MEETING - March 2, 1981
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session March 2,
1981 with the following members present: Richard K. Pugh, Chm., Kenyon
Davidson, Richard Petty, Thurman Hogan and Bill Boyd.
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman.
Motion was made by Bill Boyd, seconded by Kenyon Davidson, to approve the
minutes of the February 2, 1981 meeting. This motion was unanimously
Motion was made by Richard Petty, seconded by Bill Boyd to approve the
following resolution for Friendly Circle Sub -division and the motion
was unanimously approved:
Road Description - Unnamed Street in Friendly Circle Subdivision (Plat
Bk. 18, Page 58)
WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County
Commissioners of the County of Randolph requesting that the above described
road, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map,
be added to the Secondary Road System; and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the
above described road should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the
road meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of
Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads
to the System.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of
the County of Randolph that the Division of Highways is hereby requested
to review the above described road, and to take over the road for main-
tenance if it meets established standards and criteria.
Sara Ryan, Program Director, Randolph County Women's Aid, presented
an update on the services of Women's Aid.
Motion was made by Richard Petty, seconded by Kenyon Davidson to approve
the proclamation to proclaim the month of March, 1981, Women's Aid
Month. This motion was unanimously approved.
WHEREAS, violence in the home victimizes all members of a family, undermines
the strength of families, and perpetuates itself by teaching children violence
as a means of resolving, conflict; and
WHEREAS, society is becoming increasingly aware that family violence is
prevalent and is not limited to a particular economic, Age, educational, or
racial group; and
WHEREAS, proper recognition and understanding of the problem of family
violence is the best hope of solving it; and
WHEREAS, Randolph County Women's Aid, Inc., in cooperation with other county
agencies and organizations, has been providing a broad range of services to
victims of family violence since September, 1979:
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Richard K. Pugh, Chairman of the Randolph County Board of
Commissioners, do hereby proclaim the month of March, 1981 to be Women's Aid
Motion was made by Kenyon Davidson, seconded by Bill Boyd to proclaim
the week of March 8-14 as "Employ the Older Worker Week" in Randolph
County and the motion was unanimously approved.
WHEREAS, More than 78 million Americans are aged 40 and older, and nearly
40 million are working or seeking work; and
WHEREAS, Most of these aniddle-aged and older workers are regularly employed,
producing the goods and services our nation needs; and
WHEREAS, They neve solid job skills, a wealth of experience, are typically
steady, reliable workers who take pri.de,.in their work and are valued
employees; and
WHEREAS, Workers over *Q, as a group, have no serious job problems --so long
as they remain employed; and
WHEREAS, There is a problem in that despite high job qualifications) many who
lose their jobs have great trouble finding new ones and the search
becomes more difficult as they grow older; and
WHEREAS, The costs of the longer spells of unemployment these workers experience
are persona] hardships, disproportionate public expenditures for un-
employment insurance and other income maintenance programs, as well as
lower productivity as our economy is deprived of highly experienced
workers; and
WHEREAS, The Federal Government and the State of North`.Carolina are working to
overcome widespread reluctance to hire older jobseekers by making em-
ployers aware of a well-documented finding; by every common measure
of job performance older workers are at least as effective as younger
people; and
WHEREAS, The objective is to have each worker judged on the basis of individual
ability to do a specific job.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Richard K. Pugh, Chairman, Randolph County Board of Commissioners
do hereby proclaim the week of March 8-14, 1981 as Employ the Older Worker
Week in Randolph County,.and do hereby actively endorse this opportunity
to focus public attention to the problems of older workers.
Motion was made by Kenyon Davidson, seconded by Bill Boyd to approve
the position paper - Randleman Lake Project, (Included by reference).
This motion was unanimously approved.
Motion was made by Richard Petty, seconded by Kenyon Davidson to
approve the February budget adjustments (included by reference).
This motion was unanimously approved.
Motion was made by Richard Petty, seconded by Thurman Hogan to approve
a draft of a hazardous waste ordinance to be presented by Dave McBride
(PTCOG) at the April meeting. This motion was unanimously approved.
A joint meeting between the Randolph County Planning Board and the
Randolph County Board of Commissioners was held at 2:00 P.M.
Motion was made by Bill Boyd, seconded by Kenyon Davidson to disapprove
the re -zoning request of W.H. (Bill) Beard. Petty, Pugh, Boyd and
Davidson voted YES. Hogan voted NO.
Motion was made by Richard Pugh, seconded by Thurman Hogan to discuss
the sharing of the cost of the plaque for the Courthouse addition
with the Contractor, Architect and the County. This motion was
unanimously approved.
The meeting adjourned.