061322 NCTBM
June 13, 2022 Toyota Battery Manufacturing Master Agreement
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in special session at 6:00 p.m. in the 1909
Randolph County Historic Courthouse Meeting Room, 145 Worth Street, Asheboro, NC.
Chairman Darrell Frye, Vice-Chairman David Allen, Commissioner Kenny Kidd, Commissioner
Maxton McDowell, and Commissioner Hope Haywood were present. Also present were County
Manager Hal Johnson, Assistant County Manager/Finance Officer Will Massie, Deputy Clerk to
the Board Sarah Pack, and Clerk to the Board Dana Crisco. The meeting was livestreamed on
Facebook and YouTube.
Chairman Frye opened the meeting and explained in order to convey the land of the Megasite
to Toyota Battery Manufacturing North Carolina (TBMNC), a resolution would need to be passed
to authorize the County to enter into a Master Agreement with them. Grading has been completed,
but construction cannot start until the properties are conveyed to TBMNC, allowing the company
to become a taxpaying entity.
Aimee Scotton, Associate Attorney, spoke about the number of entities that will be required to
turn their land over to Toyota. She said the agreement was already approved on December 6,
2021. She detailed the changes that had been made. The Company has asked for the County to
have a land planning study done so that compatible uses will be represented. The one-mile radius
zoning is particularly important due to the change that TBMNC will bring. The County is
responsible only for its portion of the incentives.
Vice-Chairman Allen asked about the water supplied by Greensboro. Ms. Scotton said the City
of Greensboro will not extend water any farther than the one-mile radius.
Ms. Scotton apologized for the quick notice and turn around of this agreement. Chairman Frye
noted that the emails sent to the County Manager regarding the changes on the Friday night before
the meeting at 10 p.m.
Commissioner Haywood asked about the one-mile radius. Ms. Scotton said that Toyota wanted
to change the zoning to industrial. This was refused because citizens would have their property
rezoned without permission. There will be no high-density residential zoning in a one-mile radius.
On motion of Kidd, seconded by McDowell, the Board voted 5-0 to approve the Resolution
Authorizing the County of Randolph to Enter into a Master Agreement for the Toyota Economic
Development Project, as follows:
WHEREAS, Section 158-7.1 of the North Carolina General Statutes authorizes a
county to undertake an economic development project by extending assistance to a
company in order to cause the company to locate or expand its operations within the
county; and
WHEREAS, Randolph County (“County”), the Greensboro-Randolph Megasite
Foundation, Inc. (“GRMF”), and North Carolina Railroad Holdings I, LLC (“NCRR”)
are the owners of those parcels of property collectively known as the Greensboro
Randolph Megasite (the “Megasite”); and
WHEREAS, Toyota Battery Manufacturing, Inc. (the “Company”) is a Delaware
corporation that is or shall be authorized to do business in the State of North Carolina;
WHEREAS, the Company plans to construct, install, equip, and operate facilities for
the production of automotive batteries at the Megasite (the “Project”); and
WHEREAS, the Company plans to invest at least one billion dollars
($1,000,000,000.00) in capital costs, which include real and personal property in the
Project and create or cause to be created at least one thousand seven hundred and fifty
(1,750) new full-time jobs during Phase I of the Project; and
WHEREAS, the Company is considering an expansion of the Project that, if the
Company elects to proceed with in a three year-period, would require an increase of
its investment to a total of three billion dollars ($3,000,000,000.00) in capital costs,
which include real and personal property in the County and would increase its job
creation commitment to at least three thousand eight hundred and seventy-five (3,875)
full-time jobs (Phase II); and
WHEREAS, in order to aid and encourage the Company to locate, develop, and
construct the Project in the County, on or about December 6, 2021, the Randolph
County Board of Commissioners held a public hearing on the Project and considered
various incentives to the Company; and
WHEREAS, at the close of the public hearing on December 6, 2021, the Randolph
County Board of Commissioners adopted a resolution entitled “Resolution Authorizing
the Conveyance of Real Property for Economic Development,” authorizing the
Chairman of the Board of Commissioners to execute a land conveyance agreement (the
“Property Rider”) with the Company to effectuate the transfer of the Megasite
properties owned by the County (and those owned by GRMF that are transferred to the
County) to the Company and to execute any documents necessary to accomplish said
transfer; and
WHEREAS, at the close of the public hearing on December 6, 2021, the Randolph
County Board of Commissioners also adopted a resolution entitled “Resolution
Authorizing the County of Randolph to Enter into an Economic Development Incentives
Contract,” authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners to execute an
economic development agreement (the “EDA”) memorializing the incentives to the
Company that were approved at the December 6, 2021 meeting; and
WHEREAS, the Project is made possible only through commitments and
cooperation from multiple agencies at both the local and state level, including but not
limited to the County, the Company, the GRMF, the NCRR, the North Carolina
Department of Commerce (“DOC”), the North Carolina Department of Transportation
(“DOT”), and the City of Greensboro (“City”); and
WHEREAS, in order to memorialize the commitments and cooperation of each party
to the Project, the Company has drafted a Master Agreement by and between DOC,
DOT, the City, the County, the GRMF, the NCRR, and the Company; and
WHEREAS, both the Property Rider and the EDA are referenced in and exhibits to
the Master Agreement; and
WHEREAS, the Master Agreement does not contain economic commitments from
the County that were not considered and approved at the December 6, 2021 meeting;
WHEREAS, the Randolph County Board of Commissioners has reviewed a draft of
the Master Agreement;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of
Randolph County, this 13 day of June, 2022, as follows:
Section 1. The County is authorized to enter into a Master Agreement in
substantially the same form as that presented to the Board of County
Commissioners at this meeting. It is understood that minor changes may be
made to the Master Agreement before it is presented for execution, but there
will be no changes that materially and adversely affect the rights and/or
obligations of the County.
Section 2. The Chairman of the Randolph County Board of
Commissioners is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the County of
Randolph the Master Agreement as provided in Section 1 above.
At 5:47 p.m. on motion of Allen, seconded by Haywood, the Board voted 5-0 to adjourn.
________________________________ ________________________________
Darrell Frye, Chairman David Allen
________________________________ _________________________________
Kenny Kidd Maxton McDowell
________________________________ _________________________________
Hope Haywood Dana Crisco, Clerk to the Board