080519August 5, 2019
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. in the 1909
Randolph County Historic Courthouse Meeting Room, 145 Worth Street, Asheboro, NC.
Chairman Darrell Frye, Vice -Chairman David Allen, Commissioner Kenny Kidd, Commissioner
Maxton McDowell and Commissioner Hope Haywood were present. Also present were County
Manager Hal Johnson, Finance Officer Will Massie, County Attorney Ben Morgan, and Clerk to
the Board Dana Crisco. Chaplain Brian Faircloth from the Randolph County Sheriff's Office gave
the invocation and everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Special Recognitions
The Randolph County All-Star Girls 10 and Under Softball team was recognized for their
Statewide Athletic Conference (SWAC) Championship win. A certificate of recognition was
given by the Board to the Coach for the team's accomplishment.
Kameryn Walden was recognized as the 4-H Youth Voice representative for Randolph County
at the upcoming NCACC conference. She was presented with a certificate of recognition from the
Chairman Frye introduced Dr. Aaron Woody, the new Superintendent of Asheboro City
Public Comment Period
Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 153A-52.1, Chairman Frye noted that no one had signed up for public
Consent Agenda
On motion of McDowell, seconded by Kidd, the Board voted unanimously to approve the
Consent agenda as presented, as follows:
• approve Board of Commissioners regular meeting minutes of July 8, 2019;
• reappoint Cindy Miller to the Randolph County Adult Care Home Community Advisory
• reappoint Renette Cranford to the Randolph County Nursing Home Community Advisory
• appoint Chip Womick to the Randolph County Historic Landmark Preservation
• approve Budget Amendment for Public Health Women's and Children's Health
($35.545), as follows:
2019-2020 Budget Ordinance
General Fund—Budget Amendment #4
Restricted Intergovernmental
Public Health
approve Budget Amendments for Encumbrance Carryforward for the General Fund
($3,456,703) and the Solid Waste Management Fund ($125,497), as, follows:
2019-2020 Budget Ordinance
General Fund—Budget Amendment #5
Appropriated Fund Balance
Restricted Intergovernmental
Transfer from Well Being Reserve
Transfer from Economic Development
Information Technology
Register of Deeds
Public Buildings
Emergency Services
Building Inspections
Cooperative Extension
Other Economic Development
Juvenile DRC
Public Health
Social Services
Veterans Services
Other Human Services Appropriations
Public Library
Other Cultural and Recreational
2019-2020 Budget Ordinance
Solid Waste Management Fund—Budget Amendment
Revenues Increase Decrease
Appropriated Fund Balance 1 $125,497
Solid Waste Management
• adopt DOT Resolution adding Farmwood Lane to the State Road System, as follows:
WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation has investigated Farmwood Lane in the
Farmwood Subdivision; and
WHEREAS, the subject street has been found to meet minimum requirements for
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Randolph County Board of
Commissioners that Farmwood Lane in the Farmwood Subdivision be added to the
Division of Highways' Secondary Road System.
Randolph Health Subcommittee Appointments
Angie Orth, Randolph Health CEO, said Randolph Health is requesting representation from
Randolph County to serve as additional members on a subcommittee of the Randolph Health Board
of Directors, as permitted by their bylaws. Randolph Health is diligently working to preserve local
health care. This work requires the cooperation and collaboration of all key community
stakeholders. She said they value their relationship with the County. Their Board of Directors
and Management both agree that County representation on this subcommittee will provide open
dialogue, creative thinking, and robust collaboration, all of which are required to produce
sustainable health care services in the community for years to come. Randolph Health is, and
wishes to continue to be, a strategic partner of Randolph County Government in this
effort. Participation by County representatives on this subcommittee will facilitate the delivery of
competitive health care information that is crucial to the success of this project.
Ms. Orth stated that Randolph Health respectfully requests that the County appoint the County
Manager and one County Commissioner to the subcommittee to serve at the pleasure of the
Chairman of the Board of Directors, in accordance with Randolph Health's bylaws. The
appointments will be ex officio, and non-voting.
Chairman Frye said that the County and the City of Asheboro have been involved with
Randolph Health to form a plan to retain successful long term health care in Randolph County. He
wanted the citizens to know that it was important to recognize the privacy of Randolph Health
through this process.
On motion of Kidd, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to appoint Chairman
Darrell Frye and County Manager Hal Johnson to represent Randolph County on a Subcommittee
of the Randolph Health Board of Directors seeking to facilitate the delivery of competitive
healthcare for the county.
Animal Services Matters
County Manager Hal Johnson stated the purpose of the Animal Services Advisory Board is to
serve as an advisory board to the County Commissioners in matters relating to operations and
policies associated with the promotion and protection of animals through the soon to be established
Randolph County Department of Animal Services. The Board would also assist in the planning
of long range goals and objectives for Animal Services in Randolph County.
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners recognizes the vital role that Randolph County
Public Health plays in protecting the public from zoonotic disease, particularly rabies. It is
therefore the intent of the Board of Commissioners that the Randolph County Animal Services
Advisory Board work in cooperation with Public Health to ensure that citizens and animals in
Randolph County are protected to the highest degree possible.
The membership of the Board would be comprised of eleven (11) members and appointed by
the Board of County Commissioners. The Bylaws are designed to provide for countywide
representation including:
• At least one person from each of the five County Commissioner Districts
• Chairman and Vice -Chairman of the Randolph County Commissioners
• One veterinarian from the Randolph County community
• At least two persons from the animal rescue volunteer community
• One representative from the Randolph County Sheriff's Office
• The County Manager shall serve as ex officio member of the Board and shall ensure proper
administrative support for Board operations.
As discussed during the budget process, the creation of a separate Animal Services Department
will require that a transition from Public Health be conducted in phases. This phased transition is
critical to give time for administrative and operational adjustments so that there is minimal
disruption in the continuity of animal services.
Changes will eventually need to be made to the Animal Control Ordinance concerning
dangerous dog declaration appeals. This authority will continue with the Board of Health Chair,
physician, veterinarian, and Health Director, until a new Director of Animal Services is employed.
It is anticipated that this authority would then be given to the Director of Animal Services and an
animal services advisory appellate board to be established.
Commissioner Kidd pointed out that the Bylaws did have a clause allowing for changes by vote
of a majority of the members.
On motion ofAllen, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to adopt 1) the Bylaws
for the Animal Services Advisory Board and 2) the associated Resolution.
Name: This body shall be known as the Randolph County Animal Services Advisory
Board. Established through Resolution of the Randolph County Board of
Commissioners and adopted on August 5, 2019.
Purpose: The purpose of the Board shall be to make recommendations to the
Randolph County Board of Commissioners and provide advice, in compliance with
state law and county regulations, regarding the development or review of policies
associated with the promotion and protection of animals through the Department of
Animal Services:
• Study Animal Control Shelter organizational and operational related issues and
make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners, County Manager, and
Animal Shelter Director;
• Advise as requested with the leadership of the Animal Services Department about
issues relating to the agency, and assist in the planning of long range goals and
• To have such other duties and responsibilities as the Board of County
Commissioners may assign to it.
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners recognizes the vital role that Randolph
County Public Health plays in protecting the public from zoonotic disease, particularly
rabies. It is therefore the intent of the Board of Commissioners that the Randolph
County Animal Services Advisory Board work in cooperation with Public Health to
ensure that citizens and animals in Randolph County are protected to the highest
degree possible.
Membership of the Board: The Board shall be composed of eleven (11) members and
appointed by the Board of County Commissioners as follows:
• At least one person from each of the five County Commissioner Districts
• Chairman and Vice -Chairman of the Randolph County Commissioners
• One veterinarian from the Randolph County veterinarian community
• At least two persons from the animal rescue volunteer community
• One representative from the Randolph County Sheriff's Office; and
• The County Manager shall serve as ex officio member of the Board and shall
ensure proper administrative support for Board operations
This does not preclude the Board of County Commissioners from appointing
individuals to the Animal Services Advisory Board that may include more than one
member of the above categories to the Board. Nothing in these bylaws shall prohibit
the Randolph County Board of Commissioners from appointing a representative from
Public Health to ensure the protection of the county from zoonotic disease as set forth
in Article II.
All members shall be legal residents of Randolph County and will serve at thepleasure
of the Randolph County Board of Commissioners. The composition of the Board should
reasonably reflect the makeup of the county and may include residents with
qualifications associated with animal services, rescue experience and members of the
general public representing various occupations and backgrounds. Compensation,
including travel expense, may be approved as allocated by the Board of
Term: The term of members shall consist of the following:
• A term will consist of a two year appointment;
• Thereafter, reappointments are allowed upon reappointment by the County
• Initially, the five (S) members appointed from each of the five County
Commissioner Districts shall be appointed for one-year terms, and the remaining
six (6) members shall be appointed for two-year terms. All subsequent
appointments shall be for two-year terms, so that the membership appointments
are staggered.
Sub -Committee Formation: The Board may create ad hoc committees as needed for
special projects or technical assistance such as: fundraising, special events, focus
groups, etc. Sub -Committees should be established for a set period of time as approved
by the Board. The Board Chairman appoints all Sub -Committee Chairs annually.
Meeting Attendance: Members will adhere to any attendance requirements
established by the Randolph County Board of Commissioners but any member who
fails to attend at least 75% of the regular meetings except for excused illness, or other
excused circumstances, of the committee during any one calendar year period shall be
removed from said Board.
Officers and Duties:
A. Chairman: A Chairman shall be appointed the first year by the Randolph County
Board of Commissioners and elected thereafter by the Board from among its
1. The term of the Chairman shall be one (1) year, beginning as of the first
2. The Chairman shall decide matters of order and procedure, unless directed
otherwise by a majority of the Board in session at the time. The Chairman shall
follow Robert's Rules of Order in conducting the meetings and will have
authority to:
• Rule motions in or out of order, including the right to rule out of order any
motion patently offered for obstructive or dilatory purpose;
• To determine whether a speaker has gone beyond reasonable standards of
courtesy in his remarks and to entertain and rule on objections from other
members on this ground;
• To call a brief recess at any time;
• To adjourn in an emergency;
• The Chairman shall appoint any Sub -Committees found necessary to
investigate any matter before the Committee; and
• The Chairman shall be responsible for the appointment and governance of
all subcommittees.
B. Vice -Chairman: A Vice -Chairman shall be appointed the first year by the
Randolph County Board of Commissioners and elected thereafter by the Board
from among its members.
1. The term of the Vice -Chairman shall be one (1) year, beginning as of the first
meeting in January, and he or she may serve for no more than two (2)
successive terms;
2. The Vice -Chairman shall preside in the absence of the Chairman, fill any
unexpired term of the Chairman, and assume all duties and responsibilities
delegated by the Chairman;
3. The Vice -Chairman shall perform such other duties as directed by a majority
of the Board; and
4. In the event the office of the Vice -Chairman becomes vacant, a Vice -Chairman
shall be elected by the Board to serve the unexpired term.
C. Secretary (Clerk): The Randolph County Deputy Clerk to the Board of
Commissioners shall serve as appointed staff to the Board and serve as their
Clerk. The Clerk, subject to the direction of the Chairman and the Board, shall
keep records, conduct correspondence of the Board, and generally supervise
clerical needs. Minutes of the meetings shall be recorded and preserved in
perpetuity and are subject to public record requests. The Clerk will also be
responsible for maintaining records of attendance and submitting an annual
attendance report to the Board of Commissioners.
D. Other Officers: Should the Chairman and Vice -Chairman both be absent at a
meeting, the Board shall elect a temporary Chairman to serve at the meeting.
Should the Clerk be absent, a temporary Clerk may be appointed by the Chairman.
Meetings: Regular meetings of the Board shall be held monthly, and shall be
scheduled for the year each December. Special meetings of the Board may be called
at any time by the Chairman, provided that at least forty-eight (48) hours notice issued
through the Clerk and to each member of the Board and the meeting is properly noticed
in accordance with open meetings laws. All meetings shall be open to the public unless
subject to exception as identified in Open Meetings laws. A listing of the regular
meeting schedule shall be filed in a central location and with the County Clerk to Board
annually. Whenever there is no business for the Committee, the Chairman may
dispense with the regular meeting by giving notice to all members at least twenty-four
(24) hours in advance and posted at the meeting site.
Quorum: A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the full Committee
membership. The vote of a majority of those members present shall be sufficient to
decide matters before the Committee, provided that there is a quorum.
Reference to Robert's Rules of Order: To the extent not provided for in these bylaws
and to the extent that the reference does not conflict with the spirit of these rules, the
Committee shall refer to Robert's Rules of Order for unresolved procedural questions.
Amendments: These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the full Committee
with the final approval determined by the Randolph County Board of Commissioners.
WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute 153A-76 grants boards of county
commissioners the authority to establish advisory boards; and
WHEREAS, the Randolph County Board of Commissioners may appoint an
advisory board whose duty is to work with the soon to be established Department of
Animal Services staff and serve County Commissioners in an advisory capacity
regarding Animal Services in Randolph County; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the Animal Services Advisory Board (ASAB) shall be
to make recommendations to the Randolph County Board of Commissioners and
provide advice, in compliance with state law and county regulations, regarding the
development or review of policies associated with the promotion and protection of
animals through the Department of Animal Services; and
WHEREAS, the membership of the ASAB shall be composed of eleven (11)
members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners and should reasonably
reflect the makeup of the county which may include residents with qualifications
associated with animal services, rescue experience, and members of the general public
representing various occupations and backgrounds.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Randolph County Board of
Commissioners does hereby adopt the Animal Services Advisory Board Bylaws as
On motion of Haywood, seconded by Kidd, the Board voted unanimously to approve
appointments to the Animal Services Advisory Board, as follows:
Chairman Frye
Vice -Chairman Allen
Vice -Chairman
Cynthia Grantham
District I (Kidd)
Jason Balder
District 2 (Frye)
JR Beard
District 3 (Allen)
Lou Wilson
District 4 (Haywood)
April Wilburn
District 5 (McDowell)
Sgt. Lawrence Albright
Sherds Office
Misty Hinshaw
Animal Rescue Community
Lisa Sparks
Animal Rescue Community
Hal Johnson
Ex Officio (County Manager)
Historic Landmark Preservation Commission Landmark Designation
Mac Whatley, Chairman of the Historic Landmark Preservation Commission (HLPC), gave a
brief overview of the William Coltrane House, 1785-1800, that was presented to the Commissioner
in July. He commended the Whitakers for the restoration of this property. He said the HLPC
recommended designation as a Local Landmark.
Chairman Frye opened the Public Hearing at 6:30 p.m. and closed it after hearing no comments.
Commissioner Haywood praised the Whitakers for their preservation of this property in
Randolph County.
On motion ofAllen, seconded by Kidd, the Board voted unanimously to approve the Ordinance
designating the William Coltrane House as a Local Landmark.
Board Appointment
County Manager Hal Johnson said that there was a request from Central Piedmont Community
Action, Inc. to appoint a Commissioner to their Board of Directors. They serve low income citizens
in many counties including Randolph.
Chairman Frye recommended Commissioner Haywood and she agreed to serve.
On motion of McDowell, seconded by Kidd, the Board voted unanimously to appoint Hope
Haywood to the Central Piedmont Community Action, Inc. Board of Directors.
EMS Ambulance Purchase
Chief Donovan Davis said pursuant to G.S. 143-129 (e)(3), which authorizes the County's
participation in a competitive group purchasing program, he requested approval to purchase two
(2) 2019 Type I Ford F-450 4x4 Trauma Hawk ambulances through the Houston -Galveston Area
Council's (HGAC) competitive bidding program. The HGAC is a formally organized program
like the contract program through the State of North Carolina. The HGAC has competitively bid
this ambulance type as required for the lowest available pricing, including associated emergency
equipment. Other than the chassis year, these ambulances are identical to those purchased last
Chief Davis asked the Board to approve the purchase of two (2) 2019 Ford F-450 4x4 Trauma
Hawk Type I ambulances from Northwestern Emergency Vehicles, Inc., of West Jefferson, NC,
for the total amount of $443,766 ($221,883 per ambulance) under HGAC contract AA08. The
funds are allocated in the current budget and Northwestern is an authorized dealer through the
HGAC. This is the same amount as last year.
On motion of Kidd, seconded by Allen, the Board voted unanimously to approve the purchase
of two (2) 2019 Ford F-450 4x4 Trauma Hawk Type I ambulances at a total cost of $443,766
under HGAC contract AA 08.
Sheriffs Office Matters
Justin Brubaker, Business Manager, said the Sheriff's Office plans to purchase twenty 2019
Dodge Chargers and five Dodge Durangos for 2020 fiscal year. They wish to purchase these
vehicles through the NCSA Procurement Program and the State of North Carolina Purchase and
Contract Division.
North Carolina General Statute 143-129 (e) (9), provides an exception to the formal bidding
procedures for purchases made from contracts established by the State or any agency of the State.
The State of North Carolina Purchase and Contract Division meets this requirement. This allows
the Sheriff's Office to purchase under contract award 70A, Item 21 which has been awarded to
Ilderton Dodge for the 2019 Dodge Charger. Ilderton Dodge has offered to sell the Sheriff's Office
twenty 2019 Dodge Chargers for a total cost of $512,820.
North Carolina General Statute 143-129 (e) (3), provides an exception to the formal bidding
procedures for a purchase made through a competitive bidding group purchasing program. The
Program is required to offer competitively obtained purchasing services at discount prices to two
or more public agencies. The North Carolina Sheriffs' Association Vehicle Procurement Program
meets this requirement. This exception allows the Sheriff's Office to purchase 2019 Dodge
Durangos from Ilderton Dodge. Ilderton Dodge has offered to sell the Sheriff's Office five 2019
Dodge Durangos for a cost of $162,495.
The County purchasing policy requires that the County Commissioners must approve all
purchases over $90,000. Mr. Brubaker requested that the Commissioners approve these purchases.
The funds are allocated in the current budget.
On motion of Kidd, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to approve the
purchase of twenty (20) 2019 Dodge Chargers at a total cost of $512,820 through the State of
North Carolina Purchase and Contract Division and five (5) 2019 Dodge Durangos at a total cost
of $162,495 through the North Carolina Sheriffs'Association Vehicle procurement program.
Mr. Brubaker said the Sheriff's Office is requesting the purchase of four additional full service
K9s using asset forfeiture funds for the Sheriff's Office patrol division at a cost of $10,000 each.
The current K9 program is expanding and is becoming more efficient. The patrol division currently
does not have a K9 assigned to any of the teams and is in great need of this type of K9. Each patrol
shift can utilize the K9 on traffic stops for vehicle sniffs, tracking armed and dangerous fleeing
suspects, and locating contraband. The utilization of a K9 greatly increases the safety of officers
and reduces the possibility of officer injury.
He listed the expenses for the K9s. Once a handler has been assigned, a 10x20 concrete pad
will be provided to that handler and equipped with a kennel. The approximate cost for this
equipment is around $1300 per K9. Routine checkups at the veterinarian's office and food for the
K9 per year are approximately $1000 per K9. Each officer will be required to attend a K9
recertification course yearly at a cost of approximately $100 per officer and K9. The funds for
these expenses will come out of the existing budget. All additional training obtained throughout
the year is handled in house at no charge.
On motion of Kidd, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to approve 1) the
purchase of four (4) full service K9 officers at a total cost of $40, 000 using Law Enforcement
Restricted Funds and 2) the associated Budget Amendment, as follows:
2019-2020 Budget Ordinance
General Fund—Budget Amendment #6
Revenues Increase Decrease
Restricted Fund Balance Appropriated $40, 000
Appropriations Increase Decrease
Sheri $40,000
The Randolph County Sheriff's Office has received funds totaling $11,596 from the Friends of
Randolph County Sheriff's Office (FORCSO) for purchases of K9 equipment and a K9 for a
School Resource Officer that will search for narcotics. Residents of the Trinity, Archdale and
Randleman areas raised and donated over $8,000 specifically for an SRO K9 and equipment.
The remainder of the funds were donated for K9 equipment and supplies.
On motion of Haywood, seconded by Allen, the Board voted unanimously to approve 1) the
purchase of one (1) K9 officer for an SRO and K9 equipment at a total cost of $11,596 using
donated funds and 2) the associated Budget Amendment, as follows:
2019-2020 Budget Ordinance
General Fund—Budget Amendment #7
Revenues Increase
Miscellaneous $11,596
Appropriations Increase
Sheriff $11,596
County Manager Update
County Manager Hal Johnson reported that the renovation and construction work at the
Northgate Complex is moving ahead of schedule. The Board of Elections is expected to move to
Northgate in mid-September. The Veterans Office will move to the larger office currently occupied
by Elections. Probation and parole will be moved to Northgate by the end of the year. Space will
open at the Courthouse for the Clerk of Court and more parking spaces will be available. Mr.
Johnson said the Public Health Department WIC program will be moving into the area currently
being rented by Asheboro Housing Authority. This will provide a much needed increase in space
to serve the clients necessary for federal/state funding continuance, and will also open up space in
the current Public Health Department building for needed expansions. Mr. Johnson said the
purchase of the Northgate Complex was a real blessing and opportunity for the County because it
will allow the County to address space needs for many years.
Commissioner Updates
Chairman Frye stated that he had recently attended the 2019 NACo Conference in Las Vegas.
The focus was on the opioid crisis and the effect it had on many county governments. He said
County departments including Social Services, Public Health, EMS, and the Sheriff's Office were
all affected by the crisis. He stated he wanted to have a meeting with a representative from each
of those departments to discuss coordinating services.
Commissioner Kidd stated that he appreciated all those who were willing to serve on the Animal
Services Advisory Board. Then he recognized the two (2) Deputies who provide security for
Commissioners meetings and thanked them for their service. Commissioner Kidd spoke of Deputy
Rodney Hardy, who was normally at the Commissioners meetings, having a massive heart attack
the previous week. He said Deputy Hardy was appreciative of the prayers and support.
Commissioner Kidd asked everyone to keep Deputy Hardy in their prayers.
Commissioner McDowell spoke of the Randolph County American Legion Baseball Team who
will be competing in the Mid -Atlantic Regional Tournament which is played in Randolph County.
The tournament brings teams from up and down the Eastern Seaboard to compete. He said these
teams were very talented and recommended that citizens go watch the games and show their
support for the American Legion team as well as for baseball.
Closed Session
At 6:58 p.m., on motion of Kidd, seconded by McDowell, the Board voted unanimously to go
into closed session pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes Section 143-318.11 for the
purpose of discussing competitive healthcare activities by or on behalf ofRandolph Health, which
discussion is privileged and confidential pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes Section
131E-97.31 as is permitted by North Carolina General Statutes Section 143-318.11(a)(4).
Regular Session Resumed
Regular session resumed at 7:48 p.m.
Legal Representation
On motion of Kidd, seconded by McDowell, the Board voted unanimously to authorize County
Attorney Ben Morgan to contact North Carolina law firms to retain representation as it relates to
Randolph Health and Randolph County going forward.
At 7:48 p.m., on motion of Kidd, seconded by Allen, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn.
Darrell Frye, Chairman David Allen
Kenny Kidd
Hope Haywood
Maxton McDowell
Dana Crisco, Clerk to the Board