1 Authorize Communications committee proceed fire communications system for C Appr
2 Sue Richardson requested help to get her $ from State for pr Appr
3 Nannie Scott retires from Agriculture Extension Service Agricultural Extension Appr
4 Accept 2 `86 ambulances because of delay in delivery Emergency Services Appr
5 public hearing transfer of property from Randleman to Sophia Fire Marshal Appr
6 Adopt Jail Medical Plan Sheriff Appr
7 Resolution of support for countywide zoning Planning & Zoning Appr
8 Resolution of support for creation of Seagrove Ulah Metro Water District Appr
9 Carrier Alert Program Aging Appr
10 School facility needs for County schools Appr
11 Approve feasibility study for Seagrove Ulah Water District Appr
12 Proclamation Volunteer Week 4/26-5/2 Appr
13 DOT add Bank St Ext, Loblolly Rd Ext, White Oak St. Park St. Appr
14 City Schools: transfer $ from current expense to capital Appr
15 Release of County zoning jurisdiction to City of Asheboro Appr
16 appoint Maxton McDowell, Arlie Culp, Lynden Craven Planning & Zoning Planning Board Appr
17 Auth City of Asheboro to run sewer lines to Dart Industries Appr
18 Appoint Larry Brown, Reappoint Larry Anderson Industrial Bond Auth Appr
19 Set special meeting for budget work session 5/4/87; 7 p.m Appr
April 6, 1987
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 2:00 p.m.
in the Public Library Meeting Room, 201 Worth Street, Asheboro, NC. Invocation
was given by Mrs. Billie Vuncannon, Director of Hospice. Commissioners present
were Frye, Langley, Davidson, Petty and Comer.
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Petty, the minutes of the March 2, 39 5,
12, and 24 meetings were approved.
Countywide Fire C 1 mnica.tions
Neil Allen, Emergency Services Director, described problems the various fire
departments have always had in communicating with each other because of their incom-
patible communication equipment. The fire departments have established a commun-
ication committee which has developed a proposal for countywide fire communications.
The proposed equipment would have 4 channels and would be on a high -band frequency.
All nineteen fire departments have concurred with the committee's proposal. Mr.
Allen explained that the proposed equipment would allow communication among the
Forestry Service, rescue squads, fire marshal, fire departments, Emergency Services
Department, and Emergency Management. He estimated the cost at $400,000.
Buddy Reddick, Chairman of the Communications Committee, gave additional
information concerning the proposal.
On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board authorized the Communications
Committee to proceed with requests for proposals for a fire communication system
for Randolph County.
Citizen Problem: Seeking Reimbursement from the State
Miss Sue Richardson came before the Board seeking their aid in getting reim-
bursement from the State for some property it bought from her 19 years ago. She
contends that she did not receive full payment and she produced several documents
from various State officials alluding to the remaining owed amount. She has never
received this additional amount, however, even after working through legislators,
senators and the Governor's office.
The Board assured Miss Richardson they would pursue the matter and attempt to
help her solve her problem.
Proclamation: Retirement of Nannie Scott
Un motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board approved a proclamation
honoring Nannie. Scott of the Agricultural Extension Service on the occasion of
her retirement.
Mr. Frye added comments of appreciation to Miss Scott, who was in attendance.
A copy of the proclamation is included by reference.
Ambulance Bids: Acceptance of Counter -Offer
Patty Sykes, Purchasing Agent, explained that the County has experienced
a. lengthy delay with the delivery of two ambulances bid in October, 1986. Wheeled
Coach, who was awarded the bid, cannot deliver the ambulances as bid because they
cannot get 1987 wide -axle chassis as specified. Wheeled Coach has offered to
substitute two 1986 units with Ford chassis at $76,385 in place of the two 1987
units with Chevrolet chassis bid at $77,796. These units could be delivered
within the next 2-3 weeks.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Petty, the Board authorized the acceptance
of two 1986 ambulances with Ford chassis because of the delay in delivery.
Commissioners Minutes
April 6, 1987
Page 2
Public Hearing: Transfer of Property from Randleman to Sophia Fire District
On motion of Comer, seconded by Petty, the Board adjourned to an advertised
public hearing on the transfer of certain property from the Randleman to the Sophia
Fire District because the Sophia Fire Department has a quicker response time to
those properties. Don Heard, Fire Marshal, presented the advertisement affidavit.
Chairman Frye opened the floor for comment. No one spoke in favor of or
against the property transfer. The public hearing was closed.
On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board approved a resolution calling
for the transfer of certain property from the Randleman to the Sophia Fire District,
thus changing the boundary lines. A copy of the resolution is included by reference.
Jail Medical Plan: Adoption
Major Larry Emerson highlighted the Randolph County Jail Medical Plan prepared
by the Randolph County Health Department, Sheriff's Department and Jail Medical
Consultants. He pointed out that the jail is the County's highest liability
and that the new medical plan would alleviate many problems in that area. In
accordance with G.S. 153A -225(a), the health director and county conrYanissioners
must adopt the plan.
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Petty, the Board adopted the Randolph
County Jail Medical Plan.
Astleboro/Handolph Chamber of Commerce and EconomicDevelo nt Co ration: Reso-
lutions in Support of Countywide Zoning and Seagrove So Randolph Water District
Walter Sprouse, on behalf of the Asheboro/Randolph Chamber of Commerce and
Economic Development Corporation, read resolutions adopted by those agencies in
support of countywide zoning and land use planning and in support of the creation
of a water district for Seagrove/Southern Randolph.
Carrier Alert Program
Major Larry Emerson presented information on the national carrier alert pro-
gram. The program provides a mechanism for letter carriers to alert the Senior
Adults Center and/or a law enforcement agency that a citizen may be in trouble
or need help, based on the accumulation of mail in the mailbox. Citizens
desiring to participate would provide personal and health information to the
Senior Adults Center staff and would sign a liability waiver.
On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board endorsed this program for
Randolph County.
School Facility Needs for Randolph County Schools
The Randolph County Schools have estimated their school facility needs, to be
reported to the State Department of Public Instruction. The county commissioners
must sign the funding schedule section of this report. Chairman Frye noted that
this page would state that funding resources and priorities cannot be established
at this early date.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board authorized the Chairman
to sign the School Facility Needs for Randolph County Schools document, with the
statement, "Funding resources and priorities cannot be established at this time,"
to be added to the funding schedule section.
Seagrove/So. Randolph Water District: Feasibility Study
Joe Hardee of Black & Veatch presented a proposal for a feasibility study for
the construction of a Seagrove/Southern Randolph Water District, at a fee of
Commissioners Minutes
April 6, 1987
Page 3
Discussion ensued as to whether the County should wait until
term water supply available before funding a feasibility study.
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board approved
feasibility study to be conducted by Black & Veatch and authorized
manager to sign the contract.
Proclamation: Volunteer Week
there is a long -
the $2,500
the county
On motion of Comer, seconded by Petty, the Board approved a proclamation
declaring April 26 through May 2 as Volunteer Week in Randolph County. A copy
of the proclamation is included by reference.
D.O.T. Additions
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved four additions
to the State System of Roads. Copies of resolutions included by reference.
Asheboro City Schools: Transfer Funds from Current Expense to Capital Outi
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board voted to allow the
Asheboro City Schools to transfer temporarily po y $150,000 from their current expense
budget to their capital outlay budget, said amount to be replaced in the capital
budget during the next fiscal year, and authorized a letter of intent to be sent
to Asheboro City Schools stating that the commissioners will appropriate at least
$150,000 to Asheboro City Schools' 1987-88 capital outlay budget.
Release of County Zoning Jurisdiction to City of Asheboro
Hal Johnson, Planning Director, told the Board that property owners Donald
Rex, Shirley Moffitt, Roy and Dorothy Merritt have requested that the County
release its zoning and subdivision jurisdiction to the City of Asheboro for their
property totaling 2.18 acres, located east of Skyline Drive and southeast of
Dixie Drive. Asheboro, at the request of the property owners, is in the process
of rezoning the property Commercial, which would allow the continuation of a
Unified Business Development. The County currently has the property zoned
Environmental District 2. This property also adjoins property the County
relinquished jurisdiction for several months ago.
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board agreed to release its
zoning and subdivision jurisdiction to the City of Asheboro for the property
listed above. Map included by reference.
Appointments: Planning Board
Chairman Frye stated that with the advent of countywide zoning and land use
planning, the County Planning Board should have a more balanced representation
in its membership. Experienced members should not be replaced at this time,
however, since the County is in the middle of its planning and implementation.
Therefore, he recommended naming several alternate members to begin serving
now who would eventually become regular members.
On motion of Comer, seconded by Petty, the Board appointed as alternate
members to the Planning Board Maxton McDowell (Farmer), Arlie Culp (Ramseur) and
Lynden Craven (Coleridge).
Sewer Line Route to Dart Industries
Dumont Bunker, City of Asheboro engineer, reported that installing a pumping
station and pumping sewage from Dart Industries to the City of Randleman would
cost about $25,000 less than the option of running sewer lines north along 220
Business, but this system could serve only Dart. The 220 route could serve
other industries, thus giving the County a return on its investment.
Commissioners Mintues
April 6, 1987
Page 4
On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board authorized the City of
Asheboro to run sewer lines up 220 Business to Dart Industries.
Appointments: Industrial Bond Authority
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved the
reappointment of Larry Anderson and the appointment of Larry Brown to the
Industrial Bond Authority.
Budget Amendments
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board approved two budget
amendments, copies of which are included by reference.
Special Meeting of Camnissioners
Chairman Frye told the Board that he and the manager would like to have a
work session before budget time to consider long-range capital needs of the
County. The meeting was set for 7:00 p.m. on May 4, following the Commissioners`
regular meeting.
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board ajourned.