021121 Joint with Asheboro City SchoolsFebruary 11, 2021 Special Joint Meeting with the Asheboro City School Board of Education The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in a special joint session with the Asheboro City Board of Education the Professional Development Center, 1221 S. Church St., Asheboro. Commissioner Chairman Darrell Frye, Vice -Chairman David Allen, and Commissioners Kenny Kidd, Maxton McDowell, and Hope Haywood were present. Also present were County Manager Hal Johnson, Finance Officer Will Massie, County Attorney Ben Morgan, and Deputy Clerk to the Board Sarah Pack. Members of the Asheboro City Board of Education and school officials present were Superintendent Dr. Aaron Woody, Board Chairman Michael Smith, Beth Knott, Phillip Cheek, Baxter Hammer, Linda Cranford, Archie Priest Jr., Gustavo Agudelo, Gidget Kidd, and other school officials; Finance Officer Sandra Spivey, Director of Facilities and Maintenance Ed Keller, and Clerk to the Board Donna Gentry. Fred Jernigan of Smith Sinnett Architecture was also present. Public Information Officer, Leigh Anna Marbert, Director of Innovation and Technology Anthony Woodyard, Executive Director of Human Resources Carla Freemyer, Rhonda Angerio of Smith Sinnett Architecure, and School Board Member Gwendolyn Williams attended via video conferencing software. School Board Member Art Martinez entered where noted. School Board Member Ryan Patton was absent. At 6:10 p.m., Chairman Frye called the meeting to order for the County. Chairman Frye thanked the School Board for their partnership. Dr. Aaron Woody welcomed the Commissioners and thanked the Boards for their partnership and dedication. He is very proud of the work that Asheboro City Schools have done during the pandemic. Dr. Woody provided a power point presentation on budget considerations for the 2021-22 fiscal year. He thanked the Board of Commissioners for their support of the schools' requests. Art Martinez entered at 6:17 p.m. Technological upgrades have been provided. Some items were needed before the pandemic and were already in progress, but some devices and upgrades were necessitated by remote learning due to the pandemic. Dr. Woody discussed estimated continuation costs, including State salary increase, health insurance increase, and retirement rate increase, as well as estimated expansion costs that include a local supplement increase of �/z or one percent. Additional CARES act money is anticipated. Ed Keller, Maintenance Director, reviewed the Ten -Year plan including current and ongoing projects. He discussed the DPI Facility Needs Survey and related cost summaries. Cost summaries appear to be matching estimates at this point. He showed capacity calculators for different metrics of the Survey and explained what some of the metrics are. The database calculates on its own and categorizes projects based on priority. Fred Jernigan, Smith Sinnett Architecture, said that the remaining projects that are part of the Asheboro High School renovation are out to bid as of today. Bids will be received in 30 days. He reviewed a timeline from February 11, 2021 to July 25, 2023 and explained the order of bidding, construction, and project completion. Estimates seem to be lower due to the pandemic climate. School Board Chairman Smith asked if it will be difficult to get bids. Mr. Jernigan said no; there is considerable interest in this project. 2/11/21 School Board Chairman Smith asked for a big picture overview of the renovation project. Mr. Jernigan said everything that's happening is happening inside the building; most all of the external build and repair is finished. Most of the remaining work is infrastructure. Mr. Keller said that the renovation of the Student Support Services area falls under a DPI Standard, which he compared to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Mr. Jernigan said access into the school is now being controlled and security for the school has been addressed. Dr. Woody asked the Board of Commissioners to consider approving the DPI Facility Needs Survey. Mr. Keller said there is no obligation; this vote is an acknowledgement of receipt. On motion ofKidd, seconded by McDowell, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the DPI Facility Needs Survey, as follows these minutes as Attachment A. Dr. Woody thanked the Boards again and expressed great appreciation for the work both Boards do for the students. The School Board will be starting a four-year strategic plan at their February meeting. The pandemic has changed learning and the educational environment will continue to evolve and adapt. School Board Member Hammer asked how revenues have been impacted by the pandemic. Commissioner Chairman Frye said we've seen a difference, but it's been positive. We've added roughly 6.5 million dollars to capital purchases. We are currently exceeding 2019's numbers. Chairman Frye credited the County Department Heads for staying within budget and being frugal in their spending. School Board Chairman Smith thanked both Boards for being champions of the county, students, and public schools. Commissioner Haywood said that the pandemic has given us a great opportunity to model real- world problem solving for students. It's good for students to see that they may not always have control and need to figure out how to solve the problem. As leaders in the community, we need to model those problem -solving capabilities. She thanked members of both Boards. Chairman Frye thanked both Boards for the opportunity to work on behalf of students. The County has been a good steward of funding. He thanked the School Board for their partnership. Adjournment At 7:06 p.m., on motion of Allen, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn. Darrell Frye, Chairman David Allen Kenny Kidd Hope Haywood Maxton McDowell Sarah Pack, Deputy Clerk to the Board 2/11/21 Attachment A Capacity Plan Summary - Asheboro City Schools printed: 1/26/2021 Page 1 of 1 1 ADM 1 Current Capacity Mobile Teach Needs Planned Capacity (future) UNIT: 761 2019-201- Frclk_ Middle High f Station Pre -k k.S jMidd_fej_H1ghj k.�­ ieboro High1,268'''-,j 0 o -t-im 7 t mi 0 6 'ke"nov, aiti'�.ons' 0 0 6 ith Asheboro Middle 551 0 57'� 513 0 0 Lv�ll�n! 1 0 660 0 660 r"ta"our Elernenry, OT 0 520 520 2 Renovations 0 572 0 6 572 ir I es W McCra ry Ele 36,4 0 403 0 403 4 4 Renovations 0 492 0 0 492 ln'a L-Loflin Element 351 0 362 O� 0 362 0 0 Renovations 0 �66 -di- a w-6 b Teachey Eie"m en 49� 6 58_2 0 1 0 682 0 0 Renovations 0 596 0' lley Park Elementary' 41- 1 45�. 0 0 2 6- _Jiiiewmt6s 6 4 55 01 Z Asheboro 'Middle hAshebo- I 535 0 0 0 I 10 530, 4 4 AdditionlRenovaiion 0 0 562, 01_ - ", 562 TotaW 4,499 _5_ 0 2,322 1,103 1,251 4,676 12 9 0 2,620 1,222 1,451 5,193 K-5 Middle High K42 M Middle d1h K-12 Current Capacity: 2,322 1,103 1,251 4,676 Total Capacity: 2,520 1,222 1,451 5,193 ADM 2019-20: 2.125 1,086 1,288 4,499 Pro) Enrollment 2024.26: 2,013 1,055 1,484 4,562 Difference: 197 17 (37) 177 Difference: 507 167 (33) 641 Capacity Plan Summary - Asheboro City Schools printed: 1/26/2021 Page 1 of 1 1-2 Capacity Plan Summary - Asheboro City Schools printers: 1/26/2021 Paye 1 or 1 Current Capacity ' p Planned Capacity (future) UNIT: 7011 [�AD 0 s 20 � Pre -K - K 5 Ml to High K 12 Mobile St tion Needs - Pre•K I K-5 I Middla I High K•12 eboro High y - 1,288 0 0 0 1,251 I 0 one 1,451 1 451 dh Asheboro Middle 551 0 0' 573 0 .251 573 0 0 �N ,ahansd Renov 0 0 660 tour Elementary 501 „ _- 0 520'I 0 4 520 _0 1 2Renovatdons 0 _-0 572 �05p 0 0 572 blas W McCrary Be 364 0 403 00 403 4 4 Renovalions -0 492 0 0 492 rna L Loftin Element 351 0 362 j 0 0 3621 0 0 Renovations 0 405 0, 0 405 r Teachey Eleme11 nt 494 0J 582 0 0 5132 0 0 Renovations 0' 596 0 0 596 tley Park Elementargf 415 17 455 0 ! _ 0 455 0 2 Ran1ovations 0 455 0 0 455 th Asheboro Middle 5,35 _ 0 i 0 534 0 530 4 4 11 Renovations p 0 562 0 562 Totals: 4,499 0 2,322 1,103 1,251 4,676 12 9 0 2,520 1,222 1,451 5,193 14-5 Middle High K-12 M Middle Hit h_ K_12 Current Capacity: 2,322 1,103 1,251 4,676 Total Capacity: 2,520 1,22,2 1,451 5,193 ADM 2019-20: 2,125 1,086 1,288 4,499 Proj Enrollment 2029.30: 2,131 974 1,407 4,512 Difference: 197 17 (37) 177 Difference: 389 248 44 681 Capacity Plan Summary - Asheboro City Schools printers: 1/26/2021 Paye 1 or 1 Unit: 761 . . . . ............... 304 lAsheboro High Priori't'y New -j it l -O n S s Furn/Eqpt -111 a I Renovation Land TotI - ------ -- --- 0 ------ I ....... - 0 ! 0 �: 27,995,299 502,000 $28,497,299 Totals: 27,995,2991 502,000 � 0 $28,497,299 Asheboro City Schools Facility Needs printed: 1/26/2021 Page 1 of 1 - 0 t New School Unit: 761Priority - -- ---- Additions Renovations -- Furn,E qpt Land Total 30� Asheboro Middle 4 0 2,660,606,6 678,3341 $17,992,606 312 Balfour Elementary 4 0 0 7,380,661 7.3 150,0001 0 $7,530,661 320 Charles W McCrary Elem 4 0 0 ti14,653,366 8,731,990 232,000 01 $8,963,990 321 Donna L Loflin Elementary' 3 . ... ........ 0 0 9,4 2 0,163 9 387,000 0 $9 807,163 328 UY Teachey Elementary 4 0 0 13,510,6-77 21000 Oil -i14,012,677 332 Lindley Park Elementary 3 0 0 ----------- 10,215,278 352,000 0 $10 567,278 336 North Asheboro Middle 4 0 . 4,044.7-4-1 5,842,182 454,508 0 $10,341,431 ...... . ... Totals: 0 6,705,647 69,754,317 2,755,842 0 $79,215,806 Asheboro City Schools Facility Needs printed: 1/26/2021 Page 1 of 1