1 Public hearing on 1/2% supp. local govt. sales & use tax appr
2 Randleman sewer & Asheboro water supply projects appr
3 Randleman sewer project $50,000 back from Archdale to Randleman appr
4 Appoint Bob McDuffie, Talton Harrison to PTR Water appr
5 Award bid for Liberty Industrial Park sewer to Frank Home Purchasing appr
6 Liberty Industrial Park rail spur design & construction Non Department appr
7 Non Department appr
I 111 M
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in a special call session at
7:00 p.m. on August 27, 1986 in Courtroom B, County Courthouse, Asheboro, NC.
Commissioners Frye, Langley, Davidson, Petty and Comer were present.
On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board adjourned to an advertised
public hearing on a 2% additional supplemental local government sales and use tax.
Earl Greene (Cedar Grove Township) opposed any tax increase until the County
begins to spend wisely, which he does not believe the County is now doing. He said
a sales tax is the most unfair type of tax because people on fixed incomes can only
buy the necessities.
Eddie Williams (Farmer area) complained of the cost for merchants to reprogram
their cash registers for the additional 2% sales tax. He suggested that the County
should not pass this tax just because it is available, that the County should make
do with the money it has budgeted now.
Mrs. Eddie Williams (Farmer area) said that additional tax money which might go
to the schools would not insure a better education for our children. She said
students are now graduating who cannot spell, read or do simple math. She also
stated that the County is responsible for budgeting only for what money we actually
already have.
Henry Darr, Mayor of Archdale, said that the Archdale City Council unanimously
supports the 2� additional tax in hopes that it will be earmarked for the County's
future water and sewer needs.
Joe Trogdon, Mayor of Asheboro, stated that in the face of losing other revenues
from the state and federal government, he supports the additional 2� sales tax.
Keith Chriscoe, Vice -Chairman of the Asheboro City Board of Education, said
that the School Board supports the adoption of the sales tax and hopes some of it
will be spent on items not funded in their July budget.
Don Osborne, Chairman of the Randolph County Board of Education (also speaking
as a a citizen of the Providence Township), detailed building needs the County School
System has because of buildings failing to meet fire codes, overloaded wiring systems
and termites. In some buildings built more recently (in the past 25 years) the costs
were cut back to the point that too much quality was cut. The Board unanimously
supports the 2� sales tax because of their serious building needs.
No one else chose to speak. Chairman Frye asked for a show of hands for those
opposed to the 2K additional sales tax and three people raised their hands. He asked
how many favored it and approximately 70 people (all those in attendance except the
three opposed) raised their hands. Chairman Frye adjourned the public hearing.
Chairman Frye outlined factors the Board of Commissioners has taken into
consideration on an additional k% sales tax: It serves as a hedge against an increase
in property tax; all counties bordering Randolph have already enacted this 2� and,
since over half of our residents shop outside Randolph, they will be paying it anyway;
because of rounding off, we are paying 5� on the dollar many times anyway; cuts in
the national budget are usually at the local level and the 2� can replace some of
these lost revenues.
Commissioner Minutes
August 27, 1986
Page 2
On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board adopted the additional i7o sales
and use tax. Copy of resolution is included by reference.
Phil Pendry, City Manager of Randleman, appeared before the Board to provide
additional information on two projects Randleman has undertaken. Earlier this year
the County allocated $50,000 of Senate 2 Bill money to Randleman for a sewer project
on Randolph Street, which was estimated at that time to cost $100,000. Mr. Pendry
stated that the actual cost had turned out to be $200,000. Mr. Pendry asked that
the $50,000 of Senate 2 Bill money to be returned to the County from Archdale be re-
allocated to Randleman. Mr. Pendry also reported on a project just completed which
connects Asheboro's water supply to Randleman via 12,000 feet of 12 -inch water lines.
Randleman's cost was about $225,000; Asheboro spent about $10,000. Mr. Pendry
pointed out this water line is a part of the County's plan for a proposed county
water system and, therefore, benefits the County. The water line has the capacity to
produce 1400 gallons per minute.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board agreed that when they
receive the $50,000 back from Archdale to reallocate it to Randleman for their sewer
project. Copy of resolution is included by reference.
Chairman Frye directed the County Manager to make recommendations at the
September 8 meeting on how the 3�2� sales tax revenues should be spent.
Chairman Frye presented two nominations for the Piedmont Triad Regional Water
Authority: Bob McDuffie, General Manager of Randolph Electric Membership Corporation,
and Talton Harrison, CPA in Archdale and a member of the Randolph County Planning
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board appointed these two
nominees to the Water Authority.
Harold Jensen, project engineer for the Liberty Industrial Park project, pre-
sented sewer bids which were opened on August 21, 1986. He recommended that the
Board accept the low bid of $104,307.50 from Frank Horne Construction, Inc., Fair
Bluff, NC. A copy of all bids received is attached by reference.
On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board accepted the low bid of
$104,307.50 from Frank Horne Construction, Inc.
Mr. Jensen stated that since both the water and sewer bids had come in within
budget, we could proceed with the construction of the rail spur portion of the
project. He stated that his firm could design the spur for $4,500 and would charge
$250 per day (for a maximum of 30 days) to oversee the project
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board unanimously agreed to
amend their original agreement with Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates to include the
design and overseeing of construction of a rail spur for a fee not to exceed $12,000.
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board adjourned.