12DecemberPB Planning Board December 3, 2024 Page 1 of 2 RANDOLPH COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING 204 E Academy Street, Asheboro NC 27203 (336) 318-6555 RANDOLPH COUNTY PLANNING BOARD AGENDA DECEMBER 3, 2024 1. Call to Order of the Randolph County Planning Board. 2. Roll call of the Board members. (Completed by staff.) 3. Reorganization of the Board. 4. Consent Agenda: ● Approval of agenda for the December 3, 2024 Planning Board meeting. ● Approval of the minutes from the November 12, 2024 Planning Board meeting. 5. Conflict of Interest: ● Are there any Conflicts of Interest or ex parte communication that should be disclosed? (If there is a Conflict of Interest, the Board must vote to allow the member with the Conflict of Interest to not participate in the hearing of the specific case where the Conflict of Interest has been identified.) 6. Old Business. 7. New Business. SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST #2024-00003238 The Randolph County Planning Board will hold a duly published and notified quasi-judicial hearing on the request by ANDREW DAVENPORT, Asheboro, NC, and their request to obtain a Special Use Permit at 1468 Danny Bell Rd, Cedar Grove Township, Tax ID #7649640024, 14.30 acres, RR - Residential Restricted and RA - Residential Agricultural District. The applicant desires to obtain a Special Use Permit to allow specifically an automotive dealer’s license office space. Property Owner: Browers Wesleyan Church Page 1 of 42 Planning Board December 3, 2024 Page 2 of 2 REZONING REQUEST #2024-00022034 The Randolph County Planning Board will hold a duly published and notified legislative hearing on the request by ANDREW GILLESPIE, Chestertown, MD, and their request to rezone 21.31 acres out of approximately 32.85 acres at 6577 High Pine Church Rd, Union Township and New Hope Township, Tax ID #7625161896 and #7625077044, Rural Growth Area, from HI - Heavy Industrial District and RA - Residential Agricultural District to HI - Heavy Industrial District. The applicant desires to rezone the property to allow any use allowed by right in the HI - Heavy Industrial District. Property Owner: Hughes Furniture Industries Inc. 8. Update from the Planning Director. 9. Adjournment. Page 2 of 42 Page 1 of 6 11/12/2024 November 12, 2024 1.Call to Order of the Randolph County Planning Board. There was a meeting of the Randolph County Planning Board on November 12, 2024, at 6:00 PM in the 1909 Historic Courthouse Meeting Room, 145-C Worth St, Asheboro, NC. Chairman Pell called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance. Pell reminded those in attendance that the Planning Board Rules of Procedure state that anyone wishing to speak must sign up to speak and that speakers other than the applicant are limited to three minutes. 2.Roll call of the Board members. (Completed by staff.) The County Planning staff completed the roll call of the members of the Board as they arrived at the meeting. Reid Pell, Kemp Davis, Reggie Beeson, Ken Austin, Brandon Hedrick, and Susan Thompson were present. John Cable was absent. County Planning Director Tonya Caddle and County Attorney Ben Morgan were also present, along with County Planning staff members Kayla Brown, Melissa Burkhart, David Harris, Dustin Grant, Kim Heinzer, Tim Mangum, and Eric Martin. 3.Consent Agenda: ●Approval of agenda for the November 12, 2024, Planning Board meeting. ●Approval of the minutes from the October 8, 2024, and October 29, 2024, Planning Board meetings. ●Adoption of the 2025 Planning Board meeting schedule. On the motion of Austin, seconded by Thompson, the Planning Board voted 6-0 to approve the Consent Agenda as presented in the agenda. 4.Conflict of Interest: ●Are there any Conflicts of Interest or ex parte communication that should be disclosed? (If there is a Conflict of Interest, the Board must vote to allow the member with the Conflict of Interest to not participate in the hearing of the specific case where the Conflict of Interest has been identified.) There were no Conflicts of Interest or ex parte communication identified by any Planning Board member. 5.Old Business. There was no old business for the Planning Board. 6.New Business. DR A F T Page 3 of 42 Page 2 of 6 11/12/2024 SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST #2024-00022031 The Randolph County Planning Board will hold a duly published and notified quasi-judicial hearing on the request by SCOTT MANRING, Pleasant Garden, NC, and their request to obtain a Special Use Permit at 1663 Providence Church Rd, Providence Township, Polecat Creek Balance Watershed, Tax ID #7777743945, 12.05 acres, RA - Residential Agricultural District. It is the desire of the applicant to obtain a Special Use Permit to specifically allow a second residence for family members. Caddle presented the first case of the night, the Special Use Permit request by Scott Manring at 1663 Providence Church Rd, along with the site plans and pictures. Pell opened the public hearing. Morgan administered the oath to Scott Manring. Manring stated that they have an existing garage on the site. They want to renovate the garage and make it a livable space. Pell asked if there were any questions from the Planning Board members. Davis asked if the new residence would be for family members and Manring stated that it would be used for family members. Austin asked if the new residence would require and new septic system and well. Manring said that the residence would use the existing well and would have a new septic system. Pell asked if there were any other questions from the Planning Board members. Hearing none, Pell closed the public hearing. On the motion of Hedrick, seconded by Beeson, with a vote of 6-0, the Planning Board voted to approve the request with the motions contained in the Planning Board packet. SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST #2024-00022032 The Randolph County Planning Board will hold a duly published and notified quasi-judicial hearing on the request by BRETT & CASSADI WALDEN, Siler City, NC, and their request to obtain a Special Use Permit at 8070 Manor Rock Rd, Coleridge Township, Tax ID #8730613235, 4.3 acres, RA - Residential Agricultural District. It is the desire of the applicant to obtain a Special Use Permit to specifically allow a second residence for a family member. DR A F T Page 4 of 42 Page 3 of 6 11/12/2024 Caddle presented the second case of the night, the Special Use Permit request by Brett and Cassadi Walden at 8070 Manor Rock Rd, along with the site plans and pictures. Pell opened the public hearing. Morgan administered the oath to Brett Walden. Walden told the Planning Board that in July of this year, his father-in-law had a medical emergency and they want to move him into the existing house on the property. Walden said that all drawings were completed and Environmental Health had approved the application for a new septic system. Pell asked if there were any questions from the Planning Board members. Hearing none, Pell closed the public hearing. On the motion of Hedrick, seconded by Austin, with a vote of 6-0, the Planning Board voted to approve the request with the motions contained in the Planning Board packet. SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST #2024-00022033 The Randolph County Planning Board will hold a duly published and notified quasi-judicial hearing on the request by JOSHUA ELLIS, Ramseur, NC, and their request to obtain a Special Use Permit at 1671 Parks Crossroads Church Rd, Columbia Township, Tax ID #8721356335, 16.25 acres, RA - Residential Agricultural District. It is the desire of the applicant to obtain a Special Use Permit to specifically allow a second residence for a family member. Property Owner: Nancy S. Ellis Caddle presented the last case of the night, the Special Use Permit request by Joshua Ellis at 1671 Parks Crossroads Church Rd, along with the site plans and pictures. Pell opened the public hearing. Morgan administered the oath to Joshua Ellis. Ellis stated that he currently lives at 1669 Parks Crossroads Church Rd and that he got married in June of this year. Ellis stated that his grandparents live in the existing house and the grandfather recently went into Hospice care and his grandmother wants to live in something smaller. The plan is for Ellis to move into the existing house and the grandmother would move into the smaller residence. Pell asked if there were any questions from the Planning Board members. DR A F T Page 5 of 42 Page 4 of 6 11/12/2024 Morgan told Ellis that if the request is approved, he may not be able to split the property in the future and Ellis stated that he understood and that he plans to buy the property in the future. Pell asked if there were any other questions from the Planning Board members. Hearing none, Pell closed the public hearing. Davis asked for clarification of the location of the proposed house and Ellis said the proposed house would be behind the existing house. Hedrick said that the proposed house would probably not be seen from the road. Pell asked if there were any other questions from the Planning Board members. On the motion of Hedrick, seconded by Beeson, with a vote of 6-0, the Planning Board voted to approve the request with the motions contained in the Planning Board packet. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED COMMERCIAL AMENDMENTS Public hearing on proposed commercial revisions to the Randolph County Unified Development Ordinance. Caddle presented the updated draft of the Randolph County Unified Development Ordinance that contains text updates including definitions and the new CC - Community Commercial District, LC - Limited Commercial District, and GC - General Commercial District that the Planning Board has discussed over the past months, including a work session on October 29, 2024. Staff have made the changes that had been requested. Pell opened the public hearing. Susan Richards, 207 Andrew Hunter Rd, Franklinville, told the Planning Board that she was excited about the proposed changes. Pell asked if the Planning Board had any questions for Richards. Hearing none, the next citizen addressed the Planning Board. Stephanie King talked about the issue of allowing more than one house on a piece of property. Caddle said that the discussion that the Planning Board was having tonight might help her situation. Jonathan Moody, 10367 Randleman Rd, the representative for Carolina Travel Management, asked what would happen to their current HC - Highway Commercial zoning. Caddle stated that the zoning would not change and that the HC DR A F T Page 6 of 42 Page 5 of 6 11/12/2024 - Highway Commercial District would no longer be used in the County if the recommendations were adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. Having no other speakers signed up to speak, Pell closed the public hearing for discussion among the Planning Board members. The Planning Board members discussed various changes that they would like to see changed in the proposed amendments. Some questions required guidance from Morgan. After the discussion, the following amendments were presented for the Planning Board to consider: • Do not allow funeral homes in the Community Commercial District; • Pet boarding/grooming to be allowed in the General Commercial and Limited Commercial District by right and in the Community Commercial District by a Special Use Permit; • Allow transitional houses in General Commercial, Limited Commercial and Community Commercial Districts by right; • Include the definition of small box discount stores as "A retail establishment with a floor area of less than 15,000 square feet, offering a wide variety of new merchandise at discounted prices, averaging under $10.00. These stores provide convenient shopping options for a range of consumable goods (such as food, paper products, cleaning supplies, health and beauty options, and pet supplies) and non-consumable goods (such as seasonal merchandise, home décor, domestics, and basic apparel.) For the purposes of this Ordinance, these stores are not classified as convenience stores." • Add a section to the Table of Permitted Uses for Small Box Discount Stores showing that the use is allowed in General Commercial, Limited Commercial and Community Commercial Districts by right; • Add Small Box Discount Store to Section 621 of the Randolph County Unified Development Ordinance with the following information: o Parking: Off-street parking and loading shall be provided per Article 600, Section 634. o Signs: Signs shall be permitted as described in Article 600, Section 635. o Required Plans: ▪ A Level III buffer between residential zoning or current residential uses. ▪ Site Plan showing all buildings including dimensions of buildings. ▪ Proposed points of access, egress, and patterns of internal circulation. ▪ Layout of parking spaces. ▪ Location and type of security lighting. ▪ No more than seventy percent of the building exterior shall be DR A F T Page 7 of 42 Page 6 of 6 11/12/2024 metal. (A summary of all the proposed changes is included in the minutes as Exhibit 1.) On the motion of Hedrick, seconded by Beeson, with a vote of 6-0, the Planning Board voted to recommend approval to the Board of Commissioners with the above-mentioned changes that the proposed text amendments be adopted. Caddle recapped the changes that the Planning Board requested for the commercial text amendments. Caddle indicated that she would reach out to the County Manager to determine how the Board of County Commissioners would move forward with the public hearing and adoption of the proposed amendments. 7. Update from the Planning Director. There were no updates from the Planning Director. 8. Adjournment. At 7:34 pm on motion of Austin, seconded by Beeson, the Board voted 6-0 to adjourn. ________________________________ Chairman ________________________________ Clerk to the Planning Board DR A F T Page 8 of 42 Summary of Commercial Zoning Changes 11/21/24 Page 1 of 8 Summary of Commercial Zoning Changes in the Randolph County Unified Development Ordinance 102: UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE DEFINITIONS Add the following definitions to Section 102: Large Outdoor Sales: An outdoor area that may include a structure larger than 10,000 square feet that is used for the sales of goods and services. Large Outdoor Storage: An outdoor area that may include a structure larger than 10,000 square feet that is used for the storage of goods and products such as building materials, automobiles, boats, and recreational vehicles. Pet Grooming: An activity that involves shaving, clipping, or trimming the coat or nails of any pet. Small Box Discount Store: A retail establishment with a floor area of less than 15,000 square feet, offering a wide variety of new merchandise at discounted prices, averaging under $10.00. These stores provide convenient shopping options for a range of consumable goods (such as food, paper products, cleaning supplies, health and beauty options, and pet supplies) and non-consumable goods (such as seasonal merchandise, home décor, domestics, and basic apparel.) For the purposes of this Ordinance, these stores are not classified as convenience stores. Taxi Stand – Park and Ride Lot: A system for reducing traffic congestion in which drivers leave their vehicles in parking lots and travel to other locations on various means of transportation. Towing Service: A temporary holding place for vehicles that have been towed or impounded. This definition does not include the permanent storage or dismantling of vehicles. Transitional Housing: Housing designed for the transition from a treatment program back into their community. Transitional housing is intended for individuals and families who are in recovery and require further assistance before living independently. 613: ZONING DISTRICTS ESTABLISHED A.INTENT OF ZONING DISTRICTSThe following pages include detailed descriptions of the base zoning districts containedwithin this Ordinance. Overlay Zoning Districts are not included in the following chartssince the districts lay over the base districts and the specific guidelines are covered in more detail later in this section. Conditional Districts are not listed below as there are notes on each page that addresses the Conditional Districts. After the adoption of GC: General Commercial District, LC: Limited Commercial District, and CC: Community Commercial District, the HC: Highway Commercial District shall not be used in RandolphCounty zoning jurisdiction for future rezonings. EXHIBIT #1 DR A F T Page 9 of 42 Summary of Commercial Zoning Changes 11/21/24 Page 2 of 8 B. MINIMUM LOT SIZES For this Ordinance, all minimum lot sizes shall be computed by excluding any area in a designed right-of-way, and land subject to flooding or land that may aggravate the flood hazard. Add the following tables to Section 613: DR A F T Page 10 of 42 Summary of Commercial Zoning Changes 11/21/24 Page 3 of 8 : GC: GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT PURPOSE The purpose of the General Commercial (GC) District is to provide a place for regional commercial uses and for which a full range of commercial and professional uses may be located that attract customers from a larger service area. The district regulations are designed to protect and encourage the transitional character of the district by permitting uses that are compatible with the surrounding area. Landscape buffer Level II will be required along adjacent residentially zoned property or adjacent residential uses and a landscape buffer Level III along all property lines for all manufacturing uses. DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS FOR PRIMARY STRUCTURE Lot size with a minimum of 100 ft. of State road frontage 40,000 sq. ft. Water Quality Critical Area: 80,000 sq. ft. Lot size with less than 100 ft. of State road frontage 5 acres Lot width 100 ft. at the building line Front setback 35 ft. from the right-of-way Corner side setback 35 ft. from the right-of-way Side setback 10 ft. from any side property line Rear setback 30 ft. from the rear property line DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS FOR ACCESSORY STRUCTURES Road setback 20 ft. from any road right-of-way Property line setback 5 ft. from any property line DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS NOTES 1. Lot areas and setbacks shall be increased if required by Randolph County Public Health. 2. Lot areas in designated Watersheds and Protected Areas are controlled by the Randolph County Watershed Protection Regulations. 3. Front yard setback shall be maintained on all road rights-of-way. 4. Minimum lot size requirements within Primary Growth Areas may be reduced to a minimum of 30,000 sq. ft. or 20,000 sq. ft. with public utilities. 5. The minimum lot size requirements within Secondary Growth Areas are 40,000 sq. ft. 6. The minimum lot size requirements within Rural Growth Areas are 3 acres. 7. Lots in major subdivisions within Rural Growth Areas must maintain a 1:4 ratio. 8. The minimum lot size requirements within the Natural Heritage Overlay are 6 acres. 9. Conditional Districts are identical to the general use districts except for site plans and individualized development conditions are imposed only upon the signed petition of all owners of the land to be included in the Conditional District. DR A F T Page 11 of 42 Summary of Commercial Zoning Changes 11/21/24 Page 4 of 8 LC: LIMITED COMMERCIAL DISTRICT PURPOSE The purpose of the Limited Commercial (LC) District is to provide a place for low to medium-intensity crossroad businesses and community shopping establishments. The district regulations are designed to protect and encourage the transitional character of the district by permitting uses that are compatible with the surrounding area. Landscape buffer Level III will be required along adjacent residentially zoned property or adjacent residential uses. No building within this district shall exceed 40,000 square feet, including all floors. DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS FOR PRIMARY STRUCTURE Lot size with a minimum of 100 ft. of State road frontage 40,000 sq. ft. Water Quality Critical Area: 80,000 sq. ft. Lot size with less than 100 ft. of State road frontage 5 acres Lot width 100 ft. at the building line Front setback 35 ft. from the right-of-way Corner side setback 35 ft. from the right-of-way Side setback 10 ft. from any side property line Rear setback 30 ft. from the rear property line DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS FOR ACCESSORY STRUCTURES Road setback 20 ft. from any road right-of-way Property line setback 5 ft. from any property line DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS NOTES 1. Lot areas and setbacks shall be increased if required by Randolph County Public Health. 2. Lot areas in designated Watersheds and Protected Areas are controlled by the Randolph County Watershed Protection Regulations. 3. Front yard setback shall be maintained on all road rights-of-way. 4. Minimum lot size requirements within Primary Growth Areas may be reduced to a minimum of 30,000 sq. ft. or 20,000 sq. ft. with public utilities. 5. The minimum lot size requirements within Secondary Growth Areas are 40,000 sq. ft. 6. The minimum lot size requirements within Rural Growth Areas are 3 acres. 7. Lots in major subdivisions within Rural Growth Areas must maintain a 1:4 ratio. 8. The minimum lot size requirements within the Natural Heritage Overlay are 6 acres. 9. Conditional Districts are identical to the general use districts except for site plans and individualized development conditions are imposed only upon the signed petition of all owners of the land to be included in the Conditional District. DR A F T Page 12 of 42 Summary of Commercial Zoning Changes 11/21/24 Page 5 of 8 CC: COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT PURPOSE The purpose of the Community Commercial (CC) District is to provide a place for crossroads commercial services to residences with basic trade and personal services that occur regularly. The district regulations are designed to protect and encourage the character of the district by permitting uses that are compatible with the surrounding area. Landscape buffer Level II will be required along adjacent residentially zoned property or adjacent residential uses. No building within this district shall exceed 10,000 square feet, including all floors. DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS FOR PRIMARY STRUCTURE Lot size with a minimum of 100 ft. of State road frontage 40,000 sq. ft. Water Quality Critical Area: 80,000 sq. ft. Lot size with less than 100 ft. of State road frontage 5 acres Lot width 100 ft. at the building line Front setback 35 ft. from the right-of-way Corner side setback 35 ft. from the right-of-way Side setback 10 ft. from any side property line Rear setback 30 ft. from the rear property line DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS FOR ACCESSORY STRUCTURES Road setback 20 ft. from any road right-of-way Property line setback 5 ft. from any property line DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS NOTES 1. Lot areas and setbacks shall be increased if required by Randolph County Public Health. 2. Lot areas in designated Watersheds and Protected Areas are controlled by the Randolph County Watershed Protection Regulations. 3. Front yard setback shall be maintained on all road rights-of-way. 4. Minimum lot size requirements within Primary Growth Areas may be reduced to a minimum of 30,000 sq. ft. or 20,000 sq. ft. with public utilities. 5. The minimum lot size requirements within Secondary Growth Areas are 40,000 sq. ft. 6. The minimum lot size requirements within Rural Growth Areas are 3 acres. 7. Lots in major subdivisions within Rural Growth Areas must maintain a 1:4 ratio. 8. The minimum lot size requirements within the Natural Heritage Overlay are 6 acres. 9. Conditional Districts are identical to the general use districts except for site plans and individualized development conditions are imposed only upon the signed petition of all owners of the land to be included in the Conditional District. DR A F T Page 13 of 42 Summary of Commercial Zoning Changes 11/21/24 Page 6 of 8 Amend Section 618 to include the following uses and districts. Commercial Uses GC LC CC Amusement, Indoor - (e.g., bowling alleys, skating rinks)   Amusement Out of Doors - (e.g., roller coasters, fairgrounds, Theater, Drive-In, Ferris Wheels)  Assembly - (e.g., Event Center, Community Center, public or non-profit club and recreation, Fitness and recreational sports center)   Auction Sales, Temporary, One-time use    Automobile carwash, drive-through, requiring vehicle stacking  ` Bus station  Clubs and Places of Entertainment - commercial  Consumer Services (Dry cleaners/laundry, veterinary Clinic, locksmith, post office government offices, repair shop, Bakery, Barber/Beauty Services, bank, restaurant, exterminating services, library, gunsmith, tailor)    Daycare - Freestanding    Drive-in Window services (banks, laundries, fast food) if permitted in the district   Funeral Home   Health and social services centers   Home Occupation    Hotel/Motel  Large Outdoor Sales (e.g., Auction Sales -permanent, Flea market)   Large Outdoor Storage (e.g., Contractor’s Yard with outdoor storage, Towing Service yards, Boat and RV storage)   Manufacturing (e.g., Glass Manufacturing, Bottling Plant, cabinet making, upholstering and furniture refinishing, machine/welding shop)   Mixed Commercial and residential use where commercial use is primary and both occupy the same structure or lot   Outdoor Storage Services (Service Stations, Auto Body Shops, RV, Service and Sale)    Pet Boarding/Grooming   S Planned Business Development   Pottery manufacturing    DR A F T Page 14 of 42 Summary of Commercial Zoning Changes 11/21/24 Page 7 of 8 Commercial Uses GC LC CC Professional Offices (Laboratory, Clinic medical/dental, law office, accountant, printing/reproduction shop)    Professional Services (e.g., Automobile repair/service station,)   Public Utilities Substation S S S Radio or Television Tower S S S Religious Facility (Churches and customary uses including childcare on site)    Sales - ( e.g., Drugstore, convenience store, Flea market indoors, retail sales - apparel, accessories shoes, grocery store, Florist)    Sales with Outdoor Display - ( e.g., Farm supplies/machinery sales, mobile homes sales, accessory building sales, builders supply sales, Automobile sales, automobile/trailer rentals, auction yards-permanent, nursery, monument and cut stone manufacturer sales, industrial equipment/service, Wholesale sales)    School (e.g., Schools, Business/Trade) S S S Sign - Directional Gateway    Sign - On-premises    Sign - Outdoor advertising (off-premises)  Skills, Games of Chance S S S Small Box Discount Stores    Storage (e.g. mini-warehouse, automobile storage)   Telecommunication Tower S S S Transportation (e.g., Taxi Stand, park and ride lot)    Transitional Housing    Warehouse sales or service    Add the following information to Article 600, Section 621. SMALL BOX DISCOUNT STORE Zoning District: CC, GC, and LC. Parking: Off-street parking and loading shall be provided per Article 600, Section 634. Signs: Signs shall be permitted as described in Article 600, Section 635. DR A F T Page 15 of 42 Summary of Commercial Zoning Changes 11/21/24 Page 8 of 8 Required Plans: a. A Level III buffer between residential zoning or current residential uses. b. Site Plan showing all buildings including dimensions of buildings. c. Proposed points of access, egress, and patterns of internal circulation. d. Layout of parking spaces. e. Location and type of security lighting. f. No more than seventy percent of the building exterior shall be metal. Add the following information as Section 628 and renumber existing Section 628 to be Section 629 and renumber the remainder of the Article. 628: MULTIPLE HOMES ON ONE PARCEL Multiple homes are allowed on one parcel provided that the following requirements are met. A. No more than two dwelling units are permitted on the parcel and one of the dwelling units shall be occupied by the owner of the property. B. There shall be no less than the required area and road frontage per dwelling unit for the district in which the development is located. C. Points of ingress and egress shall consist of a driveway or roadway with a minimum width of twenty feet and located in such a way as to minimize traffic hazards, inconvenience, and congestion. D. Stormwater and sanitary sewage shall be provided as approved by the Randolph County Planning Department and Randolph County Public Health. E. Plans, as may be required, shall be submitted showing the following: (1) Dimensions of the property; (2) Location, use, and ownership of all existing and proposed buildings; and (3) Public and private roads. F. Multiple homes are allowed in the E-1, RA, RE, RM, and RR zoning districts. DR A F T Page 16 of 42 CASE SUMMARY FOR SPECIAL USE REQUEST #2024-00003238 The Randolph County Planning Board will hold a duly published and notified quasi-judicial hearing on the request by ANDREW DAVENPORT, Asheboro, NC, and their request to obtain a Special Use Permit at 1468 Danny Bell RD, Cedar Grove Township, Tax ID #7649640024, 14.30 acres, RR - Residential Restricted and RA - Residential Agricultural District. The applicant desires to obtain a Special Use Permit to allow specifically an automotive dealer’s license office space. Property Owner: Browers Wesleyan Church ALL WITNESSES FOR SPECIAL USE PERMITS MUST BE SWORN IN BEFORE GIVING TESTIMONY. Page 17 of 42 OATH FOR QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARINGS (Special Use Permit Request, Variances or Appeals) NORTH CAROLINA RANDOLPH COUNTY Before opening the public hearing on a case, the Chair must administer an oath or affirmation to those wishing to speak on a specific case. (This oath is specified in NCGS 11-11.) The Chair should say, “The Planning Board will now hear testimony for and against this request. Anyone wishing to testify on this request must come forward and take the oath. Only those taking the oath may give testimony for this request. “Do you swear, or affirm, that the evidence you shall give to the Board in this action shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you, God.” Page 18 of 42 PARCEL INFORMATION: ZONING INFORMATION: Zoning District 1: RR-RESIDENTIAL RESTRICTED DISTRICT Zoning District 2: RA-RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT Zoning District 3: Specialty District: Watershed Name: NONE Class A Flood Plain On Prop?: NO 3710764900JFlood Plane Map #: Total Permit Fee: $250.00 COMMENTS:AUTO DEALER'S LICENSE The undersigned owner/applicant do hereby make application for a SPECIAL USE PERMIT as required by the Randolph Couty Zoning Ordinance. By making this application the owner/applicants acknowledge that no work may be done pursuant to a Special Use Permit issued by the County Planning Board except in accordance with all conditions that may be imposed by the Board. It is also acknowledged that any restrictions or conditions imposed shall be binding on the owner/applicants and their successors in interest. SPECIAL USE REQUESTED: AUTOMOTIVE DEALER'S LICENSE OFFICE SPACE Signature of Applicant: Kimberly Heinzer Authorized County Official Applicant: DAVENPORT, ANDREW City, St. Zip: ASHEBORO, NC 27205 Address: 1444 DANNY BELL RD Owner: BROWERS WESLEYAN CHURCH Address: P O BOX 1352 City, St. Zip: ASHEBORO, NC 27204 Permit #: 2024-00003238 Parcel #: 7649640024 Date: 10/31/2024 Location Address: 1468 DANNY BELL RD ASHEBORO, NC 27205 Permit Type Code: PZ 3 CONTACT NAME:DAVENPORT, ANDREW Contact Phone:3364604071 Acreage: Township:14.3000 04 - CEDAR GROVE Subdivsion: Lot number: SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION Page: 1 of 1 - LOCAL TELEPHONE NUMBER - Asheboro: (336) 318-6565 - Archdale/Trinity: (336) 819-3565 http://www.randolphcountync.gov COUNTY OF RANDOLPH Department of Planning & Development 204 E Academy St - Asheboro NC 27204 SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION Page 19 of 42 The information contained in this map comes from the best available public data sources. Users should consult the primary data source. Application # 2024-00003238 Davenport Special Use Request LUDLUM LN MACKRD U S H W Y 64DANNYBELLRD RR CVOE-CDRA 1 inch equals 400 feetThis property is located in a Primary Growth Area. Request location Page 20 of 42 The information contained in this map comes from the best available public data sources. Users should consult the primary data source. Application # 2024-00003238 Davenport Special Use Request U S H W Y 6 4 DAN NY BELL R D MACKRD 1 inch equals 200 feetThis property is located in a Primary Growth Area. Page 21 of 42 Blackburn, Kathy Ann (Milosky, Christopher John) 1480 Danny Bell Rd Asheboro, NC 27205 Velazquez, Gabriel 1486 Danny Bell Rd Asheboro, NC 27205 Cutler, Michael Todd (Cutler, Jessica P) 1548 Danny Bell Rd Asheboro, NC 27205 Allmon, Terry Leroy (Allmon, Sheila Fields) - Additional Owners 2617 Fox Ridge Rd Asheboro, NC 27205 Mendez, Miguel A 1806 Mack Rd Asheboro, NC 27205 Department of Transportation 1546 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27611 Browers Wesleyan Church P O Box 1352 Asheboro, NC 27204 Browers Wesleyan Memorial Church P O Box 1352 Asheboro, NC 27204 Gravely, Bruce Wayne (Gravely, Aubrie Walker) 1471 Danny Bell Rd Asheboro, NC 27205 Moody, Justin A (Sanderson, Julia A) 1506 Danny Bell Rd Asheboro, NC 27205 Browers Wesleyan Church 1734 Mack Rd Asheboro, NC 27205 NC Department of Transportation 1546 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27611 Davenport, Andrew 1444 Danny Bell Rd Asheboro, NC 27205 Browers Wesleyan Memorial Church P O Box 1352 Asheboro, NC 27204 Browers Wesleyan Memorial Church P O Box 1352 Asheboro, NC 27204 Page 22 of 42 COUNTY OF RANDOLPH SPECIAL USE PERMIT REMINDERS A Special Use Permit is a quasi-judicial action designated by the Randolph County Board of Commissioners to the Randolph County Planning Board. Special Use Permits only allow the specified use and the Randolph County Planning Board must find the following findings of fact: 1. The use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved; 2. The use meets all required conditions and specifications as outlined in the Randolph County Unified Development Ordinance; 3. The use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property, or that the use is a public necessity; and 4. The location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the Randolph County Unified Development Ordinance. Only testimony by “expert witnesses” that can prove their status as an expert witness can be considered by the Planning Board for approving or denying a Special Use Permit. In granting the Special Use Permit, the Planning Board may designate only those conditions as authorized by the North Carolina General Statutes. Any conditions shall be agreed to by the applicant or property owner in writing before the vote of the Planning Board for the conditions to be enforceable. When denying a Special Use Permit, the Board Member making the motion to deny the request should cite which of the above required findings of facts were NOT met. Page 23 of 42 COUNTY OF RANDOLPH ORDER Choose the decision. SPECIAL USE PERMIT IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT BY ANDREW DAVENPORT SPECIAL USE REQUEST #2024-00003238 NORTH CAROLINA RANDOLPH COUNTY PLANNING BOARD Having heard all the evidence and argument presented at the hearing on December 3, 2024, the Randolph County Planning Board finds that the application is complete, that the application complies with all of the applicable requirements of the Randolph County Unified Development Ordinance for the development proposed, and that therefore the application to make use of the property located at 1468 Danny Bell Rd for the purpose indicated is hereby Choose the decision., subject to all applicable provisions of the Randolph County Unified Development Ordinance. HAVING CONSIDERED ALL THE EVIDENCE PRESENTED, THE RANDOLPH COUNTY PLANNING BOARD Choose the decision. THE APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR ANDREW DAVENPORT BASED UPON THE FOLLOWING: 1. That the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. This conclusion is based on the following FINDINGS OF FACT: Click here to enter findings of fact. 2. That the use meets all required conditions and specifications. This conclusion is based on the following FINDINGS OF FACT: Click here to enter findings of fact. 3. That the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property, or that the use is a public necessity. This conclusion is based on the following FINDINGS OF FACT: Click here to enter findings of fact. 4. That the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the Growth Management Plan for Randolph County. This conclusion is based on the following FINDINGS OF FACT: Page 24 of 42 Click here to enter findings of fact. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Randolph County Planning Board has caused this Special Use Permit to be issued in its name and the property owners do hereby accept this Special Use Permit, together with all its conditions as binding on them and their successors in interest. Adopted on December 3, 2024. _____________________________________ Chair, Randolph County Planning Board ATTEST _______________________________ Kimberly J. Heinzer, Clerk to the Randolph County Planning Board Page 25 of 42 MOTION TO APPROVE SPECIAL USE PERMIT NORTH CAROLINA RANDOLPH COUNTY PLANNING BOARD “I make the motion to APPROVE this Special Use Permit request on the specified parcel(s) on the Special Use Permit application, based upon the sworn witness testimony that is included in the minutes, as well as the site plan(s) with any and all agreed-upon revisions, and that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety, the use meets all required conditions and specifications, the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining property, that the use is a public necessity and the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan(s) as submitted and approved, will be in harmony with the area and in general conformity with the Randolph County Unified Development Ordinance.” If making a second to the motion, please change to say, “I second the motion . . .” and continue reading the rest of the motion. Page 26 of 42 MOTION TO DENY SPECIAL USE PERMIT NORTH CAROLINA RANDOLPH COUNTY PLANNING BOARD “I make the motion to DENY this Special Use Permit request on the specified parcel(s) on the Special Use Permit application, based upon the sworn witness testimony that is included in the minutes, as well as the site plan(s) with any and all agreed-upon revisions, and that the use may materially endanger the public health or safety, or the use does not meet all required conditions and specifications, or the use may substantially injure the value of adjoining property, that the use is not a public necessity and the location and character of use if developed according to the plan(s) as submitted and approved, or will not be in harmony with the area and in general conformity with the Randolph County Unified Development Ordinance.” If making a second to the motion, please change to say, “I second the motion . . .” and continue reading the rest of the motion. Page 27 of 42 Technical Review Committee Report and Map Amendment Evaluation Page 1 of 6 RANDOLPH COUNTY TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT AND MAP AMENDMENT EVALUATION APPLICATION #2024-00022034 The Randolph County Planning Board will hold a duly published and notified legislative hearing on the request by ANDREW GILLESPIE, Chestertown, MD, and their request to rezone 21.31 acres out of approximately 32.85 acres at 6577 High Pine Church Rd, Union Township and New Hope Township, Tax ID #7625161896 and #7625077044, Rural Growth Area, from HI - Heavy Industrial District and RA - Residential Agricultural District to HI - Heavy Industrial District. It is the desire of the applicant to rezone the property to allow any uses allowed by right in the HI - Heavy Industrial District. GENERAL INFORMATION Property Owner: Hughes Furniture Industries Inc. Hearing Type: Legislative Small Area Plan: None Flood Plain Overlay: None Airport Overlay: None Existing Use: Former Industrial Site SITE INFORMATION AND SURROUNDING LAND USES Direction Adjacent Zoning Adjacent Land Use North HI-CD - Heavy Industrial - Conditional District and RA – Residential Agricultural District Sawmill and Single family residence South RA - Residential Agricultural District Vacant East RA - Residential Agricultural District Vacant Page 28 of 42 Technical Review Committee Report and Map Amendment Evaluation Page 2 of 6 West RA - Residential Agricultural District Vacant TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION Information from North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT): NCDOT will require a new driveway permit to be obtained. ZONING INFORMATION Zoning History: There is no history of a rezoning, Variance or Special Use Permit at the request location. Proposed Zoning District Standards from the Randolph County Unified Development Ordinance, Article 600, Section 613 (ex. Fencing, buffers, etc.): HI: HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT PURPOSE The purpose of the Heavy Industrial (HI) District is to provide a place to accommodate those industries whose normal operations include dust, noise, odor, or other emissions that may be deemed as objectionable. DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS FOR PRIMARY STRUCTURE Lot size with a minimum of 100 ft. of State road frontage 40,000 sq. ft. Water Quality Critical Area: 80,000 sq. ft. Lot size with less than 100 ft. of State road frontage 5 acres Lot width 100 ft. at building line Front setback 35 ft. from any road right-of-way Corner side setback 35 ft. from any road right-of-way Side setback 10 ft. from any side property line Rear setback 30 ft. from the rear property line DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS FOR ACCESSORY STRUCTURES Road setback 20 ft. from any road right-of-way Property line setback 5 ft. from any property line DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS NOTES 1. Lot areas and setbacks shall be increased if required by Randolph County Public Health. 2. Lot areas in designated Watersheds and Protected Areas are controlled by the Randolph County Watershed Protection Regulations. 3. Front yard setback shall be maintained on all road rights-of-way. 4. Minimum lot size requirements within Primary Growth Areas may be reduced to a minimum of 30,000 sq. ft. or 20,000 sq. ft. with public utilities. 5. The minimum lot size requirements within Rural Growth Areas are 3 acres. 6. Lots in major subdivisions within Rural Growth Areas must maintain a 1:4 ratio. Page 29 of 42 Technical Review Committee Report and Map Amendment Evaluation Page 3 of 6 7. The minimum lot size requirements within the Natural Heritage Overlay are 6 acres. 8. Conditional Districts are identical to the general use districts except for site plans and individualized development conditions are imposed only upon the signed petition of all owners of the land to be included in the Conditional District. Possible allowed uses in the HI - Heavy Industrial District include the following from the Randolph County Unified Development Ordinance: HI – Heavy Industrial District Uses 1. Accessory uses; 2. Advanced battery or fuel cell development; 3. Aerospace, aviation, and military/defense manufacturing; 4. Agricultural uses; 5. Athletic fields, recreation buildings, playgrounds, swim, and racquet clubs (no commercial gain) 6. Auction sales, yards, permanent; 7. Auction sales, temporary, one-time use; 8. Automobile body shops (excluding open storage or wrecked vehicles); 9. Automobile racetracks; 10. Automobile sales’ 11. Automobile service stations; 12. Automobile storage (excluding wrecked and junked vehicles); 13. Automotive, truck, and heavy equipment manufacturing and assembly; 14. Biofuels production; 15. Biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, medical, and life sciences manufacturing; 16. Bottling plants; 17. Brick, tile, and cement manufacturing; 18. Builders supply sales; 19. Bus station; 20. Cabinet making; 21. Chemical manufacturing; 22. Coal sales and storage; 23. Concrete and asphalt products plant; 24. Contractor’s yard and outdoor storage area; 25. Corporate offices or headquarters; 26. Dairy products, wholesale, and processing; 27. Daycare facility (corporate); 28. Distribution or logistics center; 29. Drugstores; 30. Educational facilities and training centers; 31. Electronics and component manufacturing; 32. Energy storage; 33. Engine or engine parts production; 34. Fabricated or primary metal manufacturing; Page 30 of 42 Technical Review Committee Report and Map Amendment Evaluation Page 4 of 6 35. Farm machinery sales; 36. Fire, sheriff, and emergency services; 37. Fitness and recreational sports center; 38. Food processing; 39. Foundries, metal; 40. Furniture manufacturing; 41. Glass Manufacturing; 42. Gun range; 43. Home occupations; 44. Household product manufacturing; 45. Laboratory, medical, and dental; 46. Livestock sales; 47. Machine shop, welding shop; 48. Manufacturing machine tools, chemicals, fertilizer, paving materials, wood products, paper; 49. Manufacturing, apparel, soft goods, textiles; 50. Meat packing and poultry processing; 51. Medical/Dental clinics or laboratories; 52. Motor vehicle parts manufacturing; 53. Nursery and plant cultivation and sales; 54. Outdoor storage yard; 55. Paint and coating manufacturing; 56. Paint shop; 57. Pharmacy and drugstore; 58. Plastics and resin manufacturing; 59. Potter manufacturing and sales; 60. Press Shop; 61. Printing and reproduction shop; 62. Professional and business offices; 63. Quarry operations; 64. Railroad rolling stock manufacturing; 65. Railroad yard; 66. Research and development facilities; 67. Rodeo; 68. Rubber products manufacturing; 69. Sawmills, planing mills – permanent; 70. Sawmills, planing mills – temporary; 71. Service stations; 72. Sheet metal fabrication; 73. Sign, directional gateway; 74. Sign, on-premise; 75. Sign, outdoor advertising (off-premises); 76. Temporary building, incidental to the development; 77. Temporary carnivals, rides, Ferris wheels; 78. Theater, Drive-in; 79. Tire manufacturing; Page 31 of 42 Technical Review Committee Report and Map Amendment Evaluation Page 5 of 6 80. Tobacco sales and warehousing; 81. Trailer rentals; 82. Transportation equipment manufacturing; 83. Truck terminal; and 84. Warehousing and distribution. TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATION The Technical Review Committee has reviewed this request and finds that this request: • Meets all technical requirements of both the Ordinance and the Plan; • Is consistent, reasonable, and in the public interest; and • Should be APPROVED by the Randolph County Planning Board. The Technical Review Committee identified the following policies from the Randolph County Growth Management Plan as supporting the above conclusion. Policy 4.5. Rural - Industrial Uses: a) Provide for sites in Rural Growth Areas where industrial activity requiring proximity to rural resources could be located with the goal of increasing economic activity, job creation, and the tax base of Randolph County. Consistency Analysis: The property is located within good proximity to NC Hwy 49 S and Interstate Hwy 73/74, which provides accessibility to increased economic interests and the potential increase of creating new jobs. Policy 4.7. Leveraging Industrial Investments: Leverage and capitalize on recent industrial developments by promoting Randolph County as a competitive and strategic location for businesses and industries. Consistency Analysis: This site has an existing unoccupied Industrial facility that can be utilized and capitalized on to bring another industry to Randolph County. Reasonableness and Public Interest Analysis: The policies listed above illustrate how this request is consistent with the Ordinance, the Plan, and applicable General Statutes. It should be noted that this recommendation is only the opinion of the Technical Review Committee based on information supplied by the applicant before the public hearing. Additional information provided at the public hearing could cause the Planning Board to either accept or reject these recommendations. Page 32 of 42 Technical Review Committee Report and Map Amendment Evaluation Page 6 of 6 Page 33 of 42 PARCEL INFORMATION: ZONING INFORMATION: Zoning District 1: HI-HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT Zoning District 2: RA-RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT Zoning District 3: Specialty District: N/A Watershed Name: NONE Class A Flood Plain On Prop?: NO Flood Plain Map #: 3710762400J Growth Management Areas:RURAL GROWTH AREA Flood Plane Map #: Total Permit Fee: $250.00 COMMENTS: REQUESTED CHANGE: The undersigned owner/applicant do hereby make application for a PROPERTY ZONING CHANGE as allowed by the Randolph County Zoning Ordinance. Area To Be Rezoned: 21.3100 Lot Size Indicator: ACRE(S) Proposed Zoning District: HI-HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT Proposed Use(S): Condition(S): Applicant: GILLESPIE, ANDREW City, St. Zip: CHESTERTOWN, MD 21620 Address: P.O. BOX 450 Owner: HUGHES FURNITURE INDUSTRIES INC Address: P O BOX 486 City, St. Zip: RANDLEMAN, NC 27317 Permit #: 2024-00022034 Parcel #: 7625161896 Date: 10/31/2024 Location Address: 6577 HIGH PINE CHURCH RD ASHEBORO, NC 27205 Permit Type Code: PZ 2 CONTACT NAME:GILLESPIE, ANDREW Contact Phone:410 708-1558 Acreage: Township:25.3000 20 - UNION Subdivsion: Lot number: Eric Martin Authorized County Official Signature of Applicant: APPLICATION FOR ZONING CHANGE Page: 1 of 1 - LOCAL TELEPHONE NUMBER - Asheboro: (336) 318-6565 - Archdale/Trinity: (336) 819-3565 http://www.randolphcountync.gov COUNTY OF RANDOLPH Department of Planning & Zoning 204 E Academy St - Asheboro NC 27204 APPLICATION FOR ZONING CHANGE Page 34 of 42 The information contained in this map comes from the best available public data sources. Users should consult the primary data source. Application # 2024-00022034 Gillespie Rezoning Request STRIEBY CHURCH RD P I S G A H C O V E R EDBRIDGE RD HIGHPINECHURCHRD Walkers Creek SouthProng H a nnahs Creek RA HI HI-CD 1 inch equals 500 feetThis property is located in a Rural Growth Area. Request location Page 35 of 42 The information contained in this map comes from the best available public data sources. Users should consult the primary data source. Application # 2024-00022034 Gillespie Rezoning Request STRIEBY CHURCH RD P I S GAHCOVERED BRIDGERD HIGHPINECHURCHRD South P r ongHannahsCree k Walkers Creek 1 inch equals 400 feetThis property is located in a Rural Growth Area. Page 36 of 42 Shaw Farms LLC 6372 High Pine Church Rd Asheboro, NC 27205 Shaw Farms LLC 6372 High Pine Church Rd Asheboro, NC 27205 Allmon, Johnny D 3379 Lassiter Mill Rd Asheboro, NC 27205 Hughes Furniture Industries Inc P O Box 486 Randleman, NC 27317 Bw Hughes Properties LLC Po Box 474 Sophia, NC 27350 Joseph, Edd Guerdin (Joseph, Giselle) 6676 High Pine Church Rd Asheboro, NC 27205 Andrew Gillespie P O Box 450 Chestertown, MD 21620 Loflin, Kevin Jay 9053 Pisgah Covered Bridge Rd Asheboro, NC 27205 Strieby Wood LLC 807 Simpson St Greensboro, NC 27401 Varner, James Bobby 2475 Tot Hill Farm Rd Asheboro, NC 27205 Page 37 of 42 COUNTY OF RANDOLPH CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION AND FINDING OF REASONABLENESS AND PUBLIC INTEREST IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION FOR REZONING BY ANDREW GILLESPIE REZONING REQUEST #2024-00022034 NORTH CAROLINA RANDOLPH COUNTY PLANNING BOARD According to North Carolina General Statutes § 160D and the Randolph County Unified Development Ordinance, the Randolph County Planning Board finds that the proposed zoning district map amendments to HI - Heavy Industrial District as described in the application of Andrew Gillespie are consistent with the Randolph County Unified Development Ordinance and the Randolph County Growth Management Plan and are reasonable and in the public interest for the following reasons: 1. Determination of Consistency with the Growth Management Plan. A. Consistency with Growth Management Plan Map The Randolph County Growth Management Plan map shows the parcel to be rezoned in an area designated as Rural Growth Area. Rezoning requests in this growth area for industrial development shall depend on the specific nature of the site and the location. Consistency with Growth Policies in the Growth Management Plan Policy 4.5. Rural - Industrial Uses: a) Provide for sites in Rural Growth Areas where industrial activity requiring proximity to rural resources could be located with the goal of increasing economic activity, job creation, and the tax base of Randolph County. Consistency Analysis: The property is located within good proximity to NC Hwy 49 S and Interstate Hwy 73/74, which provides accessibility to increased economic interests and the potential increase of creating new jobs. Policy 4.7. Leveraging Industrial Investments: Leverage and capitalize on recent industrial developments by promoting Randolph County as a competitive and strategic location for businesses and industries. Page 38 of 42 Consistency Analysis: This site has an existing unoccupied Industrial facility that can be utilized and capitalized on to bring another industry to Randolph County. 2. Statement of Reasonableness and Public Interest Reasonableness and Public Interest Analysis: The policies listed above illustrate how this request is consistent with the Ordinance, the Plan, and applicable General Statutes. Adopted on December 3, 2024. _____________________________________ Chair, Randolph County Planning Board ATTEST _______________________________ Kimberly J. Heinzer, Clerk to the Randolph County Planning Board Page 39 of 42 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA UPON REQUEST BY ANDREW GILLESPIE WHEREAS, a 21.31-acres parcel, having the Randolph County Parcel Identification Number of 7625161896 and 7625077044 is currently zoned HI - Heavy Industrial District and RA - Residential Agricultural District by Randolph County, North Carolina; WHEREAS, the Randolph County Planning Board has conducted a duly noticed public hearing on December 3, 2024, to consider the proposed rezoning on application number 2024-00022034, and all procedural requirements found in North Carolina General Statute 160D and the Randolph County Unified Development Ordinance have been satisfied; WHEREAS, the Randolph County Planning Board has found that the proposed rezoning is consistent with the Randolph County Unified Development Ordinance and the Randolph County Growth Management Plan and is reasonable and in the public interest, and the Randolph County Planning Board has adopted a separate statement to this effect; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE RANDOLPH COUNTY PLANNING BOARD THAT, the property is hereby rezoned to HI - Heavy Industrial District. The official Randolph County Zoning Map and the Randolph County Growth Management Plan Map are hereby amended, if necessary, to reflect the same and this Ordinance shall become effective upon adoption. Adopted on December 3, 2024. _____________________________________ Chair, Randolph County Planning Board ATTEST _______________________________ Kimberly J. Heinzer, Clerk to the Randolph County Planning Board Page 40 of 42 MOTION TO APPROVE A REZONING NORTH CAROLINA RANDOLPH COUNTY PLANNING BOARD “I make the motion to APPROVE this rezoning request to rezone the specified parcel(s) on the rezoning application and the Map Amendment Ordinance, to the requested zoning district based upon the Determination of Consistency and Findings of Reasonableness and Public Interest statements that are included in the Planning Board agenda, submitted during the rezoning presentation and as may be amended, incorporated into the motion, to be included in the minutes and that the request is also consistent with the Randolph County Growth Management Plan.” If making a second to the motion, please change to say, “I second the motion . . .” and continue reading the rest of the motion. Page 41 of 42 MOTION TO DENY A REZONING NORTH CAROLINA RANDOLPH COUNTY PLANNING BOARD “I make the motion to DENY this rezoning request to rezone the specified parcel(s) on the rezoning application to the requested zoning district based upon the Determination of Consistency and Findings of Reasonableness and Public Interest statements that are included in the Planning Board agenda, submitted during the rezoning presentation and as may be amended, incorporated into the motion, to be included in the minutes and that the request is not consistent with the Randolph County Growth Management Plan.” If making a second to the motion, please change to say, “I second the motion . . .” and continue reading the rest of the motion. Page 42 of 42