080519 Randolph Health Closed Session – Randolph Health — August 5, 2019 At 6:58 p.m., the Board convened in closed session pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes Section 143-318.11 for the purpose of discussing competitive healthcare activities by or on behalf of Randolph Health, which discussion is privileged and confidential pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes Section 131E-97.3, as is permitted by North Carolina General Statutes Section 143-318.11(a)(4). Chairman Darrell Frye, Vice-Chairman David Allen, and Commissioners Kenny Kidd, Maxton McDowell, and Hope Haywood were present. Also present were County Manager Hal Johnson, Finance Officer Will Massie, County Attorney Ben Morgan, Associate County Attorney Aimee Scotton, and Clerk to the Board Dana Crisco. Chairman Frye gave an update on Randolph Health (Hospital). He said that the Hospital had suggested the County and the City of Asheboro be represented by an attorney through the process to ensure continued health care access in Randolph County. The Hospital agreed to pay up to $50,000 for the attorney of their choice. The Commissioners agreed that if selected by the Hospital the attorney would be working in the best interest of the Hospital not the County and City. In further discussion, it was determined that the County and City should share the expense of hiring an attorney that would work in the best interest of the two entities. At 8:50 p.m., on motion of Allen, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to end closed session and to return to open session. ________________________________ _________________________________ Darrell L. Frye, Chairman David Allen ________________________________ _________________________________ Kenny Kidd Maxton McDowell ________________________________ ________________________________ Hope Haywood Dana Crisco, Clerk to the Board 8/5/19 ***This page was intentionally left blank.*** 8/5/19