100493Randolph County
Board of Commissioners
October 4, 1993
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 2:00
p.m. on October 4, 1993 in the Commissioners Meeting Room, 725 McDowell Road,
Asheboro, NC. Commissioners Frye, Kemp, Langley, Petty and Comer were present.
Invocation was given by Rev. James Curry, St. Luke's United Methodist Church,
Changes to the Agenda
Chairman Frye announced the following additions to the agenda: Consent
Agenda, Item C. Proclamation for Red Ribbon Week; New Business, Item F.
Resolution for Economic Development Financing, Item G. Request to Hire Public
Health Nurse Above Standard Job Rate, and Item H. Recommendation to Cease
Charges for Scrap Tires at Landfill.
Consent Agenda
On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the consent
agenda, as follows:
° approve minutes of September 7, 1993 meeting
° appoint Barbara Hochuli, Ann Shaw, and Vera Winston to the Mental Health Board
for 4 -year terms
° adopt a proclamation for Red Ribbon Week (ATTACHED)
Hog Farm Concerns
Jack Daily, Coleridge community resident, came before the Board to discuss
concerns of his neighborhood relative to a large hog farm operation under
construction in Coleridge. Since this operation is classified as agricultural,
it is exempt from zoning regulations and does not even require a building
permit. Mr. Daily said the odor from such operations extends for several miles
and is a real detriment to the neighborhood. He urged the County Commissioners
to study this issue to see if there is some way to prevent similar operations
coming into the county or at least not allowing them without some regulations,
either through zoning or through public health regulations. He said that
Halifax County has a public health ordinance regulating large intensive
livestock operations. Mr. Daily said that he fears other hog farms will build
nearby and that with enough hogs, a feed mill can be built in the area to supply
the farms.
Wade Powell, Coleridge, said that the land to be used for disposal of waste
is within 250 feet of his house.
Sonny Davis stated his concern that all types and sizes of farms not be
included in regulations.
Bill Johnson, Randolph County Livestock Association, requested that the
Board hold a public hearing before implementing any regulations so that farmers
can have input.
Chairman Frye instructed the County Attorney and County Manager to study
this issue and to make a report back to the Board.
Bid Award - Sale of Surplus Communications Equipment
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Patty Sykes, Purchasing Agent, advised the Board that communications
equipment they had declared surplus in June had been offered for sale through
the Advertisement for Sealed Bids procedure. Bids were solicited from 7 vendors
and bids received were as follows:
T D Miller, Inc.
Montgomery County
No Bid
Ms. Sykes recommended that the equipment in which Montgomery County is
interested be sold to them at the price offered and that remaining equipment be
disposed of later through private sale, to a scrap metal dealer, or at the
surplus auction in June, 1994.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Petty, the Board awarded the bid to
Montgomery County for $1400.
Lease of Copier Equipment and Budget Amendment
Ms. Sykes discussed the option of leasing vs. purchasing of copiers for the
6 departments having an immediate need for 7 new copiers. She said these
departments have had the opportunity to use demonstration machines in their
areas for up to 4 weeks, and they evaluated them for performance, ease of use,
cost and copy quality. Also considered was the reputation of the companies and
their service departments. Ms. Sykes said vendors had been approached with the
idea of a cost -per -copy lease program. A tabulation of the quotes received is
ATTACHED. The consensus of the group testing the machines is that the best
machine is the Savin 9520 offered by Paul B. Williams. The contract with Paul
B. Williams would be for the following equipment:
6 Savin 9520 360.00 mo. $2,160.00
1 Ricoh 4418 120.00 mo. 120.00
Maintenance .0085 per copy 125,000 copies 1,062.50
TOTAL PER MONTH: $3,342.50
The County would be billed quarterly for 375,000 copies and we would not pay for
overruns until we passed that number for the quarter. In the 93-94 budget 3
departments budgeted for the purchase of new copiers: Cooperative Extension,
$9,959; Health, $10,000; Sheriff, $8,500--a total of $2.8,459. To lease 7
copiers, $28,411.25 is needed. Ms. Sykes recommended that the capital funds
budgeted be reallocated, through a budget amendment, among the 6 departments and
used to lease the 7 copiers.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Comer, the Board awarded a cost -per -copy
lease to Paul B. Williams and approved Budget Amendment #15 (ATTACHED), which
reallocates capital funds from 3 departments to the 6 for leasing copiers.
Request for New Position and Budget Amendment - Social Services
Marion Smith, Director of Social Services, related that Randolph County has
been allocated $32,844 in State funds, to be used for new Child Protective
Services positions. This funding requires a 25% local match, but this can be
satisfied with indirect costs. Mr. Smith requested that an additional Social
Worker III, Grade 68, be allocated to Social Services, in order to use these new
funds. The cost of this position for the remainder of this fiscal year,
beginning December 1, 1993, is $15,278.
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On motion of Kemp, seconded by Petty, the Board allocated one additional
Social Worker III position (Grade 68) to Social Services and approved Budget
Amendment 413 (ATTACHED), which reflects the receipt of new State funds
($15,278) for this position.
Retirement of Marion Smith as Social Services Director
Mr. Smith announced that he will retire February 28, 1994, after 31 years
as Social Services Director.
Resolution — Economic Development Financing
Walter Sprouse, Economic Development Corporation, discussed the proposed
N.C. Constitutional amendment to allow local governments to issue Economic
Development Financing Bonds.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Petty, the Board adopted a resolution
(ATTACHED) endorsing economic development financing.
Request to Hire Public Health Nurse Above Standard Rate
Frank Willis, County Manager, stated.that the Health Department has an
excellent candidate for the Public Health Nurse (PHN) II position in Home
Health. Sue Shaw has 13 years of nursing experience in hospital health care.
Because her experience has not been in Public Health, State Personnel will
require her to work for one year as PHN I before qualifying for the PHN II
position. Ms. Shaw would not be able to take such a salary cut. Milli Cooper,
Health Director, has requested that the Board authorize hiring Ms. Shaw at PHN
I, grade 70, step 7, which is equivalent in pay to the standard job rate (step
3) for a PHN II.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board authorized hiring Sue
Shaw at grade 70, step 7.
Discontinued Scrap Tire Fees
Mr. Willis related that as of October 1, 1993, tire retailers began
collecting a 2% tax on new tires of less than 20" diameter. Since the County
will receive a portion of this increased tax,.the Public Works Department
recommends that the present fee of $20 per ton (or 20(� per tire) be discontinued
immediately. Counties may not charge a local fee for disposal of scrap tires as
of January 1, 1994.
On motion of Petty, seconded by Kemp, the Board voted to discontinue
charging a fee for scrap tires as of October 5, 1993.
Joint Regulation of Cable TV Act of 1992
Alice Dawson, Clerk to the Board, described the regional Cablevision
administration program which PTCOG has proposed to administer for counties and
cities in this region. The County's cost for the remainder of this fiscal year
would be $4,233; next year's cost would be $5,644. Ms. Dawson said that
$101,000 is budgeted for franchise fees from Cablevision, but that the annual
check recently received was for $108,000. The extra $8,000 would more than pay
our cost for participating in PTCOG's program.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board voted to participate in
PTCOG's regional Cablevision regulation program and approved Budget Amendment
#14 (ATTACHED), which increases Service Revenues by $4,233 to cover the County's
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cost for this program.
Executive Session - Personnel, Real Estate, Litigation
On motion of Petty, seconded by Kemp, the Board voted at 3:45 p.m. to go
into executive session to discuss personnel matters, purchase of real estate and
litigation. At 6:10 p.m. the Board reconvened in open session.
Public Works Director
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Petty, the Board voted to accept the County
Manager's recommendation to hire Mr. David Townsend, III as the County's Public
Works Director at a starting salary of $41,748 and a starting date of November
1, 1993.
Cooperative Extension Director
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Langley, the Board voted not to accept the
recommendation of the N.C. Cooperative Extension Service to hire Mrs. Joyce R.
Spear as the County's Cooperative Extension Service Director.
Purchase of Chapman Property
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Langley, the Board voted to purchase the
John E. Chapman property at the southeast corner of the intersection of North
Fayetteville Street and Old Liberty Road, five acres, for the sum of
$750,000.00, and authorized the County Manager to execute the appropriate
documents on behalfof the County.
Harris -Teeter Lease of Chapman Property
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Petty, the Board accepted the offer of
Harris -Teeter, Inc., to release that company from its lease of the space in the
John Chapman property in consideration of Harris-Teeter's paying the County the
sum of $4,166.66 per month, payable to the County monthly in advance through 31
March, 2002; also, that the County Manager be authorized to execute the contract
with Harris -Teeter, Inc., to accept said release.
Professional Services for Financing Jail and Refinancing County Office Building
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Petty, the Board authorized the County
Manager to initiate the selection process needed to obtain the services of
legal, architectural, and finance professionals required to refinance the
Randolph County Office Building and finance the construction of a new jail using
an installment purchase contract as provided for in NCGS 160A-20.
Condemnation Proceedings Against Norfolk -Southern Railroad
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Langley, the Board voted to institute
condemnation proceedings against the Norfolk -Southern Railroad to condemn the
parcel of property on U.S. 220 in Randleman to obtain a sewer right-of-way
easement, and that the County offer the sum of $500 for such easement.
Offer to Purchase/Condemnation Proceedings - Pointe South Village Associates
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Petty, the Board voted to increase the offer
to Pointe South Village Associates from $2500 to $3000 to purchase a sewer
easement needed for the Timken project; if this offer is not accepted, the Board
authorized the County Attorney to immediately start condemnation proceedings
against Pointe South Village Associates.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Petty, the Board adjourned.