110617 I First BankClosed Session I— First Bank November 6, 2017
At 7:32 p.m., the Board convened closed session in order to instruct the public body's staff or
negotiating agents concerning the position to be taken by or on behalf of the public body in
negotiating the price and other material terms of a contract or proposed contract for the acquisition of
real property by purchase, option, exchange, or lease, pursuant to [N.C.G.S.143-318.11(a)(5)(i)].
Commissioners Allen, Frye, Haywood, Kidd and McDowell were present. Also present were County
Manager Hal Johnson; Assistant County Manager/Finance Officer Will Massie; County Attorney Ben
Morgan; Associate County Attorney Aimee Scotton; and Clerk to the Board Amanda Varner.
County Manager Hal Johnson stated that the 4,560 square foot building located at 176 N.
Fayetteville St, Asheboro, formerly First Bank, will be on the market for purchase in the near future.
Mr. Johnson stated that he, Maintenance Director Robert Cross, Finance Officer Will Massie and
Clerk to the Board Amanda Varner had met with a couple of the First Bank employees at the location
for a first look at the building. He commented that the building is in great shape. It was constructed
in 1971. The restrooms appear to have been updated fairly recently as well as the HVAC.
Mr. Johnson said this property is part of the block of town where the Courthouses sit. He felt that
this building would be best suited to house the Economic Development Corporation. The location
would increase the EDC's visibility and the impact to new and existing business/industry within our
community. It would also enhance the County's commitment to strengthen economic development
recruitment and the support of existing business in Randolph County.
The building would provide office spaces for the EDC employees and meeting spaces for their use
or area businesses. He mentioned maybe new businesses moving into the county, who didn't yet
have an office, could use an office or meeting space to interview their potential employees.
Mr. Johnson said that county staff will complete due diligence inspections of the property and the
Facilities Advisory Committee could review the findings and also visit the property prior to making a
recommendation to the Board.
After discussion, the consensus of the Board was to have the County Manager negotiate the
purchase of the property with the owner and then advise the Board on the details.
At 7:43 p.m., closed session ended on this topic.
David Allen, Chairman Darrell L. Frye
Stan Haywood
Maxton McDowell
Kenny Kidd
Amanda Varner, Clerk to the Board