010581m I RANDOLPH COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES - January 5, 1981 The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session January 5, 1981 at 9:00 A.M. in the County Commissioners' room with the following members present: Richard K. Pugh, Chm., Kenyon Davidson, Thurman Hogan, Richard Petty, and Bill Boyd. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Richard Pugh. Motion was made by Thurman Hogan, seconded by Richard Petty to approve the minutes of the December 1, 1980 meeting. This motion was unani- mously approved. Motion was made by Bill Boyd, seconded by Thurman Hogan, to appoint Joyce Davis and Terry Coble to the Randolph County Planning Board for three year terms, terms to expire the first Monday in January, 1984. The motion was unanimously approved. Motion was made by Kenyon Davidson, seconded by Richard Petty to re -appoint the following to the Randolph County Board of Health for three year terms and the motion was unanimously approved: Dr. Larry Simpson Dr. John Darwin Mrs. Emma Castelloe Motion was made by Kenyon Davidson, seconded by Bill Boyd to accept the Ira McDwoell Governmental Center but to retain $25,000 on the general contract until the landscaping is completed and the grounds cleaned up. This motion was unanimously approved. Richard Pugh suggested that at the February 2nd meeting an open discussion be held on county -wide zoning, a county water system and election of commissioners by districts. This would be a discussion only. Motion was made by Richard Petty, seconded by Thurman Hogan to accept funds funneled through the Piedmont Triad County of Governments to be used to pay a nurse in the Health Department's county family planning program and taking $3,000 that had been allocated to pay a nurse for the Health Department clinic and using it instead to pay the private sector for clinical visits. (Budget adjustment included by reference). This motion was unanimously approved. Motion was made by Richard Petty, seconded b� n� Thrman__Hoga_n to take $14,130 from the contingency fund to pay the soil testing service for the addition to the County landfill (budget adjustment included by reference). This motion was unanimously approved. Motion was made by Thurman Hogan, seconded by Bill Boyd to approve the Mental Health budget adjustment for retarded adults (budget adjustment included by reference). The motion was unanimously approved. The Public Hearing was called to order at 11:00 A.M. The purpose of the hearing was to provide an opportunity for pu'.,1ic comment on the pro- posed street improvement and paving project on SR #2280 located in Level Cross Township. Mr. Gano Hall commented positively on this project. There were no other comments. The Public Nearing was closed. Motion was made by Thurman Hogan, seconded by Richard Petty to approve the following resolution which was unanimously approved: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ASSISTANCE IN THE FINANCING OF IMPROVEMENTS TO RURAL SUBDIVISION AND RESIDENTIAL STREETS ADOPTED: January 5, 1981 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners on December 1, 1980, adopted a preliminary resolution giving notice of intention to assist in the financing of the improvement and paving of State Road No. 2280, said road also shown as Farley Drive on a plat recorded in Plat Book 12, Page 43, in the. Office of the Register of Deeds of Randolph County; and WHEREAS, due notice has been given that on the 5th day of January, 1981, at 11:00 a.m., in the Commissioners' Room in the Randolph County Courthouse, Asheboro, North Carolina, a public hearing would be held on whether the assistance in financing the road improvements hereinafter described shall be made and that all objections to the legality of the making of such financial assistance are required by law to be made in writing, signed in person or by attorney, and filed with the Clerk to the Board at or before the time of the public hearing; and WHEREAS, the public hearing has now been held and any objections made concerning the financial assistance were con- sidered; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF RANDOLPH: 1. That the street or streets, road or roads, or rights of way herein set out are without paving, and public interest requires that asphalt paving be made available, and that abutting property will be benefitted to the extent of the part of the cost thereof to be assessed against such abutting property. 2. If the local improvements are ordered made by the North Carolina Department of Transportation, the County of Randolph shall remit to the North Carolina Department of Transportation the pro- portion of the cost thereof representing the total local share as required by policies of the North Carolina Department of Transportation's Secondary Road Council. 3. That the local improvements to be made on the street or streets, road or roads, or rights of way, set out above are as follows: (3) That asphalt paving be installed by the North Carolina Department of Transportation on the street or streets, road or roads, or rights of way hereinabove named within the limits defined. 4. That the proportion of the cost of the improvements to be assessed against the abutting property and' the terms of payment will be as provided in the Preliminary Resolution Giving Notice of Intention to Assist in the Financing of Improvements to Rural Subdivision and Residential Streets which was served on the owners of the property to be assessed. This the f,C,, day of January, 1981. Motion was made by Thurman Hogan, seconded by Richard Petty to approve the allocation of $5,600 to pave part of the road leading to the county's landfill. This motion was unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 A.M. The next meeting will be February 2, 1981 at 3:00 P.M. and resume at 7:00 P.M. after a dinner break. PUBLIC HEATH ACCT. N0. 10-590-90-7 10-590-90-1 10-590-87-1 10-590-87-2 10-590-87-5 10-590-87-6 10-590-87-7 10-348-08 LANDFILL 10-580-47 10-999-00 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS - January 5, 1981 ACCT NAME BUDGET MCH -Clinician fees 1,500 MCH - Salaries 54,360 COG -salaries 15,948 COG -fringe benefits 2,905 COG -travel 3,000 COG -supplies 7,379 COG -clinicians fees 3,347 Family Planning grant 32,579 COG ADJUSTMENT (debit)3,000 (credit)3,000 (debit)6,077 (debit) 958 (debit) 600 (debit)5,000 (debit)1,500 (credit)14,135 Soil Testing 6,948 (debit)14,130 Contingency Approp. 52,552 (credit)14,130 NEW BUDGET 4,500 51,360 22,025 3,863 3,600 12,379 4,847 46,714 21,078 38,422 W ME OF ME7,TFAL HEALTH i CT�I1I'ER REQU I REI`'IENI'S Revenue Revenue R"rTX1EST FOR BUDSf: P RnI1 S ION DEPAR'1 •E T OF HCT,•9AN RESOURCES Division of Mantal Health and Vla_ntal Retardation Services Randolph County Mental Health Center Fiscal Year(s) 1980-81 204 E. Academy Street Subject: Budget Revision #1 Asheboro, N.C. FUNDING SOURCE SUBHEAD INCREASE DECREASE Community Living Title XX Skills Program 25,511..00 15-349-05` State 15-348-10 8,503.00 $34,014.00 Salaries FICA Retirement Group Insurance Travel Office Supplies Consultation Rent - Equipment (copying) Other Supplies & Materials AREA BOARD ACTDHORI Signature Title Da to Federal/State M M.R. E.C.I. Net Requirements --$34,014.00 -- 15-432-02 Permission is requested to incorporate additional Title XX and State monies to implement a Community Living Skills Program for approximately 30 adults with mental retardation by. January 1981 and to continue through June 30, 1981. 200.00 15-432-04 Rent - Building Federal/Local M.R. Adjust. Svcs 15-433-21 _ 125.00 Travel " 15-433-14 500.00 Telephone & Postage 15-433-11 250.00 Maint. & Repair - Equip. 15-433-16 25..00 Other Supplies & Materials / 15-433-34 300.00 Rent— Equipment (copying) " 15-433--22 50.00 Salaries FICA Retirement Group Insurance Travel Office Supplies Consultation Rent - Equipment (copying) Other Supplies & Materials AREA BOARD ACTDHORI Signature Title Da to Federal/State M M.R. E.C.I. 15-432-02 3,052.00 15-432-05 222.00 15-432-07 402.00 15-432-06 14.00 15-432-14 1,000.00 15-432-32 200.00 15-432-04 3,360.00 15-432-22 241.00 15-432-34 1,289.00 7N REGIONAL OFFICE AUTHORIZATION / APP RDVED AS SUBMITTED TED Signature -- --- / /APPMVED AS REVISED - - Title --- -- P WED PE -R A'YTPOUED RE=VISION Date - - - - ----- --- / WI'T'I nW A(.'T' I oN �- Car-,unl -,/ Cased Programs 1980-81 ANNUAL 9UDGET -Total Expendi fire by Line *Hem Randolph CountyMental Health- a oe of Area Program Community Living .Ski lls Program Page_ I __ __ 15-434 Object of Expenditure Amount I1 Board Members !2 Salaries I Wages.- Regular 15 --834.00 13 -_Salaries I Wages - Part-time A Temporary 1 1-0 41 .0_0____ Professional Services 5 -FICA Tax .1 123-00 6 - Group Insurance 600.00 7 Retirement 8 Unemployment Condensation r Workmen's Compensation 9 -Other fringe Benefits 124.00 0 -Employee Training 1._ - Tel eohone 9 Postage 3 Utilities ___-430.00 ___43o oo 713.00- 5 - M I R - Buildings I Grounds 5 - M & R - Equipment 75.00 7 - M I R - Vf,.hi cl es I - Re n Bu 2 - Rent - [qU!pf-,,Ent __(Copyi-.n-q -Included) 5 AdyErlkisino Automotive Supplies 0,111-i Ce-5unvi-i 3 Housekeeping Supplies Other Supplies 4 -- Maur ials I 2,150.00 L2undr., 9 Ory Cleaning. ifo_r N. C. Sal es Tax N. C. Gesoline Tax County Sales Tax Soecia-I Services - OC A -RC ------------------------- i Special Services - SW Special Services - VR Services & Dies I Subscriotions Insurance 9 Bonds miscell__?neous FX2e1LS_e____LCI iemt Activities Trznsportation of Clients -------- Certification S 142niforino - Title XX 127-00 600.00 300-00 900.00 5,307-00 850.00 CRAND TOTAL EXPC,'.'Dl IL'q[S $34,014.00 IgNAE OF MENIAL HEALTH CEIIFER RFQU I RETIE2� Salaries FICA Group Ins. Retirement M.& R. -Vehicles Auto Supplies Food & Provisions Travel Professional Svcs Office Supplies Other Supplies & Mat Contracted Svcs. Capital Outlay Monitoring & Cert. . Travel R-r)QUrsT FOR LUFX;�E P F:FII I S ION DEPAR`17-u�2IT OF IIL eV9 N RF -SOURCES Division of Intal Health and I-n._ntal Retardation Services , Randolph County Mental Health Center Fiscal Year (s) 1980-81 page 2 Subject: Budget Revision # 1 FUNDING SOURCE Federal/State It Net Requirement -- $1,306.00 --- (Deletion) M.R. Outpatient Local 15-430-14 800.00 Administration Travel Local 15-410-14 506. 00 Net Requirement -- $1,306. -00 -- (Addition) Permission is requested to make budget adjustments to better utilize funds that were unexpended due to vacant staff positions, staff travel and rent. Additional Physical Therapy time is needed to adequately serve the severe physical disorders manifested by the Developmental Center children and Early Childhood Intervention children. More programmatic services and supplies are needed to effectively operate the programs. Also, the re-entrance of the Mental Health Center into the transportation system necessitates two lateral line item changes. ' }REA BOARD AUI'HORI'LATION --- Signature PROVEa) AS SUBM-TT= APPROVED AS REVISE Title _P R7VED PER ATPACHFU) RF -,VI S ION Da to / / R.•:: ;r T D VITI3CA71' ACPION REGIOr�L OFFICE AU'PHORIZATION _ _--- Signature --------- Title - - - Da to SUBEiEAD INCRIASE DKREASE M. R. Dev. Day 15-431-02 5,080.00 15-431-05 393.00 15-431-06 379.00 15-431=07 791.00 15-431-17 543..0C 15-431-31 2,163.00 15-431-47 1,000.00 15-431-14. 700.00 15-431-04 3,460.00 15-431-32 113.00 15-431-34 1,000.00 15-431-45 2,120.00 15-431-74 1,000.00 15-431-81 650.00 Net Requirement -- $1,306.00 --- (Deletion) M.R. Outpatient Local 15-430-14 800.00 Administration Travel Local 15-410-14 506. 00 Net Requirement -- $1,306. -00 -- (Addition) Permission is requested to make budget adjustments to better utilize funds that were unexpended due to vacant staff positions, staff travel and rent. Additional Physical Therapy time is needed to adequately serve the severe physical disorders manifested by the Developmental Center children and Early Childhood Intervention children. More programmatic services and supplies are needed to effectively operate the programs. Also, the re-entrance of the Mental Health Center into the transportation system necessitates two lateral line item changes. ' }REA BOARD AUI'HORI'LATION --- Signature PROVEa) AS SUBM-TT= APPROVED AS REVISE Title _P R7VED PER ATPACHFU) RF -,VI S ION Da to / / R.•:: ;r T D VITI3CA71' ACPION REGIOr�L OFFICE AU'PHORIZATION _ _--- Signature --------- Title - - - Da to Conmuni t5 used Frograns 1980-81 Annual 9udget Randol h CouM�nt�1 Health Total Revenue (lame of area Program) Community Living Skills Program — Objects of Revenue (Enter appropriate title and amount Belo w tching Funds: o r --- I u ­,Mi +rhi nn Fund— Total und— Page—of— --- -- Amount S - l a l e i u i w—_ ---------- ---- State Mental Health Grant - In -Aid Subsidy i ,503.00 —_ -7348-10 ---------- Total State Funds—.------_---_—� ___-- 8503.00----.___-- _ -- LI I . Federal Funds : ----- ------ -- --- -- ---- Title XX _— -------__-- 25 , 51 1_00 (15-349-02 _ - -- -- --- -- --- ---- ----- --- Total Federal Funds j 25,511-00 ------ ---- ---- GRAND TOTAL REVENUE j 34,014.00 III -28 Total Local Funds —__------------ ---------------- - l a l e i u i w—_ ---------- ---- State Mental Health Grant - In -Aid Subsidy i ,503.00 —_ -7348-10 ---------- Total State Funds—.------_---_—� ___-- 8503.00----.___-- _ -- LI I . Federal Funds : ----- ------ -- --- -- ---- Title XX _— -------__-- 25 , 51 1_00 (15-349-02 _ - -- -- --- -- --- ---- ----- --- Total Federal Funds j 25,511-00 ------ ---- ---- GRAND TOTAL REVENUE j 34,014.00 III -28