020818 Joint with City Schools407
February 8, 2018
Special Joint Meeting with the Asheboro City School Board of Education
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in a special joint session with the
Asheboro City Board of Education in the Professional Development Center, on the corner of
Church Street and Walker Avenue on the Asheboro High School campus, Asheboro.
Commissioners Allen, Frye, Kidd and McDowell were present. Commissioner Haywood was
absent. Also present were County Manager Hal Johnson; Finance Officer Will Massie; County
Staff Attorney Aimee Scotton; Amanda Varner, Clerk to the Board; Dana Crisco, Deputy Clerk
to the Board; and members of the Asheboro City Board of Education and school officials,
Superintendent Dr. Terry Worrell, Kyle Lamb, Phillip Cheek, Gustavo Agudelo, Linda Cranford,
Baxter Hammer, Joyce Harrington, Gidget Kidd, Beth Knott, Michael B. Smith, and Gwen
Williams and other school officials; Finance Officer Harold Blair, Director of Facilities and
Maintenance Michael Mize, and Executive Assistant to the Superintendent Donna Gentry.
At 6:00 p.m., School Board Chairman Kyle Lamb welcomed the Commissioners and
Chairman Allen called the meeting to order for the County. Dr. Terry Worrell thanked the
Boards for their commitment to the students and introduced Mr. Mize.
Mr. Mize provided a power point presentation and gave updates on current maintenance
emergencies and issues due to the age of systems and facilities. The priorities for 2018
renovations are the kitchens at both McCrary and Lindley Park Elementary Schools. Windows
would be replaced at McCrary Elementary as well. Some roofing replacements would occur on
aging roofs where needed.
Smith-Sinnett Architects gave a presentation showing the preliminary designs for an addition
and needed updates to Asheboro High School. This recommendation would bring the interior of
the building to current code and increase the number of classrooms. The two-story addition they
proposed would include a multi-purpose area, a larger area for band classrooms and storage,
science labs, and flex classrooms.
Chairman Allen thanked the Board of Education for their updates and hospitality.
At 6:53 p.m., on motion of McDowell, seconded by Kidd, the Board voted 4-0 to adjourn.
David Allen, Chairman Darrell L. Frye
Kenny Kidd
Dana Crisco, Deputy Clerk to the Board
Maxton McDowell