July 12 , 1993,,,Minutes -
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 2:00
p.m. on July 12, 1993 in the Commissioners Meeting Room, 7,25 McDowell Road,
Asheboro, NC. Commissioners Frye, Kemp, Langley, and Comer were present.
Commissioner Petty was absent. Invocation was given by Rev. Kenneth Reaves,
First Baptist Church, Randleman.
Public Hearing - D.O.T. Secondary Road Improvement Program 1 1.
Chairman Frye announced that the Department of Transportation would now
conduct a public hearing on their proposed 1993-94 Secondary Road Improvement
Program. D.O.T. representatives included Fred Whitesell, Lex Kelly, Mary Holmes, and
Jeff Pickleseimer.
Fred Whitesell, D.O.T. Division Engineer, explained funding sources for the
different types of road projects.
Jeff Pickleseimer, D.O.T. District Engineer, presented the proposed plan of
work for the coming year and invited questions from the audience.
Marilyn ? of SR 1549B asked about her priority number.
Virginia Perry of SR 1549B asked why 1549C was ahead of her road on the
priority list.
Loretta Burke of SR 1839 said her road has been scraped but that the gravel
is piled up so high along the edges of the yards that they cannot mow. She said
she was told her road was to be paved in 1992 and that it has not been paved.
Mrs. Jake Shipton of SR 1689 asked for help in.getting her road paved
because of health problems they have with dust.
David Riddle of Colonial Circle asked if he could pull up existing speed
limit signs on his road since D.O.T. doesn't place speed signs on unpaved roads.
He also asked if he could come by the D.O.T. office to review the worksheet
which established the number of points assigned to his road.
Debbie Moran of SR 2843 asked why the oldest unpaved roads aren't paved
ahead of newer roads and why some roads are paved in sections only.
D.O. T. officials addressed concerns and questions and invited citizens to
come by their office to review their particular roads.
Chairman Frye closed the public hearing.
Resolution on Secondary Road Improvement Program
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Comer, the Board adopted the resolution
(ATTACHED) approving D.O.T.'s proposed secondary road program 'of work as
Consent Agenda
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the consent
agenda, as follows:
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° approve minutes of June 7,•8, 10, 14, 17 and 29;
° reappoint Bertie Nelson to -Nursing; Home,Committee;
° reappoint Annie Shaw to the Jury Commission;
set September regular.meeting for Tuesday, September 7;
° appoint Darrell Frye as voting delegate for,NCACC annual conference.
Report - Cooperative Extension Director Hiring Process
Dr. Clyde Chesney, District Director for Cooperative Extension, explained
to the Board the process that N.C. State University and the County Commissioners
go through jointly to .hire county extension directors. He said that county
managers are now invited to participate in the interview process and "that he
hopes to have a candidate to recommend to the Board by their September meeting.
Annual Settlement Report
Billy Chilton, Tax Assessor.,presented collection settlement reports for
the 1992-93 year. For county -only taxes, the collection rate was 96.68%. He
explained the new procedure for listing automobiles. The date automobiles
become taxable is.the date tags are renewed rather than January 1.
Charge to Collect Taxes
On motion of Langley, seconded by
as Tax Collector, to collect the taxes
Comer, the Board charged Billy Chilton,
for the 1993-94 fiscal year (SEE
Request to Hire Appraiser Above Standard Job Rate
Mr. Chilton requested permission to hire Marc Frick as commercial appraiser
at step 6 (3 steps above standard job rate) because of his experience,
background and current.salary.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the hiring of Marc
Frick at grade 71, step 6.
Economic Development Corporation
Don Hancock, Chairman of the Randolph County Economic Development
Corporation, came before the Board to express the Corporation's appreciation for
the Board's ongoing support and cooperation.
Additions to.Cla6sification Plan
Sara Baker, Personnel Technician, requested that sig; new job classes be
added to the County's Classification Plan to reflect classes added by the State
Personnel Commission, as follows: Community Employment Technician I, Community
Employment Technician II, Community Employment Specialist: I, Community
Employment Specialist II, Community Employment. Program Coordinator I, and
Community Employment Program Coordinator II. The State Personnel Commission
also upgraded by one pay grade the medical laboratory class, and Mrs. Baker
requested that this change be reflected in the County's Classification Plan.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board approved these requested
changes to the County's Classification Plan.
Rezoning Public Hearing
The Board adjourned at 4:00 p.m. to a duly advertised public hearing to
consider rezoning requests. Hal Johnson, Zoning Administrator, presented the
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following' requests:
1. Lyles and Dorothy Kearns, High Point, are requesting 40 acres on Mendenhall
Road, Trinity Township, be rezoned from RA/LI to LI to develop an industrial
subdivision of 10 lots. The Planning Board unanimously recommended approval,
with the following restrictions: 50' buffer adjoining residential zoned areas
and no access on Cedar Post Road.
2. Beauford Greene,*Asheboro, is requesting .91 acre on Business 220 South,
Richland Township, be rezoned from RR to HC for commercial development. The
Planning Board unanimously recommended approval.
Comments - Request #1
Dorothy Kearns, applicant, asked to Board to reconsider the 50' buffer
along Cedar Post Lane because it would be difficult to place a building on lot
#3 with this buffer. She said lot #3 also needs access onto Cedar Post Lane
because it has limited road frontage on Mendenhall Road.
Dave Mitchum, surveyor for the applicant, stated that lot #3 has limited
value without access by Cedar Post Lane.
Comments - Request #2
Beauford Greene, applicant, stated that Pugh Funeral Home wants to use this
property for a branch funeral chapel.
The public hearing was closed.
Board Action on Requests
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the request of
Lyles and Dorothy Kearns, with the following restrictions: 50' buffer adjoining
residential zoned areas except for the first 200' on Cedar Post Lane from
Mendenhall Road and no access on Cedar Post Lane past the first 200' from
Mendenhall Road.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the request of
Beauford Greene.
Randolph County Board of Education Report
Dennis Farlow, Chairman of Randolph County Board of Education, updated the
Commissioners on planning issues and areas of concern that have been addressed
by the Board of Education. He told Commissioners he does not have fund balance
information at this time.
Archdale/County Library Agreement
Richard Wells, Library Director, requested approval of a memorandum of
understanding between Archdale and the County concerning operation of the
Archdale Library. He said the only difference from last year's agreement is in
the area of salaries and dates. Archdale reimburses the County for salaries.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Kemp, the Board approved the memorandum
of understanding.
Bid Award - Library Computer Equipment
Patty Sykes, Purchasing Agent, reported that the following bids were
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received for computer equipment for the Library: Computer Works - $11,121.18
installed; Matney Consultants - $18,701.00 installed; DAK. Computer - $11,652.00
mail order.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board awarded the bid -to the
low bidder, Computer Works.
Bid Award - EMS Life -Pak Equipment
Ms. Sykes reported that the,Emergency_Services Department has requested the
purchase of two Life -Pak 11 monitors. EMS already has several
monitor/defibrillators from Physio Control.and the new equipment will integrate
with the existing equipment. Physio Control offers the monitors for $14,710.80
and is the only vendor from which the Life -Pak equipment is available.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Langley, the Board approved.the purchase of
two Life -Pak 11 monitors from Physio Control.
Budget Amendment - Health
MiMi Cooper, Health Director, informed the Board that the Health Department
has been awarded a LIFE grant of $14,275 to.provide health promotion.and
wellness activities for employees of selected local small industries. Joy Hart,
Health Education Supervisor, explained that the participating businesses must
agree to fund these activities during the second year so that the Health
Department can collect 2 -year data.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Comer, the Board approved Budget Amendment
#1 (ATTACHED), which reflects acceptance of the $14,275 grant funds.
Budget Amendment - Library
On motion of Langley, seconded by
Amendment #2 (ATTACHED), which reflects
$11,762 for the Library.
Budget Amendment - Library
On motion of Langley, seconded by
Amendment #3 (ATTACHED), which reflects
for the Library.
Comer, the Board approved Budget
a LSCA Title 1 Enrichment Grant of
Comer, the Board approved Budget
a computer technology grant of $10,000
Budget Amendment - County Schools Phase 11
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board approved Budget,
Amendment #2 to the Randolph County Schools -Phase II Capital Project Ordinance
(ATTACHED), which allocates $319,000 in interest earned to the various bond
Social Services Allocated but not Funded Positions
County Manager Frank Willis stated that work in Social Services is very .
demanding and difficult, which results in high employee turnover and lapsed
salaries. That department has requested additional employees. Mr. Willis
recommended that the Board allocate more positions and use the money generated
by lapsed salaries to pay for these positions. The Social Services Director has
analyzed their personnel data and requested the following positions be approved
as non -funded: 1 AFDC Income Maintenance Caseworker II, 1 Food Stamp Income
Maintenance Caseworker II, and 2 half-time clerical roles.
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On motion of Kemp, seconded by Langley, the Board allocated, without
funding, the 3 positions requested.
Resolution — State Park Fund
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Langley, the Board approved a resolution.
(ATTACHED) supporting state legislation to fund park acquisition and development
from excise tax on land transfers.
Appointment — Strategic Planning Committee
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board appointed County Manager
Frank Willis to serve on their behalf in the County Commissioner slot on the
Randolph County Strategic Planning Committee.
Bert Kennedy, local manager for Cablevision, advised the Board that he is
available to answer any questions they may have regarding changes that will be
coming about as a result of the Cable Act of 1992.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Langley, the Board adjourned.