060718 BudgetJune 7, 2018 Budget Meeting (County Department Presentations)
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met at 6:00 p.m. for a special budget session
in the 1909 Randolph County Historic Courthouse Meeting Room, 145 Worth Street, Asheboro,
NC. Commissioners Allen, Frye, Kidd and McDowell were present. (Commissioner Haywood's
seat is vacant.) County department heads were given the opportunity to present their budget
requests. Also present were County Manager Hal Johnson; Finance Officer Will Massie;
Amanda Varner, Clerk to the Board; and Dana Crisco, Deputy Clerk to the Board.
Juvenile Day Reporting Center
Megan Parker, Juvenile Day Reporting Director, said she was pleased with the budget. She
gave an update of the programs and services that her department offers. The court system
continues to refer clients to the programs creating a lack of space in her office to accommodate
everyone. She also said that with the age of juveniles being increased from 16 to 18 years of age
in 2019, her program would be impacted with more youths to serve.
Will Massie, Assistant County Manager/Finance Officer, said that the Administration budget
is pretty much the same as it has been and is satisfied with what has been proposed in the budget.
Human Resources
Jill Williams, Human Resources Director, provided an overview of employee compensation
and benefit considerations. The main goal for human resources is to recruit, retain, and develop
a highly qualified workforce. She provided information on advanced degrees held by County
employees, merit pay in the past, and COLA adjustments in previous years.
Ms. Williams talked about the three year classification study and which groups of employees
had been reviewed and would be reviewed in the upcoming year. She stated that funding was
not provided in the Proposed Budget to address the recommendations from the year two study or
a cost of living adjustment.
Ms. Williams addressed the cost of turnover saying that hiring costs, training costs and
lowered productivity all factor into the expense. She said the approximate turnover cost is 18%
or $7,200 for a position paying $40,000.
Information Technology (IT)
Michael Rowland, IT Director, said IT had requested a new Business Analyst position. This
position would be dedicated to support all of Public Safety. The reason for this request is due to
the fact that IT is losing veteran employees in key positions to retirement. These seasoned
employees with their extensive knowledge were able to take on multiple roles simultaneously. In
addition, Public Safety by its very nature requires 24x7x365 support. He stated that he did not
have the number of staff with the required skills to provide that level of coverage and support.
He said IT currently supports over 500 users on the Public Safety system. This includes seven
law enforcement agencies, 23 fire agencies, three Emergency Service agencies, a unified 911
communications center and a 235 bed detention center. The technology being used in Public
Safety is extensive. Most vehicles are equipped with a Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) and an
Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) system. The 911 Communications Center uses software such
as the Geographical Information System (GIS), Division of Criminal Information (DCI) access,
emergency medical dispatch software and Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) provided by
Spillman Technologies. The Detention Center uses Spillman for inmate management, specialized
software for logging inmate checks and another software for managing the commissary.
Mr. Rowland said he understood the pressures of funding the Proposed Budget. The salary for
the new position was budgeted at $63,334 for salary and benefits. If the position cannot be
funded this year, he asked that it be seriously considered for the next budget year. Without this
key position, Public Safety technology support will be severely impacted. IT will continue to
provide the best level of support possible with the limited resources available.
Debra Hill, Tax Assessor, thanked the Board for the opportunity to speak. She stated that she
was pleased with the Proposed Budget for Tax. She clarified that the next revaluation would be
2019 and said that the Tax Department had been preparing for the last year and a half.
Melissa Johnson, Elections Director, thanked the Commissioners for her Proposed Budget
and the use of the Northgate Complex location for early voting. She stated that Elections hopes
to use that location for voting in the fall if it is available. She said that it had provided ample
space for training and voting.
Register of Deeds
Krista Lowe, Register of Deeds, was pleased with the department budget being proposed.
She said that with the automation processes they have implemented, her department was able to
have one less person which saved the County money.
Public Buildings (Maintenance)
Robert Cross, Maintenance Director, was not in attendance. He had told Mr. Johnson that he
was pleased with his budget.
Sheriffs Department
Sheriff Robert Graves thanked his staff for all of their hard work on a daily basis. He also
thanked the Commissioners for their work on the Proposed Budget. He presented his requests
that were not funded in the Proposed Budget then explained cost saving measures that had been
implemented during FY2017-18.
The Sheriff said there are a couple of positions at the detention center that he wishes to
upgrade. These positions have gained additional responsibilities and increased workload. He
asked that two part-time detention center positions be combined into one full-time position
because the part-time positions are difficult to fill. He also requested two additional positions in
the vice narcotics division to expand current operations and disrupt the increase of drug activity
in Randolph County.
He stated that to recoup money when inmates have destroyed County property, the
commissary has started charging through the inmate's account. They have also been able to save
approximately $49,000 by contracting with Aramark for food service.
Emergency Services
Donovan Davis, Emergency Services Director, thanked Mr. Massie for his hard work on
another challenging budget, and Mr. Johnson for his continued support. He said he is amazed at
how organized the budget process is each year. He stated they are requesting an increase to fees
due to the higher costs of drugs, supplies, and gas.
For the Emergency Services Department he stated he was pleased with the County Manager's
proposed budget. He pointed out that the primary unfunded request made for the FY2018-19 is
for three Paramedic positions ($167,868) and four 9-1-1 Telecommunicator positions
($204,364). He said the Paramedic positions would allow some relief in running the new 24-
hour morgue. The Telecommunicator positions would help to meet the goal of completely
separating the call -taker and dispatch responsibilities in the 9-1-1 center. He said EMS is still
trying to transition from 24-hour to 12 -hour shifts.
He thanked the Commissioners for their continued support of public safety in Randolph
Building Inspections
David Bryant, Building Inspections Director, presented the Commissioners with information
showing that permitting, inspections, and revenues have all increased over the past five years as
follows: 20% increase in permits issued, 45% increase in inspections, and 68% increase in
revenues. In order to maintain efficiency, he asked for one new code inspector to assist with
implementing the ePermits system and act as a back-up for other code officers who are out for
continuing education and time off. He said the new position would ensure that the Building
Inspections Department would continue to provide excellent customer service while maintaining
Adult Day Reporting Center
Pam Smith, Adult Day Reporting Center Director, thanked the Commissioners for their
support and said that there were no changes to her budget. She did explain that there were
already more participants in her programs to date this year than all of last year. She attributed it
to substance abuse especially with opioids. She stated that her offices had been packed with
Planning and Zoning
Jay Dale, Planning and Zoning Director, said there were no changes in his budget. He stated
that his office continues to move to paperless processes.
Cooperative Extension
Jonathan Black, Cooperative Extension Director, said he was happy with his department's
budget. He explained that their current van has caused many problems and has cost lots of
money in repairs. He appreciated the Commissioners allowing him to purchase a newer one in
this FY2018-19 budget.
Soil and Water
Jenny Parks, Soil and Water Department Head, said she is pleased with what the Manager had
included in the Proposed Budget for Soil and Water.
Public Works
Paxton Arthurs, Public Works Director, said he is happy with the Public Works' budget and
had no requests.
Public Health
Susan Hayes, Public Health Director, was happy with the budget. She said Public Health has
not asked for anything additional in the budget, however it will be increased from last year
because the Medical Examiner expenditures will be moved from the Administration budget to
the Public Health budget.
She also said there were modifications to the proposed fee schedule. Since fees are based on
costs, the changes are due to variation in the costs of either the service, vaccine, or medication.
Social Services (DSS)
Beth Duncan, Social Services Director, thanked the Board for the opportunity to speak. She
recognized her Department Managers. She said the Board of Social Services approved the
department's budget at their last month's meeting; a copy of which was provided to each
Commissioner. She reviewed a few of the highlights that have affected their budget; personnel
requests, potential State legislation, NCFast, and office space.
She said the personnel request to fund four Social Work Trainees was included in this budget.
She presented some legislative issues that could potentially affect the County. She stated that
office space is at capacity in both the Asheboro and Archdale locations.
Commissioners McDowell and Frye expressed their concerns for the Social Services
Department due to potential legislative changes.
Veterans Services
Chad Gurley, Veterans Services Director, said he was pleased with the Proposed Budget
amount for Veterans Services. He did indicate to the Commissioners the need for an additional
position in the Veterans Services office to help assist veterans. He would be requesting that
position in FY2019-20. The requests of the veterans are time sensitive and he was committed to
serve all of them with heart.
Child Support Enforcement
Damon Brown, Child Support Services Director, was pleased with what was included in the
Proposed Budget for Child Support.
Public Library
Ross Holt, Public Library Director, said he was satisfied with the Library budget and had no
additional requests. He stated that the Franklinville Library positions had been filled. He said
the new Librarian had much to offer in this position.
At 7:46 p.m., on motion of Frye, seconded by McDowell, the Board voted unanimously to
David L. Allen, Chairman Darrell Frye
Kenny Kidd
Dana Crisco, Deputy Clerk to the Board
Maxton McDowell