061719 Budget AdoptionR June 17, 2019 Special Meeting – Budget Adoption The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met at 6:00 p.m. for a special budget session in the 1909 Randolph County Historic Courthouse Meeting Room, 145 Worth Street, Asheboro, NC. Chairman Darrell Frye, Vice Chairman David Allen, and Commissioners Kenny Kidd, Maxton McDowell, and Hope Haywood were present. Also present were County Manager Hal Johnson, Finance Officer Will Massie, County Attorney Ben Morgan, Clerk to the Board Dana Crisco, and Deputy Clerk to the Board Sarah Pack. Chairman Frye called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and noted that this was the final budget meeting. The Board would be setting tax rates and taking care of some housekeeping issues in preparation for the new fiscal year. He said this was an important night as the budget would be set for the new fiscal year. He stated that some of the issues the Board is facing are not pleasant and there are issues coming into the communities and schools that have not been anticipated. He welcomed the public and turned the floor over to Finance Officer Will Massie to discuss some budget amendments. Approval of Budget Amendments for FY 2018-2019 Close-out Chairman Frye explained the FY2018-2019 close-out amendments needed for the annual fund and in other funds: On motion of McDowell, seconded by Allen, the Board voted unanimously to approve Budget Amendment #55 from the General Fund and Budget Amendment #5 for the Asheboro City Schools Capital Project, Budget Amendment #56 for Project Safe Neighborhoods, and Budget Amendment #57 for the Fire District Fund, as follows: 2018-2019 Budget Ordinance General Fund—Budget Amendment #55 Revenues Increase Decrease Appropriated Fund Balance $500,000 Appropriations Increase Decrease Transfer to Asheboro City Schools Capital Project $500,000 Asheboro City Schools Capital Project Ordinance Budget Amendment 45 Revenues Increase Decrease Transfer from General Fund $500,000 Appropriations Increase Decrease Professional Services $500,000 6/17/19 z 2018-2019 Budget Ordinance General Fund—Budget Amendment #56 Revenues Increase Decrease Property Taxes $5,000 East Side Fire Protection Service District Appropriations Increase Decrease Other Public Safety Appropriations $5,000 Franklinville Fire Protection Service District 2018-2019 Budget Ordinance Fire District Fund—Budget Amendment #57 Revenues Increase Decrease Ad Valorem Property Taxes $115,000 East Side Fire Protection Service District Appropriations Increase Decrease Tax Distributions $115,000 Franklinville Fire Protection Service District Approval of Appointments On motion of Kidd, seconded by McDowell, the Board voted unanimously to approve the appointments of Billy Hardin, Glenda Hamilton, Nancy Cross, and Charles Allen to the Regional Partnership Workforce Development Board. On motion of Allen, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to approve the appointments ofBill Ivey and Lynne Qualls to the Historic Landmark Preservation Commission. Approval of the Fire Protection Service Districts Tax Rates On motion of McDowell, seconded by Allen, the Board voted unanimously to set the Fire Protection Service District rates, as requested: Fire Protection Service Districts: Bennett Fire Protection Service District $0.0900 Climax Fire Protection Service District $0.1500 Coleridge Fire Protection Service District $0.0740 East Side Fire Protection Service District $0.1350 Fair Grove Fire Protection Service District $0.1020 Farmer Fire Protection Service District $0.0917 Franklinville Fire Protection Service District $0.1200 Guil-Rand Fire Protection Service District $0.1430 Julian Fire Protection Service District $0.1350 Level Cross Fire Protection Service District $0.1500 Northeast Fire Protection Service District $0.1200 6/17/19 U Randleman -Sophia Fire Protection Service District Seagrove Fire Protection Service District Southwest Fire Protection Service District Staley Fire Protection Service District Tabernacle Fire Protection Service District Ulah Fire Protection Service District Westside Fire Protection Service District $0.1200 $0.1200 $0.1200 $0.1000 $0.1225 $0.0900 $0.1300 Approval of School Tax Rates On motion ofFrye, seconded by Kidd, the Board voted unanimously to set the Archdale -Trinity Schools Supplemental Tax District rate at the revenue neutral rate of $0.0922. On motion of Kidd, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to set the Asheboro City Schools Supplemental Tax District rate at the revenue neutral rate of $0.1439. Adoption of Departmental Fee Schedules On motion of Haywood, seconded by McDowell, the Board voted unanimously to adopt all departmental fee schedules effective July 1, 2019, as requested, and as follows: 1. Building, Electrical & Plumbing Fees (no change) 2. Planning and Zoning (no change) 3. Emergency Services (no change) 4. Public Health changes as , follows: CPT Code Modifier Description p Current Manager's Recommended Fee Change for FY 2019-20 LABS 80183 DRUG SCREEN OXCARBAZEPINE $95.00 82306 VITAMIN D TOTAL $46.00 82746 FOLIC ACID $23.00 82747 FOLIC ACID; RBC $7.67 83690 LIPASE $11.00 83718 HDL CHOLOSTEROL $13.00 84146 PROLACTIN $30.00 84436 ASSAY OF THYROXINE TOTAL (T4) $9.00 84439 FREE T-4 $14.00 84478 TRIGLYCERIDES $9.00 85046 RETIC COUNT $9.00 86382 RABIES SCREEN $40.00 86592 SYPHILIS $7.00 88141 PAP, MD INTERPRETATION $32.00 $35.00 88142 CYTYC PAP (THIN PREP, PAP PROCESSING FEE) $40.00 6/17/19 191 VACCINES 90632 HEP A -ADULT (HAVRIX) $55.00 $70 90633 HEP A (Peds) $39 90636 HEP A - HEP B (ADULT) , (TWINRIX) $93.00 $123 90648 HIB (4 -DOSE) $12 90651 HPV, 9 (GARDASIL-9) $260.00 $302 90670 PNEUMOCOCCAL (PREVNAR-13 VALENT) $234.00 $277 90675 RABIES VACCINE IM $310.00 $405 90680 ROTATEQ (ORAL) $118 90696 KINRIX (DTAP/IPV) $59 90698 PENTACEL (DTAP/HIB/IPV) $52 90700 DTAP $61 90707 MMR, MEASLES, MUMPS, RUBELLA (MMRII) $86.00 $105 90710 MMRV, MEASLES, MUMPS, RUBELLA, VARICELLA(PROQUAD) $218.00 $308 90713 IPV $37 90714 TD, TETANUS, DIPHTHERIA TOXOID, NO PRESV(TENIVAC) $42.00 $34 90715 TDAP,TENANUS,DIPHTHERIA & PERTUSSIS (BOOSTRIX) $50.00 $47 90716 VARICELLA -CHICKEN PDX VACCINE SC- (V ARIV AX) $137.00 $185 90723 PEDIARIX (DTAP/HEP B/IPV) $91 90732 PNEUMOCOCCAL 23 -VALENT (PNEUMOVAX 23) $132.00 $146 90734 MENINGOCOCCAL-(MENACTRA (MCV4) $120.00 $66 90736 ZOSTER (SHINGLES) LIVE (ZOSTAVAX) $226.00 $252 90744 HEP B PED/ADOL $28 90746 HEP B (ENGERIX-B) $58.00 $70 PHARMACY J1050 DEPO $30.00 $235 J1050 UD/340b DEPO $15.00 $13.19 J7296 KYLEENA $1,287.00 $1,150 J7296 UD/340b KYLEENA $565 J7297 LILETTA $700.00 $850 J7297 UD/340b LILETTA $47.04 $47.06 J7298 LEVONORGESTREL 52 MG 5 YEAR(MIRENA) $912.00 $1,100 J7300 IUD DEVICE-PARAGARD $942.66 $900 J7300 UD/340b IUD DEVICE-PARAGARD $244.00 $253 J7307 NEXPLANON $850.00 $1,025 S4993 UD/340b BC PILLS (BIRTH CONTROL PILLS) $3.00 $1.36 6/17/19 11K HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SWIMMING POOL PERMITS (ANNUAL) $100.00 150 SWIMMING POOL PERMITS (SEASONAL) (NEW) DENTAL BITEWINGS TWO FILMS 100 FOOD AND LODGING PLAN REVIEW FOOD STANDS (NO SEATS) $150.00 200 COMMISSARY (NEW) D1110 200 MEAT MARKETS $100.00 200 MOBILE FOOD UNIT $75.00 175 PUSH CART (CUSTOM BUILT, NON -NSF) $75.00 100 NEW WASTEWATER IMPROVEMENT PERMITS (0-600 GAL) PROPOSED (0-480 GAL) $200.00 (601-1000 GAL) PROPOSED (481-1000 GAL) $300.00 (1001-3000 GAL) PROPOSED (1001-2000 GAL) $400.00 (3001-10000 GAL) PROPOSED (2001-3000GAL) $600.00 3001 + (NEW) 750 WASTEWATER EXPANSION PERMITS REGARDLESS OF SIZE $100.00 200 AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT ENGINEERED OPTION PERMIT (APPLIES TO IMPROVEMENT, AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT, AND OPERATION PERMITS) (NEW) 30% OF APPLICABLE FEE EXISTING SYSTEMS COMPLIANCE CHECK (NEW) 50 WELL PERMITS WELL PERMITS (REPAIR PERMIT) NEW 100 WATER SAMPLES BACTERIOLOGICAL $26.00 28.90 FLUORIDE $25.00 31.50 NITRATE/NITRITE $25.00 31.50 SULFUR SULFATE REDUCING BACTERIA $35.00 45 IRON BACTERIA $28.00 34 HEALTH DEPARTMENT DENTAL FEES D0170 RE-EVALUATION, LIMITED -PROBLEM FOCUSED 42.00 44.00 D0272 DENTAL BITEWINGS TWO FILMS 42.00 36.00 D0274 DENTAL BITEWINGS FOUR FILMS 55.00 60.00 D1110 DENTAL PROPHYLAXIS ADULT 70.00 75.00 D1120 DENTAL PROPHYLAXIS CHILD 55.00 60.00 D1516 SPACE MAINTAINER FIXED BILATERAL - MAXILLARY 420.00 6/17/19 D1517 SPACE MAINTAINER FIXED BILATERAL - MANDIBULAR 420.00 D2140 AMALGAM ONE SURFACE PERMANENT 110.00 125.00 D2150 AMALGAM TWO SURFACES PERMANENT 140.00 160.00 D2160 AMALGAM THREE SURFACES PERMANENT 170.00 190.00 D2161 AMALGAM 4 OR > SURFACES PERM 200.00 215.00 D2330 RESIN 1 SURFACE - ANT 120.00 125.00 D2331 RESIN 2 SURFACES - ANT 130.00 160.00 D2335 RESIN 4+ SURF OR W INCISAL ANT 220.00 230.00 D2392 RESIN -BASED COMPOSITE -2 SURF PSTR 180.00 190.00 D2394 RESIN -BASED COMPOSITE -4+ SURF PSTR 250.00 290.00 D2931 PREFAB STAINLESS STEEL CROWN PE 250.00 280.00 D2933 PREBAC STAINLESS STEEL CROWN RESIN WNDW 250.00 300.00 D2934 PREFAB ESTHETIC COATED STAINLESS STEEL CRN 250.00 300.00 D2940 PROTECTIVE RESTORATION 76.00 120.00 D2951 TOOTH PIN RETENTION 20.20 40.00 D3110 PULP CAP DIRECT 40.00 60.00 D3120 PULP CAP INDIRECT 30.00 50.00 D3222 PARTIAL PULPOTOMY FOR APEXOGENESIS 120.00 160.00 D3230 PULPAL THERAPY - ANTERIOR, PRIMARY TOOTH 200.00 250.00 D3240 PULPAL THERAPY - POSTERIOR, PRIMARY TOOTH 275.00 330.00 D3310 ENDODONTIC THERAPY, ANTERIOR TOOTH 400.00 500.00 D3320 ENDODONTIC THERAPY, BICUSPID TOOTH 475.00 600.00 D4341 PERIODONTAL SCALING & ROOT PLANING 4+ TEETH 105.00 200.00 D4342 PERIODONTAL SCALING & ROOT PLANING 1-3 TEETH 85.00 135.00 D4355 FULL MOUTH DEBRIDEMENT 125.00 150.00 D7111 EXTRACTION CORONAL REMNANTS 75.00 110.00 D7140 EXTRACTION ERUPTED TOOTH/EXR 140.00 145.00 D7210 SURG REM ERPTD TOOTH/BONE W/ MUCOP 200.00 235.00 D7520 I & D ABSCESS EXTRAORAL 747.00 350.00 D7971 EXCISION OF PERICORONAL GINGIVA 200.00 250.00 D9110 PALLIATIVE TX DENTAL PAIN - MINOR PROC 60.00 105.00 D9230 NITROUS OXIDE SEDATION 60.00 70.00 S7140 EXTRACTION OF SUPERNUMERARY TOOTH 140.00 145.00 13 6/17/19 IF Budget Discussion and Recommended Changes Chairman Frye began the Budget discussion by pointing out that every meeting over the last few months seems to have been centered on Animal Control in Randolph County. He thought that some comments that were made during the public comment period were too personal and not constructive. He assured the public that the Board does not lack sensitivity or concern for the current issues of Animal Services. He said there are many things that County departments deal with every day and mentioned two fatal shootings that had occurred over the weekend. He stated that, in the past, the Animal Shelter was under the Sheriff's Office. The Sheriff at the time asked the Board to remove the responsibility of the Animal Shelter from the Sheriff's Office because his department could not give it the attention it needed. The Shelter was then moved to be overseen by Public Health with no consent of the department. The Chairman said Sheriff Seabolt has more than enough issues to deal with already. He said the Jail has 211 beds and 347 inmates of which 35 are "Special Needs" with accommodations for only 4 "Special Needs" inmates. This Budget properly staffs Animal Services, which sometime soon will be established as a separate department under the jurisdiction of the County Manager. Chairman Frye asked that people who advocate for the fair treatment of animals and members of the Sheriff s Office be a part of an Animal Services Advisory Board. He wants the public to be involved. He said when this Budget was presented, there was more new money allocated for Animal Services than was budgeted for both public school systems combined. He noted that there are 21,000 school age children in Randolph County with a 45% increase in children needing foster homes and a 66% increase in the number of children under Child Protective Services. The Chairman gave an example that in one week, there were thirty-five 50-B protective orders filed. There are 60 new children needing Family Crisis assistance. He noted that all of these problems are being dealt with in the school systems. He pointed out the value of Meals on Wheels and stated that some seniors only eat or have human contact once a day when their meals are delivered. He stated that these are the issues the Board is dealing with in this budget which serves those citizens who need assistance the most. Chairman Frye began speaking about recommended changes to the Proposed Budget. He discussed the changes the Sheriff had asked for, which included the reclassification of three Detention Officer positions to a Deputy Transportation Officer, a Detention Detective, and a Substance Abuse Counselor. The additional cost for these positions including salary and fringe is $82,323. The revenue to fund those positions comes from the payphone at the jail. Randolph County Senior Adults Association and Regional Consolidated Services get federal pass through funds which are subject to change. Additional federal funding of $4,025 is being added to the budget. Mr. Michael Ayers of Randolph Vocational Industries (RVI) has commented for many years that RVI spends $10,000 for an audit in order to get $20,000. The recommendation is to add $10,000 to their budget to offset that. Chairman Frye noted that the public pays into a 911 fund on their phone bill which goes straight to the 911 Board in Raleigh. That Board determines the distribution of the 911 money. The County will receive less money than expected, $104,470 less. The appropriation and revenue is being reduced to reflect that. The dog license fee will change from $3.50 to $5.00. There may be a difference in fees for neutered and non -neutered dogs in the future. 6/17/19 15 The Board collectively agreed that not enough emphasis was placed on the public schools. Chairman Frye proposed additional funding of $1,176,093. Asheboro City Schools will receive $261,093 while Randolph County Schools will receive $915,000. The allotment for Randolph County Schools is divided as follows: $315,000 for teachers' supplements and $600,000 for current expenses. They will also receive an additional $100,000 for the Nine Year Facilities Plan. Chairman Frye noted that property tax goes to the revenue neutral rate of 63.27, which is 0.02 less than the current rate. He stated that every member of the Board has been a part of this budget process. Commissioner Allen said that this was his fifth budget process and the previous four were much less difficult than this one. He was pleased that the Board is able to make the tax rate revenue neutral, is providing additional funding to the Sheriff's Office, and is allowing EMS to transition to 12 hour shifts. He said the Board is committing to future needs that will require additional funding. The jail will need more staff, EMS will need more staff, and the Board is funding construction of two schools. He said it is going to be tough next year for the tax rate to remain revenue neutral. He hopes that what the Board has been able to fund this year will be appreciated. Chairman Frye explained that not only is the Board making changes to Animal Services, but is also transitioning EMS to 12 hour shifts. The 24 hour shifts have been a hindrance to hiring and Randolph County has the only EMS department in this area that still has 24 hour shifts. There is a $32 million jail expansion project which will be financed during FY2019-20. With the expansion at the jail, more deputies will need to be hired which involves not only funding of salaries and fringe benefits but also equipment and gear. The opioid crisis will continue to worsen causing more financial burden on the County. This budget addresses the initial phases of ongoing projects for many departments. Commissioner McDowell said that he was not surprised, but he was pleased that the Board was able to remain at a revenue neutral tax rate. He expressed his support for this year's budget since it has sustained current projects as well as addressing new issues. He reminded the public that the members of the Board are taxpayers too. They want to do what is best for all citizens without jeopardizing services provided. Commissioner Kidd made a motion to adopt the budget as amended. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion, which included setting the Ad Valorem Tax Rate at 63.27 cents per $100 valuation, a 1.5% Cost of Living Adjustment, and implementation of the 3rd year Classification Study. Commissioner Kidd amended his motion to clarify that the County Manager's Proposed Budget includes full funding for Animal Services within the Health Department's Budget. County Manager Hal Johnson clarified that the budgeted funds will be transferred to a stand- alone department once Animal Services has appropriate staff in place. Commissioner Kidd said he appreciated Chairman Frye's comments. He said he was concerned about the time and effort spent on animal related needs rather than human services. He believes 6/17/19 [Lim that the change in Animal Services will be a positive one. He asked the public to please give this option a chance. He said that Commissioners felt a change needed to be made and this was a logical solution for government. He reminded everyone that government does not work fast and this transition will not be completed immediately. The County will hire a director and there will be a Board to oversee the director, who will be able to structure the department as needed. He hopes there will be a healthy relationship between Animal Services and the Sheriff's Office. He said this is a really great opportunity for the County and asked the public to give the new director a chance. Chairman Frye added that this decision was not a recent one. He said Commissioners Haywood and Kidd have traveled extensively around the state looking at the ways other counties handled Animal Services. He said the Davidson County Manager wrote an email supporting Randolph County for moving in this direction. A lot of work has gone into getting Animal Services to this point. Commissioner Haywood said that the more collaboration we have across the board, the better we can solve problems and the better we look as a County. The better we look as a County, the more businesses and people want to come, which increases tax dollars the Board has to spend on services. Adoption of FY 19-20 Budget and Budget Ordinance Commissioner Kidd made a motion to adopt the FY2019-2020 Budget Ordinance as proposed by management, but with the following changes: The County Manager's Proposed Budget includes full funding for Animal Services within the Health Department Budget. Animal Services will become a stand-alone department reporting to the County Manager. A phased transition from Public Health should be conducted to allow minimum disruption for the continuity of service. The funds shall be transferred to a stand-alone department when recommended by the County Manager. General Fund Add Current Expense Appropriations, as follows: Asheboro City Schools $261,093 Randolph County Schools $915,000, designated as $315,000 for teachers' supplements and $600, 000 for current expenses. Add Construction Capital Randolph County Schools $100, 000 for the Nine -Year Plan Sheriff's Office -upgrade three existing jail positions; Deputy -Transportation, Detention Detective, and Substance Abuse Counselor Salaries and fringe benefits $27,818 Vehicle, computer, uniforms $54,505 Other Human Services Appropriations 6/17/19 IVA Randolph Vocational Industries $10,000 Aging Services HCCBG $ 4,025 RCSAA ($2,670) Regional Consolidated ($1,355) Increased Revenues Sales Taxes Sales Taxes $967,093 Medicaid Hold Harmless $286,000 Other Taxes Increase dog license from $3.50 to $5.00 $33,000 Restricted Intergovernmental Home and Community Block Grant $4,025 Miscellaneous Sheriff's Office Paytel Collections $82,323 Emergency Telephone System Fund Decrease Appropriations E-911 System Operating Costs ($104,470) Decrease Revenues Restricted Intergovernmental NC 911 Board Distributions ($104,4 70) Commissioner Allen seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously to adopt the FY 2019-2020 Budget Ordinance (which follows below) including the changes from above; and includes setting the Ad Valorem Tax Rate at 63.27 cents per $100 valuation; and produces a budget of $130,962, 005 for FY 2019-2020, as follows: RANDOLPH COUNTY Budget Ordinance Fiscal Year 2019-20 Be It Ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Randolph County, North Carolina: Section 1. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the General Fund of Randolph County for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020: General Government: Governing Body $ 188,685 Administration 3,426,070 6/17/19 Section 2 Information Technology 2,335,374 Tax 2,819,199 Elections 584,896 Register of Deeds 727,811 Public Buildings 3,182,752 Public Safety: Sheriff 21,359,091 Emergency Services 10,009,759 Building Inspections 694,379 Adult Day Reporting Center 261,397 Juvenile Day Reporting Center 446,225 Other Public Safety Appropriations 223,600 Economic and Physical Development: Planning and Zoning 706,301 Cooperative Extension Service 707,270 Soil and Water Conservation 244,076 Other Economic and Physical Development Appropriations 1,747,413 Environmental Protection: Public Works 169,953 Human Services: Public Health 6,954,578 Social Services 17,910,114 Veteran Services 211,852 Child Support Services 1,128,049 Other Human Services Appropriations 2,424,083 Cultural and Recreational: Public Library 2,387,161 Other Cultural and Recreational Appropriations 20,000 Education 32,898,493 Debt Service 12,794,038 Other Financing Uses: Interfund Transfers Out 4,400,386 Total $130,962,005 It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the General Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020: Ad Valorem Property Taxes $ 73,465,026 6/17/19 19 Local Option Sales Taxes 28,505,093 Other Taxes 1,974,000 Unrestricted Intergovernmental 333,000 Restricted Intergovernmental 15,506,590 Permits and Fees 1,213,200 Sales and Services 7,627,519 Investment Earnings 901,000 Miscellaneous 447,909 Other Financing Sources: Appropriated Fund Balance 797,755 Interfund Transfers In 172,913 Total $130,962,005 Section 3. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Emergency Telephone System Fund of Randolph County for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020: E-911 System Total $ 697,309 Section 4. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Emergency Telephone System Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020: NC 911 Board Distributions $ 697,309 Investment Earnings - Appropriated Fund Balance - Total 697,309 Section 5. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Solid Waste Management Fund of Randolph County for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020: Solid Waste Management $ 335,000 Section 6. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Solid Waste Management Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020: Investment Earnings $ 5,000 6/17/19 CEJ Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10 Appropriated Fund Balance 330.000 Total $ 335,000 The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Fire Districts Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020: Tax Distributions $ 10,078,559 It is estimated that the following Fire District revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020: Ad Valorem Property Taxes $ 10,078,559 The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Library Trust Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020: Library Support It is estimated that the following Library trust Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020: Donations Investment Earnings Appropriated Fund Balance 2,000 22,500 Total $ 24,500 Section 11. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Water Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020: Bulk Water $ 1,864,000 Section 12. It is estimated that the following Water Fund revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020: Investment Earnings Appropriated Fund Balance Transfer from General Fund $ 5000 1,859,000 Total $ 1,864,000 6/17/19 041 Section 13. There is hereby levied for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020, a county -wide tax rate of $ 0.6327 per $100 valuation of estimated taxable property situated in the County. The ad valorem tax is based on a total estimated property valuation of $11,637,000,000, with an expected collection rate of 99.0%. Section 14. For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020, there is hereby levied in the County of Randolph a dog license fee at the rate of $5.00 per dog. Section 15. For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020, the Board of County Commissioners commits the annual lease revenues to be received from the regional landfill to support strategic planning initiatives, in the following designated amounts, and reserved for specific projects as may be approved by the County Commissioners: Capital Reserve $ 1,000,000 Health and well-being $ 69,670 Section 16. There is hereby levied for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020, the following School District tax rates per $100 valuation of estimated taxable property situated in the special district. These levies are for the purpose of raising revenues to supplement school programs within each respective district. Section 17. There is hereby levied for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020, the following tax rates for Service Districts for Fire Protection, per $100 valuation of estimated taxable property situated in the special district. These levies are for the purpose of raising revenues for fire protection within each respective district. Fire Service District Net Valuation Tax Rate School District Estimated Approved Asheboro City School District $ 2,343,691,000 $ 0.1439 Archdale -Trinity School District $ 2,612,121,000 $ 0.0922 Section 17. There is hereby levied for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020, the following tax rates for Service Districts for Fire Protection, per $100 valuation of estimated taxable property situated in the special district. These levies are for the purpose of raising revenues for fire protection within each respective district. Fire Service District Net Valuation Estimated Tax Rate Approved Bennett Fire District $ 46,839,000 $0.0900 Climax Fire District $ 520,411,000 $0.1500 Coleridge Fire District $ 285,275,000 $0.0740 Eastside Fire District $ 506,063,000 $0.1350 Fairgrove Fire District $ 442,989,000 $0.1020 6/17/19 OX Farmer Fire District $ 240,956,000 $0.0917 Franklinville Fire District $ 545,597,000 $0.1200 Guil-Rand Fire District $ 2,261,626,000 $0.1430 Julian Fire District $ 96,747,000 $0.1350 Level Cross Fire District $ 228,930,000 $0.1500 Northeast Fire District $ 151,140,000 $0.1200 Randleman Sophia Fire District $ 427,742,000 $0.1200 Seagrove Fire District $ 223,927,000 $0.1200 Southwest Fire District $ 89,701,000 $0.1200 Staley Fire District $ 183,432,000 $0.1000 Tabernacle Fire District $ 384,923,000 $0.1225 Ulah Fire District $ 620,946,000 $0.0900 Westside Fire District $ 738,452,000 $0.1300 Section 18. There is hereby levied for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020, the following tax rates for Rural Fire Protection Districts, per $100 valuation of estimated taxable property situated in the special district. These levies are for the purpose of raising revenues for fire protection within each respective district. Rural Fire Protection District Net Valuation Estimated Tax Rate Approved Bennett Fire District $ - 0.0000 Climax Fire District $ - 0.0000 Coleridge Fire District $ - 0.0000 Eastside Fire District $ - 0.0000 Fairgrove Fire District $ - 0.0000 Farmer Fire District $ - 0.0000 Franklinville Fire District $ - 0.0000 Guil-Rand Fire District $ - 0.0000 Julian Fire District $ - 0.0000 Level Cross Fire District $ - 0.0000 Northeast Fire District $ - 0.0000 Tiger Country Fire District $ - 0.0000 Seagrove Fire District $ - 0.0000 Sophia Fire District $ - 0.0000 Southwest Fire District $ --71 0.0000 6/17/19 PA Staley Fire District $ - 0.0000 Tabernacle Fire District $ - 0.0000 Ulah Fire District $ - 0.0000 Westside Fire District $ - 0.0000 Section 19. Pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute §159-9, the County Manager is appointed to serve as Budget Officer. The County Manager and the Assistant County Manager, as his designee, are hereby authorized to transfer appropriations as contained herein under the following conditions: a. The Budget Officer, or his designee, may transfer amounts between line item expenditures within a department without limitation and without a report being required. b. The Budget Officer, or his designee, may not transfer amounts between departments of the General Fund or between funds, except as approved by the Board of County Commissioners in the Budget Ordinance, as amended. Section 20. The Budget Officer, or his designee, may make cash advances between funds for periods not to exceed one hundred eighty days without reporting to the Board of Commissioners. Any advances that extend beyond one hundred eighty days must be approved by the Board. All advances that will be outstanding at the end of the fiscal year must be approved by the Board. Section 21. Copies of this Budget Ordinance shall be filed with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of Randolph County and furnished to the Assistant County Manager/Finance Officer for direction in the collection of revenues and the expenditure of amounts appropriated. Section 22. This Budget Ordinance will be effective on July 1, 2019. Upon motion of Commissioner Kidd, seconded by Commissioner Allen, the foregoing Budget was passed with the following vote: Ayes: Commissioner Darrell Frye Commissioner David Allen Commissioner Kenny Kidd Commissioner Maxton McDowell Commissioner Hope Haywood Noes: None 6/17/19 PZA! Adjournment At 6:38 p.m., on motion of Allen, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn. Darrell Frye, Chairman David Allen Kenny Kidd Hope Haywood Maxton McDowell Dana Crisco, Clerk to the Board 6/17/19