Street Network Directory InstructionsRevised: 5/31/2024 1 NETWORK DIRECTORY INSTRUCTIONS The Network Directory is divided into several sections. Following are explanations of how to use each. Explanation of Map Page: This portion includes a sample map page. Listed below are explanations of the various page segments and their use. Page Overlap Area: Area beyond the map page for reference. Roads and addresses in this area are indexed on adjoining pages. Map Page: This is the main map being viewed. Roads within this are indexed in Appendix A and B. Direction/Scale: Directional star showing North, South, East, and West. The map scale is shown in feet per inch. Disclaimer: Please read carefully. Randolph County Vicinity Index: Grid of the entire County with page presently being viewed shaded to indicate its relationship within Randolph County. Adjoining Page Index: Chart showing proximity grids. This is helpful to follow the flow of roads from one map page to the next. Date: Indicates the date of the last addition, revision, or deletion to this page. Page: The map page number is shown here. The page number is based upon a grid system with A-H moving south to north and 1-8 moving west to east. The Enlargement Reference and Page Reference Grid further explain the numbering system. Enlargement Reference: A1 – shows the largest grid area, covering approximately four miles by four miles. A1a – A1d – A through D is A1 broken down into quarters, showing a more congested area, approximately two miles by two miles. A1e – A1t – E through T is A1 broken down into 16 squares, indicating the most congested areas, approximately one mile by one mile. Refer to the Page Reference Grid for a complete visual of how page numbers are determined. Revised: 5/31/2024 2 Legend: Explains graphically what the symbols on the map represent. Additional information regarding roads is as follows: Public Road – Indicates city roads and state roads, their names, road numbers, and the beginning addresses between intersections. Private Road – Indicates private road names and beginning addresses. Page Reference Grid: This is a grid showing how the County is divided into individual maps and identifies where major roads in the County are located. Each page number is a combination of letters to the left and numbers along the bottom of the grid. If the solid line grids are divided into grids made up of dashed. The little letters in the dashed grid become a part of the map page number. The pages of the book are grouped alphabetically and can be referenced by the section tabs. This grid shows how the County is divided into map pages and as an example, to find the roads that surround the intersection of US Hwy 311 and US Hwy 220 BYP, look at the grid and find the specific location. For this example it is F4p. Turn to map page F4p under the A through H tabs section. This page shows that intersection and the surrounding roads in more detail. Map Tabs A through H: These tabs divide the map pages by alphabetic grid for easier reference. Appendix A: This is an alphabetical listing of all State, private, and city roads with address ranges and the map page numbers on which they are located. To use: Locate the road name you are searching for, then find the map page number. Go to tab A through H and locate the page that contains the road name. Appendix B: This is an alphabetical multi-city list. The city name is followed by an alphabetized listing of all roads within that city’s jurisdiction. Appendix C: The index includes a list of complexes (mobile home parks, business parks, and apartments) in alphabetical order and the address for each complex. Complexes in all municipalities within Randolph County are included except the City of Asheboro. To locate the Level Cross Industrial Park: Revised: 5/31/2024 3 #1 Locate alphabetically Level Cross Industrial Park. #2 Address is listed as 10553 Randleman Rd. #3 Locate the road name in the County road index. (Appendix A) The road is listed as being on map page H5c. #4 Refer to map tab H and then to map page H5c to visually review the location of the complex. Appendix D: If only a State road number is known, you can quickly, by numerical sequence, identify road names that are located along the State road number. It is possible for several different road names to be assigned to various segments of the same State road number. This appendix has a list of State roads alphabetized by the road name (Appendix DII) and another appendix (Appendix DI) is sorted by State road number. To locate a State road number: #1 Locate the State road number numerically on the State Road Index. #2 Look up the road name on the County Road Index. (Appendix A) #3 After finding the road name on the index, turn to the A through H tabs and locate the page on which the State road is found to view the road and surrounding roads. Appendix E: This listing contains all roads in the County sorted alphabetically by the road name. The appendix also includes the road identification number, road name, the ZIP code, and whether the road is city, private, State road, NC Highway, Interstate Highway, or Out-of-County road and it also includes the road segment length in feet. Appendix F: This listing contains all road names that have been reserved for future use. These names have been reserved by a developer for use in their developments and by reserving the road name, no one else can use the road name in another development. Randolph County Official Road Name List: This listing contains the official adopted road names in the County and municipalities along with the postal district. Some roads may cross postal district lines and appear in multiple postal districts.