06028606/02/1986 1 DOT Secondary Roads Improvement program appr 2 Surplus property auction list Purchasing appr 3 Centralized Building Inspections Operations Policy fee Planning & Zoning appr 4 DOT additions Davis Drive Non Department appr 5 Draft resolution support Gov Martin's prop highway improvement Non Department appr 6 High Point Elastic, Trinity Township, 2.05 Ac Deaton Rd. Planning & Zoning appr 7 Donald/Edna Doss, Trinity Township, Blacksnake Rd/Hopewell Ch Rd Planning & Zoning deny 8 Ramseur Ambulance base update & auth exp re Archdale building Emergency Services appr 9 Appoint Arlie Culp to Resource Conservation Development and Non Department appr 10 Appoint Carol Lowe Library Board Library appr 11 Reappoint Dr. Johnny Parker Mental Health Board Mental Health appr 12 Reappoint Sheila Edmondson Mental Health Board Mental Health appr 13 Appoint Mike Kellam, Jimmy Gilmer Mental health Board Mental Health appr 14 Appoint Guy Troy alternate member RC Planning Board Planning & Zoning appr 15 County manager presented budget message for 86-87 budget Non Department appr 16 Set Budget meetings Non Department appr RANDOLPH COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES June 2, 1986 The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 2:00 p.m. -on-June 2--1-986 in --Courtroom B, County Courthouse, Asheboro, NC. Invocation was given by Rev. Dora Atlas of Salisbury Road United Church of Christ. Commissioners Frye, Langley, Davidson, and Comer were present. Commissioner Petty was absent. On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the minutes of the May 5 meeting were approved. Chairman Frye turned the meeting over to Department of Transportation officials, who presented their Secondary Roads Improvement Program for the 1986-87 fiscal year. These officials were Richard Pugh, Vice -Chairman of the State Board of Transportation, Paul Rosser, Assistant Division Engineer, and Lex Kelly, District Engineer. Mr•. Pugh explained Governor Martin's proposed highway improvement program and requested the Board to consider adopting a resolution supporting this program. Mr. Kelly presented the new improvements program and answered questions from the Board and audience concerning the program. Patty Sykes, Purchasing Agent, presented a list of surplus personal property to be considered for disposal. On motion of Comer, seconded by Langley, the Board approved a resolution authorizing Mrs. Sykes to dispose of this property by public auction sale on June 28, 1986. Copy of resolution is included by reference. Hal Johnson, Planning and Development Director, advised the Board that the cities (excluding Asheboro) in the county have requested the County building inspectors to inspect for• the State Building Code inside the municipalities. Such a centralized program would mean opening a full-iime inspections office in Archdale, staffed by a full-time clerical person and two inspectors. Mr. Johnson presented a centralized operations policy for the Board's consideration. The policy included an updated fee schedule which would put Randolph County on par• with surrounding counties. On motion of Comer, seconded by Langley, the Board adopted the Centralized Building Inspections Operations Policy, including fee schedule, to become effective July 1, 1986. Copy included by reference. On motion of Langley, seconaed by Comer, the Board approved the addition of Davis Drive in the F.M. Davis Property Subdivision to the State System of Roads. Copy of resolution included by reference. On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board adopted a resolution approving the Secondary Roads Improvements Program as presented by the Department of Transportation. Copy included by reference. On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the drafting of a resolution supporting Governor Martin's proposed highway improvement program, to be sent to our legislators. Copy included by reference. On motion of Comer, seconded by Langley, the Board adjourned at 4:00 p.m. for• a scheduled public hearing for two rezoning requests. Hal Johnson, Planning and Development Director, presented the requests. The first was from High Point Elastic, Deaton Rd. (SR 1568), Trinity township, requesting that approximately 2.05 acres be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Light Industrial Conditional Use for the purpose of adding to an existing industrial building. The Planning Board recommended unanimously that the request be approved. Richard Kidd, Rt. 2, Box 21B, Trinity, manager of High Point Elastic, stated that the company plans to sow grass, remove the trailer which has housed the overflow, put a fence up, and reposition the dumpster to the back of the building if this request is approved. No one spoke against the request. Commissioners Minutes June 2, 1986 Page 2 The second request was from Donald and Edna Doss, Rt. 2, Trinity, for the corner of the intersection of Blacksnake Road (SR 1556) and Hopewell Church Road (SR1558), Trinity Township, to be rezoned from Residential Suburban to Highway Commercial -Conditional Use for the purpose of constructing a truck repair shop. The Planning Board recommended unanimously that the request be denied because it felt that this particular area should remain Residential and that industrial use would be an encroachment on the area. Donald Doss, owner, presented plans for his shop and stated that there are other commei al places nearby, including a furniture plant across the intersection. He said he could not understand the Planning Board's reasoning. He said he had talked to his neighbors and that they had voiced no oppo- sition. Donald Ramsey, owner of the furniture plant across the intersection, said he thought Mr. Doss's property would be an ideal location for his shop. area. Guilford Townsend, neighbor, said he thought the shop would be an asset to the Speaking in opposition was Brown Cumby, Route 2, Box 492, Trinity. Mr. Cumby said he owns property backing up to the Doss property and that a truck repair shop would not increase the value of his property. He said Hopewell Church Road is 17' ide, too narrow for safely meeting schoolbuses or big trucks. Ronald Holister, neighbor, spoke against the request. He said the road is too narrow for bus and truck traffic and that are already too many residences there for industry to be considered. Chairman Frye indicated that he had received numerous calls from Mr. Doss's neighbors over the weekend voicing strong opposition to the rezoning request. Hearing no other comments, Chairman Frye declared the public hearing closed. On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the rezoning request of High Point Elastic. On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board denied the rezoning request of Donald Doss. Neil Allen, Director of Emergency Services, informed the Board that he has been unable to get specific information from Bill Brown and his associates concerning their proposal on a new ambulance base for Ramseur. Mr. Allen stated that, based on a preliminary sketch by architect Larry Austin, Chriscoe Aluminum had estimated the cost for a new base to be $71,783. The Board instructed Mr. Allen to come back to the July meeting with the following information: Would the County be required to conform to a particular building style? Who would be responsible for the upkeep of the septic tank? Mr. Allen explained that the County ambulance housed at Guil-Rand Fire Depart- ment in Archdale has until July 15 to be out. The County's Maintenance Department personnel plan to build an ambulance bay onto the existing Archdale Building and to convert some interior space for their housing. They will also divide the existing conference room in that building to house a County inspections office and an Archdale Police evidence room. The cost of renovations will be $18,000, which will be paid from the current budget. On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board authorized the expenditure of $18,000 for enlargement and improvements to the Archdale Building. On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board approved the following appointments: Arlie Culp - Resource Conservation and Development (no expiration date) Carol Lowe - Randolph Public Library Board (6 -year term) Mental Health Board - Dr. Johnny Parker (reappointed, 4 -year term) Commissioners Minutes June 2, 1986 Page 3 Mental Health Board - Sheila Edmondson (4 -year term) - Mike Kellam (1 -year appointment -to replace Kay Couch, who has resigned) - Jimmy Gilmer (new seat added to board - 4 -year term) On motion of Comer, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved the appointment of Guy Troy as an alternate member to the Randolph County Planning Board. County Manager Frank Willis presented his budget message for the proposed 1986-87 budget. The Board agreed to meet on June 9 for a budget workshop session with department heads, on June 16 to hear requests from the City Schools, County Schools, and Mental Health and to hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m., and on June 23 to adopt the budget and to set the school and fire department tax rates. On motion of Corner, seconded by Langley, the Board adjourned.