation Mr. Trotter presented the updates to the school
system's nine-year facility upgrade/repair plan devised in 2014. He said they were pleased with
the annual Capital Outlay. He also reported that the project to extend municipal water and sewer
to New Market Elementary is underway. It is in the bid and development phase.
Dr. Gainey said there is still a need for a middle school in the Archdale -Trinity area with an
estimated cost of at least $26 million dollars to construct. He said they already own land for the
building. With a new middle school, students could be split between the two middle schools
more evenly and eliminate overcrowding issues. The middle schools would feed into their
respective high schools.
He also said that in the nine-year facility plan, years seven through nine are showing
renovations to the current Braxton Craven building. He said that building may not be a long-
term solution for Randolph County Schools anymore and may be removed from the plan once a
new middle school is built.
At 6:03 p.m., on motion of Frye, seconded by McDowell, the Board voted unanimously to
David Alle , Chairman Da&611 L. Fry -r
tana wood Kenny K'
Maxton McDowell Dana Crisco, Deputy Clerk to the Board