C031395 M property aquisitionRANDOLPH COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CLOSED SESSION MINUTES March 13, 1995 (Item M) At 8:13 p.m. the Board went into closed session to establish or instruct the staff or agent concerning the negotiation of the price and terms of a contract concerning the acquisition of real property, pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(5). Commissioners Kemp, Frye, Holmes, Davis, and Comer were present. Also present were Alice Dawson, Clerk to the Board, and Alan Pugh, County Attorney. Chairman Kemp announced that, as instructed by the Board, he had told the owners of Richard's Home and Garden that the County would buy that property for the listed tax value, and the owners agreed. He then read a letter of agreement signed by the owners in which they agreed to certain. conditions and in which the County would agree to certain conditions. Chairman. Kemp discussed the possibility of renting this facility to the. Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Committee for use as a day reporting center. He said there is a possibility that grant funds would be available to renovate the building for this use. Architect Larry Austin has met with two members of that committee and has projected a renovation cost of $140,000. Mr. Kemp added that Bill McDaniel, Chief Building Inspector, has also evaluated the building and the proposed renovations and feels that the County can do some of the work and bring the project in under $90,000. The Criminal Justice Committee will meet next week and consider this site at that time. Discussion on this item ended at 8:30 p.m., and the Board began discussion. on Item N. P i�AEmp, C i man ZY1 , 7 / Martha Comer Robert Davis Darrell Frye Harq-ld Holmes Alice D. Dawson, Clerk to the Board These minutes were approved at the April 3, 1995 meeting. These minutes were unsealed at the April 3, 1995 meeting.