March 4, 1985
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 2:00 p.m.,
March 4, 1985 in Courtroom B, County Courthouse, Asheboro, NC. Invocation was given
by Marion Smith, Director of Social Services.
On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Clinton Comer, the Board unanimously
approved the minutes of the February 4;meeting. Ed Gavin, County Attorney, reported
that the RTC-Reitzel Smith lease contract had been signed since the last Commissioner
Fire Marshal Don Heard presented updated contracts betwwen the County and the
volunteer fire departments. The contracts define response districts -.in the county.
On motion of Kenyon Davidson, seconded by Richard Petty, the Board unanimously
approved the contracts.
Mr. Heard reported that petitions for the Sophia and Coleridge areas had been
certified as having 35% of the resident freeholder' signatures for establishing fire
tax districts. A "resident freeholder" is a property (real estate) -owner whose
property lies within the prescribed boundaries and said owner resides on the same
property. On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Clinton Comer, the Board set May 7,
1985 as the election date for both the Sophia and the Coleridge -Erect areas. Copies
of resolutions included by reference.
Mr. Heard informed the Board that the Westside annexation area has been certified
by the Tax Department as having the necessary signatures by property owners. The next
step is to set a public hearing for the proposed annexation. Chairman Frye set the
public hearing for 2:30 p.m.,.:April 1, 1985.
Mr. Heard presented an annual report showing fire statistics for 1984. He
advised the Board that a project is underway to survey all businesses and commercial
buildings in order to determine responding fire departments.
Neil Allen, Emergency Services Director, reported on a study the Institute of
Government is conducting to determine where in the county ambulance service is most
needed, cost of service, response time, etc. The study should be completed by June.
Chairman Frye mentioned that Randleman has requested an ambulance and is willing to
provide space for one. When -the Board gets the results of this study, they will
consider Randleman's request.
Ogburn Yates, President of the Asheboro -Randolph Chamber of Commerce, came
before the Board to request financial assistance from the County ($30,00 over the
next three years) in establishing an economic development corporation. This corpora-
tion would recruit new industry for Randolph County. Chamber board members Jack Lail
and Tom Moose also spoke in support of economic development. Local businesses have
pledged $35,000 toward this endeavor, but without a commitment from the County the
project will not be feasible. Chairman Frye asked the county attorney and manager
to study the legality of funding a corporation of this nature and to report their
findings at the April Commissioners meeting.
On -motion of Richard Petty, seconded by Clinton Comer, the Board unanimously
.adopted a personnel ordinance, including, the performance appraisal policy (Appendix C).
(Appendix A and Appendix B -were approved at the September 10, 1984 meeting and went
into effect October 1, 1984.) The personnel ordinance was written by personnel
consultant Hal Scott, reviewed by Office of State Personnel (and revised according
to their recommendations), and reviewed by department heads. A copy of the personnel
ordinance is on file in the Randolph County Ordinance Book and in every department.
Commissioner Minutes
March 4, 1985
Page 2
On motion of Richard Petty, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Board unanimously
adopted an Affirmative Action Policy, as submitted by Jane Williams, Personnel
Talmadge Baker, Agricultural Extension Agent, presented a Memorandum of Under-
standing between the N.C. Agricultural Extension Service and the Board of County
Commissioners. On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Clinton Comer, the Board
unanimously accepted the memorandum of understanding.
Barbara Beane, 4-H assistant, and Martha Judge, home extension agent, came -
before the Board to request the adoption of a proclamation naming March 24-30
"Focus on the Family"Week" in Randolph County. On motion of Kenyon Davidson,
seconded by Clinton Comer, the Board unanimously approved the proclamation. Copy
included by reference.
On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Clinton Comer, the Board unanimously
approved a proclamation in honor of the retirement of Pauline Edwards. Copy included
by reference.
On motion of Clinton Comer, seconded by Richard Petty, the Board unanimously
approved a resolution to add Sheffield Avenue in the Sheffield.Acres Subdivision to
the State System of Roads. Copy included by reference.
On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Clinton Comer, the Board unanimously
appointed Howard Redding as Social Services Attorney.
On motion of Clinton Comer, seconded by Kenyon Davidson, the Board . reappointed
the following as extra -territorial members of the Liberty Planning and Zoning Board:
William V. Smith (3 -year term), David "Sonny" Bullard (2 -year term), and Dr. Craig
Wolfe (1 -year term).
On motion of Clinton Comer, seconded by Richard Petty, the Board unanimously
approved a budget amendment for Mental Health. Rick Moll, Mental Health Deputy
Finance Officer, explained that the amendment was to allow for some construction
work at the Mental Health Center. Copy included by reference.
On motion of Kenyon Davidson, seconded by Clinton Comer, the Board unanimously
approved a budget amendment for Social Services, Health and Public library. Copy
included by reference.
Tom Morgan, representing a group of Randolph County citizens, came before the
Board to request that the Commissioners not allow Social Services to fund any more
abortions. Chairman Frye explained that abortion funds are not included in the
County's budget. All Social Services -approved abortions are paid directly from the
State to the doctors. Social Services Director Marion Smith read from General
Statutes 108A-10, which outlines the duties and responsibilities of his position.
He explained that doing what Mr. Morgan was requesting would be asking him to break
the law. Discussion followed.
On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Richard Petty, the Board unanimously
voted to adopt a resolution opposing tax -funded abortions and to send it to the
governor and state legislators. Copy included by reference.
On motion of Clinton Comer,seconded by Richard Petty, the Board adjourned.
WHEREAS, the citizens of Randolph County have expressed
vehement opposition to tax -funded abortions; and
WHEREAS, the Randolph County Board of Commissioners
wholeheartedly concur with its citizenry in its opposition
to tax -funded abortions;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Randolph County
Board of Commissioners that we take a public stand opposing
tax -funded abortions and that we urge our Governor and
General Assembly to enact legislation which would strike
abortion funds from the state budget, both now and
THIS the 4th day of March, 1985.
Darrell L. Frye, Chairman
Randolph County Board.
of Commissioners
WHEREAS, a. pe t i t i on h.=.e. been du 1 ;ti' presented to the Randol ph-
Count,- Board of Commissioners by more than, th i r't,7-f ive
percent 1; of the resident freeholders 1 i v i ng and
re -siding in the Sophia
ophia Fire District; and
WHEREAS, under the provisions of the North Carol i n.q. General
Statutes, the Board of Commissioners shall therefore call an
election in said district for the purpose of submitting to
the +dual i f i ed voters therein the question of 1 ev,,i ng an
collecting a :pec i a.l ta:%,. on all ta. ca.bl e property in S i d
di str i c t for- the purpose of pro':' i di n a fire pr•otection i n
-aid district;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED b;:. the Bc+a.rd_i of Coun t;•
Comm i =s i ones•_. of Randoph r:oun tv that the Ra.n di_ 1 p Cc lun t
Board of El e t l ons, hold a.n election for the Soph I a. Fire
Di strict to determine the question of 1evyino .and col lecting
.a spe;= i a ta.>:: on -a.I i taxable property in =_. i d district for
the purpose of pro+.? i di nci fire rir'otect r on in said di =•tr i ct
and that said election be held or, M:.+`•'1 _: if F+o aible.
vwCc'r 0C1
Da t o r_ h a. i r m -a. n
R,:andoI ph C runt 6o-a.rd o -c C c+mrr, =- o n e r S
WHEREAS, .t pe t i t i ori has been du l ., presented t� � the Randolph
i_:Lunt:>` Board of Commissioners b more th•y.n t i r't`•'-T i 1•Je
percent of the ree. i dery freeholders i i {.! i nnr_i
residing in the Coleridge -Erect Fire ;i•_.trict; and
WHEREAS, under the pro -..)i sions of the ;`,lorth Carolina neral
tatute , the Board of Commissioners sh-all ther 'fore call an
election in said district for the pur,po=•e of ubmitting t
the qu al i f i ed voters therein the ques t i on of l e1.)yi ng i.nd
col l e t_, t i n g -a : e c i a l tax on ;-:011 t ax _. b1 l? p r n: p P t 'r' in saim
district for the purpose of providing fire protection
i rl
sa.id di'strict�
NOW, THEREFORE, 6E IT RESOLVED b:• the Sr_:a,rd of C o u n '
Comma s— i cher_- of Ra.ndoph County that the Randol ph County
Board o=f Elections hold ar, election for the Coleridge -Erect
Fire Cii str-i c t._• de t.ermi n the que'_.tL i �_ n c• f ' � e �:� �. i no .a. n d
:_ o 7 1 l ::e (_ t i n g a p e 1_ i .moi. 1 t 1. r'v or, ._i. 1 l t .;/, �l:� .a, b I e p r o p N f i • i r� •� N. i r�
district for. the purpose of pr'ok,, i di na f i re p r o t e c t i on i n
aid di=_.trict and t t aid election be he:d on t"i.a;. ?, 1g='5,
if pos.ible,
Ch •a i r m a n
Je' a. n d 1_• l p ri i_ ,a: n t ,, B o -a r d cif 1_: i irr!m I s ;. I o n e r.._.
"+- 0-F-1Tf.Yff":►1
WHEREAS, strong families provide for physical and emotional, needs of
individuals and thereby strengthen and stabilize our democratic
society; and
WHEREAS, strong nurturing family relationships produce individuals who
can develop and maintain constructive community relationships
in the neighborhood, town, county, or state governments; and
WHEREAS, research concludes that strong families have as common
characteristics: appreciation for family members, spend time
together, have good communication patterns, committed to
promoting each member's well-being, a high degree of religious
orientation, and can cope with family crisis; and
WHEREAS, elements of the family structure are changing and external
societal forces or internal family stresses may become barriers
to a strong family; and
WHEREAS, the Randolph County Agricultural Extension Service has
significant resources which can be used to help strengthen
families and is encouraging other agencies and families to
observe a week that focuses on the qualities of strong family
THEREFORE, the Commissioners of the County of Randolph, State of North
Carolina, decal -re and commemorate March 24-30, 1985 as "Focus
on the Family" Week in Randolph County and call upon the
citizens to observe the same.
THIS the 4th day of March, 1985.
Darrell L. Frye, Chairman
Randolph County Board of Commissioners
g'l101 IC7i
iM�' f #--►'I
WHEREAS, Pauline Edwards has, as an employee of Randolph County,
displayed those traits of professionalism and dependability that we
desire in all County employees; and
WHEREAS, the special knowledge, expertise and experience that Mrs.
Edwards brought to her job has enabled her to make a valuable contri-
bution to the Health Department Nursing Program; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Edwards is retiring February 28, 1985 from employment
with Randolph County; and
WHEREAS, Randolph County desires to recognize Mrs. Edwards for her
seven years of service;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the Randolph County Board of
Commissioners that we appreciate the services rendered to Randolph
County by Pauline :Edwards and that on behalf of all the citizens of
Randolph County we extend our best wishes for a long and prosperous
THIS the 4th day of March, 1985.
LOS 141, A��
Darrell L. Frye, Charman
Randolph County Board of Commissioners
10MIA119 I.
WL-IEREAS, the Department of Transportation has -investigated Sheffield
Avenue in the Sheffield Acres Subdivision; and
WHEREAS, the subject street has been found to meet minimun require-
ments for addition;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Randolph County Board of
Commissioners that Sheffield Avenue be added to the State System of
/,// y .' j, , -
Darrell L. Frye, Charman
Randolph County Board of Commissioners
This is to certify that the _foregoing resolution was duly adopted at a
meeting of the Randolph County Board of Commissioners on March 4, 1985.
Alice D. Dawson, Clerk
Randolph County Board of Commissioners
FISCAL YEAR 1.984-1985
0MEREAS, the Randolph County Budget Ordinance for the Fiscal Year 1984-1985
was adopted by the Randolph County Board of Commissioners on June 25, 1984 and;
WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to make amendments to this Ordinance;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following necessary amendments be
modified in the Budget Ordinance for Fiscal Year 1984-1985:
Social Services 39,951
Public Health 2,000
Public Library 3,262
Restricted Intergovernmental
Revenues 34,689
'TOTAL 1984-1.985 E1MENDED BUDGET IS $ 17, 683, 679
This the 4th day of March , 1985 .