APRIL 1, 1985
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on April 1,
1985 at 2:00 p.m. in Courtroom B, County Courthouse, Asheboro, NC. Commissioners
present were Chairman Darrell Frye, Floyd Langley, Kenyon Davidson, Richard Petty,
and Clinton Comer. Invocation was given by Rev. Bobby Blanton of Balfour Baptist
Attorney Jon Megerian, representing the Concerned Taxpayers Committee, came
before the Board to present petitions with over 4,000 signatures asking the Commis-
sioners to consider possible solutions to discrepancies they have found in the
recent revaluation process. Mr. Megerian stated that their group had already had
a meeting at which over 300 people were present. They want to meet with the
Commissioners at a public hearing. Bill Luck, Chairman of the Concerned Taxpayers
Committee, was also present.
On motion of Clinton Comer, seconded by Richard Petty, the Board unanimously
approved a proclamation declaring April 29 -May 3 as Countywide Youth Week in Randolph
County. Copy of proclamation included by reference.
Chairman Frye read a letter from Representative Bill Boyd asking the Board to
consider endorsing a local bill prohibiting the shooting of deer from state road
right -of ways. On motion of Richard Petty, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Board
unanimously endorsed such a local bill and directed the County Manager to send an
appropriate resolution to Representative Boyd. Copy of resolution included by reference.
On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Clinton Comer, the Board unanimously
approved the minutes of the March 4, 1985 meeting.
Manager Willis advised the Board that there exists a need to move the current
Sheriff's communications room from the jail building to the Sheriff's administration
building. Since the County has taken over dispatching for other municipalities in
the county, two dispatchers are required to work together. There is not enough space
for two people to work at the same time. Another problem is security. Communication
needs to be in a location secure from prisoners. A third problem is that, during an
emergency, there would be no room for coordinators to work from the communications
room. Mr. Willis stated that there are sufficient funds in the current budget to
cover all the costs of moving communications. Our maintenance staff will be able to
construct the new room. The most complicated phase of the move will be getting
telephone wires and cables and burglar alarm systems relocated.
On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Clinton Comer, the Board.unanimously
approved the budget amendment to complete this project. Budget amendment included by
At 2:30 the meeting adjourned to go into a scheduled public hearing on the West-
side Fire District Annexation. Fire Marshal Don Heard presented certification that
all legal requirements had been met. No citizen was present to speak for or against
the proposed annexation. The public hearing was closed.
On motion of Clinton Comer, seconded by Richard Petty, the Board unanimously
adopted a resolution to expand the Westside Fire District by annexation. Copy of
resolution included by reference.
At their March meeting, the Commissioners adopted resolutions setting Sophia
and Coleridge -Erect Fire District elections for May 7, 1985. Since that time, it
has been discovered that the Board of Elections inadvertently omitted passing a
resolution and seeking concurrence from the Secretary -Director of the State Board
Commissioners Minutes
April 1, 1985
Page 2
of Elections that voters may be temporarily transferred from their regular voting
places for the purpose of these elections. Therefore, the Board of Elections has,
by resolution, requested the Commissioners to rescind their March resolutions and
reschedule said elections for May 21, 1985.
On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Kenyon Davidson, the Board unanimously
adopted two resolutions which rescinded the March resolutions and which call for
elections to be held May 21, 1985. Copy of the Board of Election resolution and
the two Commissioner resolutions included by reference.
Chairman Frye announced that the Asheboro City Board of Education has some
property to sell. As required by G.S. 115C-518, the Board of County Commissioners
must be given first option to buy the property. Ori motion of Kenyon Davidson,
seconded by Richard Petty, the Board unanimously voted to decline the option to
purchase the property, which is located on the east side of Meadowbrook Road,
adjoining the north line of the Kiwanis Park property.
Manager Willis informed the Board that since the inception of the Child
Support Enforcement (IV -D) Program in 1977, the State had administered the program,
giving counties the option to administer the program themselves. Randolph chose to
let the State administer it. In 1984, General Assembly enacted Section 76 of House
Bill 80, which requires all counties to provide for the administration of the IV -D
program, effective July 1, 1985. Randolph County has received copies of resolutions
passed by Hertford and Pamlico Counties calling for the repeal of this new law. Mr.
Willis said that the program has been run efficiently at the state level and that
taking over administration would require additional staffing.
On motion of Richard Petty, seconded by Clinton Comer, the Board unanimously
adopted a resolution to support the repeal of this law (G.S. 110-141). Copy included
by reference.
On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Richard Petty, the Board unanimously
approved a proclamation declaring April 22-27 as Volunteer Appreciation Week in
Randolph County. Marion Smith stated that volunteer hours through Social Services
alone last year totaled over 433,000 hours; at minimum wage, that was a savings of
$1,500,000. Copy of proclamation included by reference.
The Commissioners discussed the request for economic development funds from
the Asheboro -Randolph Chamber of Commerce. County Attorney Ed Gavin, in a letter
to the Board, had recommended that if the Board voted to fund the economic develop-
ment corporation, appropriations should be from available surplus funds not derived
from taxes of any kind. Also, the appropriation should meet the following require-
(1) It must be specific in stating the purposes for which the moneys may be
(2) The Board should exercise control over the use of funds appropriated.
(3) The corporation must give an accounting of expended funds at the end of
the fiscal year.
Mr. Gavin also advised the Board not to appropriate any funds until the corporation
has obtained its tax exempt status from Internal Revenue Service.
On motion of Richard Petty, seconded by Clinton Comer, the Board voted to
appropriate a one-time $10,000 expenditure to the corporation if they receive tax-
exempt status and if they agree in writing to all the recommendations of the County
Commissioners Minutes
April 1, 1985
Page 3
Attorney, as outlined above. This motion was opposed by Commissioners Davidson
and Langley.
' On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Kenyon Davidson, the Board unanimously
approved a $2,011 budget amendment for Mental Health to receive additional state
funds for assaultive children.
The Randolph County Rural Development Panel made a soil survey presentation
to the Board. Dick Fowler, soil conservationist from Raleigh, projected that a
Randolph County soil survey would cover 502,000 acres of land, at a cost of
$168,000. The County would bear 1/3 of this cost, spread over a five-year period.
Arlie Culp of Water & Soil Conservation, Talmadge Baker of Agricultural Extension
Service, and Jim Martin of the Health Department were present in support of a new
soil survey. A slide presentation was given, showing the value of a completed
soil survey.
The Commissioners agreed to make a decision on helping to fund a soil survey
at next month's meeting.
At 4:00 p.m., the Commissioners adjourned to a scheduled public hearing
concerning re -zoning requests.
Hal Johnson, Planning and Zoning Director, reported two requests: Archie L.
Honbarrier, High Point, is requesting approximately i acre located on the corner
of Davis Street and Bethel Drive, Trinity Township, Zoning Map 1-1, be rezoned from
Residential -Suburban to Light Industrial, to correspond with the 40 -acre tract
directly behind it, which is currently zoned Light Industrial. Calvin Hearne, High
Point, is requesting that approximately 5 acres on Wright Road (SR 1554), approxi-
mately 900' from SR 1440, Zoning Map 1-2, Trinity Township, be rezoned from
Residential -Suburban to Conditional Use Light Industrial, to allow the construction
of a frame shop on the property.
Chairman Frye asked for those in favor or against these requests to speak and
no one spoke. The hearing was declared closed.
On motion of Richard Petty, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Board unanimously
approved both rezoning requests.
On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Clinton Comer, the Board unanimously
approved the reappointment of Glen Gilmore, Jr., William 0. Collier, and Pearl A.
Shepard to the Julian Fire Protection District Commission (two-year terms) and the
reappointment of Frank Fields, Daniel Brown, and George Gregson to the Climax Fire
Protection District Commission (two-year terms).
Manager Willis reported that the Health Department has been contracting night
and weekend nursing care in their Home Health program. The employed nurses in
that program have requested that they be allowed to make these night and weekend
visits. On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Richard Petty, the Commissioners
approved the following compensation Randolph County's employed Home Health nurses:
1. Home Health nursing staff will be paid $14 and mileage for routine visits
requiring skilled nursing visits after working hours.
2. Payment for opening and charting new patients will be $18 and mileage.
3. Home Health nurses who are required to carry a "beeper" for on-call service
will be paid $50 for a seven-day period.
Commissioners Minutes
April 1, 1985
Page 4
Chairman Frye noted that asbestos has been discovered in some of our County
schools. The Board of Education needs a letter of intent from the Commissioners
concerning funds for an asbestos removal project this summer. This item will be
placed on next month's agenda for consideration.
On motion of Kenyon Davidson, seconded by Clinton Comer, the Board unanimously
approved budget amendments presented by Frank Willis. Copies included by reference.
Agricultural Extension Agent, Talmadge Baker, reminded the Commissioners that
they are invited to a luncheon program at the Agricultural Extension Office at
12:00 on May 6, immediately prior to the Commissioners' monthly meeting.
On motion of Clinton Comer, seconded by Kenyon Davidson, the Board adjourned.
WHEREAS, the youth of Randolph County have met together for
inspirational meetings at 6:30 each morning for a week in April
for seventeen years, beginning April, 1969; and
WHEREAS, we feel that this week of fellowship is one of the
highlights in the life of our youth each year;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, DARRELL L. FRYE, Chairman of the Randolph
County Board of Commissioners, do hereby proclaim the week of
April 29 -May 3, 1985 as
in Randolph County and encourage its citizens to join with me in
showing appreciation to our youth and their leaders for their
contributions to the County of Randolph.
Darrell L. Frye, Chairman
Randolph County Board of Commissioners
April 1, 1985
WHEREAS, volunteering of one's gime and .resources is an undisputed
part of the essence of our country and essential to its vital life; and
WHEREAS, our nation is experiencing a time when material and tech-
nological resources are becoming increasingly limited; and
WHEREAS, it has been proven that our nation's greatest resource is
our people; and
WHEREAS, volunteers have shown that they truly care and want to
share of themselves; and
WHEREAS, volunteerism is rapidly becoming the third force to be
dealt with, along with industry and government; and
WHEREAS, we are seeking more volunteers and attempting to prevent
the under -utilization of our human resources;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, DARRELL L. FRYE, Chairman of the Randolph County
Board of Commissioners, do hereby declare April 22 through April 27,
1985 as
and I urge that all citizens of our county observe this week by seeking
out some area, in their community where they can, by devoting a few hours
each week and more, give aid to some needy individual or cause.
Darrell L. Frye, Chairman
Randolph County Board of Commissioners
Asheboro, North Carolina
April 1, 1985
FISCAL YEAR 1984-1985
WHEREAS, the Randolph County Budget Ordinance for the Fiscal Year 1984-1985
was adopted by the Randolph County Board of Commissioners on June 25, 1984 and;
WHEREAS, it -is deemed necessary to mare amendments to this Ordinance;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVFM that the following necessary amendments be
modified in the Budget Ordinance for Fiscal Year 1984-1985:
-Contribution to Debt Service Fund 1,507,964
Debt Service 1,507,964
Non-Departmen.tal 601,641
Administration/Finance 580,321
Public Health 21,060
Property Development 260
'I'MAL 1984-1985
'Vhis the Ist—
day of
FISCAL YEAR 1984-1985
WHE1iEAS, the Randolph County Budget Ordinance for the Fiscal Year 1984-1.985
was adopted by the Randolph County Board of Commissioners on June 25, 1984 and;
WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary tomake amendments to this Ordinance;
NOW, THEREFORE, K3 IT RESOLVE -'D that the following necessary amendments be
modified in the Budget Ordinance for. Fiscal Year 1.984-1985;
Non -Departmental
Governing Body
Computer Services
Register of Deeds
Public Bldgs -Maintenance
Sheriff and Jail
Emergency Services
Property Development
Public Health
Agriculture Extension Service
Veterans Service Officer
Public Library
TOTAL 1984-1985 MIENDED BUDGE`1, IS $ 17, 683, 679
This the lst day of April 1985.
FISCAL YEAR 1984-1985
WHEREAS, the Randolph Minty Budget OrdiAnco for the Fiscal Year 1984-1985
was adopted by the Randolph County Board of Commissioners on June 25, 1984 and;
WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to make amendments to this Ordinance;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following necessary amendments be
modified in the Budget Ordinance for Fiscal Year 1984-1985:
Principal on Bonds Maturing
Interest on Bonds
Bond Service Charges
Contribution from General Fund
This the I Ist — day of April , 1985 .
WHEREAS, a petition has been duly presented to.the Randolph County Board of
Commissioners by more than thirty-five percent (357o) of the resident free-
holders living and residing in the Sophia Fire District; and
WHEREAS, under the provisions of the North Carolina General Statutes, the
Board of Commissioners shall. therefore call an election in said district
for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters therein the question
of levying and collecting a special tax on all taxable property in said
district for the purpose of providing fire protection in said district; and
i'AI1RE..AS, the Randolph County Board of Elections inadvertently omitted passing
a resolution and seeking concurrence of the same from the Secretary -Director
of the State Board of Elections that voters may be temporarily transferred
from the Back Creek Precinct to the New Market Precinct for the purpose of
voting in the Sophia Fire District Election;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Randolph County Board of Commissioners
that the previous resolution passed on March 4, 1985 establishing the Sophia
Fire District Election on May 7, 1985 be rescinded and that the Randolph
County Board of Elections hold an election for the Sophia Fire District to
determine the question of levying and collecting a special tax on all taxable
property in said district for the purpose of providing fire protection in
said district and said election be held on May 21, 1985, if possible.
Randolph County Board of Commissioners
WEIEiFAS, it has been brought to our attention that the practice
of shooting deer from state right-of-ways has been occurring; and
WHEREAS, this practice presents a safety hazard and is an abuse
of the concept of a public right-of-way of state roads;
NOW, ZHEMIORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Randolph County Board of
Commissioners that we support a local bill prohibiting this practice.
This the 1st day of April, 1985.
Darrell L.`Frye, ChaPnnan
Randolph County Board of Commissioners
Alice D. Dawson, Clerk
Randolph County Board of Comissioners
ZIENEAS, a petition has been duly presented to the Randolph County Board of
Commissioners by more than thirty-five (35%) of the resident freeholders
living and residing in the Coleridge -Erect Fire District; and
WMM, under the provisions of the North Carolina General- Statutes, the
Board of Commissioners shall therefore call an election in said district for
the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters therein the question of
levying and collecting a special tax on all taxable property in said district
for the purpose of providing fire protection in said district; and
WHEREAS, the Randolph County Board of Elections inadvertently omitted passing
a resolution and seeking concurrence of the same from the Secretary -Director
of 'the State Board of Elections that voters may be temporarily transferred
from the Richland Precinct to the Brower. Precinct for the purpose of voting
in the Coleridge -Erect Fire District Election.
NOW, UIEM'OHE, BE, IT RESOLVED by the Randolph County Board of Commissioners
that the previous resolution passed on March 4, 1985 establishing the
Coleridge -Erect Fire District Election on May 7, 1985 be rescinded and that
the Randolph County Board of Elections hold an election for the Coleridge -
Erect Fire District to determine the question of levying and collecting a
special taN on all taxable property in said district for the purpose of
providing fire protection in said district and that said election be held
on May 21, 1985, if possible.
Randolph County Board of Commissioners
WHEREAS, the North Carolina Division of Social Services has been the agency
administering the Child Support Enforcement (IV -D) Program for Randolph County;
WHEREAS, this administration has been efficient and cost effective; and
WHEREAS, the North Carolina General Assembly in the 1984 Short Session of
the Legislature enacted into law, North Carolina General Statute §110-141, which
requires "...effective .July 1, 1985, it will be the responsibility of the Board
of County Commissioners to administer or provide for the administration of the
Child Support Enforcement (IV -D) Program in the County;" and
WHEREAS, the Randolph County Board of Commissioners considers the cost of
administering this program prohibitive and believes the State agency is better
able to fund and administer this program in Randolph County; and
WHEREAS, the DHR Task Force formed to report to the 1985 session on the
administration of the Child Support Program has recommended that the legislation
requiring counties to assume responsibility for administration of Child Support
Enforcement be repealed;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Randolph County Board of Commissioners
calls upon its elected representatives to the North Carolina General Assembly to
introduce or cause to be introduced a bill to repeal North Carolina General
Statute §110-141 as it was enacted in the 1984 Short Session of the Legislature.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that North Carolina General Statute §110-141 as it
read prior to the 1984 Legislative Session be re-enacted into law prior to July 1,
1985 and that all twenty-nine (29) counties likewise affected be called upon to
encourage support for this legislation from their representatives in the North
Carolina General Assembly.
Darrell Frye, hai. n
Randolph County Board of Commissioners
Alice D. Dawson, Clerk
Randolph County Board of Commissioners
919-629-2131 P. O. BOX 771
4 q _
} 1♦ g �° .
TO: Board of County Commissioners
FROM: Hal Johnson XV
SUBJECT: Rezoning Requests - Public Hearing - 4:00 P.M.
The following requests for property rezoning are scheduled for Public Hearing
at 4:00 P.M., Monday, April 1, 1985:
A: Archie L. Honbarrier, High Point, N.C., is requesting that approximately 2 acre
located on the corner of Davis Street and Bethel Drive (near the I-85 Interstate exit),
Trinity Township, Zoning Map 1-1; be rezoned from its current classification of
Residential -Suburban to Light Industrial zoning classification. Mr. Nonbarrier
desires that this property be zoned Industrial to correspond with the 40 acre tract
directly behind the property which is currently zoned Light Industrial.
B: Calvin Hearne, High Point, N.C., is requesting that approximately 5 acres on Wright
Road, State Road 1554; approximately 900` from State Road 1440; Zoning Map 1--2,
Trinity Township, be rezoned from Residential -Suburban to Conditional Use Light
Industrial. This would allow the construction of a frame shop on the property.
On Wednesday, March 6, 1985, the County Planning Board considered the above requests
at Public. Hearing. The Planning Board recommended unanimously that the above requests
be approved.
WHEREAS, there has been presented to this Board a petition in accordance with G..S.
69-25.11(1) from at least two—thirds majority of the owners of real property in the
area described below; and,
WHEREAS, the relocation of the boundary line of the West Side Fire Protection Tax
District served by the West Side Volunteer Fire Department as set forth is said
petition has been unanimously recommended by the West Side Fire Protection District
Commission and by the Board of Directors of the West Side Volunteer Fire Department;
WHEREAS, this is the time and place for the hearing on said petition, notice of said
hearing having been advertised as required by law;
(1) Pursuant to G.S. 69-25.11(1) the present boundary line of the West Side Fire
Protection Tax District served by the West Side Volunteer Fire Department is hereby
relocated by increasing the area of said fire protection district to include the
following described territory or area lying in Randolph County:
Beginning at point (1) on Plainfield Church Road (SR 1415) at the northwest corner of the
Allen Bowman property; thence in a southeasterly direction along contiguous property lines
including the property of Coelle R. & Barbara Thompson, Lacy & Betty Hodge, Rodney Hodge,
Ronald L. & Karen Meyers, Fred E. & Peggy J. Redding, Nellie R. & James Harris, Charles K.
& Debra B. Harris, James H.,Jr. & Katherine H. Harris, Robert F. & Martha Redding, Natra
Hollingsworth, Randall Howell, Eddie V. & Jo Ann Hunt, Mrs. Lee Van Thomas Hughes, Arthur
W. Walker, Joseph 0. & Betty M. Midge, Terry Cox, and Harry Reid to point (2) on Heath
Spillman Road (SR 1511); thence continuing in a southeasterly direction along contiguous
property lines including the property of William W. Cox, Arlene & Mattie Caughron, Harold
W. Trotter, Jr., Glenn K. & Sandra Canoy, Quentin H. & Shirley Keathley, Donnie L. & Linda
H. Bowers, Malcom F. & Mildred Humble, Patricia S. Moffitt, Elizabeth Skeen, Gary S. &
Martha Hinesley, John M. & Martha Ward, and Thomas L. Davis to point (3) on Pineview
Street at U.S. Hwy. 220 Bypass; Thence in an easterly direction along the centerline of
Pineview Street to point (4) at the Asheboro City Limits and including all property on the
south side of Pineview Street between this and preceding point; thence in a generally
southerly direction along the Asheboro City limits to point (5) at the North Asheboro Exit
(SR 2269) and U.S. Hwy. 220 Bypass where the northeast corner of the exising West Side
Fire Protection Tax District is located; thence in a generally westerly direction along
the existing West Side District northern boundary to point (6) on Spencer Road (SR 1415.)
at the northwest corner of the existing district; thence in a northerly direction along
contiguous property lines including the property of Mrs. B. B. Pierce, John Wayne Pierce,
John Winfred Pierce, Mary E. T. Crotts, an Lester B. & Thelma Gearren to point (7) on Old
Facey. 64 (SR 1416), thence continuing in a northerly directors along contiguous property
lines including the property of J.R. Dougan Estate, Walter J. & Tina LaVallee, William 0.
Trotter, Archie T. Kenyon, H.D. Chisholm Estate, Clifford Trotter, John S. Lewis & Others,
J.H. & Minnie Coffey, Furman E. & Dora M. Ward, Agatha M. Lambeth, M.F. Waters, Earl &
Edna Farlow, Lela Mae Farb, Reece & 011ie Trotter, Elbert C. & Janice T. Cook, F.F. Way,
Keith N. & Rita Spencer, Aaron R. & Grace Yow, Sanford Hughes Heirs, James & Julia
Williamson, B.F. Rittei, Calvin Hughes, Stevie L. Hughes, Gary L. Hughes, Roy W. Hughes,
Rusty G. Hughes, Larry Hughes, Annie Mae Wooten, Ruby S. & Bruce W. Hughes, Larry D. &
Lillie R. Hughes, Mrs. Carl Hughes, Annie M. Hughes, and Grady & Annie Hughes to point (B)
on Mountain View Church Road (SR 1413); thence in a generally northeasterly direction
alono the Qrooerty line of and including the orooerty of Bernard F. & Irene Hughes to
Page 2 of 2
West Side Fire Protection Tax District
7743 in the Randolph County Tax Dept.), Clarence R. Jernigan, Herbert & Welona G. Morris,
William C. Allred, Richard L. & Grovena Johnson, Berkley H. Allred, Kenneth G. & Patsy
York, Michael W. York, William C. Garner, Joseph a. & Betty M. Ridge, J.W. Thompson,Jr.,
Banks C. & Joanne Walker, John T. Richardson, Claude Hollingsworth, South Plainfield
Friends Meeting, and Roswell Farms, Inc. returning to the point of beginning on Plainfield
Church Road (SR 1415).
(2) From and after April 1, 1985, the said territory or area shall
West Side Fire Protection District served by the West Side Volunteer
and subject to the same special taxes for fire protection as shall
remainder of West Side Fire Protection Tax District served by
Volunteer Fire Department.
This the first day of April, 1985.
Darrell L. Frye, Cl�&irman
Board of Commissioners
Randolph County
be a part of the
Fire Department
be levied in the
the West Side