041619 Signature Signs
April 16, 2019
Special Economic Development Meeting and
Joint Session with the City of Asheboro City Council
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in a special meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the
Randolph County Emergency Services building located at 760 New Century Drive, Asheboro,
North Carolina, to discuss an economic development matter concerning a building reuse grant and
met jointly in closed session with the City of Asheboro City Council for the purpose of discussing
competitive healthcare activities by or on behalf of Randolph Health. Commissioners Darrell Frye,
Kenny Kidd, Maxton McDowell, and Hope Haywood were present. Commissioner David Allen
was absent. Also present were County Manager Hal Johnson, Finance Officer Will Massie,
County Attorney Ben Morgan, and Clerk to the Board Dana Crisco.
Building Reuse Grant
Kevin Franklin, EDC Interim President, presented a request to schedule a Public Hearing on
May 6 to consider authorization of a Building Reuse Grant of up to $187,000, including required
match of 5% (up to $9,375.) Signature Signs and Component Signage would like to renovate the
vacant property at 414 Berkley St., High Point, with this grant. They are making an investment of
$380,000 in building renovations and plan to create a combined total of fifteen jobs with an average
wage of $30,039. The City of High Point is also being asked to participate in this grant.
On motion of McDowell, seconded by Allen, the Board voted unanimously to schedule a Public
Hearing on May 6 to consider authorization of a Building Reuse Grant for Signature Signs and
Component Signage of up to $187,000, including required match of 5% (up to $9,375.)
Closed Session
At 7:09 p.m., on motion of Kidd, seconded by Allen, the Board went into closed session pursuant
to North Carolina General Statutes Section 143-318.11 for the purpose of discussing competitive
healthcare activities by or on behalf of Randolph Health, which discussion is privileged and
confidential pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes Section 131E-97.3, as is permitted by
North Carolina General Statutes Section 143-318.11(a)(1).
Regular Session Resumed
At 9:31 p.m., regular session resumed.
At 9:32 p.m., on motion of Kidd, seconded by McDowell, the Board voted unanimously to
________________________________ ________________________________
Darrell Frye, Chairman David Allen
________________________________ _________________________________
Kenny Kidd Maxton McDowell
________________________________ _________________________________
Hope Haywood Dana Crisco, Clerk to the Board
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