102119October 21, 2019 — Special Meeting — Zoning Appeal
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in a special session at 6:00 p.m. in the
1909 Randolph County Historic Courthouse Meeting Room, 145 Worth Street, Asheboro, NC.
Chairman Darrell Frye, Vice -Chairman David Allen, Commissioner Kenny Kidd, Commissioner
Maxton McDowell, and Commissioner Hope Haywood were present. Also present were County
Manager Hal Johnson, County Attorney Ben Morgan, Deputy Clerk to the Board Sarah Pack, and
Clerk to the Board Dana Crisco.
Chairman Frye called the meeting to order and stated that this meeting was being held to hear
the appeal of Nash Duggins whose request was denied by the Randolph County Planning and
Zoning Board.
Zoning Appeal
Jay Dale, Planning and Zoning Director, gave an overview of the request, as follows:
Request heard by Planning and Zoning Board
NASH DUGGINS, Asheboro, NC, is requesting that 60.61 acres out of 200.05 acres located on
NC Hwy 49S and Old NC Hwy 49, Cedar Grove Township be rezoned from RA Residential
Agricultural and RR Residential Restricted to CVOE-CD Conventional Subdivision Overlay
Exclusive Conditional District. Tax ID #7639187958. Secondary Growth Area. The proposed
Conditional Zoning District would specifically allow a 25 -lot site built subdivision with a
minimum house size of 1,750 sq. ft. as per site plan. Property Owner: Terry Charles Vuncannon.
Pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes § 153A-341 and 342, the Randolph County
Planning Board found that the proposed zoning district map amendments to CVOE CD
Conventional Subdivision Overlay Exclusive Conditional District as described in the application
of Nash Duggins are not consistent with the 2009 Randolph County Growth Management Plan
and are not reasonable and in the public interest for the following reasons:
1. Determination of Consistency with the Growth Management Plan.
A. Consistency with Growth Management Plan Map
The Randolph County Growth Management Plan map for the southwest area shows the
parcel to be rezoned in an area designated as Secondary Growth Area. Secondary Growth
Areas are an area for medium density, are predominately residential, and allow for
transitional land use patterns. This property is located between NC Hwy 49 S and Old NC
Hwy 49.
B. Consistency with Growth Policies in the Growth Management Plan
Policy 6.5 The protection of viable rural neighborhoods should be encouraged by compatible
residential development to ensure the continued existence as a major housing source and as a
reflection of the long-term quality of life in Randolph County.
Consistency Analysis: While this request would be an extension of an existing rural
subdivision, there were many concerns raised by the area residents and Randolph County
Planning Board members. Questions raised included the possibility of adding a new
entrance, the potential for this subdivision to become a cut -through from NC Hwy 49S to
Old NC Hwy 49 with a new entrance, and other questions regarding access for this
proposed addition to Farmwood. During the Public Hearing the applicant refused to
consider adding another entrance as it would be "cost prohibitive." The applicant also
refused to consider increasing the minimum house size to match those in existing parts of
Farmwood. By denying to consider the requests of current residents and the Randolph
County Planning Board, the applicant failed to ensure the protection of the existing
subdivision and rural neighborhoods as recommended in the 2009 Randolph County
Growth Management Plan.
Policy 8.8 The County should seek land use decisions that continue to provide locations for
affordable housing while maintaining a choice in compatible housing types in communities within
the County.
Consistency Analysis: As stated previously, the area residents and Randolph County
Planning Board members requested the applicant to make changes to the plan for the
property including increasing the minimum house size and adding a new entrance to protect
the existing portions of Farmwood. The Randolph County Planning Board asked the
applicant several times to consider raising the minimum house size to ease the concerns of
the area residents and the applicant refused. Since the applicant refused to make further
changes to his request, the housing types within the proposed Phase 4 would not be
compatible or consistent with the existing patterns in Farmwood subdivision.
2. Statement of Reasonableness and Public Interest
Reasonableness and Public Interest Analysis: This request is not reasonable and in the
public interests for all the reasons stated above. The applicant refused repeated requests by
area residents and the Randolph County Planning Board to increase the minimum house
size to be more compatible with the existing portions of Farmwood. It should be noted that
the applicant did increase the proposed minimum house size from 1,400 sq. ft. to 1,750 sq.
ft. after the Neighborhood Information Meeting in August 2019 to help ease residents'
Appeal to be heard by Commissioners
NASH DUGGINS, Asheboro, NC, is requesting that 34.29 out of 200.05 acres located on NC
Hwy 49S and Old NC Hwy 49, Cedar Grove Township be rezoned from RA Residential
Agricultural and RR Residential Restricted to CVOE-CD Conventional Subdivision Overlay
Exclusive Conditional District. Tax ID 97639187958. Secondary Growth Area. The proposed
Conditional Zoning District would specifically allow a 22 -lot site built subdivision with a
minimum house size of 1,750 sq. ft. as per site plan. Property Owner: Terry Charles Vuncannon.
Chairman Frye wanted to confirm that the request was for 34.29 acres with 22 lots. Mr. Dale
explained that the original request was for 60.61 acres with 25 lots. The change decreased the size
of the existing lots and removed three lots.
Commissioner McDowell inquired if the Board would be hearing the request that was heard by
the Planning and Zoning Board or a request with changes. He said he had asked County Attorney
Ben Morgan about the difference. Mr. Morgan said the differences were not a "substantial
change." Commissioner McDowell said he felt that it was a "substantial change." Chairman Frye
also noted that the change in acreage from 60 down to 34 was significant.
Mr. Morgan stated that when the Planning Board was providing advisory recommendations,
there may have been changes from what the Planning Board heard and what the Commissioners
heard. Now that the cases only go to the Board of Commissioners in an appeal, the process is
Chairman Frye asked if an applicant would need to submit a new application if that applicant
wished to develop the remaining acreage in the future. Mr. Dale said yes.
Mr. Mack Summey, Summey Engineering Associates, had raised his hand and was
acknowledged to come forward. He had the acreage for the plat rechecked and found that the
actual acreage for the request including right-of-ways was 45.45 acres.
Chairman Frye asked Mr. Morgan if the Commissioners could hear the request with the
Commissioner McDowell said, in his time on the Planning Board, the applicant could only
make up to a 10% change or they would have to wait one year to go before the Planning Board a
second time.
Chairman Frye said the decrease of the number of lots would be a 10% change but the acreage
change would be more.
Mr. Morgan said the Board should hear the original application presented to the Planning
Commissioner Haywood asked why it was not realized a month ago that the Commissioners
should hear the same case that the Planning Board had denied. The neighbors have come to hear
the case and she wanted to serve the citizens.
Chairman Frye said he wanted whatever the Board does to be defendable in court.
Commissioner Kidd asked Mr. Morgan if the original request could be heard and then amended
Mr. Morgan replied that it could not be heard tonight because it was not advertised that way.
Commissioner McDowell apologized to the audience. He stated that whatever the Board
decides must be defendable in Superior Court.
Commissioner Haywood said she was aware of that but this had still wasted citizens' time. She
wished that it had been decided earlier that the Board could not hear the request.
Chairman Frye asked if the Board had the authority to hear the case as amended.
Mr. Morgan said that in the future there should be limited changes on an appealed case. With
the Commissioners only voting on appeals, the process and allowances are different.
Commissioner Allen stated that the Board had voted to change the procedure. He asked what
the procedure said regarding the appellate process. Mr. Morgan said the procedure states the Board
will hear cases de novo, from the beginning, without considering the Planning Board's decisions.
Commissioner Allen asked why the Board could not hear the case if it is from the beginning.
Mr. Morgan asked which case the Board wanted to hear.
Commissioner Haywood stated the Board should hear the case with the changes because that
is the one Mr. Duggins presented and this is what the neighbors have seen.
Mr. Morgan said the neighbors will say they haven't seen it.
Mr. Dale said the Planning and Zoning department has provided the map and packets of
information to many of the neighbors.
Mr. Morgan said there are two choices. The Board can hear the same case that the Planning
Board heard. However, it cannot be heard tonight because that was not what was advertised. The
other choice is for the applicant to go back to the Planning Board with the changes and let them
decide on the new request. The Board can table this request. The applicant will decide what he
wants to do.
Commissioner McDowell asked if the Board has to know the applicant's decision in order to
table it.
Mr. Morgan said the applicant would need to decide whether he will withdraw the appeal but
it did not have to be done tonight.
Citizen Brian Nance asked to come forward and said this is the third meeting he has attended
regarding this request. His property backs up to the property in question. He said he was frustrated
that something had changed at every meeting. He stated that the process had not been organized
and he felt like his time had been wasted.
Chairman Frye agreed that many changes had been made and said the Planning Board denied
the request because of changes and lack of answers. This Board needs to be sure to follow due
process. He said he understood the frustration of the neighbors.
Chairman Frye said information has continued to come in throughout this process. He spoke
of a request for a new access road into the subdivision. The Board had just received information
regarding that access. He read the following from a letter sent by Mickey Pate, DOT Assistant
District Engineer, Division #8 - District #1, as follows: The question was asked whether NCDOT
would allow another access to NC49 to serve the proposed 22 lots. At this time, we would not
allow another access to NC49 for that purpose.
He said he had spoken with Brandon Jones, DOT District Engineer, and Mr. Jones stated that
temporary access would be for constructing a roadway only. The access could not be used for
housing construction because that would take years. There would be no additional permanent
access for the development.
Mr. Morgan advised the Board that it would be appropriate to table the appeal. The applicant
will then need to decide how he wants to proceed.
Chairman Frye wanted to confirm with Mr. Morgan that there was no way the Board could hear
the request at this meeting.
Mr. Morgan said it didn't seem appropriate to hear the case as an appeal with these changes.
Commissioner Allen stated that he didn't like the fact that the process has been lengthy. The
reason for changing the Planning Board's authority was to expedite the process. In the past, there
have been allowances for changes that were suggested by the applicants.
Chairman Frye said now that the Board is hearing appeals, the request to be heard must be what
the Planning Board heard.
Commissioner McDowell reiterated that the Board was supposed to vote on what was presented
to the Planning Board without negotiations.
Commissioner Kidd apologized to everyone present for the confusion. Chairman Frye added
that the Board apologized as well.
On motion of Kidd, seconded by McDowell, the Board voted unanimously to table the appeal
of Mr. Nash Duggins.
At 6:37 p.m., on motion of Allen, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to
Darrell Frye, Chairman David Allen
Kenny Kidd
Hope Haywood
Maxton McDowell
Dana Crisco, Clerk to the Board