240528 Proposed Budget Introduction Departmental Remainder Budgeted Revenues and Funded By Expenditures Restricted General County ResourcesRevenues County Services$ 116,217,495$ 32,058,156$ 84,159,339 Education 40,189,956 - 40,189,956 Debt Service 16,607,990 6,973,734 9,634,256 Appropriations to Outside Agencies 9,139,667 2,988,874 6,150,793 Transfers to Other Funds 7,560,972 - 7,560,972 Special Budget Meeting – May 28, 2024 Contingency 2,010,000 - 2,010,000 $ 191,726,080$ 42,020,764$ 149,705,316 The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in special session at 6:00 p.m. at the Randolph County Office Building, 725 McDowell Rd., First Floor Meeting Room A, Asheboro, NC. Chairman Darrell Frye, Commissioner Kenny Kidd, Commissioner Maxton McDowell, and Commissioner Hope Haywood were present. Also present were County Manager Zeb Holden, Assistant County Manager/Finance Officer Will Massie, Assistant County Manager William Johnson, County Attorney Ben Morgan, Deputy Clerk to the Board Jenny Parks and Clerk to the Board Dana Crisco. Vice-Chairman David Allen was absent. The meeting was livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube. Chairman Frye welcomed attendees and explained the purpose of the meeting. He announced that Vice-Chairman Allen had another Commissioner commitment and would be late for this meeting. Manager’s Proposed Budget County Manager Zeb Holden having recently begun his role as County Manager introduced Assistant County Manager/Finance Officer Will Massie to give the highlights of the Proposed FY 2024-25 County Budget. Mr. Massie started his overview with the revenue outlook. The Proposed Budget uses normal property tax growth, Toyota Battery property taxes, strong sales tax growth, and a loss of $3.3 million in Medicaid Hold-Harmless funding. Some of the budget challenges are retention, retraining, and hiring staff; inflation, supply chain difficulties, a slowing economy, and sustainability of services. The Proposed Budget includes a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) of 3% for employees of the County. For the schools, it addresses continuation costs, teacher supplements, and other needs. For the FY 2024-25 Proposed Budget, the approach is to redirect some recurring financial resources to the General Fund. This will include one-time sources to fund recurring expenditures. Other financial resources include Toyota net property tax of $1,571,000, landfill host fees of $1.326,987, and special projects transfer of $816,000. The chart below shows a general view of the Proposed Budget: 5/28/24 Property tax has been calculated at 50 cents per $100 valuation. This is the same rate as last year. The appropriated fund balance is made up of the following funds: Capital Outlay $2,642,003 (To fund essential department vehicles, including Sheriff’s cars and two replacement ambulances) Restricted Law 50,000 Restricted Health 1,147,512 Total $3,839,515 Thirty-two new positions were requested, twenty-three were full-time and nine were part- time. Eight positions and three reclassified positions are in the Proposed Budget. Proposed allocations for the schools are as follows: Special tax district funds are all asking to remain the same as last year. Those include the Fire Districts, Asheboro City Schools district, and Archdale-Trinity School District. Asheboro City Schools Dr. Aaron Woody, Superintendent for the Asheboro City Schools, presented a PowerPoint presentation. He asked for $346,000 in Local Current Expenses due to increases in state salary, retirement, and health insurance. He also asked for $319,000 for a 1% increase in local supplements. These items were an additional $665,000 over last year’s request for a total of $7,587,413. The supplemental tax rate was kept the same as the previous year at $.1153 per $100. Capital improvement costs for FY 2024 – 25 are estimated at $1,110,000. The same amount of $1,080,777 is being requested as last year. He showed a chart that laid out projected Capital Improvement costs for the next five years. Dr. Woody gave an update on the South Asheboro Middle School Project and the needs-based grant they had been awarded. He stated that the design work would run from April 2024 through April 2025. The hope is to begin the construction phase in May 2025. He thanked the Board for their continued support. Randolph County Schools Dr. Stephen Gainey, Superintendent of the Randolph County Schools, presented a PowerPoint presentation. The Continuation Costs requested for FY 2024 – 25 are $732,200. This includes matching insurance, retirement, and legislative salary increases, charter school payments, liability, 5/28/24 workers compensation, unemployment, and property insurance increases, and energy, water, garbage, and fuel increases. He also mentioned a contribution of $52,000 for an additional School Resource Officer, a supplemental increase for all employees of 1% equaling $1,200,000, and special transportation costs of $100,000. Capital outlay requests for the second year are $0. This brings the total request to $2,084,200. Dr. Gainey thanked the Board for their continued support. Randolph Community College (RCC) Dr. Shah, President of RCC, presented a PowerPoint presentation. He said the Allied Health Building had been added without consideration of additional resources. He wanted to create equity among his staff by matching State COLA and benefit increases as well as staying competitive with compensation and benefits. RCC must invest in facilities to support local economic development, especially Toyota. They plan to have more prominence in both appearance and academics. He stated that RCC has not had an increase from Randolph County since 2021. He requested that in addition to the funding they have been receiving, RCC needed additional funding as follows:  Small facility improvements ($172,600)  Operations, utilities, contracts services ($194,518)  FT salaries, benefits, and equity ($247,496)  Fixing VPs and directors salaries and benefits ($183,658)  PT increases and equity ($21,332) This comes to a total of $819,604. Spread out over the last three years, it would have been about $270,000/yr. Adjournment At 7:02, on motion of Kidd, seconded by McDowell, the Board voted 4-0 to adjourn. ________________________________ ________________________________ Darrell Frye, Chairman Kenny Kidd ________________________________ _________________________________ Maxton McDowell Hope Haywood ________________________________ Dana Crisco, Clerk to the Board 5/28/24