1 EMTs recognized for successful resuscitation Emergency Services Appr
2 DOT pub hearing secondary roads improvement program Appr
3 Forestry award presentation NO/AC
4 Alert Cable tv 1st reading of franchise ordinance a
5 ATC cable tv 1 st reading of franchise ordinance Appr
6 Resolution surplus property auction sale Appr
7 Landfill upkeep contract to Wright Grading Co. beginning 7/1/87 Public Works Appr
8 Contract with General Research Corp 4 Library bibliography data Library Appr
9 Contracts for monitoring wells at landfill
10 Letter of intent County Schools asbestos removal 2 schools Appr
11 Resolutions establishing fire districts for Farmer & Franklinville Emergency Services Appr
12 Res approval Tax Dept app for Land records management 525K Tax Appr
13 Darrell Frye voting delegate, Langley alternate NACO Conference Appr
14 DOT additions Bent Oak Aye, Leonard St. N Lee St, Carol Dr Appr
15 Appoint Annie Shaw to Jury Commission Appr
16 Reappoint Willie Plummer to RTC Board of Trustees Appr
17 Budget Amendment for merit raises, debt service & fire tax districts Finance Appr
18 87-88 Budget presentation for Frank Willis Appr
19 Awarded dumpster bid to BFI, Inc. Appr
June 1, 1987
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 2:00 p.m.
on June 1, 1987 in Courtroom B, Courthouse, Asheboro, NC. Commissioners Frye,
Langley, Davidson and Comer were present. Commissioner Petty was absent. Invo-
cation was given by Rev. Norman Hubbard, Mt. Vernon United Methodist Church,
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the minutes of the May 4 meeting
were approved.
Chairman Frye awarded certificates of recognition to eleven EMT's who had
performed successful resuscitation on patients who were considered clinically
dead. With CPR and advanced life support equipment, these employees returned
these patients to a standard of life where the heart was beating and normal signs
of life returned. Those recognized for five successful saves were Karen Cagle,
Barry Watts, Craig Whittington and David Reeves. Those recognized for three
successful saves were Philip Flynt, Scott Hilton, Steve Johnson, Mike Richards,
Catha Wright, Karen Durham and Alan Maness.
Richard Pugh, member of the State Board of Transportation for this district,
conducted a public hearing on the secondary roads improvement program for Randolph
County for the fiscal year 87-88. He introduced Lex Kelly, District Engineer;
Fred Whitesell, Division Engineer; Bill Rosser, Assistant Division Engineer; and
Bob Nelson, Highway Supervisor in Randolph County, who assisted in answering
citizens' questions.
Mr. Pugh told citizens present that because of EPA regulations, D.O.T. can
no longer oil unpaved roads or put sand on roads that have been oiled. He said
he wants to investigate methods of controlling the dust on Randolph County's
unpaved roads, possibly with the use of oil. Mr. Whitesell noted that there is
a state policy which places standards on oil used on roads; it can contain no
metals, pcb's, etc.
Mr. Pugh explained the property owner participation program, which currently
costs each owner $8 per front foot to pave.
Mr. Kelly read the proposed secondary improvements program for 87-88, which
should be completed by next summer.
Mr. Pugh explained the priority system and how roads can be paved out of
priority. He then opened the floor for disucssion.
A resident asked why both ends of SR2438 had been paved and the middle .7
mile left unpaved. Mr. Pugh said he would investigate this.
Many voiced complaints about the quality of gravel put down by D.O.T. They
continually get punctured tires. Mr. Pugh said he would bring this up at the
next state board meeting.
A resident of SR1304 complained of an unpaved section on her road.
A resident from SR1332 asked why his road was not paved last year, as it was
listed as #4 on the priority list. Mr. Kelly checked the list and said 1332 was
listed as #8 on that list.
Mr. Sylvan Routh of SR2448 said the priority system should be changed.
Residents of SR2442 and SR2406 said they have a lot of traffic traveling
these roads on the way to the Sandy Creek dumpster.
A resident of SR2444 said his road needs widening and improving because of
two blind curves on the road and he showed photographs of the blind curves.
A resident of SR1549 said he was told his road couldn't be paved because it
has a one -lane bridge and there is no bridge money available. He asked why D.O.T.
Commissioners Minutes
June 1, 1987
Page 2
couldn't spend less on paving and more on maintaining unpaved roads.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board approved a resolution
outlining the secondary roads improvement program for 87-88 as it was presented.
Resolution included by reference.
Vic Owen, District Forester for ten counties, including Randolph, presented
a trophy to Steve Pearce, Randolph County Forester, in recognition of Randolph's
reforestation program. Last year they planted 1,266 acres of new forest and
managed 152 acres of natural regeneration, which accounted for 1/3 of the
reforestation in the district.
Mr. Owen indicated there would be an open house at the new County head-
quarters at the Zoo later this summer and discussed beautification work being
done around the fire tower on Dave's Mountain. He also warned Commissioners
that experts have predicted that the gypsy moth will be firmly established in
North Carolina within 7 years, although none have been found in Randolph County
so far.
Manager Frank Willis informed the Board that cable TV franchise applications
have been received from ATC and Alert and that both applications meet qualifi-
cations outlined in the cable TV regulatory ordinance. He said the franchises
must be approved at two regular meetings and a public hearing must be held on
Jack Stanley of ATC spoke in support of his company's application, noting
that ATC currently holds franchises for certain townships in Randolph under an
old ordinance. He indicated that ATC has in progress an expansion of some 86
miles to their current system, with the expansion areas being north of Randleman
to Guilford County and in the Archdale area. They are building a dedicated
trunk system in the Randleman area to take care of future growth. The expansion
areas pass about 1300 homes. He said the northern expansion areas should be in
service by mid-August. ATC is waiting for utility permits now. All expansion
in progress should be completed by the end of the year.
Frank Kivett of Alert said his company plans to proceed into the areas
proposed on maps submitted as soon as their application is approved.
On motion of Comer, seconded by Langley, the Board approved the first reading
of a franchise ordinance for Alert Cable TV of N.C., Inc., which would grant Alert
a franchise to operate anywhere in the unincorporated areas of Randolph County for
a period of twenty years.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved the first
reading of a franchise ordinance for American Television and Communications
Corporation, which would grant American Television and Communications Corporation
a franchise to operate anywhere in the unincorporated areas of Randolph County
for a period of twenty years.
The Board set a public hearing on both applications for 2:30 p.m., July 6,
Patty Sykes, Purchasing Agent, presented a resolution with listed items of
surplus property designated to be sold at auction on June 13, 1987. She told the
Board that an Adler typewriter should be deleted from the list and a 1983 Ford
ambulance should be added.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the resolution
with the deletion and addition and amended it by adding the time of 10:00 a.m. as
the designated time of the auction. Resolution included by reference.
Commissioners Minutes
June 1, 1987
Page 3
Mrs. Sykes introduced the proposed landfill upkeep contract with Wayne Wright,
who holds the current contract.
George Elliott, Health Director, explained that the reason the contract
amount is higher than before is because Mr. Wright will be taking over additional
responsibilities from the County. The gatekeeper will be his employee rather than
the County's and he will take over maintenance of the landfill road and erosion
control. Mr. Wright has agreed to keep the landfill open four Saturdays during
the year until 4:30 p.m. No commercial waste will be received after noon on those
Saturdays, however. The County will not be charged for these four days of
expanded hours.
Mr. Elliott told the Board that during a recent state inspection of the
landfill, we received a perfect score.
On motion of Comer, seconded by Langley, the Board approved a four-year
contract with Wright Grading Company, beginning July 1, 1987.
Mrs. Sykes introduced a proposed contract with General Research Corporation
to provide bibliographic data processing for the Public Library.
Nancy Brenner, Library Director, explained that the contract deals with
putting their current list of holdings into the computer. They have money
budgeted already for this service from state and federal funds received.
On motion of Comer, seconded by Langley, the Board approved the contract
effective June 1, 1987.
George Elliott presented two proposed contracts with Wilson Engineerinv; one for
installation of monitoring wells at the landfill and the other for engineering
and testing services on the wells.
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board approved these two
contracts with Wilson Engineering Associates.
George Fleetwood, Superintendent of County Schools, explained to the Board
that contracts need to be let immediately for asbestos removal from two schools,
so that work can commence as soon is the school year ends and can be completed
before it starts aL-ain this fall. Since this action will take place before the
new budget year beginning July 1, 1987, he needs a letter of intent from the
Board of Commissioners stating that the County Schools will be allocated at
least $50,000 for the upcoming budget year.
On motion of. Comer, seconded by Langley, the Board approved such a letter
of intent to be sent from the County Manager to Dr. Fleetwood.
Don Heard, Fire Marshal, presented resolutions calling for the establishment
of fire districts for Farmer and Franklinville, following successful elections
on May 5, 1987 for both. The Board of Elections has certified results of both
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board adopted both resolutions.
Copies included by reference.
Commissioners Minutes
June 1, 1987
Page 4
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board adopted a resolution
approving the Tax Department's application for matching funds and technical
assistance under the N.C. Land Records Management Program, in the amount of
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board approved Chairman Frye
as voting delegate and Vice -Chairman Langley as alternate delegate to the 1987
NACo Conference to be held in Indianapolis in July.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the addition
of four streets to the State System of Roads. Resolutions included by reference.
All Commissioners present indicated they would attend the NCACC annual
conference in Charlotte August 13-16.
On motion of Comer, seconded by Langley, the Board appointed Annie Shaw to
a two -,year term on the Jury Commission.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board reappointed Willie
Plummer to the RTC Board of Trustees.
No nominees were submitted to fill the vacancy on the Nursing and Rest Home
Advisory Committee. There is also now a second vacancy because Bea Cole, who
was appointed last month, has declined to serve because of a personal situation.
These two vacancies are to be placed on the June 23 agenda.
On motion of Comer, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved budget amend-
ments for merit raises, debt service and fire tax districts. Copies included by
Frank Willis presented the 1987-88 budget and budget message, as well as a
proposed budget calendar for June. The Board adopted the budget calendar as
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board adjourned.